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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 012409 (2004)
Quantum-classical crossover for biaxial antiferromagnetic particles with a magnetic field
along the hard axis
Bin Zhou,1,2,3 Ruibao Tao,1 and Shun-Qing Shen2
of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Physics, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
(Received 16 December 2003; revised manuscript received 8 March 2004; published 28 July 2004)
Quantum-classical crossover of the escape rate is studied for biaxial antiferromagnetic particles with a
magnetic field along the hard axis. The phase boundary line between first- and second-order transitions is
calculated, and the phase diagrams are presented. Comparing with the results of different directed fields, the
qualitative behavior of the phase diagram for the magnetic field along the hard axis is different from the case
of the field along the medium axis. For the hard axis the phase boundary lines k共y兲 shift downwards with
increasing h, but upwards for the medium axis. It is shown that the magnetic field along the hard axis favors
the occurrence of the first-order transition in the range of parameters under the certain constraint condition. The
results can be tested experimentally for molecular magnets Fe8 and Fe4.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.012409
PACS number(s): 75.50.Xx, 75.45.⫹j, 03.65.Sq
Quantum spin tunneling at low temperatures has attracted
considerable attention in view of a possible experimental test
of the tunneling effect for mesoscopic single-domain particles. Up until now, molecular magnets are the most promising candidates to observe macroscopic quantum
coherence.1 When the temperature increases the thermal hopping becomes dominant beyond some crossover temperatures. Since the first- and second-order transitions between
the quantum and classical behaviors of the escape rates in
spin systems were introduced by Chudnovsky and
Garanin,2,3 a lot of work has been done theoretically and
experimentally.4–14 Most theoretical studies focus on ferromagnetic particles. It is shown that quantum tunneling occurs
at higher temperatures and higher frequencies in antiferromagnetic particles than in ferromagnetic particles of the
same size.15 Strictly speaking, the most so-called ferromagnetic systems are actually ferrimagnetic. So the nanometerscale antiferromagnets are more interesting from experimental and theoretical aspects. For instance, quantum tunneling
on a supramolecular magnet dimer 关Mn4兴2 with the antiferromagnetic coupling between two Mn4 units was investigated experimentally and theoretically.16,17 The strong exchange interaction was also taken into account in the study
of quantum-classical crossover of the escape rates.18–21 More
recently, the quantum-classical crossover in biaxial antiferromagnetic particles in the presence of an external magnetic
field along the medium axis or the easy axis was
investigated.19,20 It is noted that an experimental observation
of quantum phase interference, introduced by an external
magnetic field along the hard axis for molecular magnet Fe8,
was reported.1 Considering that molecular magnet Fe8 is
characterized by a large spin ground state that originates
from an incomplete compensation of antiferromagnetically
coupled spins,22 and is actually ferrimagnetic, in the study of
the quantum-classical crossover of biaxial antiferromagnetic
particles, the case of a magnetic field along the hard axis
deserves further investigation. In this paper we attempt to
investigate the effect of a magnetic field along the hard axis
on the quantum-classical crossover behavior of the escape
rate of biaxial antiferromagnetic particles. Comparing with
the results of different directed fields, the qualitative behavior of the phase diagram for the magnetic field along the hard
axis is different from the case of the field along the medium
axis. For the hard axis the phase boundary lines k共y兲 shift
downwards with increasing h, but upwards for the medium
axis. It is shown that the magnetic field along the hard axis
favors the occurrence of the first-order transition in the range
of parameters under the certain constraint condition.
