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(Muster für Saldenbestätigung Verbindlichkeiten_englisch)
Confirmation of account balances as of 31 December 2015
(Name des Kreditors, ggf. auch Lieferanten -Nr. oder sonstige Ident.-Zeichen angeben)
Dear Sirs,
for the purpose of the audit of our financial statements, we kindly ask you to confirm the balance of
accounts receivable from you in amount of .................... directly to our auditor.
ETL-Heimfarth & Kollegen GmbH
Karl-Tesche-Straße 1
D-56073 Koblenz
A bank statement is attached.
Please pay attention to the closing day of the confirmation. Our invoices and payments dated after 31
December 2015 are not taken into account. Please report the correspondence of your books as well
as possibly existing differences.
Additionally we ask you to inform us of possibly existing return arrangements.
To reply to our inquiry, please use this letter. We enclose a stamped envelope addressed to our
auditor. We would like to thank you in advance for your efforts.
Reference: Confirmation for (Name des Unternehmens, das die Saldenbestätigung anfordert)
 Yes, the specified balance in amount of ................. is in correspondence with our books.
 No, our books give account of the following balance:
..................................... to your credit
..................................... to our credit.
Reason for difference:...............................................................................................................................
Return arrangements exist:
Yes / No (Strike out words not applicable)
If yes, which:..............................................................................................................................................
Company stamp, Signature