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ADSORPTION OF MOLECULES OF BIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE AT THE GOLD- SOLUTION INTERFACE A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Guelph by HONG-QXANG LI In partial fuU3hent of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August, 2000 14'4 National Library ofCa",, Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services Acquisitions et services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K l A ON4 Canada 395,rue Wellington Ottawa O N K IA ON4 Canada Your fik Votre référence Our hïe Noire refdrence The author has granted a nonexclusive licence ailowing the National Library o f Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell copies of this thesis in microfonn, paper or electronic formats. L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thèse sous la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission. L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur qui protège cette thése. Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés ou autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ADSORPTION OF MOLFCULES OF BIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE AT THE GOLD-SOLUTION INTERFACE Hong-Qiang Li University of Guelph, 2000 Supervisor: Professor Jacek Lipkowski The electrochemical and subtractively normalized interfàcial Fourier transfomi i h e d spectroscopy (SNIFTIRS) techniques have been ernployed to study the interfacial behaviours of benzoate, phenyManîne (Phe), and 1,S-dimy&y1-m-glycero-3phosphocholine (DMPC) at the Au(l11)-solution interface. Cyclic voltammetry (CV)and differentiai capacity @C) have k e n used to qualitatively describe the characteristics of the adsorption and desorption processes. The Gibbs excess and Gibbs energy of adsorption (AG) have been obtained fiom the quantitative analysis of the charge densities, determined by use of the chronocoulometric technique. The results demonstrate that, although benzoate adsorption starts at negative charge densities, it takes place predominantly at a positively charged surface. At the most positive potentials, the Gibbs excess of beazoate attains a limiting value of about 7.3 x 10-'O mol cm-'. This value is consistent with packing density corresponding to a close-packed monolayer of vertically adsorbed benzoate molecules. The adsorption of Phe is a three-state process. The maximum surface concentration is determined to be about 2.0 x 1 0 " ~mol cnf2 in our experiment. The calculated values of AG for Phe range nom -1 8 to -37 kJ mol-', which are characteristic for weak chemisorption of small aromatic molecules. The corresponding values of AG for benzoate are in the range of 4 4 to -51 kJ mol-', which are much higher than those of Phe. The SNIFTIRS studies uidicate that both benzoate and phenylalanine fàvor a fiat orientation (z-bonding) at negatively charged surfiaces and a vertical (tiited) orientation at more positively charged surfaces with the carboxylate groups attached to the electrode &e- N o dissociation is seen for benzoate while the decarboxylation on Phe is observed at E > 300 mV. The integrated IR band intensities for both molecules agree well with the Gibbs excess values determined Fom electmchemicai measurements. A method of direct vesicle k i o n technique has been developed to deposit phospholipid bilayers onto a gold electrode Surface. In addition, a modifïed LangmuirBlodgett (LB) technique has been used to deposit the DMPC bilayers. The properties of the bilayer deposited by vesicle fiision were compared to the properties of the bilayer formed v i a LB deposition. Atomic Force Microscopy @FM) was used to determine the thickness of the bilayer. The film pressure of DMPC bilayer at the gold-solution interface is determined to be 60 rnN 6'.The bilayer on gold shows very good barrier properties although it has some defects. SNLFTLRS experirnents were performed to determine the orientation of DMPC molecules in the bilayer. The bipolar shape of -P02- stretching bands in the SNIFTIRS s p e c t m indicates that the DMPC bilayer displays a tail-to-tail configuration with the polar heads t m e d towards the electrode surface. The peak positions of h t h CH2 stretching and C=O stretching bands show Little variation with the electrode potentials although their intensities increase as the electrode potential is made more positive. The I R intensities of CH2 symmetric stretches agree well with the charge densities in the potential range investigated. ACKNOWZEDGMENTS 1would like to thank rny s u p e ~ s o ProE r Jacek Lipkowski for his guidance and help during the course of my PbD. program. I gained s lot trom his knowledge and wisdom over the k t few years. 1 wish to thank other advkory and examination committee members, Prof. M. Baker, Prof. M. Cocivera, Prof. M. McDermott, Prof. J. Pawkzyn, Prof- D. Thomas and the chair, Prof. P. D. Josephy for their valuable tirne on rny research and thesis. 1 wish to thank Prof. S. Roscoe, Prof. AR. Merrill, Dr. S. Horswell and Mr. J. Rubinstein for collaborations and discussions. I wish to thank all my fi-iends and colleagues in the research group, Dr. G. Szymanski, Dr. S. Wu, Dr. A.. Chen, V. Zamlyny, N. Li, 1. Burgess, T. Zhao, X. Cai. V. Lee, C. Hill, Dr. A. Lachenwitzer and Ms. M. Dymarska. I wish to thank all the supporting staff in the department, especially Mr. T. White, Mr. Y. Savoret, Mr. B. McCluskey and Ms. K. Shiell. Finally, 1 would like to express my deep gratitude to my wife Huiping, my parents and other family members for their continued encouragement and suppon Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements Table of Contents ---List of Fiwes --------------List of Tables - C _ - - - - - P - U I _ _ _ *--------------- ------ --- List of Syrnbols and Abbreviations ------- ----------------------__q_---_U_------------- -CII_------------- (9 ---O 69 (+) (24 List of Figures Figure 1-1 -- 0 Singer-Nicohn fiuid mosaic model for biomembrane structureFigure 1-2 -------------------------- Pl Hypothetical structures of traasient and metastable membrane conformations that are believed to be relevant to electroporation Figure 2-1 ---------------------------------------- - 04) Mode1 of the elec?rical double layer at the metal/soIution interface. -- Figure 2-2 -(28) ____C__-- The surface electric field E/E, for plathum at (a) v = 500 cm-' and (b) v = 2000 c*' as a fhction of the angle of incidence 0. Figure 2-3 ------------- ---- -------- ----- ------ ------- @) Instantaneous dipoles appearing on an adsorbed diatomic molecule oriented perpendicular and paraliel to a metal surface. Figure 2-5 ---- ----------.------ ------------------- --- -------------- (3% Principles of subtractively nomiized interfaci d FIlR spectroscopy. spectroscopy. Figure 2-7-------------------------------------------------------------- (46) Apparatus designed to deposit a bilayer of phospholipid on a planar substrate. Figure 2-8 ---------------------- (39 Demonstration of the Horizontal Touch technique. (a) The substrate is lowered to contact the monolayer at the gas-solution interface, (b) The substrate is lifted horizontdy, (c) The lipid is transferred to the substrate with non-polar tail attached to the substrate surface, (d) Double horizontal touch (not a biomembrane model), (e) Lipids turned over (possible?) to form the bilayer on the substrate during the double horizontal touch. Figure 2-9 - @O) Proposed mechanism for the structural reorientation of a phospholipid monolayer on a mercury surfêce fkom heads-down to tails-down fashion - Figure 2-10 -- --- (53) Mechanisms of vesic1e spreading on substrates, (a) Rolling. (b) Sliding. Figure 2-11 - -- a - (58) Impedance analysis of a supported bilayer deposited by vesicle fusion. AU dots are experimentd data. The lines are the fïtting results of their corresponding RC models. Figure 2-12 -_- ------------ (61) Different structures of amphiphile aggregates in solution. Those structures can transfonn fiom one to the other by changing the solution conditions. Figure 2-13 -- ------ ------------ Graphic representation for the physical parameters of an amphiphile. Pigure 2-14 ------------------------------ ---- A schematic procedure (a+b+c) (63) O to make DMPC bilayers by LB deposition and horizontal touch techniques. Figure 3-5------------------------------------- -------------------------- m (a) A family of current transient curves measured by chronocoulometry. (b) A family of charge density curves calculated fiom (a). -- Figure 4-1 ----- Cr011 Differential capacity recorded at an Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC104(dotted line) and in 0.1 M KC104 + 1.58 x 10-~M potassium bemoate (solid h e ) . The inset shows the double layer section of CV m e s recorded in the same solutions at a sweep rate of 20 mV s-' . Figure 4-2 ------ --------------- --- --------- (iw) Charge density verstrs electrode potential plots for the Au(ll1) electrode in O. 1 M KC104 solution (dotted h e ) containing different molar concentrations of benzoate: 1.28 x IO-' (filled circle); 2.56 x 10-'(open ckcle); 4.00 x 10-'(fiUed square); 6.66 x 10-~(0pen square); 9.30 x 1oe5(filleduptriangle); 1.59 x lo4(open uptriangle); 2.86 x 10~(n11ed down-triangle); 5.56 x 104(open down-triangle); 5.79 x 104(fUed diamond); 1-58 x 1o - ~ (open diamond); 2.9 1 x 10;'(£illed hexagon); 4.21 x 1oJ(open hexagon). Figure 4 3 ------------------------------ --- ----- @os) Dinerential capacity curves for the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC104 + 1-58x 10;' M benzoate solution determined fiom: ac impedance expriment (square); CV curve (triangle); differentiationof the charge density cuve (circle). The insert shows the charge density determined fiom: integration of the single-fiequency differential capacity curve (square); integration of CV curve (triangle) ;chronocoulometry (circle). Figure 4-4 -------------------------------------------------- -- 008) Plots of surface excess of benzoate on the Au(l11) electrode against (a) the potential and (b) electrode charge density for 0.1 M KC104 with different molar concentrations of benzoate: 1.28 x 10'~(nlledcircle); 2.56 x 10-'(open circle); 4.00 x 10-'(filled square); 6.66 x 10-'(open square); 9.30 x 10-~(nlleduptriangle); 1.59 x 104(open u p - k g l e ) ; 2.86 x lo4 (nlled down-triangle); 5.56 x 1 0 ~ ( o ~ edown-triangle); n 5.79 x l ~ ~ ( f i l l e d diamond); 1.58 x 105 (open diamond); 2.91 x loJ(filled hexagon); 4.21 x 10-~(0~en Fitting the benzoate adsorption data to the "square root " isotherm (Eq.3) at (a) constant potentials and (b) constant o ~ . ---- Figure 4-6 (iw Gibbs energy of adsorption for benzoate on the Au( 1 11) electrode in 0.1 M KC104: (a) AG vs E plots detenmined fkom Fig. 5(a) (square) and fiom Fig. 6(b)(circle); (b) A G vs GM plot determined from Fig. 5(b). Figure 4-7 ------------ -__U____----__- vs ï of benzoate at constant electrode potentials/rnV (SCE). Plots of the Figure 4-8 -- - _ _ L _ _ - -------- P (i14) Electrosorption vdencies determined fiom: (i) the dope of the (3AG (113) GM vs r plots (circle); vs E pIots (square) using AG values -determined f?om the analysis at constant potential; (3A G vs E plots (triangle) using AG values determined fiom the analysis at constant charge. Figure 4-9 --- ------------ ------- (im Esin-Markov plots (E vs -RT Zn c) for benmate on the Au(ll1) electrode at charge densities s h o w in the figure. Pigure 4-10 --------- ----------------------- ------------ (117) The cornparison of Esin-Markov coefficients determined fiom the slope of the fitted lines ------.-- in Fig. 9 and by the differentiation of the I'vs o~ plots. The dotted line has unity slope. ---------------------- Figure 4-1 1 (120) b e r layer capacities of the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC104 containing different molar concentratiom of benzoate: 5.79 x 104 (circle); 1.58 x 1oe3(square); 2.91 x 10'~ (up-triangle);4.2 1 x 1 Figure 4- 12 ----------- (down-triangle). ----- -------------------- (121) ' ~the ) charge of adsorbed Plots of the potential drop across the inner layer ( ~ 4 ~ vs at constant charge density on the metal side of the intsrfàce as indicated in benzoate (OIT) the figure. Figure 4-13 ------------- -- 022) Imer Iayer capacities at constant charge (rC) detennined from Fig. 12 (circle) and at constant amount adsorbed (,C) detemiined from Eq. 8 (square) for the adsorption of benzoate on the Au(1 Il). vii Figure 4-14 - -024) Plots of electrosorption valencies determined fkom the vs r plots (circle) and fkom the ratio of ,C to rC (square). Figure 4-15 --- --- --- W) The smfhce dipole moment formed by benzoate (square) and CI-(circle) adsorbed on the Au(ll1) electrode. --------------- Figure 5-1 ------- (334) Differential capacity (a), charge density (b) and Gibbs excess of benmate (c) a . the Au(ll1) electrode d a c e : dotted line, aqueous solution of 0.1 M K1o4;solid line, aqueous solution of 0.1 M KC104 + 9.04 x 1o - M ~ benzoate. Figure 5-2 -- ------ (13Q Transmission IR spectra of D l 0 (dotted line) and Hz0 (solid line). Figure 5-3 ----------------------------------------Comparison of the transmission FTIR spectrum of benzoate in D2O and the S 038) m spectra of benzoate in DzOand in H20. Transmission spectnim was recorded for a D20 solution saturated with the benzoate. SNLFTIR spectra were recorded in O. 1 M KC104 + 9.04 x 10-~ M benzoate solution using Ei=750mV and Ez= 400 mV (SCE). Figure 5-4 ---------------------------------------------------------- 041) SNIFTE spectra of CO2- asymmetric stretch and C-C stretch for benzoate adsorkd on the Au(ll1) electrode fiom 0.1 M KCIO4 + 9.04 x 10'~M benzoate solution The spectra were acquired using (a) s-polarized and (b) p-polarized S a r e d Light for a series of whose values are indicated in the figure. The reference potential sample potentials (E2) EI=7SOmV (SCE). Figure 5-5 ------ ------------Comparison of the IR ------ ---- -------------------- ---------------- 042) band intensity at 1547 cm-' (filled circles) with the surface concentration of benzoate (solid line and trïangIes) Obtained by thermodynarnic analysis of chronocoulometric data [l]. Figure 5-6 ------------------------------------------- ---------------(144) The SNIFTIR spectrurn Hz0 of 0.1 M KC104 + 9.04 x 1o5 M benzoate solution in H20 for the Au(ll1) electrode recorded in the Eequency range extended to 2400 cm-'; reference potential -750 mV and sample potential600 mV(SCE). - Figure 5-7 -- 046) SNIFllR spectra of C a - symmetric stretching mode for benzoate adsorbed on the Au(ll1) electrode fiom 0.1 M KC1O4 + 9.04 x 1o5 M bernate solution using: (a) s- and (b) ppolarized infi-ared beam and a variable sample potential (Ez) indicated in the figure. Figure 5-8 ------------__---_____--_-_--------(148) Dependence of the fiequency of the negative lobe of the bipolar band of the symmetric CO; stretch on the electrode potential. Figure 5-9 050) u I _ - Ratio of the integrated intensities for the SNIFTIRS bands acquired using p and s polarized radiation; circles, bl band at 1390 cm-'; diamonds, ai band at the 1547 cm-'. (a) Figure 5-10 -----------------------(153) Two extreme surface coordiantions of benzoate on a Au(l11) electrode. (b) Flat orientation; (b) Vertical orientation Phe solutions (solid he), (a) cyclic voltammetry curves recorded using the sweep rate 20 mV s". (b) dserential capacity recorded ushg a 5 mV (rms) sine wave modulated at 25 Hz and a 5 mV s-' sweep rate. Charge density c w e s determined fiom chronocoulometry in 0.1 M KC104(dotted h e ) and, for cIarity, a selected set of concentrations of Phe are shown ranging fkom 1.83 x 10" M to 1.06 x 10-~ M. Figure 6-3 -------------------------- -- ------------------- ---------- -----------064) Gibbs excess vs potential plots for Phe on Au(l11) at 1-26x 105 M (circle); 2.27 x 10-~ M (square); 3.52 x 10-~M (up-triangle); 6.36 x 13" M (dom-triangle); 1.O6 x 1 0 - ~ M (diamond). Inset, for 1.06 x10-' M Phe solution, cornparison of the Gibbs excess and the integrated intensities of the 1574 cm-' (open triangle) and 1410 cm-' (open circle) SNIFTRS bands in the spectrum of Phe in D2O recorded using s-polarized photons. Figure 6-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------066) For Phe on Au(1 11), Gibbs energy of adsorption and RTln ( cm5/55.5 ) plotted vs the electrode potential. Figure 6-5 --- - -- ------(169) Transmission spectra of Phe and reiated compounds; (a) spectrum of Phe in a KBr pellet, @) spectnrm of Phe in neutral solution of 90,pH=7, (c) spectnim of Phe in alkaline solution of D20, pH=ll ,(d) spectnun ofphenylacetate in W . --------- Figure 6-6 --------- P U - 071) Transmission spectra of; (a) Phe in alkaline solution of &O, p H 4 1, (b) Phe in acidic solution of DtO@K = 2), (c) phenylacetic acid in &O. Figure 6-7 ------- p - _ _ _ U (173) Transmission spectra of Phe in sqlutions of D20 with pH ranging fÏom 7 to 11. The pH values are indicated at the corresponding spectm Figure 6-8 ----- --_.__. ------ (174) SNIETIR spectra over the range of fiequencies, 1300 to 1800 cm-' q u i t e d using the spolarized i n f k e d beam, for the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KCl04 + 1.O6x 10'2 M Phe solution in D20. For each spectrum, the reference potential El was equal to -0.60V/SCE, and the value of the E2 is indicated in the figure. Figu re 6-9 ------------------------------------- -------- --------- ----- (178) SNIFTIR spectra for Phe adsorbed at the Au(ll1) electrode fiom 0.1 M KC104 -f- 1.06 x 1oe2M Phe solution in DzO using p-polarized hfrared beam. For each spectrum, the reference potential El was equal to -0.60 V/SCE, and the value of the E2 is indicated in the figure. Figure 6-10 ----------------------------- -------------------------------------- (181) M Phe solutions, (a) integrated For a Au(1ll) electrode in 0.1 M KC1O4 + 1.06 x 1 0 - ~ intensities of 1725 cm-' band(square, C=O stretch of the deuterated carboxylic group), 1410 cm-' band(circle, syrnrnetric 400-stretch) and 2343 cm-'(triangle, CO2 band). (b) Gibbs excess vs electrode potential plot. Figure 4-11------------------------------------------------------------------- (183) Dependence o f the fiequency of the minimum on the negative lobe of the bipolar bands (closed points) at 1410 cm-' and (open points) at 1725 cm-' on the electrode potential. Figure 6-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------(184) SNIFTIR spectra in the CO2 asymmetric stretch region resdting fkom the oxidation of Phe adsorbed at the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KCI04 + 1.06 x 10" M Phe solution in - HzO, acquired using s-polarized idiared beam. For eachipectrum, the reference potential El was equal to -0.60 V/SCE, and the value of the Ez is indicated in the figure. Figure 6-13 --- - ---- ----- - (lm Models d e m i h g orientation of Phe at the Au(ll1) electrode nirface; (a) at wgative potentials, (b) at positive potentials. Figure 7-1 --------------- ---- ----------------------- 095) Size distribution of DMPC vesicles measured by dynamic light scattering amlysis. Figure 7-2---------------------------------0 Film pressures of DMPC monolayer at the gas-solution (0.05 M NaF) interface measured by Langmuir-Blodgett microbalance, Figure 7-3 --- (199) __U_--I_---- AFM images (lp by lpm) of a g l a s slide before (a) and after (b) coatulg with 1 mg mL-' DMPC vesicle sohtion for 1 hour at 30 OC. Figure 7-4 ---------------------------------------------- -------------- P) Extending force as a h c t i o n of separation distance between the AFM tip and a glass slide coated by a DMPC bilayer using LI3 deposition. Figure 7-5 ------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------- P) Extending force as a fûnction of separation distance between the AFM tip and a glas slide coated by a DMPC bilayer using a direct vesicIe fusion technique. The concentration of DMPC vesicles is 1 mg rnL1 DMPC in 0.15 M KCl solution. Extending forces as a fünction of separation distance between the AFM tip and a glass slide in an AFM liquid cell. The ce11 was filled up with 1 mg mL-' Egg-PC vesicles in 0.15 M KC1 solutim for 30 minutes, foilowed by gently flus~'zingthe cell with 90 mL of 0.1 5 M KCl solution. Figure 7-7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @OS> Cyclic voltammograrns of DMPC bilayers at Au(l1l)-solution interface. Figure 7-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- @7) Forward differential capacity curves of DMPC bilayer at the Au(l1l)-solution interface. Figure 7-9 - - -___I-- ----- W) Charge density vs electrode potential plots of DMPC bilayers at a Au(ll1)-solution interface. Figure 7-10 ----------- -------- @Il) __---__._-__--C__ Cyclic voltammograms of Au(ll1) in 0.05 M NaF, 0.1 mM Femcyanide and 0.1 mM Femcyanide with a DMPC bilayer formed by a vesicle fusion technique. Scan rate was 20 m v s". fusion technique. Potentials are shown in graph. Figure 7-12 ---------- ----I__----UI_ -o Correlation of the charge densities for DMPC bilayer on Au(l11) to the IR band intensity at 2852 cm-'. Figure 7-13 -- -------- ---------------- @17) Dependence of CH2 stretching modes on the elecîrode potentials for DMPC büayers at the Au(1ll)-solution interface. Inset: ratio of IR intensity at 2922 cm-' to the intensity at 2852 c d vs the electrode potential. monolayers at the Au(l 11)-solution interface. Figure 7-15---- ------------------ -------------- ------- -------------------------P O ) Comparison of charge densities of DMPC bilayers with that of DMPC monolayers at Au(1 l 1)-solution interface. fiision; Triangle: rnonoiayers by horizontal touch. Figure 7-17 ---- --------- --------------------------------- -1 Comparison of the film pressures for DMPC monolayers at the gas-solution interface with that at the metal-so lution (inset) interface. Figure 8-1 _ C _ _ _ _ I - --- - --en Chernical structures of nystatin and a "barrel stave" mode1 of the channel formed with nystatins. The protuberance on the bottom represents the amino sugar and the shaded intenor represents the hydrophilic polyhydroxyl portion of the molecule. The exterior surface of the channel is completely nonpolarFigure 8-2 -------------------------------------- - ------------- ----e38) Illustration of the structure of the cbannel formed by a dimer (right) of gramicidin A (lefi) in the bilayerFigure 8-3 ------------------------------------------ ----- @8) Proposed structures formed by an oligomer (bottom) of ahethicin (top) im a lipid bilayer. Lefk The conformation in the absence of an applied trans-membrane voltage. Right: The open channel conformation in the presence of an applied voltage. Middle: An intermediate conformation. xiii List of Tables Table 2-1 ----- ----------_I--------- @a Comparison of some physical characteristics of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) with natrucil membranes Table 5-1 -------- a391 Vibrational fiequencies and assignments for benmate Table 6-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 _ C - - - - - - - 072) Vibrationai fiequencies and assignments for transmission and SNIFTIR measurements List of Symbols and Abbreviations A Anion BLM Bilayer Lipid Membrane C Cation E Electrode potential F Faradaic constant AG Gibbs energy 3 cument density J Joule 4 Total charge density R Gas constant T Thermodynamic temperature AFM Atomic force microscopy CE Counter electrode cv Cyclic vo ltammetry DAC ~i~ital-to-analog converter DC Dflerential capacity DMPC 1,2-dimyristyl-sn-gtycero-3-phosphochoIine DPPC dipalmitoyphosphatidylcholine FTIR Fourier Transform h.f?ared Spectroscopy G-S Gas-so lution interface HT Horizontal touch ml? lmer Helmholtz plane LEED Low energy electron deaction LB Langmuir43lodgett OKP Outer Helmholtz pIane PZC Potential of zero charge Phe Phenylalanine S-BLM Supported Bilayer Lipid Membrane SCE Saturated calomel electrode SNIFTIRS Subtractively normalized Fourier transform inf?ared spectroscopy STM Scannùig tunneling microscopy sw SrnaIl Unilameiiar Vesicle WE Working ekctrode r Gibbs excess S d c e tension E3okzman.u constant Electrosorption valency Critical length of the akyl tail of lipids Gibbs energy of adsorptio-n Charge density on the metal side of the ideally polarized electrode Surface area Wavelength Chernical potential of the appropriate species Volume of the allcyl tail region of lipids Film pressure Variable in Parsons fiinction The capacity of the uuier layer at a constant charge The capacity of the ïnner layer at a constant amount adsorbate Surface strain Charge number of an ion Zwitterion Chapter 1Introduction The siudy of the adsorption of biologid molecules is one of the most active contemporary research areas, attracting the attention of scientists fiom dBerent disciphes. When molecules are assembled on a surface to form a two dimensional phase (monolayer or biiayer), they are expected to display unusual chemistry due to their characteristic orientation in the nIm and due to the well-defined positions of lünctional groups (e.g., carboxyl or amino groups). Very interesting chemistry happens at these surfàces that would not happen if the same groups were distributed randomly as single molecules in the bulk of a solution. Some of the properties of fihm of assembled molecules are most interesting to chemists who want to create surfaces with well-dehed chernical properties or who simply want to understand the contribution of the dBerent segments of the molecule to its molecdar activity- These films also attract biologists because they are abIe to strrdy how very subtle changes to the biological membrane (a surface) can drastically change the tendency for particular proteins to bind to that membrane and for enzymatic reactions to occur on that membrane. Some insight into the Izature and function of biological membranes can be gained by studying synthetic bilayers consisting of a single type of plzospholipid molecules or simple bilayer mixtures consisting of phospholipids with proteins or peptides. Examining these d a c e s is also of interests tc physicists because they can be used to measure intermolecular forces that are in the nanonewton range. The synthetic membranes are also of intrinsic physical interest as soft material systerns. They are of parîicuIar interest to electrochemists because e1ectrochemical techniques aliow the control of the amount and orientation of the adsorbai mo lecules by applying electrical fieIds. Moreover, the electrochernical studies of biological molecules could contribute to the development of biosensors and bioelectronics. 1.1 Objectives The bio-fbnctionalization of solid surfaces is a central problem in today's biotechnology. Much progress has been made with bio-functionalization of polymers Cl41. However, substrate-supported lipid membranes provide an alternative building prïnciple yielding a homogeneous, cohesive coating with the naturd option to insert or emkd membrane proteins. The goal of this project was to mimic biological membranes on an electrode surfàce. The work presented in this thesis was of pioneering character and its objective was to open a new direction of research. It is well understood that the majority of bio logical membranes are composed primarily of phospholipids and proteins; the amino acids k i n g the basic units of the latter. Consequently, one rnust know the interfacial behaviours of phospholipids and h o acids before they can be used to control the properties of artificial membranes at electrode swfâces. In this thesis, the 1,2- dimyristyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine@MEC) was used to constnict the monolayer and supported bilayers. DMPC is a satumted glycerophospholipid. It is rehtively stable in air and the Liquid crystdgel phase transition temperature (Tm) of DMPC is approximately 24 OC.Therefore, it is easy to produce DMPC films that are either in the Iiquid crystalline or in the gel state. Phenylalanine (Phe) was selected for examination because it plays important roles in the hydrophobie interactions arnong the proteins and phospholipids. One of the objectives of this project was to compare the properties of the DMPC bilayer deposited ~ ~ i reither i g the conventional Langmuir-BIodgett (LB)method or by a direct vesicle fusion technique. The main advantage of the vesicle fusion is the ease of inserting protek, especially for the proteins which cannot tolerate the transfer process during LB deposition. The other objective of this thesis is to amplement and extend the systematic studies of molecular adsorption on gold electrodes carried out in our Iaboratory. The previous students in our laboratory have studied the interfàcial behaviours of inorganic ions [S-71,small organic molecules [7-91 and surfactants [10,11]. My objective was to extend t h research by providing new information concerning adsorption of organic ions and zwitterionic moIecules. The benzoate ion and Phe have been selected as a mode1 organic anion and a zwitterionic molecule in my project. Both electrochemical and spectroscopie techniques have been employed to investigate the surface concentration and geometry of the adsorbed species. A well-defined single-crystal Au(l11) plane was used to study the coordination of the organic ions and the zwitterionic molecules. This gold electrode was chosen because it behaves as an ideal polarizable electrode in a very broad range of potentials. 1.2 Fundamental Concepts 1.2.1 Amlno Acids An amino acid is, by d e m i o n , an organic compound containing an amine group, -mand a carboxylic acid group, -COOH in the same mo lecule. While there are many forms of amino acids, au of the important amino acids found in living organisms are aamino acids wkch have both the -COOH and -N& groups attached to the same carbon atom, defined as the a-carbonatom. The simplest amino acid is glycine, H2NCH2COOH. It contains no asymmetric carbon atoms (tetrahedral carbon atoms with four different groups aîtached). AU other amino acids contain an asymmetric carbon atom and are, therefore, optically active. The optical isomers of each asymmetric carbon atom are tradiitionally distinguished by the letter D or L- Only those amino acids which are of the L form (Ieft-handed) at the a-carbon are found in proteins. The general structure of the a-amino acids is R-CHN&-COOH. At low pH vaiues, both functional groups are f U y protonated so that the amino acid molecule assumes the cationic forrn, RCH(NI&>COOH. At high pH values, alI the acidic protons have been removed and it assumes the anionic fonn, RCH(NH2)COO-. At pH near the isoelectric point @O, the amino acid exists as the zwitterion, RCH(NH~~COO-,because the carboxylic acid group is a much stronger acid than the ammonium group. 