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Molecular Simulation
Molecular Simluation
• Introduction:
• Prerequisition:
• A powerful computer, fast graphics card,
• An efficient way to solve Schroedingers
wave equation for many atoms,
• A reliable structure or structural model
Molecular Simluation
• Structures or reliable model structures:
• X-ray crystallography
• NMR spectroscopy
• Homology modelling
Molecular Simulation
• Where do we get the structures from?
• Databases
• Brookhaven protein data base
• Or homology models
Molecular Simulation
• Homology modelling:
Molecular Simulation
• Molecular Mechanics:
• The Potential energy surface (PES):
• Born-Oppenheimer approx. allows us to separate
electronic and nuclear motion
when nuclei move, the electrons re-adjust
energy of molecule is a function of the positions
of the nuclei
potential energy surface describes energy of a
molecule in terms of its structure
Molecular Simulation
Molecular Simulation
determined from the potential energy surface
minimum corresponds to an equilibrium structure
first order saddle point corresponds to a transition state for a reaction
a reaction path is the steepest descent path connecting a transition state to
molecules move on the potential energy surface
dynamics can be treated classically or quantum mechanically
small amplitude motions - normal modes of vibration
large amplitude motions - trajectories, wave packets, reactions
statistical mechanics to connect microscopic to macroscopic
Molecular Simulation
• Bond stretching
• Valence angle bending
• Torsions
• Van der Waals Interactions
• Electrostatic Interactions
• Cross terms
Molecular Simulation
• Bond Stretching and valence angle bending
Molecular Simulations
• Torsions
Molecular Simulation
• Interaction of 2 point charges
Molecular Simulation
• Van der Waals Interactions
Molecular Simulation
• Force Field Energies
• Geometry Optimisation
• Thermodynamics
Molecular Simulation
• Modern Force Fields
Bio and org. molecules
CFF/CVFF org. and bio molecules
org. and bio molecules
all-atom and united atom version
SYBYL/TRIPOS org. and bio molecules