Download Book G Ch. 2 L2 NOTES [10/17/2016]

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Section 2: Rates of Weathering p.39
A.) Differential Weathering p.38
1.) Differential weathering – a process by which
softer, less weather resistant rocks wear away &
leave harder, more weather resistant rocks
a.) telephone poles in the desert are often worn
B.) The Shape of Rocks p.39
1.) Weathering takes place on the outer surface of
a.) small rocks weather quicker because their
surface area is smaller
C.) Weathering & Climate p.40
1.) Climate – the average weather condition in an
area over a long period of time
2.) Chemical weathering is most rapid in areas that
are warm & wet.
D.) Weathering & Elevation p.41
1.) Rocks at higher elevation are exposed to more
wind, rain, & ice.
2.) Steeper mountains weather more quickly.
3.) Wind, water, & gravity contribute to weathering of