We consider a small biaxial antiferromagnetic particle
with two magnetic sublattices whose magnetizations, m1 and
m2, are coupled by the strong exchange interaction
m1 · m2 / ␹⬜, where ␹⬜ is the perpendicular susceptibility. The
system has a noncompensation of sublattices with m共=m1
− m2 ⬎ 0兲, with the easy axis x, the medium axis y, and the
hard axis z. In the presence of a magnetic field along the hard
axis, the Euclidean action is written as15
S E共 ␪ , ␾ 兲 = V
d␶ i
m1 + m2 ˙
␾ − i ␾˙ cos ␪
␹⬜ ˙ 2 ˙
关␪ + 共␾ − i␥H兲2 sin2 ␪兴 + K1 cos2 ␪
+ K2 sin2 ␪ sin2 ␾ − mH cos ␪ ,
where V is the volume of the particle, ␥ the gyromagnetic
ratio, and ˜
␹⬜ = ␹⬜共m2 / m1兲. K1 and K2共K1 ⬎ K2兲 are the transverse and longitudinal anisotropic coefficients, respectively.
The polar coordinate ␪ and the azimuthal coordinate ␾ for
the angular components of m1 in the spherical coordinate
system determine the direction of the Néel vector. A dot over
a symbol denotes a derivative with respect to the Euclidean
time ␶. The classical trajectory to the Euclidean action (1) is
determined by
70 012409-1
©2004 The American Physical Society
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 012409 (2004)
␩3 = a3 p3 sin共3␻␶兲, ␰3 = a3q3 cos共3␻␶兲,
˙ sin ␪ + x ␪¨ − 1 ␾
˙ 2 sin 2␪ + ib␾
˙ sin 2␪ − 2hk sin ␪
− in␾
+ sin 2␪共1 − k sin2 ␾兲 + b2x sin 2␪ = 0,
= 0,
where the analytic forms of real coefficients p3 and q3 are
cumbersome, and are not listed in the paper. We also have
n4y 2共␻2 − ␻+2兲共␻2 − ␻−2兲 = a2
¨ sin ␪ + 2␾
˙ ␪˙ cos ␪ − 2ib␪˙ cos ␪兲 − k sin ␪ sin 2␾
in␪˙ + x共␾
␹⬜ / 共K1␥2兲, k = K2 / K1, b = ␥H, h
where n = m / 共K1␥兲, x =˜
= H / Hc, and Hc = 2K2 / m.
In the high-temperature regime the sphaleron solution of
Eqs. (2) and (3) is 共␪0 = arccos h0 , ␾0 = ␲ / 2兲, where h0
= hk / 共1 − k + xb2 / 2兲 艋 1. The crossover behavior of the escape
rate from the quantum tunneling to the thermal activation is
obtained from the deviation of the period of the periodic
instanton from that of the sphaleron.18,24 To this end we expand 共␪ , ␾兲 about the sphaleron configurations ␪0 and ␾0,
i.e., ␪ = ␪0 + ␩共␶兲 and ␾ = ␾0 + ␰共␶兲, where ␾0 = ␲ / 2. Denote
␦⍀共␶兲 ⬅ 关␩共␶兲 , ␰共␶兲兴, at finite temperature ␦⍀共␶ + ␤ប兲
= ␦⍀共␶兲. Thus it can be expanded in the Fourier series
␦⍀共␶兲 = 兺n=−⬁
␦⍀n exp关i␻n␶兴, where ␻n = 2␲n / ␤ប. To the
lowest order ␩ ⯝ ia␪1 sin共␻␶兲 and ␰ ⯝ a␾1 cos共␻␶兲. Here, a
serves as a perturbation parameter. Substituting them into
Eqs. (2) and (3), and neglecting the terms of order higher
than a, we obtain the relation
g共h,k,y兲 = g1共h,k,y兲 + g2共h,k,y兲,
g1共h,k,y兲 = 共1 − 4hky cos ␪0兲w
sin ␪0
k − yw2
hkyw cos ␪0
+ 4␭ 共2p̃0 + p̃2兲k cos ␪0 − k sin ␪0
− p̃0 − p̃2 yw2 cos ␪0
兵x关sin2 ␪0共2 − 2k + xb2兲 − 2k兴 + 共n − 2xb cos ␪0兲2其
12w 1
sin ␪0 − hky sin 2␪0
␭2 8
k + 4hkywq̃2 − yw2 cos 2␪0
+ 共2p̃0 − p̃2兲hk sin ␪0 − q̃2w cos ␪0
兵8kx2共2 − 2k + xb2兲sin2 ␪0
− 2共2p̃0 − p̃2兲sin 2␪0共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲
+ 关x„sin2␪0共2 − 2k + xb2兲 − 2k… + 共n − 2xb cos ␪0兲2兴2其1/2 .