1.2.2 Lipids A lipid is defïned as a water-insoluble biomolecule which has a high solubility in nonpolar organic solvents such as chloroform The simplest lipids are the fats, which are triesters made up of one glycerol unit and three fàtty acid units. The term fats is also used as a general synonym for lipids, so the more precise term triacylglycerols or triglycerides is preferable for the simplest lipids. TriacyIglycerols are used primarily for energy storage in animals. Other categories of lipids, the phospholipids, glycolipids, and choiesteroi, are the major constituents of biological ce11membranes. Both phospholipids and glycolipids are amphipathic molecules, that is, molecules in which one end is hydrophobie and one end is hydrophilic. The fatty acid chahs form the hydrophobic end of the molecule while the polar glycerol-phosphate-alcohol or sphingosine-sugar portion forrns the hydrophilic end of the mo lecule. When the phospholipid molecules are spread at the gas-solution (G-S) intediace, the hydrophilic head is toward the solution side and the hydrophobie tail extends to the gas phase* In order to obtain a homogeneous munolayer at G-S interface, the temperature rnust be carefùlly controiled above the phase transition tempecature(Tm) of phospholipids where the phospholipids are in liquid crystalhe state. The liquid crystalline state is a distinct phase of phospholipids Observed between the crystalline (gel) and isotropic (liquid) states. The liquid crystal phase is characterized by molecules that have no positional order but tend to point to the same direction. The phospholipids organize themselves into layers with translational and rotational motion of the molecules. Therefore, lateral diffusion within the phospholipid film is expected when the temperature is above the Tm. 1.2.3 Bilayer Membranes When amphipathic mo lecules are placed in an aqueous solution, their hydrophobic tails attempt to orient themselves toward each other. They may achieve this by either forming s d l spherical micelles or a plana. lipid biiayer. A micelle is a smaU structure, generally less than two micrometers in diameter, while a lipid bilayer typically bas a thickness of about 0.5 micrometers and can have an area of several square dlimeters. Sonication or other treatrnent of lipids can produce spherical liposomes, or lipid vesicIes, which contain aqueous solution within an ençlosing lipid bilayer. Liposomes are considerably Iarger than micelles. Both liposomes and planar bilayer membranes can be prepared f?om simple solutions of phospholipids such as the diacylglycerol-3-phosphatidylcholines. Studies of such artificially prepared membranes have provided much insight into the function and operation of membranes in living cells. Simple bilayer membranes are highly permeable to water molecules, while ions such as sodium and potassium can only traverse them more slowly (by nine orders of magnitude) 1123. For small molecules, the rates of perrneation through simple bilayer membranes increase with their solubility in nonpolar solvents relative to their solubility in water. These Observations strongly suggest that Figure 1-1 Singer-Nicolson fluid mosaic mode1 for biomembrane structure. (Adapted IÎom S.J. Singer and G.L. Nicolson, Science, 175 (1972) 720-73 1 .) transfer of substances through a membrane requires desolvation, transfer through the anhydrous membrane interior and then resolvation on the other side of the membrane. Natural biological membranes (Figure 1-1) consist rnainly of different lipids(such as phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol) and proteins and thek structures can be regarded as a two dimensional solution of ordered lipids and proteins that have a high degree of motion. The protein hction varies fiom 20 - 80% depending on the type of membrane [12]. The dBerences in transport behaviour between bio logicai membranes and simple bilayer membranes are due to the incorporation of protein molecules or other specificdy transporthg molecules directly into or onto the surface of a bilayer ce11 membrane. Considerable research in biology and in chemistry is k i n g directed toward the transport properties of membranes. 1.2.4 Biomernbrane Electrochemistry Electrochemical reactions play signifxcant roles in biological activities. The electrochemical potential is the driving force for many biochemical reactions including energy storage and substance metabolism. The fidamental membrane processes of living cells, for example, generation of ion gradients, sensory transductance, conduction of impulses and energy transduction, are electrical in nature. Each process involves charge movement in a specialized protein structure, where part of the protein forms a channel for conduction of ions. The opening of the channel is controlled by changes in physical factors such as the electrical potential across the membrane or the binding of signalling (e-g. neurotransmitter or hormone) molecules and ions to specific receptor or enzyme sites. The electric field could also induce the redistribution of the biomembrane - coaiponents. Poo and Robinson Cl31 observed a field-dependent redistribution of fluorescently labelled concanavalin A in the membranes of living muscle ceh. This e x p e k e n t indicates that the electric field may change the conformation of molecules and their properties in the membrane. Electroporation is another important fielddependent membrane phenornenon. Figure 1-2 shows a hypothetical mechanism relevant to electroporation (induced by a short pulse, 1o4 c t,h < 10-~s).Accordhg to the cartoon in Fig 1-2(A), a fiee volume fluctuation is believed to be invoived in the transport of nonpolar molecules across membranes [14] and a possible early precursor to a hydrophilic pore. Fig 1-2(B) shows that an aqueous protrusion is envisaged as a more direct precursor to a hydrophiüc pore [15]. Fig 1-2(C)depicts the hydrophobie pore, a high-energy transient structure that is believed to be a direct precursor to a hydrophilic pore [16]. Fig 1-20) shows the hydrophilic pore, believed to be the primary participant in short-tem electrical behaviour and probably involved in rnolecuiar transport [16]. Fig 1-2(E) describes a composite pore with one or more proteins at the inner pore edge, a speculative possibility that rnight account for a metastable pore that persists after the potential has decayed because of reversible electrical breakdown. Finally, Fig 1 - 2 0 illustrates the composite pore due to a 'Yoot-in-the-door" mechanism, which involves insertion of a linear charged macromolecule into a hydrophilic pore, such that screened coulombic repulsion prevents shrllikage of the pore. This is another candidate for a metastable pore, which can persist and assist in the transport of small ions and molecules long after the potential has decayed to a srnall value in a reversible electrical breakdown. The present view of electroporation assumes that transitions fiom A-+B+C+D have a nonlinear increased fiequency of occurrence as the potential is increased. Similar transitions may lead to E and F. nnnn n 111111 n"huliU U Figore 1-2 Hypothetical structures of transient and metastable membrane conformations that are believed to be relevant to electroporatioa (Adapted fcom: T.Y. Tsong and RD. Astumian, Bioelectrochem, Bioelectroenerg. 15 (1986) 457-476.) 1.3 Scope ofthe Thesis The research in this thesis has a multi-disciplinary character covering Biophysics, Electrochemistry and Surface Science. A brief introduction is given in Chapter 1 where some fidamental concepts are presented. Chapter 2 describes the theoretical background and gives a review of the literature necessary for the interpretatim of the experimental results in the thesis. There are four different topics covered by Chapter 2: 1) the electrical double Iayer and the thermodynamics of the metal-solution interface, 2) a brief introduction to in-situ FTIR spectroscopy of electrochemicd intefices, including a review of the surface selection d e s and the data acquisition procedures, 3) a review of the electrochemical studies on amino acids and 4) a detailed description of the theories and experimental techniques conceming supported phospholipid bilayers and their possible applications. The experimentai procedures are presented in Chapter 3. These include the description of the electrochemical cell and the procedures for cyciic vo ltammetry (CV), dserential capacity @C), chronocouIometry (step experiment), the film pressure measurements using the Langmuir microbalance, the operation of subtractively norrnalized interfàcial Fourier transform i . e d spectroscopy (SNIFTDRS), the preparation of small damellar vesicles (SUV) and the construction of phospholipid monolayers and bilayers. The experimental results will be described in the next four chapters. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 discuss the electrochemical and FTIR spectroscopie studies respectively of benmate adsorption on the Au(11Z) electrode surface. Phe fias k e n examined using the same techniques and a neutral solution where the Phe exists as a zwittenonic foim in buk solution These results will be descriid in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 compares the properties of a DMPC bilayer formed by LB deposition with that formed by the direct vesicle fùsion technique. P r e h i m r y I R studies of the DMPC biiayer on gold will also be inciuded. Chapter 7 describes a new methodology exploration The research described in this chapter opens a new research direction to be followed in our laboratory, Chapter 8 summarizes the conclusions of this thesis. New research directions will be proposed based on the experimental remlts obtained in this thesis. References 1. W. Hanke, CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem 19 (1985) 1. 2. A. Ottova-Leitmannova and H.T. Tien, Prog. Surf. Sci 41(4) (1992) 337. 3. V. Tvarozek, KT. Tien, 1. Novotny, T. Hianik, J. Dglugopolsky, W. Ziegler, A.L. Ottova-Leitmannova, J. Jakabovic, Rehacek and M. Uhlar, Sensors and Actuators B, 19 (1994) 597. 4. E. Sackmano, Science, 27 1 (1996) 43. 5. Zhichao Shi, PhD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1996. 6. Shijie Wu, PhD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1996. 7. Aicheng Chen, PàD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1998. 8. Lorne Stolberg, PhD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1990. 9. Dongfang Yang, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1995. 10. Dan Bizzotto, PhD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1996. 11. Vlad Zamlynny, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1998. 12. L. Stryer, Biochemistry, New York, San Fransisco, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995. 13. M.-M. Poo, and K R Robinson, Nature, 265 (1977) 602. 14. RO. Potts, and M.L. Francoeur, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci U.S.A. 87 (1990) 3871. 15. Y.A. Chizmadzhev, V.B. Arakelyan, and V.F. Pastushenko, Bioelectrochem Bioenerg. 6 (1979) 63-70. 16. I.G. Abidor, V.B. Arakelyan, L.V. Chemomordik, U . k Chizmadzhev, V.F. Pastwhenko, and M.R Tarasevich, Bioelectrochem Bioenerg. 6 (1979) 37. Chapter 2 Review of Theories and Techniques 2.1 Electrical double layer and thermodynarnics of the electrified interface 2 1 Introduction At the solid-solution interface, the properties of the electrolyte solution are altered due to interactions between the solid and the electrolyte. The surface of a so1id electrode whose potential is controlled by a potentiostat is charged. The presence of these electrostatic forces causes long range changes in the electrolyte composition at the interface. The charge on the metal is screened by the charge of the ionic cloud on the solution side of the interface which leads to charge sepration in the interfacial region and formation ofthe so called electrical double layer. Many models [l-31 have been proposed to explain the behaviour of the double layer. Below we introduce several models that are rnost fiequentiy used to explain the phenornena taking place at the electrified interface. 2.1.2 The electrical double layer The first mode1 of the 'electrical double layer' was proposed in the 1850's by Helmholtz [4]. Ke assumed that there is no electron tramfer across the interface and that the solution is a solution of a strong electrolyte. The interactions between ions in the solution =d the ekctrode were assumed to be electrostatic in nature, and resulted fiom m an excess or the fact that the electrode holds a charge density which arises ~ o either deficiency of electrons at the electrode surface. In order for the interface to remah neutral, the charge held on the electrode is balanced by the redistribution of ions close to the electrode surface. The ions attracted to the charged surface are assumed to approach the electrode and to form a layer balancing the electrode charge. The distance of closest approach is limited to the radius of a solvated ion. The plane in which the ions are located at the distance of the closest approach is termed the outer Helmholtz Plane (OHP). The overall result is two layers of charge (the double layer) and the potential &op across the interface is confined only to this region. This model is analogous to an electrical capacitor which has two plates of charge separated by a layer of dielectnc (solvent). The potential drop occurs in a linear m e r between the two plates. In fact, when irnpedance analysis is performed on electrochemical systems the response due to the electrolyte redistribution at the interface is modelled in terms of capacitive elements. The model of Helmholtz does not account for many factors, such as screening out of the ionic charges due to thermal motion of ions, the possibility of a specîfïc adsorption on to the surface and the interaction between solvent dipole moments and the electrode. A more advanced model was proposed by Stem [SI to address some of these limitations. Stem combined the compact layer mode1 of Helmholz with the dinuse layer model of Gouy-Chapman [6,7j.In Stem's mode&,the ions are allowed to move in solution so that the electrostatic interactions are in competition with Brownian motion. The result is that ions are located not in a plane but in a region close to the electrode surface containing an excess of one type of ion called the dinuse layer. The potential drop occurs over this extended region. Grahame 18'91 developed Stem's model m e r by introducing the idea of two planes of closest approach, the inner Helmholtz plane @I atl') a distance xi for specifically adsorbed ions and the outer Helmholtz plane (OHP) at a distance x2 for nonspecifically adsorbed ions. Thus the OHP forms a boundary between the inner and diffuse Meral Plane\ Inner Helmholtz f plane/ Outer HeLmholu Plane Figure 2-1 Mode1 o f the electrical double layer at the metal-solution interface. layer. B o c k et al- [IO] took the solvent molecules into account. They proposed that the solvent molecules are oriented according to the charge density on the metal and form a layer of oriented dipo les together with the specifically adsorbed ions (see Figure 2- 1). Many modifications and improvements [Il-141 have been made to these early models and a detailed review of these models is given in reE [15]. 2.1.3 Therrnodynamics of the electrified interface (9 Derivation of the electrocapillary eauation: The thermodynamics of the electrified metal-solution interface has been thoroughly reviewed before [1649]. The thermodynamïc theory of the interfacial phenomena was derived fiom the GÏbbs adsorption isotherm -dy = c r$pi+ ç mI I pj where y is the interfacial tension (or surface tension), T's are the Gibbs excesses (or surfàce excess) of the uncharged species i and ionic species j, pi and correspondhg chemical and electrochemical potentials. The application of the Gibbs adsorption isotherm to the idealIy polarizabIe electrode (initially Hg) l a d s to the eIectrocapillary equation -dy = sdT - Vdp + o,dE, + T&pi where s is the entropy, T for the temperature, V for the volume, p for pressure, o~ for the charge density on the metal side of the interface, & for the electrode potentid with respect to an intemal reference electrode wfiich is reversible either to a cation or an anion in the electrolyte, risis the relative Gibbs excess of species i with respect to a reference component (water for aquaeous solution) and pi is now the chernical potential of either a neutral species or a charged species i in the solution. The extension of Gibbs isotherm to the electrocapillary equation is based on two assumptions. i) The real electrode system has a well-deked thermodynarnic state (it is in thermal, mechanical, electrostatic, and physicochemical equilibrium). ii) The system is electrically neutral when considered as a whole, but there is a charge separation across the interface. At constant temperature and pressure, equation 2.2 can be reduced to equation 2.3. Note that it is practically dinicult to employ a reference electrode that is reversible with respect to the cation or anion of the electrolyte investigated. When an excess of electrolyte is used, however, the activity of the reference cation or anion can be easily kept constant. Consequentiy, the potential of the Ïntemal reference electrode versus an extenial reference electrode will be constant. & = &+ constant and dE+ = Gt where kf is the electrode potential measufed versus the extemal reference electrode. In this case, the & in equation 2.3 c m be replaced by bfor simply E. In aqueous solution, the risin equation 2.3 is defined as where ri and rwt,represent the Gibbs excess of species i and water respectively, xi and x ,, are the mole fiactions of species i (10'~at most) and water (55.5) in the bulk solution. TWt, is estimated to be 1014molecules assurning a close-packed monolayer on the rnetal surface [20].Consequently, the second term on the nght side of equation 2.4 is often four to five orders of magnitude less than Ti. The difference between the relative and absolute surfêce excesses can be neglected. To facilitate fuaher discussions, we would rewrite equation 2.3 in a simple form: The charge density at the metal side c m be obtained f?om the variation of y with respect to potential at constant T, p and solution composition. This is cailed the Lippman equation: Further differentiation of the Lippman equation l a d s to the relationship between the interfacial tension y and the differential capacity C as shown in equation 2.7. The above therxnodynamic description o f the metd-solution interface is applicable to a lïquid electrode scch as Hg. When the electrocapillary equation is applied to a soïd electrode such as gold, an additional term called surface stress, Y must be introduced to the electrocapillary equation Thus the equation 2.2 should be rewritten as equation 2.8 for a solid electrode. Here Y =y + ûy/a~,,where ce is the elastic surface strain However, it was recently shown [2 11 that the additional term in equation 2.8 has a very srna11 contribution to the change of surface tension To a good approximation, the equation 2.2 can also be used for solid electrodes as well. However, for a solid electrode it is not possible to measure y directly. Ln this case one usualiy uses capacity measurement to calculate and y by the integration method: It was shown that this method worked weli for mercury electrodes. It couid be also extended to the measurements at solid electrodes [22j. Lipkowski et al. [23,24] have developed a chronocoulometry technique to measure the equilibrium charge density at solid metal electrodes. The surface tension can be obtained by the integration using equation 2.10. {ii) Determination of the film pressure at constant wtentid and at constant charge: The film pressure at constant potential is d e h e d as where y w and y* are the interfacial tensions of the electrode in the absence and in the presence of organic molecu1es For a Liquid electrode, these values c m be detennined fiom independent electrocapillary measurements. For a solid electrode, the absolute value of y can not be detemiined. In this case, however, the equation 2.10 can be applied The Ef in equation 2.10 is chosen as the potentid at which no adsorption takes place. The integration constant y ~ isf independent of the presence or absence of investigated species in solution at this point. Thus the term Y E wdl ~ be elimuiated when equation 2.10 is combined with equation 2.12. nierefore, the fih pressure of adsorbed molecules on a solid electrode can be mathematically calculated as follows: where the subscripts 0 and 8 4 indicate the presence and absence of the organic molecules in the bulk electrolyte. The film pressure a .constant charge is d e h e d by the following equation: lj=y+Et~~ The total dEerential of the Parsons fùnction is equal to: dg=dy+EdaM+cMdE (2-16) I f we replace dy in equation 2.16 by the electrocapillary equation (equation 2S), a new equation results: This equation is similar to the electrocapillary equation, but now the charge density rather than potential is the independent electncai variable. Equation 2.17 indiaes that ~(CTM)can be calculated by the integration of E with respect to the charge at a constant chernical potential of al1 species in the solution, where 00 is the charge density at Et where no adsorption takes place. 5(00) is therefore independent of the presence and the absence of organic molecules. The film pressure at constant charge cm be then calculated by: (iui Determination of Gibbs excess: The expression for the relative Gibbs excesses can be derived nom the electrocapillaiy equation (Eq. 2.5) using potential as the independent electrical variable, and fiom Eq. 2.17 using charge density as the independent electrical variable. If it is known that the h i t y coefficients do w t change with the concentration of the analyzed species, then dp = RTdlnc (2.20) This condition is satisfied for ionic species if an excess of inert electrolyte is used and for neutral moiecules if their concentration is very iow in bulk solution. The Gibbs excesses at constant potential and at constant charge are described by equation 2.21 and 2.22 respectiveIy. where c is the bulk concentration of the organic species. The reiative Gibbs excesses can aIso be plotted as a function of the bulk concentration of the organic species at a constant potential or at a constant charge density. In this way, the adsorption isotherm is determined. Cross dserentiation of equation 2.5 and equation 2.17 gives equation 2.23 and 2.24 respectively. The correlations of equation 2.23 and equation 2.24 may be used to examine the consistency of the thermodynamic data Actually equation 2.23 can be used to determine the electrosorption valency ( Z ) as defined by equation 2.25. The expressions in equation 2.24 give the Esin-Markov coefficients. (iv) Determination of the Gibbs energies of adsorption: The Gibbs energy of adsorption can be calculated fiom a fit of the experimental M a c e excess data to the equation of a particular adsorption isothenn The adsorption # isotherms that are fiequently used are (i) Henry, (hi Langmuir and (iïi) Frumkm ûotherm. In the Limit of zero coverage d l isotherms reduce to the Henry isutherm. Under this condition the film pressure depends Luiearly on the bulk concentration of the organic species. When the standard state is unit mole hction of the organic species in the b u k o f the solution and monolayer coverage ( 0 4 ) of the "ideal noninteracting" adsorbate, the equation of state correspondhg to the Henry isotherm is given by equation 2.26 [26]. n = RT& (2.2 6) / 55.5 The adsorption equilibrium constant P in Eqs 2.26 on be deterrnined corn the initial dope of n versus cI55.5 plot The zero coverage Gibbs energy of adsorption c m then be detemiined fiom the value of fl using the expression of AG'^ = -RTLn@ The advantage of this method is that no mode1 of adsorption needs to be assumecl SirnSarly, AG'- can be detemiined f?om the initiai dope of the film pressure at constant charge vs. concentration plots according to the fo110wing equation: here charge is used a s the independent electrical variable. The energy of adsorption may also be descriid in tenns of the f i 1 1 coverage Gibbs energy of adsorption AG'^=^). The AG'^=[ values c m be detemiined &y plotting the film pressure as a function of the logarÏthm of the mole fiaction of absorbate in the bulk solution and extrapolating the linear segment of this plot to zero film pressure. T h e intercept of the ln(d55.5) axis multiplied by RT gives the &II coverage Gibbs energy o f adsorption [27,28]. The difference between the magnitudes of the zero coverage and f Ü U coverage Gibbs energies of adsorption illustrates how the properties of the d a c e phase deviate f?om the properties of a perfect solution (a perfect two-dimensional of solvent and the adsorbate mo lecules). The Gibbs energies of adsorption can also be detemiined using an empirical method. In that case, the sUTface pressure (a)data are fitted to the "square root " isotherm [29,30]. i n ( k ~ c +) h ~ = h c BO'^ ~ (2.28) where c is the bulk concentration of adsorbate, P = exp(-AGkT) is the adsorption equilibrium constant, B is a constant and 0 is the surface pressure. Wheo analysis is carried out a . a constant potential, <D is set as y~ - ye, where y is surface tension. If we take charge as the independent electrical variable, cD is set as - 50, where 5 is Parson's function n i e plots of the u > l R vs. ln(kTc/O) are almost linear. The Gibbs energies can be calculated by extrapolating their linear segments to zero d a c e pressure in accordance with equation 2.29. Fi(kTc/Q?)],= -In P The standard state here is an "ideal" (2.29) r = 1 ion for the adsorbed species and an "ideal" c = 1 M for the bulk species. 2.1.4 Mode1 of the double layer In order to interpret the structure and the charge distribution at the interface, a specifc physical model has to be used. Here the thermodynamic data have been processed by the Grahame-Parsons model [3 11 of the double layer. The inner-layer capacity C' c m be calculated fiom the relationship where cdiS the capacity of the difhise Iayer, C is the overall capacity determined by the differentiation of the charge density curves and d r h Mis the siope of the r versus CM plots. The value of F(ar/hM)is very close to one at most cases. So the second term on the right side of the Eq. 2.30 could be neglected. The inner-layer capacity is now approximately equal to the overall capacity. The inner-layer capacity is a fünction of two variables, the charge on the metal and the arnount of adsorbed anions. Therefore it can be expressed in terms of the two components, the inner-layer capacity at a constant charge rC and the inner-layer capacity at a constant e u n t adsorbed C . as follows [3 11: The rC is determineci fiom the dope of the plots of the potential drop across the inner layer ( A + = ~E ~~ û~and - 42) v e r w the charge (-FT)of adsorbed adsorbate at constant 92 is the outer Helmholtz plane potential. The potential $2 can be obtained by equation 2.32 in aqueous sdution a~+ a i = - 11.74(c4IR sinh(19.46~4~) where z = z+ = lz-1, crd is in pC cbin mol dm-3anci t$2 in volts. (2.32) Ci= zFT, is the charge corresponding to the specifically adsorbed anions. Once rC has been determined, ,C can be easily calculated by equation 2.3 1. Equations 2.33 and 2.34 show that rC and ,C may be considered as integrai capacities respectively, K=&/(x2-xf) ,C=E/X~ (2.34) where E is the pemiittivity, x, and xz are the distance of the b e r and the outer Helmholtz planes fiom the metal surface respectively. The ratio of the ber-layer capacities at a constant arnount of adsorbed anion and a constant charge is equal to the electrosorption valency [3 1]: The electrosorption vaiency may fûrther be used to calculate the surface dipole that represents a dipole formed by an adsorbed anion and its image charge in the gold electrode. Tne magnitude of the surface dipole is a direct measurement of the polarity of the bond formed between the anion and the electrode surface. The surface dipole is described by equation 2-36 132-341, where eo is the charge of an electron (1.6 x 10-l9C) and E is the permittivity of the inner layer which is regarded as the same 8s the perrnitîrvity of the vacuum (8.85 x 1612 T' m-'). 2.2 In situ FTIR in electrochemistry at the metal-solution interface 2.2.1 Introduction Before the appearance of in situ vibrational spectroscopy, WNisible spectroscopy was undergohg rapid development as an in situ tool for the investigation of electrode processes 135,361. The fiactional change in reflectivity can readily be detected as low as 104 [37]. However, WNisible spectroscopy has many inherent drawbacks due to its inability to i d e n t e adsorbed molecules that do not absorb the light in this range and the difllculty in detennining the electronic structure of the electrode without a pre-defined model. The red breakthrough in the development of in situ vibrational spectroscopy came in 1973 when the first Raman spectra were obtained by Fleischmann [38,39]. M a r e d spectroscopy was first introduced hto etectrochemistry by Hansen [40], Kuwana and Osteryoung [41]. However, the early studies were based on the intemal reflectance techniques. Bewick et al. developed the external reflection Wared method [42-441 and Pons et ai. developed the Fourier transforrn version of this technique [45,46]. The modulation of the photon polarization in electrochemicai FTIR was introduced by Habib and Bockris in 1985 1471. This technique allows one to detennine the character of the surface CO-ordination of the adsorbate. Recently, Faguy et al. developed a high throughput reflection accessory for infrared spectroelectrochemical studies, which dramatically improves the sensitivity and reproducibility of in situ measurements (48-5 11. Korzeniewski et al- [SS] designed a jacketed cell to control the temperature in the cell used for in situ FTIR studies. Stable spectra could be obtained up to 70 OC. A brief introduction of the in situ IR spectroelectrochemistry presented below is based on selected publications [48-681. 