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Explorations and Encounters
Chapter 3: The Age of Exploration
Lesson One: A Legendary Land
1. Vikings lived in places we know today as Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
are the first known people to have visited the Americas.
2. They sailed west from Iceland and Greenland
3. The earliest stories about Vikings were referred to as a saga- an
adventure story that tells about the brave deeds of people long ago
Greenlander's Saga
1. Leif Eriksson, about A.D. 1000, hired a crew and set sail from Greenland,
heading west
2. Reached a part that is now called Canada, and they called this
settlement Vinland
Europeans and Exploration
1. Five hundred years passed before any Europeans returned to the
2. Thought horrible sea monsters awaited them.
3. Ships were slow No maps
4. Few European rulers were willing to spend time and money on these
exploration trips.
The Known World
1. Martin Behaim was paid to make a new kind of map ,first globe ever made
2. Behaim showed what he and other cartographers thought the earth
was really like.
3. Problems with his globe:
a. Much smaller than the earth actually was
b. Made it seem that sailing west from Europe was easy
c. Did not have North America, South America, Australia, or Antarctica
on it because they did not know it existed.
d. Showed Africa too small and the wrong shape
Lesson One Vocabulary:
saga- an adventure story that tells about the brave deeds of people long ago
knoll- small, round hill
encounter- a meeting
exploration- searching the unknown
cartographers- makers of maps
Lesson 2: Background to European Exploration Marco Polo
1. Marco Polo traveled with his father and Uncle to China
2. He described the riches that they saw and made other traders want to
travel there
Trade Routes to the East
1. For hundreds of years Europeans carried on a busy trade with the
people of Asia
2. Visited the cities such as Alexandria, Constantinople, Damascus, and
3. Exchanged goods for goods that traders from the Middle East had
4. Trade suddenly stopped- Constantinople was captured by Turks, closing
off trade between Europe and Asia
Changes in Europe
1. Land once ruled by warring nobles were now ruled by Kings and Queens
(monarch) Portugal, Spain, and France
2. Great advances in technology set the stage for European exploration
3. They could build faster ships, new kind of sail so ships could sail against
the wind and better compasses
Portugal Leads the Way
1. Portugal took the lead in finding a water route to Asia
2. Prince Henry set up a school for navigators
3. Lessons were kept a secret because rewards would be great
4. Bartholomeu Dias sailed all the way around the southern tip of Africa to
what we call the Cape of Good Hope
5. Bartholomeu was forced to return
6. Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of Good Hope to India and back
to Portugal
7. A sea route to Asia had finally been found
Lesson 2 Vocabulary:
Monarchs – kings and queens
Compass- an instrument used to find direction
Navigation- is the study of how to plan and control the course of a ship
Skills: How to Use Latitude and Longitude
Lines of latitude- lines that run east to west
Parallel- the lines of latitude
Lines of longitude- lines that run from the north pole to the south pole
Meridians- lines of longitude
Prime meridian- 0o longitude
Lesson 3: I, Columbus, My Journal
1. Columbus sailed with three ships: Nina, Pinata, and SantaMaria
2. He was supported by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
3. The island Columbus landed on was called Guanahani, it is what we call
San Salvador
Lesson 4: Early Voyages of Exploration
Vespucci Challenges Columbus
1. Giovanni Caboto was an Italian explorer who landed in present day
Newfoundland but told people he found Cathay
2. Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer who figured out the Columbus
had not reached Asia
3. Vespucci concluded that the land they had found had to be another
continent, the "New World"
Balboa reaches the Pacific
1. Balboa, a Spanish explorer, claimed the Pacific -Ocean for Spain
Around the World
1. Ferdinand Magellan, hired by the King of Spain
2. the first European who proved it was possible to reach Asia by sailing west
3. from Europe Magellan's expedition sailed around the world
Lesson 4 Vocabulary:
Conclusion- a decision or idea reached by thoughtful study
Isthmus- a narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas
Expedition- is a journey taken for a special reason
Scurvy- a sickness cause by not getting enough Vitamin C
Fact- statement that can be proven true
Opinion- statement that tells what a person thinks or believes