␰2 = a2q2 sin共2␻␶兲,
where the analytic forms of coefficients p0, p2, and q2 are
listed in the Appendix. It implies that there is no shift in the
oscillation frequency. In order to find the change of the oscillation period, we proceed to the third order of perturbation
theory by writing ␩ ⯝ ia␪1 sin共␻␶兲 + ␩2 + i␩3, and ␰
⯝ a␾1 cos共␻␶兲 + i␰2 + ␰3, where ␩3 and ␰3 are of the order a3.
Substituting them again into Eqs. (2) and (3), and keeping
the terms up to O共a3兲, we yield equations to determine ␩3, ␰3
and the corresponding frequency ␻. After some tedious algebra we obtain
共1 − 4hky cos ␪0兲w 1
关− hk cos ␪0
sin ␪0
+ 4共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲cos 2␪0兴
and the oscillation frequency
␩2 = a2 p0 + a2 p2 cos共2␻␶兲,
− 4q̃2k cos ␪0 − 8共2p̃0 − p̃2兲hkyw sin ␪0
g2共h,k,y兲 = −
Next, let us write ␩ ⯝ ia␪1 sin共␻␶兲 + ␩2 and ␰ ⯝ a␾1 cos共␻␶兲
+ i␰2, where ␩2 and ␰2 are of the order of a2. Inserting them
into Eqs. (2) and (3), we arrive at ␻ = ␻+ and
and y = x / n2共=˜␹⬜K1 / m2兲. The forms of g1共h , k , y兲 and
g2共h , k , y兲 are given by
␻±共n − 2bx cos ␪0兲
␾1 x␻±2 + sin2␪0共2 − 2k + xb2兲
␻±共n sin ␪0 − bx sin 2␪0兲
sin ␪0共x␻±2 − 2k兲
␻±2 = −
+ 4共k − yw2兲q̃2 sin 2␪0 + 2共2p̃0 − p̃2兲w cos ␪0
− 8共2p̃0 − p̃2兲hkyw cos 2␪0 ,
where w = n␻+ and ␭ = ␾1 / ␪1. The parameter y = x / n2
共=˜␹⬜K1 / m2兲 indicates the relative magnitude of the noncompensation. For a large noncompensation (y Ⰶ 1, i.e., m
Ⰷ 冑˜␹⬜K1) the system becomes ferromagnetic, while for a
small noncompensation (y Ⰷ 1, i.e., m Ⰶ 冑˜␹⬜K1) the system
becomes nearly compensated antiferromagnetic.18 Also, p̃0,
p̃2, and q̃2 are obtained by replacing ␪1 by ␾1 / ␭ and dropping ␾21 in p0, p2, and q2, respectively. It is shown that for
h = 0, Eq. (10) is reduced to Eq. (17) in Ref. 18.