2.2.2 Surface selection rriles Infkred reflectance spectroscopy is based on the specular reflection of the incident light on the substrate sudàce. On metal surfaces the component of the electric field parallel to the surface is almost pedectly screened [66], whereas the component perpendicular to the surface is enhanced by a factor of nearly 2 for angles of incidence near to grazing. Figure 2-2 shows the dependence of the electric field strength E/E, on the angle of the incidence 0 at a platinum surface for v = 500 and v = 2000 cm-'. Here, E. is the amplitude of the oscillating electric vector in the incident beam and E is the resultant amplitude at the surface; p and s refer to the components of the electric vector parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The resulting s component of the electric field Es is close to zero for any angle of the incidence as shown in Figure 2-2. The p component can be M e r split into two components Epl (perpendicular to the metal surfàce) and Epii(paralle1 to the surface). This figure shows that Epllis also very small, whereas Ep1 increases with increasing 0, reaching a maximum between 80 and 90" but falling rapidly to zero at 90". These results show that only the p component of inçared radiation has appreciable field strength at the electrode surface, it alone carries information on vibrations of surface species. It is interesthg to note that the s components are even more effectively screened out at 500 cm? than that at 2000 cm-'. The response of the metal surface that screens the parallel field wiil dso screen out any dynamic dipole moment appearing on the molecde in the direction parallel to the d a c e . This may be visualized in terms of an induced image dipole in the metaL Figure 2-3 shows two instantaneous dipdes, which are perpendicular and parallel to a metal surface. For the dipole-oriented nomal to the surface, the image dipole is reinforced whereas, for the parallel dipole, there is a very effective caricellation. Hence, optimal absorption is obtained when the component of the dipole derivative with respect to the normal coordiite of an adsorbed species is in the sarne direction as the incident p-polarized radiation. Oscillators with their dipo le derivative components parauel to the surface will have a smaller probability of S a r e d absorption. Therefore, the relative intensities of 30 60 90 Angie of incidence, @/des Ang ie of incidence, €3 / deg Figure 2-2 The d a c e electric field E/Eo for platinum at (a) v = 500 cm? and (b) v = 2000 cm-' as a fünction of the angle of incidence 9. (adapted fiom ref î.n.f?ared absorption bands can give information regarding mo lecular orientations on the electrode surfàce. This distinction between absorbances due to oscillators oriented parallel and perpendicdar with respect to the surface is known as the surface selection rule. Another consequeme of these feaîures is that the maximum absorption of the i n f k e d bearn will occur for p-poiarized light. This would justw the use of a polarizer in reflectance spectroscopy. Distinction between adsorbed and dissolved species may be facilitated by modulation of the polarkition and measuring a diffirence s p e c t m between reflectances at both s- and p-polarizations. Randomly oriented solution species, which can absorb both s- and p-polarized light equally well, can be disthguished fiom adsorbed species, which can absorb only p-polarized radiation. Figure 2-3 lnstantaneous dipoles appearing on an adsorbed diatornic molecule oriented perpendicular and parallel to a metal surface. (adapted fkom ref [55]) Recently, Osawa et al. have found that ïnfiared absorption of molecules is remarkably enhanced when they are adsorbed on or near very thin films of silver, gold, copper, and indium. This phenornenon is called surface-enhanced i n . e d absorption (SEIRA) [64,67,69]. They have shown that only the vibrational modes which give dipole changes perpendicular to the metal surbce are infrared active. The enhanced infiareci absorption arises fiom an electnc field at the metal nnfacc produced by the incident infrared radiation through the excitation of a localized plasmon of the metai. Since the enhancement is the largest at the metal surface and decays sharply within a distance of a few mowlayers fiom the surface, the solid-liquid interface can be investigated selectively. They have also demonstrated that monolayers at the interface can be detected at a very high sensitivity without interference nom the buk solution by this technique. 2.23 Sampling Method The sampling methodç in FTIR c m be classified into two groups, extemâl reflection 170-741 and attenuated total interna1 reflection (ATR) [75,76]. ATR sampling has not k e n used widely in electrochernistry because preparation and use of the thin metal film working electrode has k e n dificult. In the extemal reflection arrangement, the infiared beam is directed through a polarizer and onto the fiont surface of a highly polished disk- shaped working electrode. A special thin-layer electrochemical ce11 is employed that permits the inhred beam to enter and strike the Eont surface of the poIished disk at an incident angle of about 60' to 70' with respect to the d a c e normal. The beam is reflected out of the ceil and is colIected by optics that image the radiation onto a detector. The optical configuration is different for static linear polarization (SLP) and polarization modulation experiments. In the SLP expriment, the electrode potential is constant while the po1arizer is set to ailow the radiation to be either s- or p-polarized. The polarization modulation layout includes a photoelastic modulator (PEM), which rapidly switches the polarkation state of the radiation while the electrode potential is controlled to a specific value. The optical configuration and experimental procedures used in experiments with a static photon polarization are described below. 2.2.4 Ce11 design Different designs of the thin-layer cell for extemal reflection idtared spectroscopy have been reported in [44,49,50,59,64,65,68]. Figure 2 4 shows a drawing of a typicaI t hree-electrode cell. The working electrode is a disk-shaped metal approximately 6- 10 mm in diameter- The electrode material should have high reflectivities in the hfkared spectral region. Pt, Au and Ag have k e n employed most fkequently. The fiont face of the # disk is plished to a &or finish; typically with a slurry of alumina or diamond paste. The disk is mounted in a plunger. The counter electrode is typicaily platinum wire or gauze that is looped around the working electrode and positioned just behind the metal disk. The reference electrode is mounted in an extemal cornpartment that connects to the main charnber through a Luggin cappillary. An infrared-transparent window is attached to the fiont of the cell. The working electrode is positioned in order that the polished fiont face is adjacent to the optically Bat surface of the window and during S a r e d spectroscopy experirnents, it is pushed against the IR window to trap a thin Iayer of solution (typically less than 10 p)between the window and the electrode. Incident IR radiation passing through the window and the thin-Iayer of solution onto the electrode d a c e is reflected back out of the thin-layer ce11 and is subsequently focused ont0 the detector. The solvent absorption is minimized using the thin-layer ceU. The choice of window materials depends on the spectral region of interest and on the solvent. Examples IR Radiation Working Eiectrode HoIder Figure 2-4 The design of the spectroelectrochemical cell for reflection infiared spectroscopy. (Reproduced fiom A. Bewick et al. J. Electroanal. Chem 160 (1984) 47.) of IR window matenals for the m i d - ï d k e d region include C e , ZnSe, Si and KRSS (a mumire of 42% TlBr and 58% TII). For the f x - h h r e d region polyethylene is usually employed. It is obvious that the eIectrode surface must be planar and parallel to the IR window in order to obtain a thin and unifonn layer- Recently, Faguy designed a novel spectroelectrochemical cell using the l R window, a ZnSe hemisphere, to collimate the beam 148-5 11. Such a design provides near-crit ical angle of reflect ion, Iower e s t - d a c e reflection losses, and reestablishes the instrument focal point. As a result, enhancements of the signal-to-noise ratio of better than five fold are achieved 1501. Korzeniewski [52] designed an insulated infiared spectroelectrochemica1ce11 that is capable of operation at variable temperatures. The cell is built around a g l a s chamber that holds electrolyte solution and the workïng and counter electrodes. The fiont of the chamber consists of an O-ring seal joint onto which the cell window mounts. The reference electrode is held in a separate cornpartment behind a wetted stopcock and comects to the glas chamber through a capillary tube. The glass chamber is insulated and secured inside an aluminum jacket. The cell temperature sensing and heating functions are built into the working electrode. A thennocouple is used for temperature measurement. The cell performs well for the study of CO adsorption. 2.2.5 Spectral acquisition Acquisition of in situ S a r e d spectra has been achieved by several methods. Potential difference techniques reduce background solvent absorption and have k e n most widely applied. The sknplest approach involves the use of a ETR spectrometer with a static Iinear polarization. A sequence of interferograms is collected while the electrode is held at a constant potential (El). The interferograms are added, average4 Fourier transfbrmed to a single beam spectnim and electronicdly store& The electrode is then stepped to a new potential CE2), the data collection and processing is repeated and the resulting single beam spectrum is stored in a new fiIe. The single beam spectra encode the wavelength-dependent reflectivity of the system, R A few number of interferograms are obtained at two different potentials El and E2, and the process is repeated untii the desired S N is obtained. A potential difference spectrum is computed fiom the ratio of single beam spectra recorded at two different electrode potentials. The two single-beam spectra are subtracted and divided by the intensity at one potential to obtain the final normalized spectrum. The result is a dserence spectnun with magnitude AR/R = CR(E2) - R(E1)I 1NE11 = where R(EI) and (2.3 7) R(Er) are the electrode reflectivities at potentials EI and E2, respectively. The rneasured spectrum shows only changes in reflectance caused by changes in potential. The instrumental drift and al1 the IR absorption by environmental species are cancelled. The method described above is called subtractively norrnalized interfacial Fourier transform ïnhred spectroscopy (SNIFTIRS). Figure 2-5 descn'bes the principles of SNPTIRS. The s-polarized photon wilI have a change of phase of 180"f i e r reflection The electric fieid of the s-polarized photon at the electrode surface is close to zero. Thus there is no interaction between the s-po1anZed photons and the molecules at the electrode surface. For the p-polarized photon, however, the electric field at the eiectrode surface will be enhanced and paraIIel to the plane of incidence. There wiI1 be an interaction between the p-polarized photon and the dipole perpendicular to the electrode surface. The IR adsorption at the surface only occurs under this condition. There will be no adsorption when the dipole is parallel to the electrode surface even if a p-polacized beam is applied. Figure 2-6 summarizes the characteristic shapes of the SNIFTIR spectra For s-polarized beam, there will always be a positive peak if the molecules are IR active and are adsorbed at the electrude surface. For p-polarized beam, the shape of the spectra can be either positive or negative or bipolar depending on the intensity of the interactions between the molecules and the electrode, the orientation of the rno Iecules and the alignment of the dipo les at the electrode surface. The SNIFTIRS technique uses potential modulation and static linear beam po1ar:zation. However, in situ spectra can also be recorded with the photon polarization modulation techniques [44,58,70,77]. Here the dBerentia1 reflectance (ARIR) spectra are computed as the ratio of (IcIp)/(Is+Ip),where 1, and 1, are the intensities of reflected sand p-polarized radiation respectively. The sum ((I,tI,)) and dserence ((L-1,)) spectra are determineci by Fourier transformation of the interferogram signal before and after demodulation, respectively. With polarization modulation, it is possible to record an in situ h.f?iired spectnun. of an electrode at a single potential. However, because s- and p- pohrkd radiation do not sample quivalent regions of the thin solution layer between the working electrode and window, the dserential (demodulated) spectral signal contains a strong background nom the bulk solvent and electrolyte. In addition, the photoelastic rnodulator (PEM, which switches the polarization state of radiation at 74k Hz) has a wavelength dependence that adds a slowly varying sinusoida1 component to the differential reflectance spectra [7 2,781. Therefore, polarization modulation spectra recorded at two different electrode potentials are typically ratioed to eliminate the bulk features and correct the spectral baseline. A change in reffectance can result fiom a change in potential for a number of reasons. These include changes in the coverage of species adsorbed on the electrode, changes in the nature of bonding of adsorbed species, migration of ions into or out of the optical path and reactions that generate species in the t h layer or on the electrode surface- Al1 these changes may result in a change in band intensity and shape or the appearance of new bands. A band position may change due to changes in the fiequency of the oscillator as the strength of bonding to the surface is changed with electrode potential. Consequently, a bipolar shape in a SNIFTIR spectrum is observed. In addition, the reffectivity of the electrode material itself rnay change as a resuit of the potential- induced reconstruction/construction C79-8 11. The adsorbate can also induce nanoscale restructuring of the electrode d a c e in UHV and gas-phase environments [82-841, as well as in solution 185,861. The electrode restnicturing could occur even without altering the substrate unit ceK 2.2.6 Applications h f k e d spectroscopy is applied most ofien in electrochemistry to study reactions and adsorption at conventional polycrystallhe working electrodes. Its use in single crysîal efectrochemistry has becorne possible with the development of bench-top methods for c1eaning and ordering single crystal surfaces. Atomically well-defined electrodes have enabled the study of surface geornetric and electmnic uIfiuences on processes such as electrocatalytic reactions, electrodeposition, assembly of organic [87] and phospholipid 188,891 monolayers and structure dynamics of phospholipid bilayers [90-931. Generdy speaking, infirared spectroscopie techniques have been applied to elucidate the following issues in electrochernistry: Monitoring of the potential-dependent coverage of molecular/ionic species on the electrode [60,94] Determination of the surface CO-ordinationand geometry of adsorbed molecules/ions [48-53,943 Identification of the IR active intermediates and products produced f?om electrocatalytic reactions [61] Probing of the interactions arnong the molecules/ions and with the electrode (i.e. adsorbate-induced nanoscale restructuring) [62] In this thesis research, the SNIFTIRS technique has k e n used to explore the potential-induced adsorption/desorption and the orientation changes of benzoate, phenylalanine and DMPC at Au(ll1) electrodes. 2.3 Interfacial behaviour of proteins and amino acids at the soiidsolution interfaces The interest in the interfkcial bebaviour of proteins at solid surfaces originates fkom the need to better uoderstand the mechanisms of processes associated with their use in advanced technical applications and industrial problems. On one han& the use of immobilized enzymes in analyti d techniques, in biotechno logy and in chromtography, requires such knowledge [95]- Adsorption of proteins and enzymes on various kinds of substrates is widely used for the punfication, identification, fixation, and separation of these materiais [96]. On the other hand, it is desirable to minimize protein adsorption in food industries to avoid fouling problems [97,98]. Many papers have been published to investigate the fouling process [99-1011. In general, the driving forces for protein adsorption at the solid-liquid interface c m be divided into four categories [102]: (i) Protein-surface interactions. These interactions have various origins such as electrostatic attraction or repulsion between the protein and the interface andor Van der Waals attraction The most important contribution to the long range electrostatic interaction is the Coulomb interaction due to the net charge of the surface and the proteins. The net charge on the protein results from dissociation of various amino acids located mostly on the periphery of the molecule. Any nonhomogeneity in the charge distribution, the so-called "mosaic charge distribution," leads to a dipole moment and can also contribute to the electrostatic interaction which is further complicated by the incorporation of ions into the layer between the interface and the protein [Z 03- 1051. ci) Dehydration of interfoces on the outside of the protein and on the solid surfiace. Dehydration o f hydrophobic interfices promotes protein adsorption while the dehydration of hydrophilic interfaces opposes it. As protein mo lecules have large radü (2 to 4 nm) compared to that of a water molecule (0.14 nm), adsorption results in the release of a large number of water molecules. Therefore, this interaction is very important and often ovemdes the other driving forces. (Ui) Shtcturd changes in protein molecules upon adsorption. The densely folded structure of globular proteins in solution is rnainly attributed to the fact that hydrophobic interactions in the interior of the molecule (i-e. prevention of hydration of these residues) are stronger than the intrarnolecular electrostatic repulsion in the periphery of the molecule and the loss of entropy J upon folding. When the protein is brought into contact with a hydrophobic interface, the balance between these forces may change because the hydrophobic interior of the mo lecule can prevent hydration in an alternative way by positioning itself agauist the interface. This unfolding will be promoted by electrostatic repulçion between the charges on the adsorbed proteh Unfolding of the adsorbed protein wiI1 increase the surface area occupied per protein molecule. It will also reduce the electrostatic repulsion between like charges in the adsorbed protein, because these become more distant, and increase the entropy of the protein, The extent of unfolding of the protein also depends on the characteristics of the sorbent [106]. A hydrophobic surface promotes unfolding. Also, charges on the interface can compensate for those on the adsorbed protein, thereby changing the intramolecular electrostatic repulsion and altering the degree of unfolding. (iv) Surface coverage-dependent lateral interactions due to acczrrnulation of protein molecules at the inteface. The electrostatic repulsion between e q - y charged molecules and the resulting loss of entropy of the system oppose completion of monolayer coverage, Dipoledipole interaction between the proteins on the surfke can be either repulsive or attractive depending on the degree of aRïgnment of the molecules. The relative importance of the various drEving forces is dif5erent for various classes of proteins. Therefore, it is very hard to distïnguish the comrnon driving forces behind their adsorption and predict the behaviour of a particular protein at any solid-liquid interface. Roscoe and CO-workers have used electrochemical and spectroscopie techniques to determine the mo lecular conformations and orientations of adsorbed protein molecules. Their studies have k e n made on P-lactoglobulin [lO7,lO8], a-hctalbumin [109], K-casein [ I l O], ribonuclease [108], lysozyme [108], BSA [log, 1 111, insulin [1121, cytochrome c [113], myoglobin [Il31 and hemoglobin [113] at a platinum electrode. The surface charge density resulting fiom protein adsorption was foimd to be sensitive to the conformational behaviour of the proteins. The carboxylate groups were deterrnined to play a major role as the surface-active functional group of the proteins at anodic potentials. The adsorption process occurring on the metal electrode surface after addition of proteins could be described by equation 2.38 [IOq P + nM + P(M),,& + ne (2.3 8) where P represents the protein adsorption on the metd (M) surface with n representing the number of sites for carboxylate interaction with the metal d a c e , accompanied by the transfer of a total of n electrons. Amino acids are the basic units which build up the proteins. Studying the interfacial behaviour of amino acids will contribute significantly to the understanding of biological processes such as conformation changes and metahlism pathways of proteins. Unfortunately, the eady electrochemical studies did not focus on the biological implications. Their original intention was to examine the electrochemical properties of molecules carrying dBerent fùnctional groups Cl 14-1151. It was Gouy [Il61 who first noticed that the amino acids behaved differently fiom other organic molecules. He found that the interfacial tension of the mercury-0.5 M Na2S04 interface was lowered by glycine more at extreme potentials than near the maximum of the electrocapillary curve. In the early 1970s, Parson's group [114] studied the adsorption of glycine at the mercury- water interfàce in acidic, neutrd and basic solutions. In neutral solution, ther, was a minimum in the adsorption, as wodd be expected for a highly polar adsorbate (zwitterion). However, the high dipole moment of glycine was not apparent in the f o m of a potential shift at constant electrode charge. Hence, it was suggested that the molecule was adsorbed with the dipole essentially parallel to the electrode s d a c e . Glycinate (in basic solution) and glycinium (in acidic solution) ions behaved as typical anions and cations, respectively. Horanyi and CO workers [117,1183 used a radiotracer method to study the adsorption of arnino acids on platinun electrodes. It was found that in acidic solution there was no significant ciifference between the adsorption behaviour of glycine and acetic acid. This means that, in this case, the amino group has little effect. At low concentrations, only loosely adsorbed species c m be observed. However, strong chemisorption occurred in alkaline medium Alanine [Il51 ciiffers somewhat fiom glycine. Both loosely physisorbed and strongly chemisorbed species were present in acidic sofution while o d y strong chemisorption occurred in aïkaline solution. The radiotracer has also been used to examine the adsorption of phenylalanine and tyrosine on a bismuth electrode [119,120]. 330th amino acids fàiled to desorb at anodic potentiak in acidic solutions. This is probably due to the interaction of the additional n-electron of the adsorbed arornatic compounds with the electrode surface. The limiting surface concentration for both amino acids is about 2 x 10''~and 3 x 10'" mol CM < O at c r >~ O and respectively. There is a third fbnctional group, -S-CH3 in methionine. An attempt to anchor the zwitterionic methionine to the mercury electrode [12 11 did not lead to the insertion of a large density of these dipolar ions into the layer immediately adjacent to the metal surface. It is likely that the arnino acid group, whether in its ionic or zwitterionic form, is located on the solution side of the outer Helmholtz plane where the charges are, to a large extent, screened by supprting electrolyte in the diEuse layer. Therefore, it can be assumed that the interaction of the S-atom with a metal surface plays a predominant role in the adsorption process. The adsorption of methionine on platinum displays sirnilar phenornena [122]. Roscoe [123,124] has carried out mechanistic studies on the adsorptionfoxidation of amho acids at the platinum electrode. According to her experirnents, the followllig rnechanisms have been proposed for the adsorption of amino acids on a metal electrode (M). In basic solution, where the amino acid is anionic: In acidic solution, where the amino acid is cationic: Although the electrocatalytic properties of gold are not a s good as those of platinum, the oxidation of phenylalanine at the Au(l11) surface has been obsenred in the present work. The production of CO2 indicates that the oxidation process of phenylalanine follows the above mechanism. The detailed description of phenylalanine adsorption is presented in Chapter 6. 2.4 Interfacial electrochemistry of phospholipid bilayers 2.4.1 Introduction Owhg to the complexity of biological membranes, it has long been desirable to investigate artificially constituted membrane systems. The study of these simplified mode 1 systems provides insights for understanding sirnilar processes in real bio logical membranes. The reconstituted planar bilayer lipid membrane @LM) that separates two aqueous solutions was £irst reporîed in the 1960s [125]. BLM is also an acronym of Black Lipid Membrane. The ultra-thin Lipid films of bimo1ecuIa.r thickness appear "black" because the light reflected fiom the fkont interfàce undergoes a phase shifi of half a wavelength and interferes destmctively with the light reflected fiom the back interface, which experiences essentially no phase shifk 11261. During the last thirty years, the conventional BLM has k e n used for models of biological membranes. In particular, the BLM has been used to elucidate the rnolecular mechanisms of biomembrane fùnction such as ion sensing, material transport, excitability, gated channels, antigen-antibody binding, signal transduction and energy conversion [l27-l3 O]. In order to improve the mechanical stability and to produce the large area membrane, a self-assembled BLM on a soWgel substra.te was introduced in 1976 as an attempt to develop a -del system for use as a solar energy conversion device [13 1-1351. The supported BLM (s-BLM) was then formed on metallic wires [136], conducting SnOz glass [137], gel substrate 11381401 and on microchips [141]. The s-BLM has a long-term stability and a desirable rnechanic property. It opens a window for laboratory studies o f membrane properties and for practical applications in biosensors and rnolecular recognition devices. 2.4.2 Construction of the lipid bilayer on a solid substrate 1. Langmuir-Blodgetf technique The supported BLM can be formed by using a modified Langmuir-Blodgett @B) technique Cl421 pioneered by Takagi, Azurna and Kishinoto in 1965 [143] and later rnodified by others [144-1473. We modified the method fkther in our experirnent. Our setup is shown in Figure 2-7. In this apparatus, a glass cylinder across the G-S interface rnaintains a section of the G-S interface ftee kom the phospholipid monolayer, thus producing a Iipid-fkee wuidow. A few dmps of BLM-fonning solution (n-hexane or chloroform as lipid solvent) are introduced onto the surface of the aqueous solution outside of this glass cylinder. M e r evaporation of the solvent, the aqueous surface is coated with a lipid monolayer. A suitable substrate (gold or g l a s slide) is raised and lowered through the monolayer of the lipid spread at the G-S interface. Interactions between the substrate and the lipid molecules in the mono layer lead to the tramfer of the monolayer fiom the G-S interface to the surface of the solid substrate. If a movable barrier is employed to ccimpress the monolayer to maintain a constant surface pressure during tramfer, the substrate may be raised quite rapidly. If no barrier is ernployed, the procedure must be performed slowly (-1 mm min-') so that a complete mowlayer at the G-S interface may be maintained by addition of lipid to the interface fiom excess lipid in the form of aggregates [148]. In the first case, the transfer ratio could be used as a parameter representing the effectiveness of transfer. It is the ratio of the area of barrier movement required to compensate for the Ioss of molecules fkom the monolayer at constant film pressure to the geometric area of the solid substrate. This ratio is unity for a complete transfer, a The formation of a bitayer using the LI3 technique depends on how the substrate is moved through the G-S interface. In order to deposit the fist leafiet of the bilayer with the polar head of the lipid oriented towards the hydrophilic substrate, the substrate must be raised through the G-S interface (step (i) in Figure 2-7). In order to deposit the second leaflet of the bilayer, the mono Iayer-coated substrate must be lowered through the G-S interface (step (ii in Figure 2-7). This second step leaves the bilayer-coated substrate in the aqueous phase. RemoWig the s-BLM from the solution would necessitate a third pass through the monolayer at the G-S interface, where the integrïty of the bilayer could be compromised. Removing the sample through the Lipid-fiee window (step (üi) in Figure 27) overcomes this problem. Deposition by the LB technique allows a large degree of CyLinder window Figure 2-7 Apparatus designeci to deposit a bilayer of phospholipid on a planar substrate. control over the experimental conditions for the spreading and the orierntation of phospholipids in each leaflet. It may produce a heterogeneous bilayer. T h e major disadvantage of this technique is that it complicates the transfer of proteins to ahe bilayer since many membrane proteins do not tolerate transfer fiom a monolayer at the G-S interface [149f. The general advantages of LB techno logy are [1501: Formation of continuous coatings, in contrast to vacuum-deposited and spincoated films. Very precisely controlled thickness and very good unifonnity. Coating o f curved surfaces with equal uniformity. On suitable substrates, the films c m bridge pores up to the micrometer range. The general disadvantages are [150] : The coating involves the dipping of al1 objects hto an aqueous subphaseIn many cases the substrate bas to be modified to enhance its adhesion properties. The dipping speed is quite slow. It is very dficult to h d a smooth substrate in order to form a perfect monolayer without defects. 2. Horizontal touch The horizontal touch (KT), or Schaefer method [15 1,1521 is a variation mf the L-B technique. Here, the horizontaily oriented substrate is 10wered or raised vertkally . The solid substrate is brought into horizontal contact with the compressed monolayer at the G-S interface (Figure 2-8). Tt is then lifted fiom the surface and the monolayer 5s 1 substrate 1 1 substrate 1 1 substrate 1 1 substrate 1 Figure 2-8 Demonstration of the Horizontal Touch technique. (a) The substrate is Iowered to contact the monolayer at the gas-solution interface, (b) The substrate is lified horizontally, (c) The lipid is transferred to the substrate with non-polar tail attached to the substrate surface, (d) Double horizontal touch (not a biomembrane model), (e) Lipids t m e d over (possible?) to fom the bilayer on the substrate during the double horizontal touch. transferred in the sanie orientation as on the water s d c e , although a reorientation of the monolayer may occur [153]. Bizzotto et aL have successfully demonstrated that films of insoluble surfactants [154,155] and 4-peotadecylpfidhe [156] can be transferred to an electrified metal-solution interface using this technique. A tramfer ratio of unity is achieved at potentials around the potential of zero charge. The HT rnethod is very simple and can be the choice for autornated systems. It fonns a good monolayer on a solid substrate and is very usefil when the substrate needs to be chemically modified by a layer of amphiphiles. However, challenges arise if it is used to construct a lipid bilayer. The molecules in the first monolayer have to f i p over in order to form a leaflet of the LBM (polar head towards the substrate). Extra operations on the lipid molecules are required. Some of the Iipids may be desorbed from the substrate, thus producing more defects in the film. It is now known that the electric field could be the driving force to turn the phospholipid on the electrode d a c e . Nelson and coworkers [157-1591 studied the potential-induced reorientation of pho spholipid mono layers on a hanging mercury drop electrode. Based on the analysis of the capacibnce-potentid curves and cornputer simulations, they proposed a flipping mechanism for the adsorbed phospholipid mowlayer before the formation of bilayers. Chen and A b m a (1601 employed rapid scan cyclic voltarnmetry to investigate structural transitions of a phosphoiipid monolayer on a mercury surface. Their observations suggested a mechanism of O pposite flipping (Figure 2-9). Initially the system is in a high (metastable) energy state when the polar head of the phospholipid is in contact with the hydrophobic mercury surface. As the potential is scanned negatively, the etectrode surface is more negatively charged. The electrostatic repulsion between the electrode and hydrated polar head increases so that the molecules are repelled fiom the electrode surface. An active cluster forms near the electrode surface. However, since this intermediate structure alters the energetic state within the rnonolayer, it could initiate a cooperative process with neighboring molecules until ail of them were reoriented into the tails-dom structure. If the potential becomes more negative, a phase transition of lipids may occur and the formation of micelles is assumed [16 1,1621. However, some of the membrane proteins may not tolerate the harsh 1- Initial Çtate 11, Activated Clusters I W. Final State III, Flipping and Cooperativeness Figu re 2-9 Proposed mechanism for the structural reorientation of a phospho lipid monolayer on a mercury surface Tom heads-down to tails-down fashion. (Adapted fiom reference [1601.) conditions that are needed to turn over the lipids. The vesicle spreading technique is one possibility to solve the problem. 