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Name: ________________
Cell Cycle, DNA Replication and Mitosis Notes
Reasons why cells divide:
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
Cell Size Limitations
Ratio of surface area to volume
Smaller cells can transport substances more easily
Diffusion is inefficient over ___________distances
Cytoskeleton _______efficient when cells are larger
Cellular communication ________efficient in smaller cells
The Cell Cycle
Three main stages of the cell cycle:
• __________________stage during which the cells grows, carries out cellular functions,
and replicates its DNA.
• __________________the cell’s nucleus and nuclear material divide; has four sub stages.
• __________________cell’s cytoplasm divides, creating two new cells.
The Cell Cycle is the series of events that take place in a ______ leading to its division and duplication
(replication) that produces two daughter cells.
The Cell Cycle
__________________________cells divide via the cell cycle.
____________________________cells divide via binary fission.
Cell Cycle
The sequence of growth and _________________of a cell
An average cycle may be ________ hours
Two general periods:
 1. growth phase
 2. division phase
Most of the cell’s life is spent in interphase
__________phase –(_______% of cell’s growth)
____________– help to organize cell division
____________– DNA bound protein within the nucleus
Gap 1
Gap 0
1. If cells don’t go into this phase it could
cause cancer (tumor)
DNA is Made
1. Chromosomes are replicated
2. New DNA molecules are made.
Gap 2
1. Shortest phase
2. Prepares cell for mitosis
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase
1. Increase in size.
2. Makes new proteins and
Not a part of Interphase
_______________ –Cell Division
_________________ Division on the cytoplasm (2 new cells)
Oswald Avery
Discovered that the nucleic acid DNA stores and transmits the
genetic information from one generation of an organism to
the next
Erwin Chargaff
Discovered a relationship in the nitrogenous bases
Adenine (A) = Thymine (T)
Guanine (G) = Cytosine (C)
Alfred Hershey and
Martha Chase
Concluded that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was
DNA, not protein.
Used radioactive phosphorous and sulfur.
Rosalind Franklin
Took an x-ray of the DNA structure so the patterns could be
The x-rays show that DNA is twisted around each other like a
helix and has two strands.
James Watson and Francis
Watson and Crick proposed that DNA is made up of 2 chains
of nucleotides held together by nitrogenous bases & that the
2 strands are twisted together in a shape called a double
What is the name of this monomer?
What is the name of the polymer or macromolecule to which this monomer belongs?
DNA is a ______________________ made up of repeating _______________________ of nucleotides.
DNA determines an organism’s traits by controlling the manufacturing of proteins.
The sequencing of nucleotides forms________________________ genetic information.
Order from smallest to largest
DNA Double Helix-_______________-Coils-Supercoils-_______________
The nucleus of a cell contains ____________________________
Which are made up of ____________________ _______________________
Eukaryotic chromosomes contain _________ wrapped around proteins called _____________________
Each strand of DNA is made up of subunits called ______________________
Each nucleotide is constructed of 3 parts:
a ___________ group,
a ___________ molecule
1 of 4 ___________ bases
Adenine (A)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Thymine (T
DNA Replication
______________ Process by which a cell duplicates its DNA
DNA molecule separates into ______ strands, then produces _____ new complementary strands
following the rules of base pairing
Each strand of the double helix of DNA serves as a _______________ for the new strand
Enzymes _____________unzip DNA by breaking the _____________ ____________between the base
pairs, which produces two replication forks
DNA polymerase
Joins individual _____________ to make a new strand
Proofreads each new strand
Joins the hydrogen bonds
______________; Enzyme creating the covalent bond that connect the sugar phosphate backbone.
Because of the _____________ ___________, A_________________ can only bond with
T____________________ & G___________________ can only bond with C___________________
***A purine is always paired with a pyrimidine***
This is known as ____________________________________
G₂ Phase
G₂ – final cell growth
1. _________ phase
2. Prepares cell for mitosis
3. _________ for no mistakes in the ______________
4. Repairs any Mistakes
The making of Body Cells (_______________________)
Terms To Know
__________________ – contains genetic information (DNA) passed from one generation to the next
________________ – microtubule that helps separate chromosomes
________________ - center of chromosome
__________________ - two identical “sister” parts of the chromosome
4 Phases of Mitosis
1) Prophase
2) Metaphase
3) Anaphase
4) Telophase
All cell cycle
I (interphase)
Passed (prophase)
My (metaphase)
Algebra (anaphase)
Test (telophase)
Corrections (cytokinesis)
Mitosis only
Passed (prophase)
My (metaphase)
Algebra (anaphase)
Test (telophase)
Animal cells
The cell membrane is drawn inward forming a ______________________until the cytoplasm is pinched
into 2 nearly equal parts
Plant cells
A ____________________ gradually develops into a separating membrane.
_________________ is a disorder where the cell has __________________________. (Does not go into
the G0 phase)
Cancer cells do ________ respond to regulators that control timing of cell cycle (cyclins).
This causes the cells to form ____________ called ___________, which can damage surrounding tissues.
Growing out of control, cancer cells produce ______________________________
Cancer cells _____________ respond normally to the cell cycle control system
Divide excessively
Can invade other tissues
May kill the organism
If an abnormal cell avoids destruction by the immune system, it may form a tumor
______________: abnormal cells remain at original site
______________: abnormal cells can spread to other tissues and parts of the body
______________: spread of cancer cells through the circulatory system
Cancers are named according to location of origin
Carcinoma: external or internal body coverings
Sarcoma: tissues that support the body
Leukemia and lymphoma: blood-forming tissues
Radiation and chemotherapy are effective as cancer treatments because they interfere with
Aka: ____________________________________