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Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Protocols
Clinical Guidelines, Standards, Protocols
National Clinical Guideline
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Management of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease in adults in primary and
secondary care.
Published by
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Clinical guidelines CG12 Issued: February 2004:
The NICE clinical guideline on chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) covers the full range of care that should be
available from the NHS to adults with COPD. They include how
the diagnosis should be made and the treatments that should be
offered at different times. The review conducted in March 2008
has concluded that this guideline warrants a partial update, due
to be published in June 2010.
Local Guidance
Service Framework for Respiratory Health & Well Being
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (2009)
The Service Framework for Respiratory Health and
Wellbeing sets standards in relation to the prevention,
diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation and palliative care
of individuals and communities at a greater risk of
developing respiratory disease.
Additional Guidelines
These Guidelines are sometimes applied depending on the
Patient’s medical condition.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
Clinical Guidelines, Standards, Protocols
National Clinical Guideline
Management of Chronic Heart Failure in Adults in Primary and
Secondary Care
Published by
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2004):
Clinical guidelines CG5 Issued: July 2003:
The NICE Guideline makes recommendations on all the key
areas of managing heart failure including diagnosis, drug and
non-drug treatments and the management of depression and
anxiety. The review conducted in March 2008 has concluded that
this guideline warrants a partial update, due to be published in
August 2010.
Local Guidance
Service Framework for Cardiovascular Health & Well Being
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (2009)
The Service Framework for Cardiovascular Health and
Wellbeing sets standards in relation to the prevention,
diagnosis, treatment, care, rehabilitation and palliative care
of individuals and communities at a greater risk of
developing cardiovascular disease.
Nursing Guidelines
Guidelines for Heart Failure Nursing Services within Northern
Published by
Regional Cardiac Service Network May 2008
Additional Guidelines
These Guidelines are sometimes applied depending on the
Patient’s medical condition.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Clinical Guidelines, Standards, Protocols
DIABETES National Clinical Guideline
NICE and Diabetes : A Summary of Relevant Guidelines
Published by
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2009):
Clinical guidelines CG5 Issued: July 2003:
NHS Diabetes has produced this summary, which brings
together all Clinical Guidelines, Health Technology Appraisals
and Interventional Procedures from NICE that involve diabetes
Local Guidance
CREST (2003) A Blueprint for Diabetes Care in Northern Ireland
in the 21st Century (10 year programme)
CREST (2006) Safe and effective use of insulin in secondary
care: recommendations for treating hyperglycaemia in adults.
CREST (2001) Management of diabetes in pregnancy
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety
Cardiovascular Services Framework NI : Section for Diabetes
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (2009)
Additional Guidelines
These Guidelines are sometimes applied depending on the
Patient’s medical condition.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
NHS Evidence Diabetes
Clinical Guidelines, Standards, Protocols
National Clinical Guideline
Diagnosis and initial management of acute stroke and transient
ischaemic attack (TIA)
Published by
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Clinical guidelines CG68 Issued: July 2008:
The advice in the NICE guideline covers
 the symptoms of a stroke or transient ischaemic attack
(TIA) and diagnostic brain scans
 specialist care for people in the first 2 weeks after a stroke
 drug treatments for people who have had a stroke
 surgery for people who have had a stroke.
National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke 2008 (RCP London)
Published by:
Royal College of Physicians
Local Guidance
Improving Stroke Services in Northern Ireland
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (2008)
These recommendations seek to make improvements in the key
areas of prevention; treatment and rehabilitation of stroke
patients in a modern health service setting. The accompanying
standards for the delivery of services.
Additional Guidelines
These Guidelines are sometimes applied depending on the
Patient’s medical condition.
Service Framework for Cardiovascular Health & Well Being
Published by
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety (2009)
Hypertension: NICE Guideline : All Guidelines
Published by
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Clinical guidelines CG34 Issued: June 2006