3. Vesiclef i o n Phospholipid bilayers can be deposited by both indirect and direct vesicle spreading. In the former, the biomimetic bilayer membrane is formed by spontaneously coating a covalently tethered hydrophobic layer [l63-165]. Here the thiol group of alkanethiol mo~eculesattaches to the metal surface by a covalent bonding to produce a hydrophobic surface. The covalent association with the surface is insensitive to changes in buffer, pH, ionic strength, or lipid composition. The phospholipid vesicles in aqueous media are then exposed to the alkanethiol-coated surface. The vesicles will rupture and the lipids will spontaneously assemble into a second layer over the akanethiol mono layer. The driving force for the self-assembly of phospholipid layer is the reduction of the fiee energy of the allcanethioVwater interface. The hybrid bilayer preserves the ciyoamic nature of the abnethiof rnonolayer and has good mechanicd stability- The plananty and stability of these bilayers facilitate the use of atomic force microscopy for surhce imaging. However, the real biomembrane should be mobile while the fluidity of the hybrid bilayer is poor and the insertion of tram-membrane proteins is dificuh. A supported LBM may also be constmcted by direct fusion of unilamellar phospholipid vesicles to an appropriate hydrophilic substrate [166]. This approach ailows for easy incorporation of proteins into the bilayer of the s-LBM via incorporation of proteins into the bilayer of the vesicles [167].In order for a s-LBM to form by vesicle fusion, four processes must occur: vesicle approach to the substrate; vesicle adsorption; vesicle rupture; and fusion of adjacent patches of bilayer on the substrate. Approach and adsorption of the vesicles will occur spontaneously if the substraîe is suitably hydrophilic. Rupture of the vesicles may also occur spontaneously for highly strained vesicles that have a diarneter at the lower linnit for vesicle stability [167]. Altematively, rupture may be induced by the addition of a monovalent salt (-1 00 mM), or a divalent salt (-1 rnM) to the solution, or by repeated heating and cooling of the adsorbed vesicles through the chah melting temperature [167]. Two extremes of the mechanism of lipid spreading on a substrate have k e n proposed [168]. These two extremes, spreading by sliding and spreading by rolling, are illustrated in Figure 2- 10. Lipid sliding will occur on substrates that are very hydrophilic and do not dehydrate the membrane. On these substrates, the planar bilayer is separated fiom the surface by a 1O - 20 A film of water [168,169]. In this instance, the s-BLM retains many properties of fiee membranes including laterai fluidity of both leaflets and fiee diffusion of molecules confined to the bilayer. The advancing edge of a sliding bilayer is thought to consist of a cylindrical hemimicellar type structure [168]. Spreading by rolling will dominate on surfaces that strongly dehydrate the membrane. It does not allow for lateral reorganization of the lipid on the substrate and results in many defects and patches of overlapping bilayer 11671. Spreading by sliding will result in a complete, continuous bilayer with "self-healing" properties. One disadvantage associateci with vesicle spreading is the cornplexity of the procedure. The homogeneous vesicles have to be made before the s-BLM is constructed. In addition, direct interactions may occur between protein incorporated into proteoliposomes and the hydrophilic surface [170]; the incorporated proteins often remain active, but they lack laterai rnobility in the s-LBM [17 11. One approach that has Figure 2-10 Mechanisrns of vesicle spreading on substrates. (a) Rolling. (b) Sliding. k e n shown to prevent the lateral immobilization of membrane proteins in s-LBM is tethering the proteins using glycan-phosphatidyl inositol 11721. Aiso, interaction between membrane proteins and the substrate may be prevented by constnicting the s-LBM via the fusion of vesicles to a monolayer deposited fiom a Langmuir-Blodgett film [171]. 4. Self-assembly [l36,173- 1771 A supported bilayer lipid membrane could also be formed by two consecutive self- assembling steps. First, the lipid molecules are placed in contact with a hydrophilic metal surface and monolayer of lipid molecules is irreversibly bound to its surface with the nonpolar tail towards the solution. Second, the adsorbed lipid monolayer is immersed in an aqueous solution and interacts with the hydrophobic chains of other lipid mo lecules. A bilayer wiil f o m spontaneously at the electrode-solution interface. The formation of both layers is randorn and more defects are expected. Self-assembly is no longer used for bilayer construction, 2.4.3 Electrochemical studies of the phospholipid bilayer and their applications Electrical measurements are the methods most used in characterizing the properties of the BLM. They provide simple means of monitoring changes and interactions between the BLM and its mudifiers. Both ac and dc methods have k e n used for the measurements of various electncal parameters, such as the membrane resistance, capacitance, potential, dielectric breakdown voltage, etc. [178-1841. Because of the very Iow conductivity of the unmodified BLM, great care is needed in the ùisulation of the membrane chamber, electrodes, and connections to avoid current leakage. It is generally advisable to enclose the whole set-up in a Faraday cage made of copper xreen, to avoid electrostatic interence. Table 2-1 shows sorne physical data of a BLM in cornparison with the natural membrane. The BLM has proven to be an excellent mode1 for biomembranes. The electrochemical investigations of iipid adsorption onto the metaI d a c e began thirty years ago Cl86,187. The dropping Hg electrode was initiaIly used as a substrate for adsorption of phospholipids. The surface concentration of lipids cl88] on the electrode was calculated fkom the radioactivity measurement of the radioactively labelec! lipid molecules. The results showed that the concentration of lipids on the electrode is very similar to that at the G-S interface around the pzc. Nelson et aL 1157-159, 189-1971 ako studied the interfacial behavior of lipids at a mercury electrode. They found that the lipids are oriented with their hydrophobic tail towards the electrode. A minimum of capacity Table 2-1 Comparison of some p hysical characteristics of bilayer lipid membranes @LM) with natural membranes Cl851 Property Natural Membranes BLM niickness (A) 60 -90 Electron microscopy X-ray difEaction --- Optical rnethds 40 - 80 Capacitance 40 -130 Potential difference (mV) O - 140 Resistance (ilcm2) 103- log Breakdown voItage (mV) 100 - 550 Capacitance (pF cm-2) 0.3 - 2.3 Refiactive index f .37 -1.66 Interfacial tension (ergs cm-') 0.2 - 6-0 Water permeability (lo4 cm sec-') 8 -50 c'Excitability" Observed Observed Ion selctivity and specificity Observed Obsewed Excitation by light Observed Observed was observed of 2 pF cm-2 at the pzc for DOPC [189]. This value is typical for most lipids Cl591 regardless of the po Iarity of the head group or the saturation and chain length of the tail. The effects of choIesterol [189], eIectroIyte composition, amho acids and chelating agents [191,192] on the permeability of the lipid membrane were abo studied. They assumed that the lipid could tum over with the polar head towards the electrode surface, followed by the formation of a lipid bilayer between the electrode and the electrolyte solution at very negative potentials [157- 1591. The electrochemical properties of the s-BLM are consistent with those of conventional BLMs [180, 18 11. An electrochemical mode1 [198] has been proposed to describe the properties of sBLM investigated with the help of impedance analysis. The impedance is deterrnined by contributions of (1) the Gouy-Chapman-Stem layer (GCS layer) at the membrane/electrolyte interface, CGCS,(2) the bilayer impedance (including defects), &, and (3) the electrolyte resistance, &, which is generally ohmic. It is important to note that ligand binding does not o d y change the membrane impedance but also affects the impedance of the GCS layer owing to the change in the surface charge of the membrane. However, the contribution of the GCS Iayer can often be neglected because its specific capacitance is a factor of 50-100 larger than the membrane capacitance. The effective membrane capacitance Cm is given by Cm = OC, + (1 - O ) h s (2.45) where Cm, accounts for the contriiution of the perfectly tight areas of the membrane covering 1008 percent of the surface area and Cd = ( ~ - B ) C G C ~accounts for the contribution of defects covering an area fiaction of 1-8. The fiequency dependence of the complex impedance (Z(o)) is defined as: Z(o)= Re(Z(o)) + Zrn(Z(o)) = (Z(o)lexp(i+) (2-46) Where 4 is the phase angle between the stimulating ac voltage and the response current. The fkequency dependence of log(IZ(o)l) and of $(a) and the simultaneous least square fits of both data sets to several network models is shown in Figure 2- 11. Figure 2- 11a shows a three-parameter network where Ri and Rz are the membrane resistance and electrolyte resistance respectively and Cr is the membrane capacity. There is a signifcant difference between the fitted line and the experimental data which accounted for by the fact that the capacitance of the real membrane is deterrnined by the area fiaction 0 of the defect-fiee membrane and by a small area fkaction 1-e covered with defects. The former is denoted by Cr in the model of Fig. 2- 11b and the latter by a series connection of Cz and RI. We see that the deflection of 4(o) in Fig 2-1 la at high fiequencies is significantly minimized in Figure 2-1 1b but that the fit for +(a) tends to 4 2 for o + O is in contrast to the observed data. This means that one has to introduce an additionai resistance (Figure 2-1 lc) which describes the effect of small ohmic currents in the area covered by defects because Z(o) obviously becomes ohmic for o + O. These currents indicate that some electrochemistry occurs at the defect sites. More recently, Gu et al. [199] developed a novel method for accurate rneasuements of the membrane capacitance and resistance by the cyclic voltaminetry technique. Their proposed equivalent circuit for the s-BLM is very similar to Figure 21lc giving good agreement between the simulation and the on-Iine measurement. From the viewpoint of membrane biophysics and physiology, biological membranes represent the basic structure of most sensors in nature. They act as the gatekeeper for ion and nutrient exchange, provide the site for a host of ligand-receptor interactions f 127, 1301 and conduct the signal and the information fiom one side to the other [200-2041. By definition, the biosensor is "a device that recognises an analyte in an appropriate sarnple and interprets its concentration as an electrical signal via a suitable combination of a bio logical recognition system and an electrochemical transducer." B iosensors can be 1 10 f 100 1000 [Hz1 Figure 2-11 Impedance analysis of a supported bilayer deposited by vesicle fusion [198]. Al1 dots are experirnental data. The Lines are the fitting results of their correspondhg RC models. ciassified as potentiometric, amperometric, optical or other physicochemica1 types. Potentiometric devices measure the potential between the testing electrode and the reference. Amperometric sensors rnonitor currents generated when electrons are exchanged between a biological system and an electrode. Optical biosensors correlate changes in concentration, mass or number to direct changes in the characteristics of light. Other physicochemical sensors detect biologicaI interactions through changes in enthalpy, ionic conductance and mas. The development of eiectrochemical biosensors has grown rapidly in the last twenty years [205-2081. However, the problerns associated with reliability and commercialisation of biosensors are still numerous, such as the longterm stability of enzymes, the biocompatibility for in vivo applications and the selectivity. Those problems could be overcome by embedding the biological transducers into a sBLM. Entrapping isolates the transducer fiom the harsh condition in the solution, and greatly improves the stability of the biocomponent such as an enzyme. Further, the presence of the lipid bilayer reduces the interference and effectively excludes hydrophilic electroactive species fi0m reaching the detecting surface, such as the metal electrode, which may cause undesired reactions. A p a t e r selectivity, precision and accuracy of the assay could be achieved [137,205-2081. In the potentiometric biosensor, a potential across the BLM is ïneasured under conditions where no charges are flowing. In the amperometric measurements, a current is measured when a voltage is impressed across the BLM [205,209-2121. A variation of the above is conductometric BLM-based devices in which the conductivity of the BLM is determined. The electrical parameters (such as resistance and peak current) cari also be detemiuied by the cyclic voltarnmetry technique [199]. Besides the development of biosensors, the s-BLM has also found other practical 4 applications. These are outside of the scope of this thesis but interested readers rnay follow the topics bebw. a Long lasting mode1 of biomembrane 12131 a Bipolar redox electrodes [2 141 a Ion selective membrane sensors [Ml ,2151 a Electrochemical biosensors for imrnunology [2 16-2181 a Molecular sensors for bioassay [139,207] a Electron transfer [21 1,2191 2.4.4 Phospholipid aggregates and phase transitions 12201 A BLM is heterogeneous fiom the point of view of its interaction with two different contacting phases. The interfacial properties of membranes can be understood to a large extent in terms of the laws of chernistry and physics of the interface. The major force that governs the self-assembly of amphiphiles into well-defined structures (Figure 2-12) such as micelles, bilayers, etc. is the hydrophobic interaction between the hydrocarbon tails and the hydrophilic nature of the head groups. The hydrophobic interaction induces the molecules to associate. The head groups impose the opposite requirement that they remain in contact with water. These two interactions compte creating two opposing forces [221]: the one tending to decrease and the other tending to increase the interfacial area a per molecule (the head-group area) exposed to the aqueous phase. The attractive interaction arises mainly fkom the attractive hydrophobic or interfacial tension forces acting at the essentially fluid hydrocarbon-water interface [222,223]. It rnay be represented by a positive interfacial fiee energy, characteristic o f interfaces with y = 50 erg cm-2,though there are indications that this value may be much srndler and closer to Figure 2-12 DifEerent structures of amphiphile aggregates in solution D20]. Those stmctures can transform fiom one to the other by changing the solution conditions. 20 erg cm2 12241. Thus the interfacial hydrophobic fkee-energy contribution to poN (interfacial fiee energy per molecule in an aggregate) may be written as yu.The repulsive contributions are too complex and diffcult to fornulate explicitly. niese uiclude the electrostatic repulsion between charged head groups, hydration forces and steric head group and chah interactions [225]. However, one c m borrow the ideas of the twodimensional Van der Waals equation of state for monolayers [226]. (n + a / d ) ( o- b) = KT where R is the füm pressure, cr is the area occupied per molecule at the interface, K is the Bolt~nannconstant, T is the absolute temperature, a and 6 are the two-dimensional analogues of the van der Waals constants. The first tenn in any energy expansion is expected to be inversely proportional to the area a.Therefore, poNmay be written, to e s t order, as poN= y a + W a (2.48) where K is a constant. It is assumed that both these forces act in the same plane. The minimum fiee energy is, therefore, given when apoN/ûa= O, Le. pO~(min) = 2ya0 (2.49) where a,= dWy, a, will be referred to as the optimal surface area per molecule defined at the hydrocarbon-water interface. The interfacial energy per molecule may now l x expressed in the more convenient form ON = 2yao + y ( a - ~ , ) ~ / a (2.50) in which the unknown constant K bas been eliminated, so that koNas a function of a is now in terms of the two known or measurable parameters y and a*.We see, therefore, how the concept of opposing forces leads to the concept of an optimal area per head group at which the total interaction energy per lipid molecule is a minimum. The above three equations, while crude, nevertheless contain the essential features of inter-lipid interactions in micelles, bilayers and membranes. They imply that the interaction energy between lipids has a minimum at a certain head-group area a,,about which the energy varies parabolically, i.e. ehsticaLly. Indeed, the area compressibility modulus k may be readily obtained fkom equation 2.49 since, by defrnition, Elastic energy = kT(a*', IL which immediately gives a value of k = 2y = 100 erg cm2 per monolayer, while for bilayers k = 47 c 200 erg cm2, in agreement wÏth measured values on lipid bilayers and - biological ce11 membranes where k is usually in the range 100 200 erg cm-2. HaWig established the equations that adequately describe the interaction between lipids within aggregates, we have yet to establish into which type of structure different lipids will assemble. Geometric considerations must now be appiied to determine the most favoured lipid structure, i.e. the shapes and s b e s of rnacromolecules formed by these aggregates. The geornetric or packing properties or lipids depend on their area a,, the volume v of their hydrocarbon chain, which wvill be assumed to be fluid and interfaciaL (hydrophobie) attraction Figure 2-13 Graphic representation for the physical parameters of an amphiphile 12201. incompressible, and the maximum length that the chains can assume. We shall cal1 this the maxMum or critical ch& length I, (see Figure 2-13). The critical length is a semiempirical parameter, since it represents a somewhat vague cut-off distance beyond which hydrocarbon chains can no longer be considered as fluid. However, as may be expected, it is of the same order of magnititiïde, though somewhat less than, the fülly extended length of the c h a h [221,2271. According to Tanford [2211, for a phospholipid composed of n carbon atoms, v = (27.4 +- 26.9n) A3 2, < lm, = (1-5 + 1.265n) A (2.52) (2.53) It has been shown previously 12271 that, for iipids of optimal area a, hydrocarbon volume v and criticaI chah Iength Zc, the value of the dimensionless packing parameter da& will determine whether they will fonn spherical micelles (da& < 1/3), nonspherical micelles (1/3 < da& < %), or bilayers (1/2< da& cl). Splierical For lipids to assemble into spherical miceiles their optimal surface area a, must be sufficiently large and their hydrocarbon volume v nifficiently s d such that the radius of the miceHe will not exceed the critical chain length Z,. From simple geometry the micellar radius R will be given by R=3v/uo~Zc i-e. da& < 1/3, and the aggregation number will be M = 4 7 r ~ ~v/ 3= 47r a. (2.55) Cyiindrical micelles: Most Lipids that form spherical micelles have charged head groups, since this leads to large head-group area G,Addition of sa1t partially screens the electrostatic head-group repulsion and thereby reduces ao.Those lipids which possess smaller head-group areas such that 1/3 c vhJCc '/2 c a ~ opack t into spherical micelles, but cm f o m cylindrical (rodlike) structures. Thus single-chained lipids possessing charged head groups in hÏgh salt or those possessing uncharged (nonionic or Zvcritterionic) head groups fa11 into this category (e.g. SDS in high sa!t). The aggregation nurnber of rodlike aggregates is very sensitive to the total lipid concentration C. According to the equation <Ni= ~C/CMC their mean aggregation number should increase proportionally with (2-56) above CMC, which is indeed found to be the case experirnentally [228].Their sensitivity to the ionic strength arises fiom its effect on decrûashg a,. As might be expected, the mean aggregation number should hcrease dramatically wit h increased ionic strength. For example the aggregation number of SDS micelles in 0.6 M NaCl is -1000 compared to - 60 in water 12291. Bihyem: Lipids that form bilayers are those which cannot pack into small micellar structures due to their small head-group area a, or - as is more cornmon- because their hydrocarbon chains are too bulky to fÏt into such small aggregates while mahtaining the surface area at Ïts optimal value. For bilayer-forming lipids the value of da& must lie between '/z and 1, and this requires that for the same head-group area a,and chain length I, and their hydrocarbon volume v must be about twice that of micelle-forming lipids (for which da& is normally in the range 1/3 to %). Therefore, lipids with two chains are likely to form bilayers, and indeed most of them do. Vesicies: Under certain conditions it becomes more favourable for closed spherical bilayers (vesicles) to form, rather than infinite, planar bilayers. This arises since in a closed bilayer the energeticaily unfavourable edges are eliminated at a nnite, rather than infinite, aggregation number, which is entropically favoured. Thus, so long as the curved bilayer lipids can maintain their areas at their optimal value, vesicles should be the preferred structures. It is a simple matter to show [22TJthat for % < da& CI the srnallest vesicle that may be formed without forcing the head group area a in the outer monolayer to exceed a, is given by Rc = Zj(1- da&) And their aggregation number is N = 4 x [ +~(~~ - t ) ~ ] / a , (2.58) t king the bilayer hydrocarbon thickness given by t E- 2 da,.We may note that if da& > 1 (i.e. a, < 42 A2 for double-chained amphiphiles) such lipids cannot even pack into bilayers since their head-group area is too small: instead, they form inverted micellar structures or precipitate out of solution (e.g. cholesterol). Factors af5ecting changes from one structure to another cm be summarized as: (1) Lipids with smaller head-group areas @igh du&) should form large vesicles, less curved bilayers, or inverted micellar phases. For anionic lipids this can be brought about by increasing the salt concentration, particularly &+,or lowering the pH. This also has the effect of condensing the chais. (2) Increased unsaturation, paaicularly of cis double bonds, reduces Ic and thus increases da&. This leads to larger vesicles and, in general, to more inverted structures. (3) Increasing the temperature increases the hydrocarbon chah motion, involving trans- gauche isomerization, and thereby reduces their limiting length 2,. This again leads to an increased da&. Figure 2-14 Photographs (magnif~cation10x) of an n-hexadecane droplet (-70pL), deposited at mercury pooVelectrolyte interface at 4 0 0 mV, take at constant potentids of (a) -550, @) -1300, (c) -1400, and (d) -1450 mV. (Adapted fiom reference [230].) Recently, Ivokvic and Zutic [230] studied the potential dependence on the wettability of hexadecane. The microscope images show that the nonpolar hexadecane droplet forms a planar-convex lem (Figure 2-14a) on the surface of pooled mercury at 550 m V (Ag/AgCl, potential of zero charge). 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The surface of a new electrode was fürther r e h e d by electropolishing in 1 M HC104 using an anodic polarization at a constant current of 0.1 A cm2for about 4 minutes followed by dissolution of the thin layer of gold oxide in 10% HCl solution [4-61. The electropol i s h g was repeated several times unt il a characteristic cyclic voltammograrn was obtained. The working electrode for SNTFTIRS was a diskshaped Au(ll1) crystal of diameter - 1 cm The counter electrode in the electrochemical cell was a gold c d , and a platinum foil for the SNIFTIRS experiments. The reference electrode was a saturaîed calomel electrode @CE, Fisher Scientific). The reference electrode for the electrochemical ce11 was housed externally in a 250 mL beaker which wntained the saturated KCI (99%, Aldrich Chemïcais Company) solution and was connected to the electrolyte in the electrochemical cell through a salt bridge. One end of this bridge fomed a Luggin capillary. It was inserted into the electrochemical ce11 close to the working electrode. The other end of this bridge was a capillary tube which was dipped into the saturated KCl solution in the beaker. A three-way stopcock was welded in the middle of this bridge. The comection was achieved by sucking both KCI and electrolyte solutions out via one way of the stopcock. This conf~gurationprevented the 4 KCI solution fiom flowing fiom the beaker into the cell, and thereby avoided the contamination of the electrolyte solution, while ensuring the electrkal contact between the beaker and the cell. The solution in the ce11 was bubbled for 30-40 minutes with argon (BOC GAC) to elïminate oxygen Argon was also passed over the top of the solution through another port during the experïments. An additional port on the side of the cell was used to add the organic reagents. The ce11 was placed inside a Faraday cage to elirninate eIectricd and magnetic interference. The g l a s ce11 and its accessories were cleaned in hot acid (1 : 3, Nitric acid:Sulfuric acid) for 30 minutes and washed thoroughly with pure water (R > 18 ml2 cm). The working electrode was flame-annealed and quenched with pure water to ensure the cleanness o f the sufice. 3.2 Chernicals and solutions Benzoate Phenylalanine Figure 3-1 Chemical structures of the adsorbate moIecules. DMPC Al1 solutions were prepared with water purified by a M X - Q water system (R > 18 r d 2 cm). The KC104 (ACS Certified fiom Fisher) was purified by calcinating at 300 OC and recrystalized twice fÏom Milli-Q water. Potassium Benzoate (Aldrich Chernicals Co,, 99%), Sodium Floride (Merck, Suprapur), Phenylacetic acid (Sigma, > 99%), Lphenylalanine (Sigma, > 99%) and 1,2-dimyristyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine(DMPC) (Avanti Polar Lipids, Birmingham, AL) were used without fiirther purification. The DMPC phospholipid was dissolved in chloroform (15 mg ml-')and stored in a freezer. The supporthg electrolyte for benzoate and phenylalanine was 0.1 M KC104 solution. The suppoahg electrolyte for DMPC studies was 0.05 M NaF. 3.3 Experimentd set-ups 3.3.1 Electrochemical setup The working electrode (WE) was placed in the ceii and positioned in the hanging meniscus configuration [7], The height of the meniscus was on the order of 2 mm. The cell was connected to the potentiostat (PAR, model 173, USA) and the WE potential and current in the form of analog voltages were acquired by a PC based data acquisition board (RC Electronics ISC- 16). The current flowing through the WE when a trianglular voltage sweep was applied to the electrode resulted in a cyclic voltammûgram. To perform ac voltamrnetry, a sinusoidal potential generated by a fùnction generator was fed to the external input of the potentiostat and was superimposed on the voltage rarnp generated by the po tentiostat. The curent flowing through the WE was phase-analysed with respect to the reference ac signal incorning fiom the tùnction generator, by the lock-in amplifier (LIA) (PAR model 129A). The output of the Iock-in amplifier consisted of voltage signals proportional to the real and quadrature components of the WE current. These signals were acquired and digitized by the RC bard and stored in the computer. To perform chronocouiometry, the WE potential was pre-set to the base value by the potentiostat, and then stepped to the variable potential. The cornputer controlled the duration and the amplitude of the potential steps. The step was generated by the DAC output of the RC board and then attenuated by the SA and fed to the externa1 input of the potentiostat. The output signal f?om the potentiostat was proportional to the WE current. The current was acquired and digitized by the data acquisition board and processed by home-made software. 