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Lifetime Marriage, LLC
7010 E. Acoma Drive,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
John D. Michael, PhD., Licensed Professional Counselor
The Marriage Restoration Intensive – 3-Day - Scottsdale, Arizona
This experience includes 3 full days of therapy time where each person and couple
works in a group of up to 4 couples, (three-couple groups are the norm) with two
therapists, one male counselor and one female. The couples that attend the group
find that trusting the counselors and the group format has been a life-changing
experience, and new foundation for a thriving marriage. For many, the Intensive has
been used as a “last effort” to reconcile and restore a marriage, and for others it can
be used as the perfect opportunity to sort through difficulties and develop a new,
safe and intimate marriage. This program is a powerful experience and is very personal and
unique for each participant and not a “one-size-fits-all” program.
The benefits of this multi-day intensive:
Different. Spouses are away from daily distractions and work with two
Safe Format. The multi-day format offers a safe, continuous environment for
couples to interact with spouses, the other couples, and the two therapists.
SURPRISING! The Three-day Marriage Restoration Intensive is “the most
powerful and productive counseling format I have witnessed in all my years of
helping couples” (Dr. John Michael). The surprising part is that couples who
participate in the group setting are reluctant at first to share personal things
with “strangers”, but end up saying that working within the group is “the most
beneficial part” of the experience. A little trust helps participants experience a
new beginning.
Committed. With no time constraints like weekly, hourly sessions – the
counselors give large quantities of time to each participant and couple for 3
full days.
Professional. The work is done with two caring counseling professionals (one
male, one female) who will help spouses dig deep and face their core
difficulties and the core issues between spouses in an extremely personal way
- in a safe, comfortable environment.
New Beginnings. Couples are given new strategies and tools and given time
to implement them with coaching before leaving. Emotional communication,
problem-solving, and conflict resolution are addressed.
The COST – when averaged overall against weekly counseling sessions over
six months, the Intensive is less expensive with better relationship outcomes.
The costs of separation and divorce are much, much higher!
The 3-Day Group Intensive cost is $2,000 per couple which covers
all counseling/co-therapy, snacks and drinks during each day,
and all session materials.
Lodging, meals, and transportation are not included in the cost,
but our staff is happy to help you with your arrangements with
suggestions and information.
The Process – Getting the Help You Need
Applying for the 3-day Restoration Intensive
After contacting us – by phone or E-MAIL , both spouses will fill out the
application and pre-counseling questionnaires and return them to the Lifetime
Marriage office. The information will be reviewed by Dr. Michael and then you
will be contacted for scheduling and we will walk you through the process.
Half of the Intensive fee will be paid in advance, upon securing the date for the
Both spouses need to be willing to commit to participating in the process.
Spouses must be open to looking at personal and marriage issues, and
trusting the therapists to create safety in the group process.
The participants have no emotional, mood, or personality disorder that is too
severe that will limit the individual’s ability to actively and appropriately
participate with the group and the counselors.
The couple needs to commit to attending the entire program and paying the
full balance for the intensive at the start of the first day of work.
Contact us through the e-mail link on our website if you would like more
information and an application to register for the Marriage Restoration Intensive
3-day Program.