According to the theory by Chudnovsky,23 the order of
quantum-classical crossover is determined by the behavior of
the Euclidean time oscillation period ␶共E兲, where E is the
energy near the bottom of the Euclidean potential. The existence of a minimum in the oscillation period with respect to
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 012409 (2004)
FIG. 1. Phase diagram k共y兲. The solid line corresponds to h
= 0.1 and the dashed line to h = 0. The dotted line is determined by
the constraint condition h0 艋 1 [i.e., hk / 共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲 艋 1]. The inset corresponds to h = 0.2.
energy, i.e., in the ␶ ⬃ E curve, was proposed as a criteria for
first-order transition. Thus, the period ␶共=2␲ / ␻兲 in Eq. (9)
should be less than ␶+共=2␲ / ␻+兲, i.e., ␻ ⬎ ␻+ for the firstorder transition. It implies that g共h , k , y兲 ⬎ 0 in Eq. (9), and
g共h , k , y兲 = 0 determines the phase boundary between the
first- and the second-order transition. We first solve Eq. (9)
numerically to obtain the phase boundary lines k共y兲’s for
several values of h, which are plotted in Fig. 1, where the
constraint condition h0 艋 1 [i.e., hk / 共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲 艋 1] has
been considered. Figure 1 shows that the phase boundary
lines k共y兲 shift downwards with increasing h. For instance, in
the case of y = 0.25 the first-order transition vanishes for k
= 0.844, 0.785, 0.728, and h = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, respectively. It is
also interesting to consider the limit case of y → 0. The case
corresponds to biaxial ferromagnetic particles. Note that the
quantum-classical crossover for biaxial ferromagnetic particles in the presence of an external magnetic field along the
hard axis was investigated in Ref. 10. From Fig. 1 in the
limit case of y → 0, the first-order transition vanishes for k
= 0.5, 0.493, 0.476, and h = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, respectively. The
results agree with those obtained from Eq. (19) in Ref. 10
(note that h defined in Ref. 10 corresponds to hk here). Comparing with the results of different directed fields19,20 (see
Fig. 2), the qualitative behavior of the phase diagram for the
magnetic field along the hard axis is different from the case
of the field along the medium axis, in which the phase
boundary line k共y兲 shifts upwards with increasing h. Figure 2
shows that in the range of parameters under the constraint
condition h0 艋 1, the magnetic field along the hard axis favors the occurrence of the first-order transition. For instance,
in the case of h = 0.1 and k = 0.85 the first-order transition
vanishes beyond y = 0.138, 0.261, and 0.335 for the field
along the medium axis, easy axis, and hard axis, respectively.
To illustrate the above results with concrete examples, firstly
we discuss the molecular magnet Fe8, which is actually ferrimagnetic, and thereby y should be taken into account in the
biaxial symmetry. Take the measured value of the anisotropy
parameter, e.g., k = 0.728 for Fe8.1 The phase boundary line
h共y兲 for k = 0.728 is shown in Fig. 3 (dashed line). For Fe8
the maximum of the critical value y c, beyond which the first-
FIG. 2. Phase diagram k共y兲 for different directed fields with h
= 0.1. The solid line corresponds to field along the hard axis, the
dashed line to field along the medium axis, and the dashed-dotted
line to field along the easy axis. The dashed and dashed-dotted lines
are plotted according to Refs. 19 and 20. The dotted line is determined by the constraint condition hk / 共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲 艋 1 for field
along the hard axis.
order transition vanishes, is about 0.313. Next we consider
molecular magnet Fe4共OCH3兲6共dpm兲6, Fe4 for simplicity, as
another example. The cluster Fe4 is characterized by an S
= 5 ground state arising from antiferromagnetic interaction
between central and peripheral iron spins.25–28 According to
the estimate of the transverse and longitudinal anisotropic
coefficients for Fe4 in Refs. 25–28, k = 0.822. The phase
boundary line h共y兲 for k = 0.822 is also shown in Fig. 3 (solid
line). For Fe4 the maximum of the critical value y c is about
In conclusion, the quantum-classical crossover of the escape rate for biaxial antiferromagnetic particles is investigated in the presence of a magnetic field along the hard axis.