3.3.2 Setup for SNIFTIRS A FTiR spectrometer is mainly composed of two systems; an optical bench and a computer. The optical bench system includes the source, interferometer, detector and a set of mirrors. It produces the spectroscopie signal in the form of an interferogram that contains information about al1 frequencies present in the spectrum The computer reads the interferogram and uses a Fourier transform to convert the interferogram to the Eequency domain spectrum. Figure 3-2 shows schematics of the instrumentation for a SNIFTLRS experirnent. The electrically heated source produces IR radiation. The beam exits the interferometer and passes through a polarizer. The s- or p-polarized beam is deflected by Ml and M2 to reach the electrode surfàce, The beam interacts with the molecules in the thin layer between the IR window and the electrode where it is absorbed by the sample. The reflected beam fiom the electrode surface is directed to the detector by M3 and M4. The mercury cadmium teliuride (MCT) detector produces an electricai signal proportional to the power of the incident radiation. The sample in the thin Iayer between the IR window and the eiectrode absorbs some of the radiation, changing the profile of the interferogram The interferogrms for both the background and the sample are stored in the computer, and are used to calculate the transmission or potential difference spectra. The computer also controls the potential on the potentiostat. The detailed diagram of the electrochemical cell used for SNIFTIRS is shown in Figure 3-3. SNIFTIRS was carried out using a Nicolet 20X/C FTIR apparatus equipped with a MCT-B detector cooled by liquid nitrogen. The sample cornpartment of the apparatus was purged throughout the experiment using COz and H20 f?ee air provided by the Puregas Heatless Dryer. The electrode potential was controlled by a PAR 173 potentiostat. The SNLFTIR spectra were acquired using a multiple potential step (MPS) procedure. In the MPS the electrode potential was stepped periodically between the reference potential El and the sarnple potential E2.During each step, n interferograms (usually 100) were acquired at the potential El and E2. The acquisition was delayed for 30 seconds afier each potential change to d o w the interface to reach a thermodynarnic equilibrium at the new potential. The change o f the electrode ptential was synchronized with the acquisition of the interferograms by connecting the extemal trigger port of the PAR 173 potentiostat to the communication port of the DX 486 computer. This procedure repeated m times ( u d y 20) so that N = n x rn = 2000 interferograms were acquired at each of the two potentids in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The interferograms were added, Fourier transformed and used to calculate a relative change of the electrode reflectivity which is defined by equation 2.37. The shape of the final spectra could be mono-pofar or bipoiar depending on the different modes of interactions among the eiectrode, the beam and the adsorbed molecules (see Figure 2-6). The spectra here Working Electrode Reference Electrode - Counter Electrode Thin layer of Electrolyte Window Figure 3-3 The electrochemical ce11 for SNIFTIRS with CaFz prism configuration. (Adapted fiom ref [SI.) were rewrded at a resolution of 4 cm-'. Both a CaFt prism and a ZnSe hemispherical window were used in this thesis- For the former, the IR incident beam was normal to the prism, but at an angle about 70' to the normal of the electrode s d a c e after it passed through the thin layer (cl 0 p)between the window and the electrode surface. For the latter, the IR beam was adjusted to an incident angle of 33' at the hemispherical surface, but at an angle of about 80' to the normal of the electrode surface. The use of the ZnSe window ailowed a lower cut-off frequency of 1000 cm-' for the SNIFTIRS studies of DMPC at the gold electrode. The hemispherical shape also collimated the incident beam. Thus the throughput was irnproved- Although the hernispherical window usually shows better sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio, it is not suitable for the s-polarized photons because, at the angle of incidence for p-pdarized photons, only about 30% of s-polarized photons enter the thin layer. For this reason only p-polarized spectra were collected for DMPC molecules at the electrode surface. However, the p-polarized spectra provided enough surface information for our current interest. 3.4 Deposition of the DMPC monolayer and bilayer 3.4.1 Preparation of SUVs and detemination of vesicle size S W s (small unilamellar vesicles) were prepared roughly according to the Barenholz procedure [9].Briefly, 1 mL of a IS mg stock solution of DMPC in chloroform was evaporated under a strearn of nitrogen ont0 the walls of a test tube. The dried phospholipid was desiccated under vacuum for 1 - 2 hours to remove any trace of solvent. 2.00 mL of 0.150 M KC1 or 0.05 M NaF solution was added to the tube and the phospholipid was suspended by gentle swirling. The suspension was sonicated to clarity in a bath sonicator at 30°C. The solution was ailowed to warm up durhg sonication and solution temperature was maintained at 30°C after sonication. Determination of the distniution of vesicles sizes was perfonned by dynamic light scattering (DLS) as per Hallett et al- [10,11]. Light fkom a helium-neon laser (Model 125, Spectra Physics, Mountainview, CA) was focused into a scatterhg chamber. The scattered light was collimated by two pinholes and detected by a photomultiplier (Model 9863, EMI Electronics Ltd., Hayes, England), a quantum photometer (Model 1140, Princeton Applied Research, Princeton, NJ), and analyzed with a correlator (LangleyFord Instruments, Amherst, MA) us h g in-house fitting sohvare. These rneasurements were performed at room temperature (below the TM for DMPC). 3.4.2 Preparation of DMPC monolayers and detemination of the film pressure DMPC is an amphiphiIic molecule. It forms a monolayer at the gas-water intefice by self-assembly. The polar heads of phospholipids are anchored to the surface of the water solution and the non-polar taiis extended into the gas phase. 1 @ of 15 mg d-' DMPC stock solution (in chloroform) was injected ontc the surface of aqueous 0.05 M NaF solution (T = 30 OC) in an electrochemical celi whose inside diameter was about 4 c m Argon was gently flowing over the water sufiace for about 30 minutes to ensure that the chioroform was evapotatec! completely. The film pressure of DMPC at the gas-water interface was measured with a Wilhelmy plate attached to a LB microbalance. The microbalance was controlled by software developed for the Langmuir trough (TSV, LB5000). The output fiom the cornputer was a set of film pressure data as a function of tirne. The cleanness of the solution and glassware is critical for these measurements. I The monolayer of DMPC ai: the metal-solution interface was deposited using the single horizontal touch technique [12-141 described in section 2.4.2. The monolayer at the metal-solution interface is characterized by recording CV, differential capacity and charge density curves. The charge densities on the DMPC monolayer covered electrode are detennined using the chronocouIometry technique (see section 3.5.3 for more details). The film pressures were calculated Born the charge density data using equation 2.13 and the procedure described in section 2.1.3. If the maximum value of the film pressure at the metal-solution interface is very close to the pressure of DMPC monolayer at the gassolution interf~ce,the transfer of DMPC is considered as successfiil3.4.3 Deposition of DMPC bilayers Three different methods have been used in this thesis to deposit the DMPC bilayers, (0 double horizontal touch, (ii) combined LB and horizontal touch and (iü) vesicle h i o n . A comprehensive description of these procedures has been given in section 2.4.2. This section is only described the experimental procedures. Double horizontal fouch -A DMPC monolayer was prepared as described in section 3.4.2. A Au(ll1) electrode was lowered to contact the solution covered by a monolayer of DMPC and then lifted up to the argon environment. The electrode was then horizontaily touched again to the film covered gas-solution interface- Unfortunately it is not possible to deposit a bilayer of DMPC ont0 the Au(i 11) electrode swface using this method. LB deposition - The electrode was bent so that the Au(ll1) surface was at a 30' 'angle to the normal of the solution surface. The bent electrode was immersed into the 0.05 M NaF solution (figure 3-4a). Its potential was set at 200 mV (SCE) by a potentiostat. A compressed DMPC monolayer was formed at the gas-solution interface as described in section 3A.2. n i e electrode was pulled out of the water surface by a Dipper on the microbalance at a vertical speed of 0.2 mm min-'. A monolayer was then transferred ont0 the electrode surface with the polar heads attached to the s d a c e (figure 3-4b). The electrode was straighted out and Iowered to touch the film covered water (a) Figure 3-4 A schematic procedure (a-b-x) 0) (4 to make DMPC bilayers by a combination of LB deposition and horizontal touch techniques. sudàce again. A DMPC bilayer with a tail-to-tail orientation of the phospholipid molecules is deposited at the metal-solution interface using this approach (figure 3-4c). The apparatus in figure 2-7 was used to coat the g l a s slides. To accomplish the deposition, the siides were raised and lowered through the gas-solution interface using the Dipper above. 4 Vesicle fuson - The DMPC vesicles were allowed to spontaneously spread on the substrate surface either by the immersion of the substrates into the SW solution (1 mg DMPC/mL, rnaintained at 30 OC) for approximately 1 h or by addition of vesicle solution (200 ILL)of 15 mg/mL DMPC to the electrolyte solution (-30 mL) in the electrochemical ce11 (also maintained at 30 OC). To mat a glass slide in situ in the Atomic Force Microscopy (MM) liquid ce11 the cell was first filled with water. Next, the ce11 was filled with 1 mg m ~ SUV " solution in 0.15 M KCL md allowed to be present in the cell for 30 minutes. Finally, the cell was flushed gently with 90 mL of 0.15 M KC1 solution to remove the vesicles. 3.5 EIectrochemical methods 3.5.1 Cyclic voltammetry Cyclic voltaxnmetry has b e n used for the following four purposes. i ) Cyclic voltammograms of the pure suppoaing electrolyte were used to d e t e d e the potential range in which the electrode is ideally polarizable. The range for Au(1ll) in 0.1 M KC1O4 and 0.05 M NaF was -800 - 600 mV (SCE) and -800 - 550 mV (SCE) respectively. ii) The oxide formation peaks of single crystal electrodes are characteristic of the crystallographic orientation, therefore the cyclic vo ltammogam could be used as a fmgerprint to ver@ the quality of the electrode surface investigated. üi) The shape of the cyclic voltammogram gives information on the presence of oxygen, hydrogen and other irnpurities in the buk solution. The cyclic voltammogram displays 'Yilts" character when a significant amount of oxygen is present in the solution A proton reduction peak below -700 mV (SCE) appears on CV in acidic solution and unusal features indicate the presence of impurities. iv) The cyclic voltammogram recorded in the solution containing organic molecules is used to obtain qualitative information about the adsorption of organic molecules. It helps to choose the sarnpling potentiak in chronocuulometry and SNIFTIRS. In the cyclic voltammetry studies, a PAR (Princeton Applied Research) Model 173 potentiostat (with a built in PAR Model 176 I/E converter) comected to a home-made programmable voltage generator was used. The current was digitized and stored in a personal cornputer (IBM PC microcornputer with a Computerscope ISC-16 multichannel board). All the CV curves shown in this thesis were recorded at a sweep rate of 20 mV s" . 3.5.2 Differen tial Capacity The double layer at the metal-solution interface can be viewed a s a capacitor. A 5 mV (root mean square) and 25 Hz ac signal fi-om the fiinction generator was superimposed on a potenta ramp (5 mV/s) fiom the potentiostat. The resulting ac current was analyzed by a lock-in amplifier into the reai and imaginary components which were fed to the mmputer and used to calculate the differential capacity according to the foHowing equation: where C is the capacitance, V,, is the potential of the ac signal, i,is the rea1 component of the ac current and ,i is the irnaguiary component of the ac current. The reai component of the ac current (i,)is in-phase with the Va,signal, and the irnaginq component of the ac current (i,)is 90" out-of-phase with the Va,signaI. The differential capacities measured in the absence of the organic adsorbate were used to deterrnine the potential of zero charge (pzc). The pzc was determined fiom the # position of the diffuse layer minimum on the dserential capacity curves for the pure electrolyte solution The measurements should be repeated in two different concentrations of the supporting electrolyte. The pzc of the Au(ll1) electrode in this thesis is 290 mV (SCE). The dfierential capacity curves were also used to identiQ the total desorption and the omet of adsorption of the organic motecules. 3.5.3 Chronocoulometry Chronocoulometry was used to measure the difference between the charge densities on the metal side of the interface AG^) at a potential Ei, where the organic mo lecules are adsorbed, and at a potential Er,where total desorption of organic mo lecules takes place. In chronocoulometric experiments, the potential of the electrode was held at Ei for a period of time long enough for the equilibrium between the interface uld the buk of the solution to be established (usually 1 to 5 minutes depending on the concentration). Solutions with adsorbate concentration lower than 104 M were stirred. The s t i r ~ gwas interrupted 60 sewnds before the data were acquired. The potential was then stepped to Er and the current due to double layer charging was measured and stored in the microcornputer using the ISC-16 board. The above process was repeated after another equilibrium has k e n reached at Ef.The potential Ei varied with 25 mV hcrements each tirne to cover the whole double layer region, and thus a family of current transients was deterrnined (Figure 3-Sa). The current transients were digitally integrated to give the charge transients (Figure 3-5b). The chronocou10metric curves display a fast rlsing section followed by a plateau. The charge in the plateau region fiequently displays weak tirne-dependence due to the presence of instrumental offsets a d o r parasitic faradaic currents (reduction of traces of oxygen or evolution of hydrogen). This dependence usually has a Iinear character and the contribution Eom the offsets and/or parasitic currents can be eliminated easily by extrapolation to t = O. The intercepts give the required values for the charge difference. In order to perform the thermodynamic analysis the above measurements have to be repeated in solutions with different bulk concentration of organic n o lecules (usually fi0rn 1O" to 1o5 M) . (a> (b) Figure 3-5 (a)A family of current transient curves measured by chronocoulometry. @) A family of charge density curves calculated fÎom (a). The absolute charge density can be calculated fiorn the measured value of relative charge density, A o M with the help of the p z determined independently f?om the position of the diffuse layer minimum in the dserential capacity curve for a dilute solution of the pure .J supporting electrolyte. Once the pu:is known for a solution in the absence of organic solute, the absolute charge density at potential E is calculated fiorn the relative charge density a? the p z according to the following equation: It is known that at Efno adsorption of organic solute takes place. It is reasonable to assume that the absolute charge density at & is the sarne for a solution in the presence and in the absence of organic molecules. Therefore, the absolute charge densitiies at any Ei for both solutions in the absence and presence of organic molecules can be calculated fiom AsM(Ei) and A c T ~ ( ~ z cusing ) the following equation: o ~ ( E i=) A g ~ ( E i ) A- CTM@C) (3.3) The absolute charge density has been used to do the therrnodynamic analysis described in section 2.1. References 1. R Parsons, Proc-R.Soc. London Ser. A, 261 (1961) 79. 2. B.B. Damaskin, O.A. PeLrü and V.V. Batrakov, Adsorption of Organic Compounds on Electrodes, Plenum Press, New York, 1971, p70. 3. J. Torrent and F. Sanz, J.Electroanal.Chem. 286 (1990) 207. 4. J. Torrent and F. Sanz, J.Electroanal.Chem 359 (1993) 273. 5.R. Payne, J.Electroanal.Chem. 41 (1973) 277. 6. B.B. Damaskio, A.. Fnimkin and A. Chizhov, J. Electroanal. Chem. 28 (1970) 93. 7. D. Dickertmann, J.W. Schultz and F.D. Koppitz, Electrochim. Acta, 21 (1976) 967. 8. B. Beden, C. Lamy, Spectroelectrochemistry: Theory and Practice (R-J. Gale Ed), Plenum Press, New York, Vol. 22, 1988. 9. Y. Barenholz, D. Gibbes, B.J. Litman, J. Goll, T.E. Thompson and F.D. Carlson. Biochemistry, 16 (1977) 2806, 10. F.R Hallett, T. Craig, and B. Nickel. Can. J. Spectrosc. 34 (1 989) 63. 11. F-R Hallett, I. Watton, and P Krygsman, Biophys. J. 59 (1991) 357. 12. D. Bizzotto, J. Noel, J. Lipkowski, Thin Solid Films, 248 (1993) 69. 13. D. Bizzotto, J. Noel J. Lipkowski, J. Electroanal. Chem. 369 (1994) 259. 14. D. Bizzotto, A. McAlees, J. Lipkowski, and R McCrindle, Langmuir, 11 (1995) 3243. Chapter 4 Electrochemical Studies of Benzoate Adsorption on the Au(ll1) Electrode 4.1. Introduction This work is a part of systematic study of the adsorption of anions [l-71and neutral organic molecules [8] at the gold-solution interface. Benzoate is an organic anion and its interfacial behaviour should display the characteristics typical of both an anion and an organic molecule. Benzoate is reported to be an anti-corrosion agent [9,1 O], and hence information conceniùig its surface CO-ordinationmay fmd practical applications. There are a number of papers devoted to benzoate adsorption at electrode surfàces. Shilotkach and Gil'rnanshina [ I l ] studied the adsorption of benzo ic acid and benzoate on the bismuth electrode by radiotracer and dserential capacitance measurements. Benzoic acid adsorption at poIycrystailine gold was described by Zelenay et al.[12]with the help of a radiochernical technique. The behaviour of benzoic acid at gold electrodes was also investigated by conductivity measurements [13], surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Cl41 and potentiai difference IR spectroscopy 1151. There are a few papers devoted to benmate and benzoic acid adsorption at polycrystaiiine Pt electrodes 115-181. In addition benzoate adsorption on Cu(ll0) has been studied in vacuum employing IR spectroscopy [l9,2O]. The objective of these studies is to describe the coordination of the benzoate ion to the Au(1 Il) electrode surface by a combination of eIectrochemica1 and IR spectroscopie techniques. The structure of the benzoate is relatively simple. However, it contains both hydrophobie ( b e n n e ring) and hydrophilic (carboxylate) groups which ore characteristic for phospholipids and some of the important amino acids. Studying the adsorption of benzoate will surely provide informative insights to understand the interfacial behaviour of complicated bio logical molecules such as phenylalanine (see Chapter 6). In this chapter we will describe thermodynamics of benzoate adsorption at the gold single crystal electrode ushg cyclic vo ltammetry, dinerential capacity and chronocouiometric measurements. The results of spectroscopie experiments are presented in the next chapter (Chapter 5). To facilitate a cornparison of the present results with the data for adsorption of inorganic anions acquired earlier, the structure of this chapter and the method of data presentation foUows previous publications [1-71 in our lab. 4.2. Experimental The experimental methods and procedures have k e n described elsewhere [22,23] and also in Chapter 3 of this thesis. 43. Results and Discussion 4.3.1. Electrochernical rneasurements The adsorption of benzoate at the Au(ll1) electrode surfàce was i8itially characterized by means of cyclic voltammetry and differential capacity measurements. The inset to Figure 4-1 shows cyclic voltammetxy curves recorded in the double layer region of the Au(l11) electrode, in O. 1 M KClO4 (dotted line) and in the presence o f 1.58 x 1o5 M potassium benzoate (solid line). The pair of quasi-revenible peaks between 300 and 400 mV results fiom adsorption and desorption of benzoate ions. The peak -800 -600 -400 -200 O WmV vs SCE Figure 4-1 DifEerential capacity recorded at an Au(1 I l ) electrode in 0.1 M KClO4 (dotted line) and in 0.1 M KClO4 + 1.58 x 1oa3M potassium benzoate (solid Iine). The inset shows the double layer section of CV curves recorded in the same solutions at a sweep rate of 20 mV S-'. recorded in the positive voltage scan is quite broad compared to the voItammetric peaks associated with of adsorption of inorganic anions, for example Cl- [4]. The difEerential capacity curve presented in the main section of this figure shows that this peak has a shoulder at potentials between 100 and 200 mV. These features suggest that benzoate adsorption is a two-state process. In fact the segment of the CV curve recorded during the negat ive vo Itage scan displays two well-separated peaks, Apparently, desorption of the benzoate ion proceeds through two well-reso lved steps. The reflection IR spectroscopy studies described in ref. [21] demonstrate c1early that the shouIder or a srnall peak seen on the CV or the dserential capacity curves at E -150 mV corresponds to a flat nbonded d a c e orientation of the adsorbed mo1ecuIes~The taIl peak seen at -300 mV corresponds to a vertical or tilted orientation in which the benzoate rnolecule orients with the carboxylic group towards the metal and the arornatic ring towards the solution. The orientation of the adsorbed benzoate changes with the eiectrode potentiaL The IR studies also showed that no oxidation or dissociation of the benzoate ion takes place when the electrode potential is lower than 600 mV. It is now well established that the Au(l11) electrode surfke is reconstmcted when it is negatively charged and that the reconstruction is lifted at positive charge densities (for review see ref [24,25]). It is also known that adsorption of inorganic anions assists in lifting the surface reconstruction [24-281. For korganic anions the characteristic tdl peak in CV or dzerential capacity curves corresponds to coupIed phenornena of ionic adsorption and lifting the surface reconstruction [26-281. We have attempted to determine the structure of the electrode surfàce in the presence of benzoate with the help of STM. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in acquinng atomic resolution images of the gold surfâce in the presence of benzoate ions. ~ o n s e ~ u e e t it b ,is unclear how tmzoate adsorption affects the surface crystallography of the Au(l11) electrodeThe CV or the daerential capacity curves in the Presence of potassium h x ~ o a t e merge with the correspondhg cunres of the pute supporthg electrolyte at E c -400 mV. This behaviour indicates that the benzoate ions are totalb desorbed fiom the Au(l I 1) sUTface at potentials more negative than -400 mV. We \uere therefore able to determine the charge density O f the electrode surface fiom chronocoulometric measurements using the procedure described in ref [22,23]. The reference potential @otential of total desorption) in these experïments was chosen as -750 mV. Figure 4-2 shows a family of charge densities (aM)versur potential plots determined hthese experkents- The charge density increases when the electrode potential increases and when the bulk knzoate concentration increases. In addition, the potential of zef0 charge shifis in the negative direction as the buk concentration of benzoate increases. This khaviour is t~picalfor a specfic adsorption of anions [6-91. The IR spectroscopie studies descnkd in 1211 damnstrated that h z ~ a t e assumes a fiat x-bonded coordination at E < 200 mV ida verticai tiited orientation when E > 200 mV. The charge densities in Fig. 4-2 show that the flat orientation and the l~ surface, vertical (tilted) orientation are observed at a negatively and ~ o s i t i v e char@ respectively. The orientation of the adsorbed benzoate is apparently c h g e d by moving across the potential of zero charge (pzc). In Figure 4-3, the dinerential capacity d e t e d e d fiom the ac im~edance measurement is cornpared to the capacity calculated fkofnthe ~ositiv*gohg section of voltammograms and capacity calculated by differentiation of charge densit~data -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E/mV vs SCE Figure 4-2 Charge density versus electrode potential plots for the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC1O4solution (dotted line) containhg dii3erent molar concentrations of benzoate: 1.28 x 10.' (filled circle); 2.56 x 10-'(open circle); 4.00 x 10-~(filledsquare); 6.66 x 10" (open square); 9.30 x 10-'(filled up-triangle); 1.59 x 104(open up-triangle); 2.86 x 104 (filled down-triangle); 5.56 x 1o4(open dom-triangle); 5.79 x 10~(filleddiamond); 1.58 x 1o - (open ~ diamond); 2.91 x 1 ~ - ~ ( f i l l ehexagon); d 4.21 x 1 0 - ~ ( o ~hexagon). en -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 WmV vs SCE Figure 4-3 DiEerential capacity curves for the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC1O4 + 1.58 x 105 M benzoate solution determined fiom: ac impedance experiment (square); CV curve (triangle); differentiation of the charge density curve (circle). The insert shows the charge density determïned fi0 om: integration of the single-frequency differenti d capacity curve (square); integration of CV curve (triangle); chronocoulometry (circle). determined fiom chronocoulometric experiments. The differences between the capacity curves calculated fiom CV and chronocouIometric data are quite small. The differences between the two Iater curves and the dserentiai capacity measured fkom the ac impedance are more pronounced. The inset to Fig. 4-3 compares the charge densities determined by chronocoulometry to the charge densities detennined by integration of the differenti d capacity corresponding to the ac impedance or cyclic vo ltarnmetry measurements. The charge density data measured by chronocoulometry are apparently higher than charges determined by the two other techniques. These daerences ïndicate that the state of adsorption equiiibrium has not been attained during the measurement of the CV curve or the ac impedance. For this reason the quantitative data analysis reported below was based on the data derived fiom chronocoulometric experiments. 4.3.2. Gibbs excess and Gibbs energy The film pressure of adsorbed benzoate c m be calculated fiom the charge density data obtained fkom chronocodometry measwements Pig. 4-2). The area wntained between the curve corresponding to a given benzoate concentration and that of the pure electrolyte solution is equal to the film pressure 122,231: The subscripts 8 and 0=0 denote the presence and absence of benmate in the bulk solution and Ef and Ei correspond to final (complete desorption) and initial (variable) potentials, respectively. The dflerentiation of .rr vs. Zn c plot gives the relative Gibbs excess (171. where c is the bulk concentration of benzoate in O. 1 M KC& A farnily of the ï YS. E plots for various buk benzoate concentrations is presented in Fig. 4-4(a). The surfàce concentration of benzoate changes graduaiIy with potential until it attains a plateau. The maximum surface concentration of benzoate corresponds to 7.3 x 10-Iomol cme2.This value is in a reasonable agreement with the number 8.5 x IO-" mol cm-2 for the maximum surface concentration of benzoic acid at polycrystalline A y detemiined using radiotracers by Zelenay et al. [12]. It is ody somewhat lower than the theoretical value dculated fiom the cross sectional area for the vertically adsorbed molecule (0.198 nm2) that is 8.4 x 10-'O mole At potentials lower than 200 rnV, where benzoate molecules assume n-bcmded orientation, the surface concentration is lower than 20% of the limiting surfàce coverage. The transition from the flat to vertical (tilted) orientation is graduaL In contrast to the adsorption of berizoic acid on polycrystalline Au 1121, no well dehed plateau attriiutable to a flat (n-bonded state) is seen on the r versus E plot for benzoate on the Au(Z11) electrode. The asymmetry of the r versus E plot is the only indication of the progressive reorientation of the adsorbed benzoate ion with potential. Fig. 4 4 b ) shows the surface excess data plotted against the charge density on the metal. The middle sections of these plots are fairly linear. Their slopes give the Esin- Markov coefficients that wiil be discussed in section 4.3 -3. In order to detennine Gibbs energies of adsorption, the surface pressure (O) data are fitted to the "square root " isotherm [Zg730]. -200 O 200 400 WmV vs SCE 600 80 70 - 60 E 50 O 9 -E 40 - 30 -2 20 Y 10 - 0- Figure 4-4 Plots of surfàce excess o f benzoate on the Au(ll1) electrode against (a) the potential and @) electrode charge density for 0.1 M KClo4 with different molar concentrations of benzoate: 1.28 x l0"(filled circle); 2.56 x 10~~(open circie); 4.00 x IO-' (filled square); 6.66 x 10~~(open square); 9.30 x loJ(filled up-triangle); 1.59 x 1o4(open up-triangle); 2.86 x 1 o4 (filled down-triangle); 5.56 x lo4(open down-triangle); 5.79 x 104(filled diarnond); 1 S 8 x 1o5 (open diamond); 2.9 1 x I 0'.'(filled hexagon); 4.2 1 x 1 o5 (open hexagon). ~ n ( m ) + ~ n=pI . u Q > + B ~ + ~ where c is the bulk concentration of bermate, f3 = (4-3) exp(-AG~T) is the adsorption equilibrium constant, B is a constant and 0 is the surfhce pressure- m e n analysis is carried out at a constant potentiaI, @ is set as ye=o - ye, where y is surface tension. If we take charge as the independent electrical variable, is set as ce-o- 59, where 5 is Parson's fûnction Fig. 4-5(a) and 4-5(b) show the plots of the d Rvs. h&Tc/@)- The plots are fairly linear and when extrapolated to zero surface pressure their intercept with the ordinate is equal to: lim[ln(kTc/Q) = -ln P (4-4) The Gibbs energies of adsorption detemiined by this method are plotted against potential in Fig. 4-6(a) and against charge density in Fig. 4-6@). The standard state is an "ideal" ï = 1 ion for the adsorbed species and an "ideal" c = 1 M for the buk species. The extrapolation to zero surfàce pressure ïs very long- ConsequentIy, even a small change in the slope may result in a significant error in the intercept. Therefore it is usenù to compare the Gibbs energies determineci independently by changing the electrical variables. For that purpose, the Gibbs energy determiined at constant charge is converted to the corresponding AG vs. E plot (circle in Fig. 46(a)) using the DM vs. E plot for pure supporthg electrolyte. For potenrials lower than 250 mV the agreement between the two sets of data is very good For E > 250 mV the two sets of data points diverge. This is the region of higher coverage, where the extrapolation is much longer. These differences indicate that the Gibbs energy data contain a systematic error. Figure 4-5 Fitting the benzoate adsorption data to the "square root " isotherm (Eq. 4.3) at (a) constant potentids and (b) constant q. * LO O 4 rn @Y O ln Cr) CV T F Figure 4-6 Gibbs energy of adsorption for benzoate on the Au(ll1) electrodz in 0.1 M KC104: (a) AG vs. E plots determuied fiom Fig. 4-5(a) (square) and fiom Fig. 4-6 (b)(circle); (b) AG vs. aMpIot determined IiomFig. 4-Se). P 4.3.3. Electrosorption valency and Esin-Markov coefficient The fkst derivative of AG vs. E gives the electrosorption valency (y'). The electrosorption valency can be determined independently fiom the dope of the charge density vs- Gibbs excess plots: Figure 4-7 shows a plot of a~ vs. r for various electrode potentials. The data display a fairly linear relation between charge and coverage. The slopes of these plots can be compared to the first derivatives of the AG vs. E plots. The electrosorption valencies calculated by these two independent routes are plotted in Fig. 4-8(a). To assess the values of Gibbs energies detennined at constant charge and constant potential, the two sets of Gibbs energy data were merentiated separately. Electrosorption valencies determined fiom the diEerentiation of the Gibbs energies at constant potential are much lower tban the values obtained fÎom the dope of o~ vs. r plots. In contrast, the derivative of the Gibbs energies at constant charge gives electrosorption valencies that are in a better agreement wiîh the slopes of vs. r pbts. This analysis indicates that the Gibbs energies detennined at constant charge may be trusted more than the energies determined using potential as the independent eIectrical variable. It is usehl to stress that the squareroot isotherm is an empirical isotherm that is not based on a well-defined physical model. It is a convenient procedure to linearize the experirnental data Consequently, the Gibbs energies determined by this method may be afEected by a systematic error. The above analysis shows that the cross dzerential relationships could be a quaiity test for Gibbs energy data, Figure 4-7 Plots of the vs. ï of benzoate at constant electrode potenitials/mV (SCE). 