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Subject: Any Business Class
Approximate Hours Needed: 3
Title: Effective Written Communication
Content: Business Letters, Personal Business Letters, and E-Mail
The student will be able to:
Identify each of the types of correspondence listed above
Describe appropriate uses for each type of communication
Explain the English writing process
Compare and contrast proper grammar with informal communication (i.e. text messages, instant messaging, etc.)
Describe tips for effective written communication
Produce each of the types of correspondence listed above
Keyboarding textbooks
FBLA Formatting Guide
Effective Written Communication PowerPoint
Handouts for students to complete during the presentation (Outline for Effective Communication)
Handouts showing correctly formatted documents
Post several common “abbreviations” on the board (i.e. lol, cu later, 2 instead of to, etc.) and ask students to identify the meaning of each and whether or not that would be
appropriate in a business communication.
Present and discuss the slide show
Distribute copies of appropriately formatted documents
As a class, compose one of each type of correspondence
Personal Business Letter Idea: write a letter of complaint to a local business describing a bad experience at the establishment (poor service, etc.)
Business Letter Idea: write a letter from your school’s FBLA chapter inviting a local businessperson to be a guest speaker
E-Mail: write to confirm a guest speaker’s future appearance date
Independent Practice
Divide students into groups, and have each group compose correspondence to different people/organizations. Students must decide upon the appropriate type of
correspondence and compose the document as a group. Upon completion of the assignment, each group should present their document to the class. (See Effective
Communication Activities file for specific directions.)
Checking for Understanding
The teacher should circulate throughout the room while groups are working on their independent practice and offer suggestions and encouragement.
Close by asking students various questions related to the presentation. Reward correct answers with candy if desired.
Evaluate students’ correspondence using the grading rubric.
Teacher Reflections