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7.5 Other Objects in the Solar System
• Comets, dwarf planets, meteoroids and asteroids
are other important objects in the solar system
• Objects that circle the Sun beyond the orbit of
Neptune are called trans-Neptunian objects
• They are located in the Kuiper Belt, which is a disc
shaped group of millions of small objects orbiting
the Sun
• It is believed that the Kuiper Belt is composed of
fragments of material left over from the formation
of the solar system
• The Kuiper Belt contains the former planet Pluto
• Pluto is composed of rock and ice, and has 3 moons
• Pluto and similar objects are referred to as dwarf
• The largest Kuiper Belt object is Eris, has a moon
• In 2006, Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status
because its orbit sometimes crosses Neptune’s orbit
Remember: Planet: an object
that orbits one or more stars (and
is not a star itself), is spherical
and does not share its orbit with
another object
The Oort Cloud
• At the farthest reaches of the Sun’s gravitational
influence lies a spherical cloud of small icy
fragments of debris called the Oort Cloud
• It is between 50 000 AU and 100 000 AU from the
Sun (Eris is only 100 AU!)
• Comets are composed of dust, ice and rock
• Most comets originate in the Kuiper Belt and the
Oort Cloud
• Ever so often a comet gets close to Jupiter and
Jupiter’s gravitations force will either capture the
comet, or nudge the comet to change its orbit and
enter the inner solar system
• When a comet comes close to the Sun, the
radiation from the Sun releases the gases and
particles in the comet
• The wind from the Sun pushes
the gases and particles away,
this forms a comet tail
• The whitish tail is sunlight reflecting off the
particles that have been released (debris that
stays in the comet’s orbit)
• The blue tail is the gases that have been ionized by
the Sun’s radiation (ion tail)
• Asteroids are small, non-spherical objects that are
believed to be debris left over from the formation of
the solar system
• Most asteroids orbit the Sun in a band (asteroid belt)
between Mars and Jupiter
• Asteroids range in size from a tiny speck to 500 km
• Some asteroids have been promoted to dwarf planet
status -one was 1000 km wide and had its own moon
Other Objects
• Meteoroids are pieces of rock moving though space
- Believed to be pieces of asteroids and planets
• When meteoroids collide with Earth’s atmosphere
they burn up due to atmospheric friction forming
• When Earth passes through an area where there is
a lot of excess material (such as debris from a
comet) a meteor shower results
- AKA “shooting stars”
• Meteoroids that survive the impact with the
atmosphere and reach the ground are called
• Scientists estimate that 100 000 metric tonnes of
material from meteorites reach Earth’s surface
Asteroid and Meteorite Impacts
• An asteroid about the size of a mountain struck
the Earth 65 million years ago
• Resulted in catastrophic changes to Earth’s
• Widely believed it is responsible for mass
extinctions including the dinosaurs
• 39 M years ago, 2 km wide
object hit Nunavut, 20 km crater
• Tunguska, Siberia, Russia
- In 1908, and object impacted here and
destroyed an area of over 2000 km2
- Equal to the size of Essex County
- The object was probably only 50 m in diameter!