113 O 100 300 400 Figure 4-8 Electrosorption valencies determined fiom: (0 the slope o f the vs. l? plots -100 2010 E/mV vs SCE (cùcle); (ii) AG versus E plots (square) using AG values determined fiom the analysis at constant potential; (iii) AG versus E plots (triangle) using AG values determined fiom the andysis at constant charge. The second cross differential relationship gives the Esin-Markov coefficient: The derivative on the left side of Eq. 4.6 is given in terms of directly rneasured quantities such as E and CM. The derivative on the nght side of Eq. 4.6 is given in terrns of the surface excess, a quantity whose calculation involves one integration and one differentiation step. This relation rnay therefore be used to check whether the caicuiations of the Gibbs excess are fiee of systematic errors. Figure 4-9 shows the plots of E versus - RT(h c) for various electrode charge densities. The plots are fàirly linear and thek slopes give the Esin-Markov coefficient. Independently the plots of r vs. m. in Figure 4-4b can be Mted by a polynomid and differentiated numerically to give (X/ ao,,,) . The two derivatives determined independently are plotted against each other in Fig. 4- 10. The points representing calculated values are closely scattered around the dotted h e whose slope is ULLity. This behavior indicates that the r values are fiee fiom major data- processing errors. The middle sections of T vs. CTM. in Figure 4-4b are fàirly linear and may be used to calculate the number of electrons flowing to the interface per one adsorbed benzoate ion at a constmt benzoate concentration in the bulk. The reciprocal of the slope of the middle section of the r vs. o~ plots is equal to -1.1 electron per ion. This value is somewhat higher than electrosorption valencies reported in Figure 4-8. 12 14 16 18 20 -RTln(c,,) 22 24 26 28 30 / kJ mol-' Figure 4-9 Esin-Markov plots (E vs. -RT In c ) for benzoate on the Au(ll1) electrode at charge densities show in the figure. 6 7 8 9 -1 ~ ' ~ ( d ~ / d moi &/ p ~ " Figure 4-10 The cornparison of Esin-Markov coefficients determined f?om the siope of the fitted Iines in Fig. 4-9 and by the differentiation of the r versus o~ plots. The dotted line has unity slope. 4.3.4. Mode1 of the double layer In order to extract information conceming the structure of the interface and the charge distribution at the interface a specific physical model has to be used to interpret the thermodynarnic data Following our earlier work in this series Cl-7,281, we will employ the Graham-Parsons model [3 11 of the inner layer. The inner-layer capacity ci can be calculated fiom the overall electrode capacity C determhed by differentiation of the charge density curves and using the theory of the diffuse layer with the help of the formula [23] : --[+))Lao 1 = 1 - CI c where cd cdiS the capacity of the diffuse layer and a r l i ? is~ the ~ slope of the r versus CM plots in Fig. 4-4@). The value of F(arIi3oM)is close to unity for d concentrations of benmate and for most of the electrode charge densities. In most cases, the second tenn on the rïght side of the Eq. 4.7 can be neglected and the inner-layer capacity may be approximately taken as equal to the overall capacity. Fig. 4- 11 shows the inner-layer capacities calculated with the heIp of Eq. 4.7 pbtted against the charge density on the metal, Those values of capacity are ahost independent of the bulk concentration of benzoate and are essentially equal to the differential capacity of the overall double layer. The inner-layer capacity is a fim~tionof two variabies, the charge on the metal and the amount of adsorbed anion. Therefore it can be expressed in terms of the two components, the inner-layer capacity at a constant charge rC and the inner-layer capacity at a constant amount adsorbed ,C as foliows [3 11: The capacity rC is equal to the slope of the plot of the potential drop across the inner layer ( ~ 4 =~ E"- E, - 42) versus the charge (-FI) of adsorbed benzoate at constant CM (42 is the outer Helmholtz plane potential). The values of ~ 4 are ~ plotted " aga% -FTin Fig. 4-12. Although these relations are quite short, they are fairly h e m and their slope &. The values of rC were then used to calculate ,C with the help of Eq. 4.8. The and rC deterrnined following this procedure are plotted against CM in Fig. 4-1 3. The shape of these two curves is quite similar. They display a maximum at small positive charge densities. This behaviour is quite similar to that observed for specifk adsorption of inorganic anions on Au(l11) [28]. However, we note that for benzoate, the values of the diffierential capacity at constant charge and at constant amount adsorbed are significantly lower than for inorganic anions, This behaviour may be explaineci by the iarger size of the benzoate ion. The capacities at constant charge and constant amount adsorbed may be wnsidered as integral capacities described by [3 1,331: r C = I~( x -~x ~ ) ,C=E/X~ where E is the permittivity, x: and x2 (4-4) (4.1 O) are the distances of the b e r and the outer Helmholtz planes fiom the metal surface, respectively. The capacity at a constant charge rnay be affected by both a change in the permittivity and the position of the inner Helmholtz plane XI. The interpretation of ,C is easier, although in the present case the thickness of the inner layer xt increases by moving fkom negative to positive charges due -30 -20 -10 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 o,/ FC cm" Figure 4-11 Inner layer capacities of the Au(1ll) electrode in 0.1 M KC104 containhg different rnolar concentrations of benzoate: 5.79 x 1o4 (circle); 1 -58 x 1 o ' ~(square); 2.9 1 x 1 O" (up-triangle);4.2 1 x 1o5 (dom-triangle). O -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -m/ pc cm" Figure 4-12 Plots of the potential &op across the inner layer ( ~ 4 ~versus - ~ ) the charge of adsorbed benzoate (-ET)at constant charge density on the metal side of the interface as indicated in the figure. O 10 G, 20 / p~ cm" Figure 4-13 huer layer capacities at constant charge (rC) determined firom Fig. 4-12 (circle) and at constant amount adsorbed (,C) determined fiom Eq. 4.8 (square) for the adsorption o f benzoate on the Au(111). to the reorientation of the adsorbed anion However, an increase of x2 should cause a decrease of the capacity. Therefore, the maximum on the ,C curve displays chiefly a change of the inner layer permittivity. The changes of the ùiner layer permittivity reflect changes in the orientation of the surface water dipoles. The maximum on the ,C curves is usually interpreted as being due to the field induced solvent reorientation. It is observed at the charge where the disorientation of water dipoles is at maximum. The maximum solvent disorientation should take place around the pzc, in Fig 4- 13 it is observed at -8 p C cm-'. The ratio of the inner-layer capacities at a constant amount of adsorbed anion and a constant charge is equal to the electrosorption valency w , 3 3 ] : Electrosorption valencies determined fiom the inner-layer capacities using Eq. 4.1 1 are shown in Fig. 4-14, They are compared to the electrosorption valencies calculated fiom slopes of vems r plots in Fig. 4-7. The agreement between the electrosorption valencies calculated by the two methods is very good and indicates that no major errors were made in the data processing. The poiarity o f the eIectrosorption bond may be conveniently described in teof the surface dipote [33-371. n i e surface dipole represents a dipole formed by an adsorbed benzoate ion and its image charge in the gold electrode. Its magnitude is a direct measure of the polarity of the bond formed between the benzoate and the electrode. The surface dipo le can be calculated by [33] : -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 O O, 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 / pC cm" Figure 4-14 Plots of electrosorption valencies determined fiom the CM vs. r plots (circle) and f h m the ratio of ,C to rC (square). -5 O 5 o.,/ PC cm" Figure 4-15 The surfàce dipole moment formed by benmate (square) and Cl-(circle) [4] adsorbed on the Au(l11) electrode. where eo is the charge of an electron (1.6 x 10'19 C ) and E is the permittivity of the inner layer. Usually, the permittivity of vacuum (8.85 x 10'12 (?T' II?) is used U1 these ca1cuIations. The surface dipoles for benzoate at Au(1 l 1), cdcrilated fiom the electrosorption vafencies are plotted in Fig. 4- 15. For cornparison, the variation of surface dipole for Cl-, taken ftom our earlier work [4], is also shown in Fig. 4-1 5. The two curves display very simi1a.r behaviour. The surface dipole is much larger at a negatively than at a positively charged surface. Apparently, the polarity of the chernisorption bond changes signifïcantly with the charge on the metal. At a positively charged surface the surface dipole attains a very low value of 0.3 C m ion-'. Such a low value of the surface dipole may either indicate charge transfer fiom the benzoate ion to the metal or an efficient screening of the charge on the anion by the charge in the metal. 4.4. Summary and Conclusions We have described adsorption of benzoate at the Au(ll1) electrode s u f k e in terms of Gibbs excesses, Gibbs energies of adsorption and numbers of electrons flowing to the interfâce per one adsorbed benzoate ion at constant potential (electrosorption valency) and at constant buk benzoate concentration (reciprocal of the Esin-Markov coefficient). Benzoate is an aromatic anion and its surface coordination changes fiom a flat (n-bonded) state at a negatively charged surface to a vertical (tilted) state at positive charge densities. However, benmate adsorption takes place predominantly at the positively charged surface. The change in the surface orientation takes place at very low surface coverages ( l e s than 20% of the limiting value). Consequently,the adsorption of benzoate at the Au(l11) surface are dominated by the vertical tilted CO-ordinationand the rnajority of the thermodynamic data correspond to this surface orientation. The orientation change of adsorbed benzoate ions will be characterized by subtractively norrnalized FTIR spectroscopy described in the next chapter. OveralL the adsorption of benzoate resembles closely the adsorption of inorganic anions. At positive charge densities the charge of the benzoate ion is effectively screened by the charge on the metal and the electrosorption bond has a very low polarity. AlternativeIy, the low poIarity of the electrosorption bond may be explained by a charge transfer from the benzoate ion to the metal. The benzoate ion is more buLky than iwrganic anions such as halides or sulfate. The larger size of benzoate af5ects chiefly the magnitude of the inner Iayer capacity. The components of the inner layer capacity at constant charge and at constant amount adsorbed are lower for benmate than for inorganic anions. References 1. Z. Shi., S. Wu, and J. Lipkowski, J. Electroand Chem. 384 (1995) 171. 2.2. Shi, S. Wu, and J. Lipkowski, Electrochim Acta, 40 (1995) 9. 3.2. Shi, and J. Lipkowski, 5. Electroanal. C h e a 369 (1994) 283. 4.2. Shi, and J. Lipkowski, J. Electroanal. Chem 403 (1996) 225. 5. Z. Shi, J. Lipkowski, S. Mirwald, and B. Pettinger, J. Chem Soc. Faraday Trans. 92 (1996) 3737. 6. A. Chen, 2. Shi, D. Bizzotto, and J. Lipkowski, J. Electroanal. Chem 467 (1999) 342. 7. A. Chen and J. Lipkowski, J. Phys. Chem. 103 (1999) 682. 8. D.-F. Yang, B. Pettinger, S. MirWald, F. Henglein, D. M. Kolb, and J. Lipkowski, Electrochim. Acta, 39 (1994) 1057. 9. H. S. Verkataraman and B. 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AIthough conventional electrochemical methods 121 provide significant information concerning the d a c e concentration of adsorbed motecules and energetics of moIecuIar adsorption, it is s t U desirable to supplement and confirm these results with techniques that provide insight hto molecular structural behaviour. In situ surface spectroscopie techniques f3-51can provide information on the vibrational properties of molecules adsorbed at the metal d a c e , which help to identm the molecular orientation and CO-ordinationto the adsorption site. In fàct, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) 131 and in situ KR spectroscopy [o] have aiready k e n successfiilly applied in Weaver's Iaboratory to study the CO-ordination of benmate to a polycrystalline gold e1ectrode. These studies showed clearly that both in situ IR and SERS provide the required information concerning the dissociative or nondiçsociative character of adsorption and the potential induced change of the orientation of molecules adsorbed at the electrode surface. In addition, high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) and reflection-absorption infiared spectroscopy @AIRS) have k e n used to investigate benzoate adsorption on copper 17-91 in vacuum These studies provided usefùl information conceniing vibrational modes of the adsorbate- 4 substrate cornplex and the nature of the interaction of the benzoate ion with a metal surfàce. In this chapter, subtractively normalized interfacial Fourier transform S a r e d spectroscopy (SNLFTIRS) [IO, 111 has been used to explore the orientation of adsorbed benzoate on the Au(ll1) surface. We wiU demonstrate that no oxidation of benzoate occurred on the Au(l11) surface over the potentid range investigated. In addition, we will descn'be how the data f?om Chapter 4 has been used to analyse the reiationship between the surface concentration of benzoate and the IR band intensity. Finaliy, we will perform a carefùl analysis of the potential controlled reorientation of the adsorbed benzoate molecules. The results of this work are by and large, consistent with previous studies of benzoate adsorption at the Au@oly) electrode by Weaver and CO-workers[3,61. However, due to the availability of the data concemhg benzoate adsorption derived fkom chronocoulometric experiments cl] we were able to put our conciusions on a more quantitative basis. Our work illustrates a synergistic relationship between the quantitative studies of molecuiar adsorption by electrochemid techniques and the in sita spectroscopie investigation of their coordination to the electrode d c e . In addition, it provides a data base for the interpretation of IR spectra of amino z i d s adsorbed at the Auil 11) surfàce, presented in Chapter 6 (also reference [12]). The supporthg electrolyte, 0.1 M KCiO4, was prepared from potassium perchlorate p d e d twice according to the procedure in ref [13]. Potassium benzoate (99%, Aldrich Chernical Company) was used without m h e r purification A syringe type I IR cell with a 60° Ca& prism window was used for the in siru FIlR studies. The angle of the incident photon beam at the electrode[soIutioninterface was about 70" - 80°, ensuring maximum enhancement [14]. The detailed experimental procedures have been descnid in Chapter 3. 5.3. Results and discussion 5.3.1. Electrochemical results The e1ectrochemical measurements provide idormation concernïng the properties and characteristics of the eleztrochernical processes of benzoate adsorption. These measurements are necessary in order to deterrnine suitable reference and sarnple potentials for the FTIR studies and for the interpretation of the spectroscopie data, In the present work, the adsorption of benzoate was investigated in the potential range of -750 to 600 mV (SCE) that covers the double layer region of the Au(1 f 1). Fig. 5-1 shows (a) differential capacity, (b) charge demity and (c) surface excess for the Au(ll1) electrode in the 0.1 M KC104 supporthg electrolyte alone (dotted line), and in the presence of 9.04 x 1o5 M potassium benmate (solid line). The curves in Fig. 5- 1(a) and @) in the presence of benzoate merge with the curves of the pure supporthg electrolyte at E < -400 mV. This indicates that the benzoate ions are totally desorbed fiom the Au(ll1) surface at these potentiais. The total desorption is also proven by the zero surfàce excess at these . -750 mV was chosen as the reference potential (El) in the potentials in Fig. 5 4 ~ ) Thus, SNlFTTR measurements, the sample potential (E2)W ~ varied S throughout the double layer region ~ o -700 m mV to 600 mV. In this way, the measured potential dinerence spectra represent the difference between the absorption s p e c t m of T (Gibbs excess) molecules that are desorbed ftom the surface and reside in the solution at potential El and the 133 -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E/mV vs SCE Figure 5-1 Differential capacity (a), charge density (b) and Gibbs excess of benzoate ( c ) at the Au(ll1) electrode surface: dotted h e , aqueous solution of 0.1 M KC104; solid h e , aqueous solution of 0.1 M KC104 + 9.04 x 105M benzoate. spectrum of the same number of molecules adsorbed at the electrode surface at potential E2The differential capacity curve for the benzoate solution displays a tall peak at E-350 mV and a shoulder at E-150 mV- The charge density plot shown in the middle panel indicates that the tall peak is observed at a positively charged surface while the shoulder is seen at negative charge densities. Consistent with the shape of the capacity curve, the adsorption isotherm plotted in the bottom panel is quite aqmmetric with respect to the potential corresponding to half coverage. These features suggest that benzoate molecules may undergo a potential dependent reorientation by movuig f?om a negatively to a positively charged electrode surface. The results of IR investigations will be used below to discuss fùaher the charge-controlled reorientation of adsorbed mo lecules. 5.3.2. FTIR Studies. Choice of solvent The i'tnftared fiequency range of interest is 1300 to 2000 cm-'. Figure 5-2 compares the t r d s i o n spectra for water and D20.A strong O-H bending deformation of water occurs between 1600 and 1700 cm? which adversely afEects the investigation of benzoate bands that are present close to this region. In con- the corresponding O-D bending mode of deuterated water is shifted to -1200 cm-'. In addition, D20 gives a very flat background in the Gequency region of interest. For these reasons, 4 0 was chosen as a solvent in the present studies. While working in D20one has to be aware that isotopic exchange of hydrogen by deuterium can occur fiom the interaction of D20 with compounds containing labile hydrogen, such as, for example, the hydrogen bonded to nitrogen in amines and amides [151. Under normal conditions, hydrogen atoms attached to - Figure 5-2 Transmission IR spectra of DzO (dotted line) and &O (solid line). the benzene ring such as benzoate are not readily exchanged- However, it is not known how the solvent affects the adsorbed species on the eiectrode surface, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that no deuteration or m o ~ c a t i o noccurs by the solvent. RATRS and HREELS studies of deuterated benzoate adsorbed at a copper surface in vacuum [16] showed ody a very s m d change of the fiequency of the symmetric stretch of the carboxylate group, in comparison with the non-deuterated species. When the modes are predorninately C-H or C-D vibrations, the ratio of the reduced masses &-&-H) produces a relative reduction in fi-equency by 1.363 compared to the non-deuterated species. Similarly, for a mode involving predominately the carbon atom, the approximate fàctor will be 1-038. This prediction is consistent with the experrimental data where m/w equal to 1.341 and 1.022 for vc-Hand vcc respectively were observed [16]. Figure 5-3 compares the transmission spectrum of potassium benzoate in D20to selected SNlFTIR spectra of benzoate on Au(ll1) in Hz0 and D2O. Three bands could be seen in the spectral range of interest. Foilowing reE [17] they can be assigned to COzsymmetric stretch (1390 cm-'), CO; asymmetric stretch (1547 cm-') and C-C stretch (1595 cm-'). The assigrment of each band is given in Table 5- 1. Very small shifks in the band position are observed on the IR spectra recorded in water and in D20. If an isotopic substitution occurred with the benzoate ion in D20 solution, the band correspondhg to the C-C stretch would shift to lower fiequencies by about 35 cm-'. n i e observed s W is much srnailer (on the order of 1 cm-'), indicating that an exchange between hydrogen on the aromatic ring and deuterium fiom the DzO solvent does not occur. The SNIFTIR spectra measured in D20 showed a better signal-to-noise ratio, particularly in the region of the C-C ring stretching mode (Fig. 5-3). The SNIFTIR spectra recorded using s-photon Transmission s-pol. in D,O Figure 5-3 Cornparison of the transmission FTIR spectrum of benzoate in D20and the SNIFTIR spectra of benzoate in 4 0 and in H20. Transmission s p e c t w was recorded for a Dfl solution saturated with the benzoate. SNIFTIR spectra were recorded in O. 1 M KC104 + 9.04 x 1O" M benzoate solution using El=-750mV and Eî = 400 mV (SCE). Table 5- 1 Vibrational Frequencies and Assignments for Benzoate Vibrational Transmission /cm-' vibrational assignment Iiteilture /cm‘' il71 mode ai 1390 CO*' sym stretch E390 [6] bi 1547 CO; asym stretch 1545 [6] bi 1595 C-C ring stretch 1594 [17] poIarisation are monopolar. En contrast, the band correspondhg to the symmetnc CO2stretch has bipolar features under the p-polarized beam. This behaviour will be used bdow to study the orientation of benzoate on the electrode surface. 5.3.3. Relationship between the IR intensity and the surface excess In our experirnents, the relative change of the electrode reflectivity rneasures the difference between the absorption spectm of T molecules that are desorbed eoom the surface and reside in the solution at potential Eiand the spectrum of the same nurnber of molecules adsorbed at the electrode surface at potential E2: where E is the molar absorption coefficient and r is the surface concentration of the adsorbed species. For quantitative analysis, it is convenient to use the iniregrated band intensities, In that case: (AZUR)dv = 2.3 T ~ ~ E- E(E2)ld I ) v where v is the fiequency in cm-'. ( 5.2 For linearIy poIarized light and a molecule adsorbed or in fiont of a reflecting metal surface, the integrated absorption coefficient is proportional to the square of the dot product of the transition dipole p and the electric field of the photon E [l8,l9] : b d v a 1 p~l 2 a cos2 8 l P l 2 <>?!i ( 5-3 ) where 6 is the angle between the direction of the electric field of the photon and the transition dipole in the rnolecule, 1 p 1 is the absolute value of the transition dipole moment and < J?> is the mean square electnc field of the photon. At the potential of total desorption El, benzoate molecules are randornly oriented inside the thin layer of the electrolyte. In this case, the angle û has to k averaged over all possible orientations and the result is -os2@ = 113 [18]. Consequently, at El the integrated absorption coefficient is given by: [LQ~I) d v a (113) 1 1 < I?(SO) > ( 5-4 ) for both s and p-polarized radiation. Using s-polarized light, the electnc field of the photon at the m d k e is nearly equal to zero [19,20]and hence 4E2) is close to zero as welL Ushg equations 5.2 and 5.4, the relationship btween the integrated IR intensity and the Gibbs excess (0can be descn'bed by: Fig. 5-4 shows a series of SNIFTIR spectra for benzoate under s- and ppolarization. The IR intensity at l 547 c ~under l s-polarization has been integrated at each sampling potential. The integrated IR intensities (med circles) are compared with the Gibbs excess (open diamonds and solid line) determuied by chronocoulometry [Il in Fig. 5-5. The IR intensity agrees very weli with the Gibbs excess at all potentials, consistent Figure 5-4 SNPTIR spectra of CO; asymmetric stretch and C-C stretch for benzoate adsorbed on the Au(1 Il) electrode fiom 0.1 M KC1O4 + 9.04 x 10" M benzoate solution. The spectra were acquired using (a) s-polarized and (b) p-polarized infkared light for a series of sample potentials (EZ)whose values are indicated in the figure. The reference potential EL=-750mV (SCE). -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 800 E/mV vs SCE Figure 5-5 Cornparison of the IR band intensity at 1547 cm-' (nlled circles) with the surface concentration of benzoate (soIid line and triangles) obtained by thermodparnic analysis of chronocoulometric data (Chapter 4). with equation 5.5. The positive peak measured under s-polarization represents loss of benzoate f?om solution due to its adsorption at the electrode surface at potential Ez. We rnay therefore assume that benzoate is not oxidied over the investigated potentials. If benzoate had been oxidized, the most probable oxidation process at high potentials would involve decarboxylation with the release of CO2, which gives an asymmetrk stretchuig mode at 2340 cm-' [4]. In a SNIFTIR spectrum, the appearance of a negative band at 2340 cm-'would indicate that CO2 is formed at potential E2. Since DzO has an adsorption band in this range of fkequencies (Fig. 5-2), it was necessary to use Hz0 as solvent to look for the appearance of the COz band, Fig. 5-6 shows a SNIFTTR spectnim of benzoate in Hz0 determined for Et 4 0 0 mV. Only peaks at 1390, 1547 and 1597 cm-' and no CO2 band can be seen in the spectnim Apparently benzoate is not oxidized at the Au(ll1) when the electrode potential is equal to or lower than 600 mV. This conclusion is consistent with the previous work on benzoate adsorption at a polycrystalline gold electrode m. 5.3.4. The orîentation of the benzoate molecule on the electrode surface The isolated benzoate rnolecuie is planar and has spectroscopy studies in ref [8] indicate that C2Vsymmeetry. C2v symmetry The wirational is retained for the benmate molecule adsorbed on a copper surface. It is therefore k e l y that benzoate adsorbed on gold has Ch symmeetry as welL In that case, the a1 and br bands correspond to in-plane deformations. The transition dipole for a, modes is parallei to the C2v axis, while the transition dipoie for bI modes is oriented in the direction normal to the C2, axis. For ppolarized Light the electnc field of the photon at the surface is enhanced by reflection and is nearly normal with respect to the electrode surface [19,20].In this case, the shape ofthe 1390 cm-' I 595 cm" Figure 5-6 The SMFTIR spectrum of 0.1 M KC1O4 + 9.04 x 1 o5 M benzoate solution ui Hz0 for the Au(ll1) electrode recorded in the fiequency range extended to 2400 cm-'; reference potential -750 mV and sarnple potential600 mV (SCE). spectrum for adsorbed molecules can be predicted fkom the d a c e selection rules. For a molecule adsorbed at a metal, the swdace selection d e s state that the viiration will be allowed if a change in the dipole moment has a non-zero component in the direction normal to the surface [19]. When the benzoate molecule assumes a flat, ir-bonded coordination, the change of the dipole moment in the direction normal to the surface has a zero component for both a1 and bi modes. The adsorbed molecule is optically inactive, and the SNLFTIR spectrum consists of oniy positive bands corresponding to the IR absorption by molecules that were desorbed fiom the electrode surface into the thin layer cavity at the potential E l . In this case, the spectra recorded using s- and p-po1-d radiation should be quite similar. In contrast, if the benzoate mdecule is CO-ordinatedto the surface through the carboxylate group, the plane of the molecule is either vertical or tilted with respect to the surface. For this orientation, the transition dipole of ai bands bas a strong component normal to the surfàce, while the transition dipole of bi bands remains pardel or nearly parailel to the surfkx. For the adsorbed species, bI bands remain opticdy inactive. In contrast, al bands are now optically active. In the SNIFTIR speclnim, bi bands continue to be positive (they will correspond to the absorption of IR radiation by molecules desorbed at El). In contrast, al bands are iikely to be bipolar. The negative lobe of this band will be due to IR absorption by moiecules adsorbed at the electrode surface at the potential Ez while the positive lobe will be due to IR absorption by molecules desorbed into the thin layer caviîy at El. For p-poiarized light, bi bands shown in Fig. 5 4 b (C-C stretch and asymmetric COîbands) are positive in the whole range of potentials Ez investigated, A brief inspection of the spectra in Figs. 5-4a and b shows that the shapes of br bands recorded Figure 5-7 SN?FTIR spectra of C o i symmetnc stretchïng mode for benzoate adsorbed on the Au(l11) electrode fiom 0.1 M KCi04 + 9.04 x 10;' M bernate solution using: (a) s- and @) p-polarized h h r e d beam and a variable sample potential figure. (Ez)indicated in the using s- and p-poiarized radiation are nearly identical This behaviour indiates that the transition dipole of the bi modes is parallel or nearly parallel to the electrode surfàce in the whole range of the electrode potentials investigated. Figure 5-7 shows the SNIFTIR spectra of the CO; symmetric stretch (alsymmetry) for a series of variable potentials (E2). For s-polarized Light, the band is positive at all potentials, since it corresponds to IR absorption by the solution species. The amplitude of this band hcreases in proportion to the surface concentration of adsorbed benzoate. In contrast, the shape of the band recorded using p-polarized light changes with potenta At potentials lower than 200 mV the band is positive. However, at more positive potentials, it becomes bipolar. Apparently, the amplitude of the negative lobe of this bipolar band increases with potential. In addition, the position of the negative lobe shifts towards higher fiequencies with potential. The fiequency of the peak of the bipolar band is plotted against the electrode po tential in Fig. 5-8. The relation is linear and its dope is equal to 47 cm-'v-'. These results strongly suggest that the orientation of the adsorbed rnolecule changes with potential For this band, the component of the transition dipole in the direction normal to the surfàce is small at low potentials, but it increases progressive@ with potential, Such behaviour suggests that the adsorbed benzoate mokcule undergoes a potential controlled reorientation f?om a 5 t (n-bonded) to a vertical or tilted state. The strong dependence of the keqiiency of this band on the electrode potential may be taken as an argument that the vertical (tilted) orientation corresponds to