The nonlinear perturbation method is applied to establish the
phase diagrams for first- and second-order transitions. Comparing with the results of different directed fields, it shows
that in the range of parameters under the constraint condition
h0 艋 1, the magnetic field along the hard axis favors the oc-
FIG. 3. Phase diagram for the orders of transition in the 共y , h兲
plane in Fe8共k = 0.728兲 and Fe4共k = 0.822兲. The dotted line (a) determined by the constraint condition hk / 共1 − k + 2h2k2y兲 艋 1 corresponds to the the case of Fe8, and the dotted line (b) to Fe4.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70, 012409 (2004)
currence of the first-order transition. Two cases of the molecular magnets Fe8 and Fe4 are also investigated.
B.Z. acknowledges the support of the China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation (No. 2002032138) and the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10347106). R.T.
acknowledges the support of the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Nos. 10174015 and 10234010) and the
973 Project of China (No. 2002CB613504). S-Q.S. acknowledges the support of the Research Grants Council of Hong
Kong (No. HKU7023/03P).
The coefficients in Eqs. (6) and (7) are listed as follows:
p0 = 兵2bx␻␪1␾1 cos 2␪0 − hk␪21 sin ␪0 + 共2 − 2k
+ b2x兲␪21 sin 2␪0 + k −
x␻+2 2
␾1 sin 2␪0
− n␻␪1␾1 cos ␪0其/兵2 sin2 ␪0共2 − 2k + b2x兲其,
p2 = − hk共k − 2x␻2兲␪21 sin ␪0 + 2bx␻共k␪1␾1 + n␻␪21 sin ␪0 − 2x␻2␪1␾1兲 + 2bx2␻共4␻2 − 3␻+2兲␪1␾1 cos2 ␪0
+ k2共2␪21 + ␾21兲sin 2␪0 − nk␻␪1␾1 cos ␪0 − k共2 + b2x + 4x␻2兲␪21 sin 2␪0 − kx␾21共4␻2 − ␻+2兲sin 2␪0
+ 4x␻2␪21 sin 2␪0 − nx␻␪1␾1共2␻2 − 3␻+2兲cos ␪0 − x2␻2␻+2␾21 sin 2␪0 /兵− 4共h cos ␪0 + cos 2␪0兲k2 + 2k关4hx␻2 cos ␪0
+ 2 cos2 ␪0共2 + b2x + 4x␻2兲 − 2 − b2x − 8x␻2兴 + 4␻2关n2 − 4nbx cos ␪0 + 2x + b2x2 + 4x2␻2 − 2x cos2 ␪0共2 − b2x兲兴其,
q2 = 兵2␪1␻关2nbx␻␾1 + ␪1共2 − 2k + b2x + 4x␻2兲bx sin ␪0 + hkn␪1 sin ␪0兴 − 2␪1␾1 cos3 ␪0关4k2 − 2k共2 + b2x + 3x␻+2兲 + 6x␻+2
+ b2x2共− 8␻2 + 3␻+2兲兴 − 2 cos2 ␪0关hk␪1␾1共2k − 3x␻+2兲 + 2bx␻„共− 2 + 2k − b2x兲␪21 sin ␪0 + 3n␻␪1␾1 + 共2k + x␻+2兲␾21 sin ␪0…兴
+ cos ␪0关4k2␪1␾1 + 2n2␻2␪1␾1 − 2n␻ sin ␪0„2共2 + b2x兲␪21 − x␻+2␾21… + x␪1␾1„6共1 + 2x␻2兲␻+2 + b2x共− 8␻2 + 3␻+2兲…
+ 2k„4n␻␪21 sin ␪0 + 2n␻␾21 sin ␪0 − ␪1␾1共2 + b2x + 4x␻2 + 3x␻+2兲…兴其/兵4 sin ␪0关2共h cos ␪0 + cos 2␪0兲k2
+ k„8x␻2 sin2 ␪0 − 4hx␻2 cos ␪0 − cos 2␪0共2 + b2x兲… − 2␻2„n2 − 4nbx cos ␪0 + 2x + b2x2 + 4x2␻2 − 2x cos2 ␪0共2 − b2x兲…兴其.
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