the CO-ordinationof the benmate ion through the carboxylic group to the electrode surface. For moIecules adsorbed at the metallsolution interface, the potential dependence of the IR band i2equency may be caused by either back donatioii or the Stark effect. When this dependence is strong, the CO; group m u t be in the proximity siope = 47 (cm-' -1O0 O 100 200 300 400 v") 500 600 700 E/mV vs SCE Figure 5-8 Dependence of the fiequency of the negative lobe of the bipolar band of the symmetric CO; stretch on the electrode potentid. of the metal surfàce to experience either a sufncient couphg with the electronic states in the metai or a sufEciently strong electrostatic field. We have recently s h o w [21], that fbrther information conceming the orientation of adsorbed molecules can be Obtained from the analysis of the integrated band intensities. For that purpose, it is convenient to calculate the ratio of the integrated intensities rneasured for p- and s-polarkzed radiation. Ushg Equations 5.1 to 5.3, the ratio of the integrated intensities may be expressed as: where (EZ,&)> is the t h e and z averaged mean square field within the thin layer cell, and is the t h e averaged mean square field at the electrode surfrice and z varies between O and d, where d is the thickness of the thin layer. The angle 0 in equation 5.6, is the angle between the direction of the transition dipole for the adsorbed molecuie and the direction of the field of the p-polarized photon on the surface. The ppolarized photon on the surfàce bas a predorninant component in the z-direction (direction normal to the surface). Consequently, to a good approximation the angle 0 is a measure of the tilt angle for adsorbed molecules. The ratio of integrated band intensities for the a, band at 1390 cm-' and the sum of br bands at 1547 and 1595 cm-' is plotted against the electrode potential in Fig. 5-9. For bI bands, the ratio of integrated intensities changes very Little with potential and amounts to about 1.18. This indicates that the angle between the direction of the transition dipole of br modes and the direction of electric field of the 200 400 E/mV vs SCE Figure 5-9 Ratio of the integrated intensities for the SNIFTIRS bands acquired using p- and s-polarized radiation; circles, bi band at 1390 cm"; diamonds, al band at 1547 cm-'. photon is essentially unchanged. The hi& positive value of the ratio indicates that the component of the transition dipole in the direction of the field of the p-polarized photon is small and that the dipole is essentidy parallei to the electrode surface. In contrast, the ratio of integrated intensities for the al band changes with the electrode potential. For E < 100 mV the ratio is approxirnately equd to 0.7 while for E > 300 mV it attains a constant value of -0-2- In the potential range fiom 100 to 300 mV the ratio varies gradually between the two lùniting values and changes sign Incidentaliy, this is the range between potentials of the two peaks on the differential capacity cuve shown in Figure 5-la Earlier, we assîgned these peaks to two orientations of adsorbed benzoate ion The spectroscopie data support this interpretation In order to calculate the exact values of the tilt angle, one has to know the field strength of the photon withh the thin layer cavity- Mode1 calculations descriid in ref [21] indicate that the field strength changes with the thin layer thickness in an oscillatory m e r . One has to know the exact value of the t h h layer thickness in order to calculate the field strength. In the present case the exact value of the thin layer thickness is unknown. Consequently, we cannot calculate the values of the tilt angles. Nevertheless, we can ~~ extract u s e l l information conceming the orientation of benzoate on the surface fiom the data shown in Fig. 5-9. For E < 100 mV and the ai band, the ratio of the întegrated întensities is positive. However, it is srnalier than the ratio measured for the bi band. This fact indicates that even at low potentials the angle between the surface normal and the transition dipole of the ai band is less than 90" and hence the adsorbed benzoate ion is somewhat tilted with respect to the electrode surface. At higher potentials, the ratio of integrated intensîties of the al band is negative. This indicates that the component of the transition dipole in the direction normal to the d c e is signincant in this region. However, its absolute value is small. In a recent study of pyridine adsorption at the Au(ll1) electrode the ratio of integrated intensities of the ai band was equal to -1 [21]. .O for a tilted (vertical) orientation of the pyridine molecule at the surface Pyridine and benzoate molecules have the same Cz, symmetry. Hence, for the same tilt angle, the same ratio of integrated intensities should be observed in these two cases. Indeed, for bands of br symmetry the ratio of integrated intensities has nearly the same value for benzoate and pyridine. The fact that for al bands the ratio of integrated intensities is equal to -0.2 for benzoate and to -1.0 for pyridine, indicates that the angle between the Cz, axis of the molecule and the surface normai is larger for benzoate than for pyridine. Consequently, the potential controlled reorientation of adsorbed benzoate involves a progressive change of the tilt angle with respect to the surface n o d . However, the adsorbed benzoate is neither perfectly flat at the lower end of potentials nor does it assume a vertical orientation at the most positive potentials, 5.4. Conclusions Subtractively nomialized interfacial Fourier transform ïdhred spectroscopy and electrochemical measurements have been applied to the study of benzoate adsorption at the Au(ll1) electrode. In order to avoid interference f?om absorption bands of H20, the solvent chosen for the spectroscopic study was D20.The experiments showed that the isotopic substitution of hydrogen atorns on the benzene ring did not occur. Benmate undergoes a progressive orientation change on the electrode surface fiom a nearly fiat configuration Vig. 5-10a) at potentials below 200 mV to a tilted orientation (Fig. 5- 1 Ob) Figure 5-10 Two extreme surface coordinations of benzoate on a Au(l11) electrode. (a) Flat orientation; (b) Vertical orientation. at more positive potentials. The transition between these two surface orientations takes place at potentiak close to the potential of zero charge in the benzoate solution In the tilted orientation the benzoate ion is coordiited to the eIectrode surface through the carboxylate group. The adsorption of benzoate has a non-dissociative character at potentials 5 600 mV. The integrated IR band intensities are proportional to the d a c e concentration Obtained £kom the electrochemicd measurements- The Overali agreement between IR and eIectrochemical measurements is excellent- Refeaences 1. H. Li, S.G. Roscoe and J. Lipkowski, J, Sol. Chem accepted. 2. J. Lipkowski and L. Stolberg in J. Lipkowski and P. Ross (Eds.), Adsorption of Molecuies at Metal Electrodes, VCH, New York, (1992) 171. 3. P. Gao and M.J. Weaver, J. Phys. Chem 89 (1985) 5040. 4. D.S. Corrigan, E.K. Krauskopc L.M. Rice, A. Wïeckowski, M.J. Weaver, J. Phys. Chem 92 (1988) 1596. 5. A. Chen, J. Richer, S.G. Roscoe and J. 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In order to understand the behavior of proteins, it is important first to understand the adsorption behavior of amino acids- L-PhenyIalanine was chosen for this study as it contains the hydrophobie aromatic group and therefore follows a series of small organic compounds (i.e., cyanopyridine Cl], benzonitrile [2], and benzoate [3,4], pyridïne [553 and 2,2' bipyridine [q)that we have been studying using electrochemical and in situ FTIR to examine their orientation and coordination at the Au(l11) electrode swhce. The adsorption of phenyiahhe (Phe) at metal surfàces has been investigated by a number of techniques- DifEerential capcitance and radioactive indicaiors were used to investigate the adsorption of phenylalanine and tyrosine at bismuth and mercury electrodes [7,8]. Other electrochemicai studies of amino acids at mercury electrodes were made with glycine [9], glycyl-glycine [10],and methionine [Z Il. Studies have also k e n carried out on glycine [12,13], a- and p-alanine 113,141, a-,P- and y-aminobutyic acid [13,15], and tyrosine and tryptophan [16] at po lycrystalline Pt. A mechanism involving adsorption through the carboxylate group foliowed by decarboxylation was proposed for the oxidation of the amho acids. In situ FTZR spectroscopy is a technique that has been used very successflllly in the study of electrified interfàces [17-201. This technique d o w s the identification of intermediates and products of an electrode reaction, and it has been widely used to study electrocatalytic oxidation mechanisms of smali organic molecules at noble metai electrodes [21-231. Because of the surface selection rules, the technique provides information on the orientation and coordination of molecules adsorbed at metal surfaces. Applications of this technique have been made to the adsorption of CO to platinum group metals E3.3-261, as weii as a number of organic molecules on polycrystalluie platinurn [27, 283, mercury [29,30] and gold [3 1, 32,331. The in siCu FTIR studies were concemed either with the identification of species generated at the electrode surface or the determination of the characteristic of their s d a c e coordination in most of these applications. For example, in situ FTIR and electrochemicai measurements on the adsorption of glycinate on Pt(ll1) showed the molecule to be two-fold coordinated to the Pt through the carboxylate group and with COz formation at the higher potentiak 1341. Less work has been done to develop FîIR speçtroscopy as a tool for quantitative analysis of adsorbed species tbat could provide information about the composition of the interlEicid region Only a few papers report quantitative studies [20,35,361. The objectives of our present work are the-fold; (3 ta employ the surface selection rules of IR spectroscopy to investigate the potential induced reorientation of the adsorbed molecules, (2) to use IR spectroscopy to determine the potentïal range within which the molecules are stable at the electrode surface and to detennine the potential for the onset of Phe oxidation, and (iiii to correlate the h c e concentrations of Phe molecules detemhed fiom electrochemicai studies with the intensities of selected IR bands for adsorbed molecules. 6.2. Experimental L-Phenylalanine is a zwitterionic molecule at the pH of its isoelectric point which corresponds to 5.75 [37]. AU experiments descnid in this work were performed in a neutrd unbuffered electrolyte at pH values close to the isoelectric point. The experimental procedures for both electrochemical and SNIFTIRS studies have k e n descnid in Chapter 3. The transmission spectra were recorded using a thin layer of a solution of phenylalanine in D20between two flat ZnSe windows or solid phenylalanine immobilized in a KBr pellet. 6.3. Results and Discussion 6.3.1. Eiectrochemical results Cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential capacity O C ) and chronocoulometric measurements provide information conceming the properties and characteristics of the electrochemical processes of phenylalanine adsorption ai the Au(ll1) d c e . This is particdarly important in order to determine suitable reference and sample poteztials for the FTIR studies and for the interpretation of the spectroscopie data. Figure 6- la shows the cyclic voltammetry curves recorded in the double layer region of Au(ll1) in 0.1 M KClQ and in the presence o f 1.06 x 1 0 - ~M Phe. Three pairs of quasi-reversble peaks appear between -300 to 600 rnV resdting f?om the adsorption of Phe. The peaks recorded in the positive voltage scan are quite broad relative to those associated with the I I I -600 -400 I I I -200 O 200 E / mV vs SCE I 1 400 600 Figure 6-1 For a Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KC104 (dashed lines) and 0.1 M KCIO4 + 1 .O6 x 1 M Phe solutions (solid ihe), a) cyclic voltamrnetry curves recorded using the sweep rate 20 mV Ç'. b) dBerential capacity recorded using a 5 mV rnodulated at 25 Hz and a 5 mV 5' sweep rate. (mis) sine wave adsorption of inorganic ions such as Cl- [38]. Figure 6-1 b shows differential capacity curves recorded for the supporthg electrolyte alone and in the presence of 1.06 x 10" M Phe. Consistent with the CV curves, the capacities display three peaks suggesting that Phe adsorption is a three-state process The peaks on the differentkd capacity curves are observed at potentials; - -100 , - 300 and - 500 mV. The curves recorded in the presence of Phe merge with that of the pure electrolyte, at 4 0 0 mV, indicating total desorption of Phe at this potential. Thus,-600 mV was chosen as the initial potential for capacitive chronocoulometry and iII situ FïïR measurements. In addition, the CV and differential capacity curves were helpfül in establishing the upper potentials lùnit for the in situ FTIR studies. Capacitive chronocoulometry was used to measure the ciifference between the charge density at the potential of adsorption ( Ei ) and that of total desorption ( Ef ) [39411: AOM(E~) = CM&) - (6-1) Solutions of phenyhlanhe were prepared over the concentration range of IO-' to 10" M in 0.1 M KCl04. When Phe concentration was lower than 104 M, solutions were stirred in order to e h c e mass transport rate and to ensure that the state of adsorption equili'brium was establisned. The potential of zero charge @zc) was determined fiom the position of the difEUse layer minimum of a differential capacity c w e measured separately with a dilute solution of the supporting electrolyte. It was equal to 280 mV versus SCE. The absolute charge density at El was calculated fiom AGM@ZC)= CM(&) - ~ ~ ( p z=cSM(&) ) (6-2) Since there is no adsorption at Efithe charge, CM@), molecdes in solution. T'usAQ&) is independent of the presence of the and -(El) were calculated using the above equations for the complete set of potential range and solutions investigated. The charge density (w) versus potential plots, determined for the pure electrolyte and selected concentrations of Phe are chosen in Figure 6-2. PLU charge density curves merge at -500 mV, indicating that Phe molecdes are already desorbed at this potential. The charge density curves also dispiay multiple-step characteristics of a rnulti-state adsorption process of Phe. The potentiais of these steps correspond to the position of peaks observed in both the CV (Figure 6- 1a) and DC (Figure 6- 1b) cuves. The pzc shifts to more negative values in the presence of Phe, This feature indicates that the adsorbed molecules assume an orientation in which the negative pole of the permanent dipole moment is directed towards the Au(ll1) sufface and the positive pole towards the solution 6.3.2. Gibbs excess and Gibbs energy of adsorption The i i h pressures p)of adsorbed phenyhbine were calculated using where 8 and 8 = O represent the presence and absence of the amino acid in the bdk solution, respectively. The relative Gibbs excesses were then calculated fiom Figure 6-3 shows the Gibbs excess (T) versus potential curves for various concentrations of Phe in O. 1 M KCIOs solution. The Gibbs excess increases with potential until it reaches a maximum at 300 mV followed by a decrease at higher potentials. The maximum Gibbs 6.52x lo4 M 2.27 x IO-^ M 6.36 x lo9 M 0.1 M KCIO, -3v 1 I I 1 I I I -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E / m V v s SCE Figure 6-2 Charge density curves determined fiom chronocoulometry in 0.1 M KCQ(dotted h e ) and, for clanty, a selected set of concentrations of Phe are shown mging fiom 1.83 x IO-' M to 1.06 x 10" M. -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 E / mV vs SCE Figure 6-3 Gibbs excess vs. potentid plots for Phe on Au(ll1) at 1.26 x 1 0 M ~ ~(circle); 2.27 x 105 M (square); 3.52 x IO-' M (up-triangle); 6.36 x 10'~ M (down-triangle); 1.06 x 1 0" M (diamond). Inset, for 1 -06 x10" M Phe solution, cornparison of the Gibbs excess and the integrated intensities of the 1 574 cm-' (open triangle) and 1410 cm-' (open circle) SN?FTRS bands in the spectrum of Phe in D20 recorded using s-polarized photons. K excess of Phe is about 2 x 10-'O mol cm-2. This number is somewhat lower than the maxirnumexcess of Phe determined at the Bi(lI1) and Hg electrodes [7,8] .Qualitatively, adsorption of Phe on Au(ll1) and Bi(l1l) as well as on Hg electrodes displays many common features. Somewhat lower values of T Observed for the Au(1ll) electrode may be explained by the eight times lower concentration of Phe used in our work. The Gibbs energy of adsorption AGads is uually detennined fiom a fit of the experimental data to an equation of a particdm adsorption isothem The adsorption of Phe has apparently a multiple state character and no simple isotherm can be used to describe the change of its surface concentration. However, in the limit of zero coverage, all isothenns simple to the Henry isotherm [39]: where .x: is the mrface pressure, T,, is the lunithg Surface concentration, c is the bulk Phe concentration, and p is the equili'brium constant which is related to the G%bs energy of adsorption through the equation AGds = -RT Inp. The e q u i l i i constant can be evaluated fiom the initial slopes of the d a c e pressure versus the bulk concentration plots. The value of , T equai to 2 x 10-'O mol was taken to calcuIate B. The Giibs energies of adsorption determined in this way are plotted againsi the potential in Figure 64. The standard state corresponds to unit mole fiaction of the organic species in the buk of the solution and to monolayer coverage by the noninteracting adsorbates. One can also use the value of RTln( c e - ~ s/55.5) as an additional measure of the energetics of Phe -300 -200 -100 O 100 200 E /mV vs SCE 300 400 Figure 6-4 For Phe on Au(1 1 1), Gibbs energy o f adsorption and RTln ( ~ ~ = ~ . s / 5 )5 . 5 plotted versus the electrode potentid. 4 adsorption When adsorption is descnid by the Langmuir isothenn, then RTln(cs0.s l55.5) = AGnds. Therefore, the difference between RTln(cer5 /55.5) and AGad,detennined f?om the Henry's Law can be used as a rneaçuce of the deviation of the behavior of a given system fiom that descriid by the Langrnui isotherm. The values of RTln(cea5 i55.5) are plotted dong the AGadsdetennined fiom the Henry's Law in Figure 6-4. The dflerences between the hvo sets of data are quite srnall (less than 2 kJ mo 1-') and this feature indicates that the sudàce properties of Phe do not deviate too much fkorn those of the system descriid by the Langmuir isothexm. The Gibbs energy values for Phe have comparable magnitude to the values of Gibbs energies of other weakly chemisorbed aromatic molecules [3 91. 6.3.3. FTIR studies (i) Choice of solvent For îhe reasons descnkd in the section 5.3 -2 in Chapter 5, a0 was chosen as a solvent in the present shidies. However, isotopic exchange of hydrogen by deuteriurn can occur fiom the interaction of DzO wÏth compounds containing labile hydrogen, such as, for example, the hydrogen bonded to nitrogen in amines and amides [42]. Under this condition, the deformation bands of ND3' move to the fiequencies below 1200 cm-'. (ri) General properties of IR spectra Amino acids are amphoteric. At low pH values, both functiond groups are M y protonated so that the amino acid molecule assumes the cationic fonq i-e., RCH(NH3')COOK, cationic form (c): ~t high pH values, al the acidic protons have been I removed so that Ï t assumes the anionic form (A); i-e., RCH(NH2)COO-. At pH near the isoelectric point (PI), the amino acid exkts as the nvitterionic forrn (Z), RCH(N&')COO-. The pKi and pK2 for Phe is 2.20 and 9.31 respectively 1371 and the p1 is 5.75. The Lwitterionic fom will therefore be present in varying amounts in the pH range of - 4 to 1o. To facilitate interpretation of the electroreflectance spectra, we wiU first discus the transmission spectra of Phe shown in Figure 6-5. Curve a shows s p e c t m of pure solid Phe pressed in a KBr pellet. The molecule of Phe in the KBr pellet is in the zwîttenonic form - Z [43]. Table 6.1 gives the assignment of major bands, based on the band assignment for aknine C43-451. The band at 1625 cm-' is assigned to -NHSfasymmetrk deformation (Amino Acid 1 band). The band at 1562 cm-' corresponds to asymmetric COO' stretch. Its broad envelope contauis also the symmetric -NI&' deformation (Amino Acid II band) . Bands at 1495 and 1458 cm-' correspond to CH2 scissoring deformations and the band at 1410 cm-' is the symmetric 400stretch band. The curve b in Figure 6-5 shows the spectrum of Phe in a neutd solution of 9 0 (pH = 7).At this pH the molecule is predomuiant1y in the zrvitterionic form There are signiscant differences between the spectra of form Z in the KBr pellet and in the DzO solution. Spectnim b contains only two strong bands at 1616 and 1410 cm-' that rnay be assigned to the asymmetric and symmetric 400-stretch, respectively [43,44]. The weak bands are lost in a relatively high noise observed for this spectrum Curve c in Figure 6-5 shows spectnim of Phe in alkaline (pH = I 1) solution of D20,where the molecule is in the anionic forrn - A [43]. This spectnim is &O dominated by the two -COO- stretch bands. 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 Wavenumber / cm-' Figure 6-5 Transmission spectra of Phe and related compounds; (a) spectnim of Phe in a KBr pellet, (b) spectnun o f Phe in neutrd solution of DzO, pH=7, (c) spectrum of Phe in alkaline solution of D20,pH-Il ,(d) spectnim of phenylacetate in D20. 8 For the anionic form, the asymmetric 400- stretch appears at 1574 cm-' and is red shifted with respect to the position of the same band in the zwitterionic form [Ml. Characteristically, the 1625 cm-' band seen in spectmm a is absent in spectra b and c. The absence of this band suggests that the use of DzO as a solvent results in deuteration of the amino group due to the presence of labile hydrogens attached to the nitrogen. Hence, the form Z assumes a structure RCH(ND1')COO- and form A is RCHO\TD2)COO'. Because of the change in the reduced mass fiom N-H to N-D, the deformational modes shift to lower fkequencies by an amount v K b K H= 0.72 [43]. This corresponds to fiequencies below 1200 cm-', outside the spectral range examined in this work. Consequently, in D 2 0 the IR spectra of forms Z and A consist chiefly of two strong bands correspondhg to syrnmetric and aqmmetric 400- stretches and two small CH2 scissoring deformations. To ver* this assignment, transmission s p e c t m for phenylacetate in D2O (spectnim d) is also plotted in Figure 6-5. Indeed, the IR spectrum of the A f o m of Phe resembles closely the specnim of phenylacetate. Figure 6-6 compares the transmission spectra of Phe in DzO recorded in the an<aüne solution (pH = 11) - spectnim a and in the acidic solution @H = 2) ciifferences between the two spectra are very si@cant. - spectnim b. The In scidic solution, the IR spectrum of Phe consists of two broad bands at 1732 and 1458 cm-' that may be assigned to the C=O stretch and the symmetric -COOD stretch of the deuterated carbxylic group. Apparently, the use of 4 0 as the solvent in acidic electrolyte results in deuteration of -NH3' group as well. n i e structure of the phenylalanine molecule becomes RCH(Nû33COO~(form C) [45]. The net result of these changes is that the IR spectnim Figure 6-6 Transmission spectra of; a) Phe in alkaline solution of D20, pH=l 1. b) Phe in acidic solution ofDzO (pH = 2), c) phenylacetic acid in DzO. Table 6.1. Vibrational Frequencies and Assignments for Transmission and SNIFTIR Measurements Vibrational frequency in cm-' Zwitter- Zwitter Anionic Cationic ionic form in form in ionic acidic form in form in alkaline neutral KBr D20 D20 1 1 1341 1410 1458 1495 1562 1610 1625 - 1 1 D20 14i0 1616 1 1 1341 1412 1458 1495 1 1 -1458 - 1 CH bend 1 COO-symmetric stretch or COOD CH2 sciçsoring deformation NH3+symmetrïc deformation viiratiow COO- asymmeb5c stretch 1574 - Assignment of transmission spectra I 1732 NH3' asymmetric deformation vibrations C=O asymrnetric stretch of COOD group 2 - zwittenonic form, RCH(NK3')C00- (or RCH@lD3')COO' in D20) C - cationic form, RCH(NH3')COOH (or RCH(ND3')COOD in 9 0 ) A - anionic form, RCH(NH2)COO- (or RCH(ND2)COO- in D20) of phenylalanine m acidic D20 resembles spectnim of the phenylacetic acid shown as spectnim c in Figure 6-6. The SNIFTIRS spectra described below were recorded m an unbuffered solution of O. 1 M KCI04. In this solution, reduction of trace owgen or water at negative potentiais may cause an ïncrease in pH in the thin layer cell. Therefore, we have examined changes in the character of the transmission IR spectra of Phe in the pH range fiom 7 to 1 1. These spectra are plotted in Figure 6-7.The ratio of the zwitterïonic to anionic form changes sigdicantly in this region of pH. In the IR spectrum of Phe, this could be seen as a change of the amplitude of the band correspondmg to the asymmetrk 4.200-stretch for the Z and A forxns of the molecule. At pH = 7 the zwitterionic form 3 1I 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 Wavenumber / cm-' Figure 6-7 Transmission spectra of Phe in solutions of DzO with pH ranging fiom 7 to 1 1. The pH vaiues are indicated at the corresponding spectra. 2000 1800 1600 1400 Wavenumber /cm" Figure 6-8 SNIFTIR spectra over the range of fiequencies, 1300 to 1800 c ~ acquired ' using the s-polarized i.d?ared beam, for the Au(ll1) electrode in 0.1 M KCIOI + 1-06 x 1 o ' ~M Phe solution in DzO.For each spectrum, the reference potential Ei was equd to -0.60V/SCE, and the value of the E 2 is indicated in the figure. # dominates and only the 400stretch at 1616 cm-' characteristic for form Z is seen in the spectrum. In contrast7the anionic form predorninates in a solution of pH = 11 and here only the band at 1574 cm-' is observed. At intermediate pH values, the concentrations of zwitterïonic and anionic form are of comparable magnitude and here the I R spectra contain the two 400' stretchuig bands in the -1 600 cm-' region. (iii) SNIFTIRS spectrafor s-polmized photons For s-polarized light, Figure 6-8 shows the evolution of SNIFTIRS spectra of Phe as a fùnction of the sample potential E2in unbuffered O.lMKC104 in D20. Since for spolarized light with SNIFTIRS the spectrum is that of solution species, and therefore in principle, their shape shouid not Vary with E2.Ody the amplitude of bands in these spectra should change with Ez,due to the change of T with the p o t e n a [3,5,6,20]. This is indeed the case for the spectral region below 1500 cm-'. Integrated intensities of the 1410 cm-' bands are plotted versus E2,dong the d a c e concentrations in the inset to Figure 6-3. Clearly, the specttroscopic data track weil the surface concentration plot. However, the dative intensities of the 1616 and 1576 cm-' bands change quite dramaticaily with the electrode potential. Using Figure 6-7, these changes may well be explained in terms of a variable pH in the thin layer cavity. At the most negative potentials the amplitudes of the 1616 and 1576 cm-'bands have comparable magnitude. This feature suggests that pH w i t h the thin layer cavity is about 8.5. By moving potential in the positive direction, the amplitude of the 1616 band decreases and that of the 1576 cm-' band increases, suggesting that the pH of the solution increases and that Z is progressively converted into the A form When E2 > 300mV,the 1616 c d starts to grow again at the r expense of the 1576 cd band, suggesting that the pH in the thin layer cavity begins to decrease. We have already mentioned eariier that the initial increase of pH may be explained by the reduction of residual oxygen or reduction of water at the reference potential. Since the spectra were acquired sequentidy, moving fkom the negative Limit in the positive direction, the increase of pH rnay actually be caused by the increasing the time of electrolysis rather than by changing the potentiaI. We will show later that the decrease of pH observed at E > 300 mV correlates welI with the onset of Phe oxidation and formation of a weak acid such as CO2 in the oxidation reaction. The changes of the spectral features seen in Figure 6-8 ilIustrate difliculties in studying surface properties of amino acids adsorbed at the solid surfàce fiom unbuffered solutions. Unfortunately, anions present in suitable buffers adsorb more strongly than Phe, preventing their use in this study. (iv) Orientation of adrorbed rnoZecuZes The orientation of adsorbed molecules can be conveniently studied using ppolarized radiation The electric field of ppolarized light has non-zero strength both at the metal surfàce and in the solution For this photon polarization, the SNIFTIRS spectrum is a dxerence between the spectra of rnolecuies adsorbed at the electrode surface at potential E2 and spectra of molecules desorbed h t o the thin layer cavity at El. The measured (ARlR)can be expressed as: a where R is the eiectrode reflectivity, 8 is the angle between directions of the electric field of the photon and the direction in which the dipole moment of the molecule changes, e is the rnolar absorption coefficient, r is the surface concentration of the adsorbed molecules. At potential Ei, Phe molecules are desorbed fiom the electrode surface and are randomly oriented. The fùnction cos0 has to be averaged over al1 possible orientations and the result is = 1/3. At potentiai Et, the magnitude of cos€@) depends on the direction of the transition dipole with respect to the normal to the surface because the electric field of the p-polarized photons is nearly normal to the surface. Figure 6-9 shows the famiy of SNIFTIR spectra of 0.0 1 M Phe in 0.1 M KC104 in D20witb p-polarized Iight. Consistent with equation 6.6, the SNIFTIR spectnim for ppolarized photons consists of negative and positive bands. The negative bands correspond to adsorbed and positive bands to desorbed molecules. The strength of the electnc field of the p-polarized photon on the electrode sudiace is enhanced ( cm)> &(El)) 1471. Hence, bands of adsorbed molecules may be stronger than bands of the solution species. However, the amplitude of the band for adsorbed molecules a h depends on the magnitude of angle O@). Vkational modes that have large wmponent of the transition dipole in the direction perpendicular to the surface are strong, while w'brational modes with the transition dipole paralle1 to the surface are inactive. In contrast, for molecules desorbed into the thin layer cavity at El, all IR modes are active. In the region of 1725 cm-', a bipolar peak appears n o d y assigned to the C=O stretch in protonated (deuterated) carboxylic acids [45]. In addition, a positive peak at 1574 cm-' assigned to an asymmetric carboxylate stretch and a bipolar peak at - 1410 due Figure 6-9 SlVFïIR spectra for Phe adsorbed at the Au(ll1) electrode fkom 0.1 M KCIOd + 1.06 x 1 0 - ~M Mhe solution in DzO using p-polarized uifrared beam For each spectnim, the reference potential El was equal to -0.60 VBCE, and the value of the E2 is indicated in the figure. to the symmetric carboxylate stretch also are observed in the spectra. The simuitaneous presence of the band due to C=O stretch of a protonated (deuterated) carboxylic group and the asymmetric and symmetric COO- bands of the dissociated carboxylic group indicates that the molecule of Phe is undissociated when it is adsorbed at the d a c e (i-e. as the neutral moIecule) and is dissociated into the solution (A form) when it is desorbed into the solution In fàct, it is well-documented [48] that, in the adsorbed state, pK, of a weak acid may dBer fiom the pK, in the bulk- It is therefore reasonable to expect that an adsorbed moiecuie is protonated at the surface but dissociates when desorbed into the bulk. We note that the symmetric COOD stretch, seen at - 1450 cm.' in the transmission spectnun of the protonated moIecule in Figure 6-6, is absent in the SNIFTIRS spectnim. This suggests that in the adsorbed molecule the transition dipole of the symmetric COOD stretch is oriented in the direction parallel to the d a c e and consistent with the surface selection niles is IR inactive. We also note some differences between SNIFTIRS spectra recorded using s- and p polarized light. In the spectra acquired ushg s-polarized photons (Figure 6-8) the 1616 ceL band was present when E c O mV. In the spectra for p- polarized light Figure 6-9) this band is absent a .E c 300 mV. These ciifferences suggest that in addition to the species adsorbed in the neutral fom, as discussed previously, a certain amount of Phe molecule reside on the surfàce in the zwitterionic f o m with the ND,' and COO' on the surfêce and the plane of the COO- group k i n g nomial to the surface. In this orientation the permanent dipole of the zwitterion and the transition dipole of the symmetric COO- stretch are parailel to the surface while the transition dipole of the asymmetnc COO' stretch has a signifiant component in the direction n o d to the surfâce. When p-polarized light is used, the bands due to the solution (at El) and adsorkd species (at E2) cancel each other and this band does not apF in the SNlFTIRS specA close inspection of the spectra in Figure 6-9 reveals that amplitudes of the C=O stretch band and the two COO- bands display different dependence on the electrode potential. In Figure 640% the peak-to-peak amplitudes of bipolar bands at - 1725 cm-'( C=O stretch) and - 1410 cm-' (symrnetric COO- stretch) are plotted against the electrode potential. It is useful to recall at that point that the pzc in the 1.O6 x 10" M Phe solution is equal to 150mV. Clearly, the amplitude of the C=O stretch is large at negatively c h g e d sud'ace, attains maximum at E = -1 00 rnV and decreases at E > - 100 mV. In contrast, the amplitude of the symmetric COO- stretch is very s m d at negative potentials and begins to increase to a maximum at - 200 mV,just positive to the pzc. At these potentials there is a progressive change in the orientation of the X00-group towards the surface, with the ND,' rotating off the Surface. In this orientation, the transition dipole of the symmetric COQ- stretch and the permanent dipole of the molecule become aligned in the direction n o d to the surface while the transition dipole of the asymmetric 400-stretch becomes paralle1 to the surfàce. This behavior suggests that at negatively charged surface, Phe molecules display tendency for preferential adsorption in the undissociated - neutrd form as &H5CH2CH(ND2)COODthat is mixed with the zwitterionic form. By moving Som the negative end of potentials in the positive direction, the neutrai form progressively transforms into the zwitterion and the zwitterion changes orientation so that the direction of its permanent dipole rotates fiorn behg pardel to king normal with respect to the surface. For cornparison with spectroscopie data, the CO" ND,' 1 -600 -400 -200 O L 200 400 600 E /mV vs SCE Figure 6-10 For a Au(l I l ) electrode in 0.1 M KC104 + 1.06 x 10-~M Phe solutions, a) integrated intensities of 1 725 cm-' band (square, Ce stretch of the deuterated carboqdic group), 1410 cm" band (circle, symmetnc X O O - stretch) and 2343 cm-' (triangle, COz band).b) Gibbs excess versus electrode potential plot. surface concentration of Phe determined fiom chronocoulometrïc data is plotîed in Figure 6-Lob. One can clearly see that the first step o n the suroice concentration plot correlates weii with the maximum of the band intensity for the neutrd species and the second step on the r versus E plot correlates well with the s t e p on the band intensiv for the zwittenonic form. Apparently, the spectroscopic data explaim the complex character of the adsorption isothenn determined fiom electrochemical measurements. The bipoIar character of SNIFTIRS bands indicates that the IR bands for the adsorbed species are shifted to lower frequencies with respect to the IR bands of molecules in the solution. This shift depends o n the electrode po tential. In Figure 6- 11, fiequencies corresponding to the minimum of the negative lobe o f the C=O stretch and the syrnmetric COO- stretch are plotted against the electrode potential. Apparently, fiequencies of these two bands move in opposZte direction with the electrode potential. We do not know whether this shifi is caused by the Stark effect or is due to the miang of the molecular orbitals o f the adsorbate with the electronic states in the metai. We suspected that the decrease of ï seen in electrochemical measurements at E > 300mV may be due to the oxidation of Phe at these positive potentials. To CO- this hypothesis, a series of SNIFTIRS measurements were made to determine ifC02 is formed as a product. CO2has an asymmetric stretching mode [36] at 2343 cm-'. Tnis band shoukl appear as a negative band in SNIFTIRS, because CO2 is produced only at the potential (E2).The broad absorption band of D20centered at 2500 c d [42] interferes with the 2343 cm-' band of C02. Therefore, it was necessary to use &O a s a solvent for these measurements. Fig. 6-12 shows the SNIFTIR spectra of Phe in the range fiom 2000 to 2600 cm-'. A srnd negative peak at 2343 cm-' appears at EI = 300 mV indicating the O 200 400 600 800 E / m V v s SCE Figure 6-11 Dependence of the Eequency of the minimum on the negative lob of the bipolar bands (closed points) at 1410 cm-' and (open points) at 1725 cm-' on the electrode potential. AWR = 1 x lo9 a.u. 500 mV 2343 c\ 400 mV - - - 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 21 O0 2000 Wavenurnber / cm-' Figure 6-12 SNIFTIR spectra in the CO2 asymmetric stretch region resuiting fiom the olridation o f Phe adsorbed at the Au(l11) electrode in 0.1 M KC1O4 + 1.06 x 1 0 - ~M Phe solution in H20, acquired using s-polarized bfiared beam. For each spectnim, the reference potential El was equal to -0.60 V/SCE, and the value of the Ez is indicatecl in the figure. onset of the oxidation process. The intensity of this peak is plotted against potenta in Figure 6-1 0. It increases rapidiy with E indicating substantid oxïdation of Phe at the electrode surface. The increase of the CO2 band intensity correlates very well with the decrease of the surface concentration of Phe seen in Figure 6-lob. The appearance of the 1616 cm-' band observed at E > 300mV in the SNlFTiRS spectra for both s- and ppolarized light, may be explained by the decrease of pH in the thin layer cavity, due to the production of CO2, that shifts the equilibrium between the A and Z for- towards the Zuritterions. 6.4. Summary and Conclusions The adsorption of Phe at the Au(ll1) electrode surface has been descn'bed in terms of Gibbs excesses and Gibbs energies of adsorption. In addition, S m S has been employed to acquire molecular level information concerning the nature of the adsorbed species and the orientation of the adsorbed molecule at the surface. Figures 6-10a and b illustrate the complementarity of the eiectrochemical and spectroscopic measmements. The surfkce concentration of Phe increases with potential up to 200mV and then drops down. The rising section on the surface concentration plot displays two i ~ e c t i o n s(two overlapping steps) characteristic of a two state character of adsorption The spectroscopic data exptain very well this shape of the surface concentration pIot. They show that the fïrst (most negative) step corresponds to adsorption of the neutral f o m of the molecule. They also show that the second step is due to the transformation of the neutral into the zwitterionic form and reorientation of the zwitterionic f o m The decrease of the surface concentration at E > 300 mV correlates welI with the intensity of the CO2 band and is well explained by the decarboxyiation of Phe molecules at these positive potentials. On the bask of information extracted fkom combined thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies we cari propose the mode1 of adsorbed molecule shown in Figure 613. At negative potentiak (negatively charged surface) Phe is adsorbed Ui the neutral form with phenyl ring oriented parallel to the surface and with both the -NDî and the 4 O O D groups interacting with the surface. The plane of the -COOD group is oriented in the direction normal to the surface. This surface geometry is very shdar to the structure proposed for gIycine and a-alanine adsorbed at a silver particle by Suh and Moskovits [49]. In thk orientation the transition dipole of the C=O stretch should have strong component in the direction normal to the surface while the transition dipole of the symmetric COOD stretch should be nearly parallel to the surface, consistent with the SNIFTIRS data. We do not have spectroscopic evidence to support flat orientation of the , the phenyl ring bands were either weak or hidden within the envelope of phenyl ~ g since the asymmeetric COO- stretch bands. However, at the negatkely charged Au(L11) s w k e aromatic molecules are known to assume a £kit x-bonded d c e geometry [2,3,5] and these data suggest th& such orientation is energeticaily favorable. At positive potentiak, the neutral molecuie is converted into the zwitterion. The molecule is rotated so that the amino group and the phenyl ring are directed towards the solution and the carboxylic group towards the metal surface. The plane of the 400- group is nearly normal with respect to the surface- In this orientation, the transition dipole of the symmetric 400stretch has strong component in the direction normal to the surface. Simultaneously, the transition dipole of the asyrnmetric COO- is paraiiel to the surface, consistent with the IR Figure 6-13 Models descniing orientation o f Phe at the Au(ll1) electrode surface; a) at negative potentials, b) at positive potentials. data The present results illutrate a need for a concerted use of thermodynarnic and spectroscopie technique to give a complete description of the adsorption of molecules at the metal solution interface. References A. Chen, D. Yang, J. Lipkowski, J. ElectroanaL Chem 47 (1999) 130. A. Chen, J. Richer, S.G. Roscoe, J. Lipkowski, Langmuir, 13 (1997)4737. H-Q. Li, S.G. Roscoe, J. Lipkowski, J. Electroanal. Chem 478 (1999)67. H-Q- Li, S.G. Roscoe, J. Lipkowski, J. Sol. Chem. (in press) M. Hoon-Khoshla, W.R Fawcett, A. Chen, J. Lipkowskï, B. Pettinger, Electrochimica Acta, 45 (1999)62 1. M. Hoon-Koshia, W.R. Fawcett, J.D. Goddard, W-Q. Tian, J. Lipkowski, Langmuir, 16 (2000) (in print). G . k Dobren'kov, G.D. Shifotkach, S.L. Gil'manshina, Russ. 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Over the last thirty years, the bilayer lipid membrane has been used to elucidate the mo lecular mechanisms of biomembrane fiinctions such as ion sensing, material transport, excitability, gated channels, antigen-antibody binding, signal transduction, and energy conversion [2-51. A self-assembled bilayer lipid membrane @LM) on a solid/gel substrate was introduced in 1976 as an attempt to develop a mode1 solar energy conversion device [6-101. The supported BLM (s-BLh4) was then formed on metallic wires [Il], conducting Snû2 gIass [12], gel substrates [13-151 and microchips [16]. The dropping Hg electrode was subsecpently used to deposit phospholipids at electrode surfàces. The h c e concentration of lipids [17] on the electrode was detennined using radioactively labeled Zipid rnolecules. The results showed that the fipids concentration on the electrode was very similar to that at the G-S interface around the pzc. The lipid moIecules could t u over with the polar head towards the electrode surface, followed by the formation of a lipid bilayer between the e!ectrode and the electrolyte solution at very negative potentials [la-201. The eIectrochemica1 properties of the s-BLM were consistent with those of conventional BLMs [2 1,221. In the very early studies, the s-BLM was f o d by two consecutive self-assembly steps [1l,23-27]. Firstl the iipid molecules were placed in contact with a hydrophiIic rnetal surface. A monolayer of lipid molecuIes was irreversibiy bound to the metal surface with the nonpolar tail towards the solution Second, the metal covered by the lipid monolayer was immersed in an aqueous solution. The molecules in solution interact with the hydrophobie chahs of lipid molecules in the monolayer and assemble to form a bilayer- This method is no longer attractive because it produces more defects than more recent methods and a long waiting time is needed. Currently, the Langmuir-Blodgett @B) technique [28-331 is very popular. One can rnake a Iipid monoIayer on a substrate at known film pressures by use of a Langmuir trougk The transfer ratio of the LB technique is close to unity. Other advantages of LB technique [34] include: 1) continuous coatings, 2) very precisely controlled thickness and very good unifonnity of the film, 3) coating of curved surfâces with q u a i uniformity, 4) amending pores up to the micrometer range on certain types of substrates. However there are some inherent weaknesses of LB method. 1) The coating involves dipping of all objects into an aqueous sub-phase. 2) In many cases the substrate has to be modified to enhiince its adhesion properties. 3) Some proteins do not toleraîe the transfer process and their activities may be lost. The vesicle fusion approach allows for easy incorporation of proteins into the bïIayer of the s-BLM via incorporation of proteins into the bilayer of the vesicles 1351. It is a very promising technique for biomimetic studies. Many papers on vesicle h i o n have been published in the last few years. Sackmann et al. [35-381 studied the mechanism of vesicle spreading on a solid substrate. They found that four processes must occur in order to form a lipid bilayer: vesicle approach to the substrate, vesicle adsorption, vesicle rupture and the fusion of adjacent patches of bilayer on the substrate. They also proposed two dBerent spreading models involving by sliding and by rolling, illustrated in Figure 2-10. Lipid sliding will occur on substrates that are very hydrophilic and do not dehydrate the membrane. Kalb et al. [39] compared the lipid bilayer ftom LB and that fiom indirect vesicle fusion. The fluorescence recovery experiments showed that the lateral diffusion coefficient was somewhat independent of the method by which the bilayers were prepared. Groves and Boxer 1401 developed a simple method to generate the electric field-uiduced concentration gradients in s-BLMs. The gradient of fluorescently lakled probes was obsewed at field strengths as Iow as 1 V cm*'. The objective of our research was to h d an efficient procedure for the deposition of s-BLMs on Au(li1) surfaces. The DMPC bilayers fiom LB deposition and direct vesicle fusion d l be characterized by using both electrochemical and in situ FTIR techniques. Our experimental results will demonstrate how to overcome the problems of stabliity and reproducibility of s-BLMs. These results are relevant for the development of biosensors. 7.2. Experirnental 7.2.1 Preparation of SUVs and determination of the vesicle size SUVs (small unilamellar vesicles) were prepared according to the Barenholz procedure [41] and described in Chapter 3. Determination of the distribution of vesicle sizes was performed by the dynamic light scatterhg @LS) as per Hallett er al. [42,43]. Figure 7-1 shows the size distriibution of the DMPC vesicles. The range is narrow. The 0.005 0.01 O 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Particle radius /pm Figure 7-1 Size distribution of DMPC vesicies measured by dynarnic light scattering analysis. mean radius for the vesicles is 14-7 nm which is near the low iimit of srnaII unilamellar vesicles w]. Those vesicles are suitable for spontaneous fusion to an appropriate substrate. 7.2.2 Measurement of the film pressure by the LB microbalance The film pressure of DMPC monolayer at the gas-water interface was measured using a Wilhelmy plate attached to a LB microbalance. The cleanliness of solution and glassware is critical for the measurement. Even traces of impurities will innuence the film pressure significantly. Our measurement was made inside the electrochemical ce11 and under a gentle flow of argon. The same measurement was repeated in a closed chamber without argon flow. The film pressures determined under both cases were plotted in Figure 7-2. Their values are very close, indicating that the argon flow did not affect our measurernents. 7.2.3 Electrochemical and SNIFTIRS studies of DMPC Films The DMPC monolayers and bilayers were deposited on a Au(l11) electrode surface as described in Chapter 3. The instrumentation for electrochemical and SNIFTIRS techniques was similar to that used in the previous chapters. However, a jacket ceil was used here in the SNIFTIRS experiments in order to keep the temperatures inside the cell constant. Meanwhile, a hemispherical ZnSe window was used to collimate the beam and to enhance the sensitivity. The spectra repcrted in this chapter were the results of averaging at least 6000 interferograms. The film pressures of both monolayers and bilayers were calculated using the charge density data. 7.2.4 AFM studies of DMPC films In terms of analysing biornaterials in general, the AFM has four major attibutes [64]: - . - - - -under Argon environment under Air environment 38 mN/m 20 Time /Min Figure 7-2 Film pressures o f DMPC monolayer at the gas-solution (0.05 M NaF) interface measured by Langmuir-Bbdgett microbalance. 2 . The AFM can achieve very high resolution of sample features in three dimensions, 2. The AFM can obtain sample topographies without surface treatment or coating. The surface can be irnaged in its natural state. 3. The AFM can acquire images within a liquid medium Therefore, the AFM provides a method of imaging surfaces at solid-so lution interfaces. 4. The AFM can be run under a force mode to rneasure the force curves. From the force vs. separation curve, the thickness of the DMPC bilayers will be measured. Nanoscope III Atomic Force Microscope was employed in this thesis. The central component of the AFM is the micro fabricated tip and cantilever. The tip is made of Si3N4 crystal. The piezoscanner tube is positioned beneath the sample. Scanning is achieved by moving the sample relative to the statiomry tip. Before obtaining an image, it is necessary to set up the desired repulsive force between the probe and the surface. By precisely controllhg the height of the sample relative to the tip, it is possible to maintain repulsive forces lower than 1 nN. This repulsive force is recorded by the deflection of the cantiiever which, in tuni, is monitored by the angle of reflection of the laser as measured by the four quadrant photodiode. If the AFM tip scans over a raised area, the repulsive force increases. A feedback loop fion the photodiode to the piezoscanner tube then acts to lower the sample and thereby restores the pre-set repulsive force. 3-D pictures of constant force are obtained by plotting the sample heigbt against the lateral tip position. The AFM study in this chapter is preliminary. More measurements have to be done when we can control the temperature of the solution inside the AFM cell. 7.3 Results and Discussion 73.1 Cbaracterization of the DMPC bilayer by AFM Initially, we investigated the deposition of DMPC bilayers onto a d a c e of a glass slide via vesicle fiision We used AFM to image the morphology of the bilayer deposited on a glass siide and to measure its thickness i?om the force curve analysis. Figure 7-3 shows the AFM images of uncoated and DMPC coated giass slides. The surface became more flat and unifonn after the deposition of DMPC vesicles. However, some pinholes could be seen in the film of phospholipids. The discontuiuities in the bilayer were probably produced during the cooiing of the sample. The fusion of vesicles on the substrate occmed at 30 OC and the image was acquired at room temperature (approx 23 OC). The change in temperature causes the membrane to shrink and this results in the holes (defects) in the membrane [45]. For this reason, we did not continue AFM imaging. It was decided that these measurements should be made at a Iater stage when it is possible to control the temperature in the AFM ceii. However, the discontinuities in the lipid bilayer allowed the analysis of thickness to be made [46]. The thickness of the membrane can be determineci by operating AFM in the force mode. The tip of the AFM was engaged while the lateral scan parameters were tumed offTip deflection versus 2-piezo position c w e s were captured. The tip deflection values were then converted to forces according to Hookes law (F = -kz). The thickness of the membrane could be observed in the force versus distance curve. Figure 7-4 shows the force-distance curve recorded for a DMPC coated glass slide. The DMPC bilayer was deposited using the LB technique. The major feature is the pronounced "jump on" point. The presence of a repulsive force at large separation between the tip and the film Figure 7-3 AFM images (1 p m by 1pm) of a glass slide before (a) and after (b) coating with 1 mg d-' DMPC vesicle solution for 1 hour at 30 OC. Figure 7-4 Extending force as a function of separation distance between the M M tip and a glas siide coated by a DMPC bilayer using LB deposition. followed by a sudden attraction is a strong evidence for the presence of an adsorbed layer. The distance that the AFM tip "jumped over" corresponds to the thickness of the DMPC bilayer. A similar measurement has k e n made on the DMPC bilayer formed by the direct vesicle spreading. Figure 7-5 demonstrates a similar force-distance curve. A uniform thickness for the DMPC bilayer of 6 to 7 nm is consistently observed. This value agrees very well with the thickness of a DPPC (dipalmitoyphosphatidylchoLine) bilayer deposited on a silicon wafer [47]. Based on the neutron reflectivity rneasurements for the DPPC bilayer, Koenig et al. found that the total thickness of the film between the singlecrystalline silicon substrate and the aqueous subphase was 7 and 6.5 * 0.5 n m in the gel phase * 0.5 nrn in the liquid-crystalline phase 1471. It seems that the thickness of the supported phospholipid bilayer is weakly dependent on the types of phospholipids and the methods by which the bilayers have k e n deposited ont0 a solid support. To c o n h n this point we also deposited an egg-PC bilayer onto the glass substrate by direct vesicle fusion in silu in the AFM ceLl. The force curve-distance curve for egg-PC in figure 7-6 displays similar features to that observed earlier for the bilayer of DMPC. The thickness of the bilayer formed by egg-PC is similar to the thickness of the bilayer f o d by DMPC. It is important to note that there is always a water layer between the solid substrate and the phospholipid bilayer due to the hydration of the hydrophilic substrate &or the polar heads on lipid molecules tumed to the solid substrate. n e thickoess of the water layer between the DMPC bilayer and the glass was estimated to be 1.7 [48]. The water layer was thicker (3 & * 0.5 nm 1 nm) when the bilayer was formed on a quartz substrate [49]. Quartz is less polar than glass. On quartz, more water is needed to b e e r the polarity of the head of phospholipid molecules in order for the phospholipid to form a Separation (nm) Figure 7-5 Extending force as a function of separation distance between the AFM tip and a glass slide coated by a DMPC bilayer using a direct vesicle fùsion technique. The concentration of DMPC vesicles is 1 mg m ~ - DMPC ' in 0.15 M KCl solution- O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Separation (nm) Figure 7-6 Extending forces as a function of separation distance between the AFM tip and a glass slide in an AFM liquid celL The cell was filled up with 1 mg r n ~ "Egg-PC vesicles in 0.15 M KCI solution for 3 0 minutes, followed by gently flushhg the cell with 90 mL of 0.15 M KCI solution. stable bilayer. The thickness of the water Iayer has been included in the force curve measurements. Therefore, the real thickness of the phospholipid bilayer shodd be less - than 6 ML The thickness of the bilayer is usually in the range of 4 5 nm [46,47,49] with a thickness of hydrocarbon tails between 3 to 4 nm [47,49]. 7.3.2 Electrochernical studies of DMPC bilayers at the electrode-solution interface As discussed in section 1-2.4, the eIectrica1 field signif icantly affects the properties of the biological membrane. For these reasons it is interesting to study artficial membranes at the electrode surface- Gold electrodes display ideally polarizable behaviour over a broad range of electrode potentials. Under these conditions, the metal solution intefiace behaves as a capacitor. The capacity of the electrode decreases when organic molecules are present at the interface [SOI. The measurement of electrode capacity offers a convenient tool to study the phospholipid bilayer at the electrode-solution interface. The capacity can be determined by cyclic voltammetry experiments where a linear voltage sweep is applied to the electrode- The voltammetric current is equal to the product of the sweep rate and the differential capacity of the electrode. Figure 7-7shows the cyclic voltammograms for Au(l1l) with the DMPC bilayer at the electrode-solution interface. The DMPC bilayers fiom the vesicle fusion and fiom the LB deposition display similar features. The voltammetric currents in the presence of lipid bilayers are lower than those in the pure supporting ekctrolyte within a large potential range ( h m -400 mV to 500 mV, SCE)- The two pairs of peaks between -400 and -600 mV overlap with each other. There is not enough evidence to determine these processes. AFM and spectroscopy techniques may give more detailed information Tentatively, it may be assumed that the adsorptioddesorption and/or phase transitions of DMPC bilayers occur - . - - - -0.05 - M NaF ---- -800 - BiIayer frorn veside fusion Bilayerfrom LE deposition -600 -400 -200 -.-*- .. O 200 400 600 E/mV vs SCE Figu re 7-7 Cyclic vo ltammograms of DMPC bilayers at Au(l11 )-solution interface. in this range of potentials. The peak potentials o f the anodic and cathodic directions dBer somewhat. The hysteresis indicates slow kinetics o f the inteficial pheno mena The curves in Figure 7-8 are the daerential capacities rneasured directiy from the ac voltammetric experhnents. Again, the DMFC bilayers fiom LB deposition and fiom vesicle fusion show s-imilar patterns and values of the differential capacities at al1 potentials. At extreme negative potentials (less than -700 mV), the differential capacity curves in the presence of the bilayers merge with the corresponding plot detennined fiom the phospholipid-free Interfàce. This means h t the phospholipids desorbed fiom the electrode surface. The deep jump fkom -400 to -500 mV represents the phase transition of the lipid bilayer. Ho-wever, it is not clear to which state the bilayer changed and what mechanism fiom bilayer to vesicle is assurned. Firstiy, the DMPC is a double chah amphiphile. Compared with the head group, its hydrocarbon chains are too buky to form a srna11 aggregate such as micelle. Secondly, the formation of vesicles eliminates the energeticauy ~ v o u r a b l eedges at a flinite aggregation number, which is enîropically favoured. The sIow kinetics of the adsorption-desorption phenomena are responsible for the absence of the absorption/desorption peaks in the differential capacity curves. The minimum values of the dif5erential capacity on both curves in Figure 7-8 are close to 5 pF cm-2which is similar to the value for a nIm of SDS (dodecyl sulfate) at the Auil 11)-solution interface [SI]. Actually, the capacitance of lipid bilayers at the Iiquidliquid interface is only about 1 pF cme2 [Cl. This value generally depends on the composition of the bilayer, bathing solution, and Iipid so lvent used, but is independent of the fiequency (105 to 1,06Hz) and applied voltage (up to 50 mV) during the - .. ' - - - - - - 0.05 M NaF . . @ - -- a Bilayer from LB deposition Bilayer from vesicle fusion --- b * I # I , . . - O 8 . * 8 - . O 8 8 - I 1 I I 1 1 E / mV vs SCE Figure 7-8 Forward differential capacity curves of DMPC bilayer at the Au(ll1)- solution interface. rneasurement, There are at least three reasons to account for the difference between our measurements and the fiterature. 1) The gold single crystal surface is a mosaic of well ordered (1 11) domains separated by steps, domain boufldaries, etc., and is energetically inhornogeneous. The defects in the supported bilayer are inevitable. 2) There must be a water layer between the lipid heads and the gold substrate, where the charged electrolyte species c m be trapped. 3) Some solvated electrolyte ions are embedded within the lipid bilayer or attached to the polar heads of the phospholipids. The desolvation may take place in the presence of electrical fields, which increases the dielectric constant of the bilayer membrane. The adsorption of phospholipids not only changes the differential capacity, but &O the charge density on the electrode surface. The charge density at the electrode surface may be conveniently measured by using the chronocouiometry technique. Figure 7-9 compares the charge density data for the bilayer fiom LB deposition with that fiom direct vesicle fusion on Au(ll1). The difference between the two sets of data is extremely small. Apparently, the direct vesicle fusion on gold is a reliable rnethod for the substitution of LB deposition. The step in the poten?ial range of -600 to 400 mV shows the formation of a DMPC bilayer on the electrode surfàce. The bilayers are somewhat stable in a broad potentiai range (400 to 400 mV) where the charge densities increase slightly with increasing electrode potentials- At more positive potentials, a change in conformation of the adsorbed phospholipid molecules may occur. A deep increase in the charge ciensities is observed. In situ FTIR spectroscopy will be used to probe such conformation changes in the next section. The phospholipid biIayer has a hydrophobic interior which does not allow the passage of charged species, However, the supported +0.05 M NaF +Bilayer from LB + Bilayer from vesicle -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 E / m V vs SCE Figure 7-9 Charge density versus electrode potential plots of DMPC biiayers at a Au(1 11)-solution interface. bilayer is always irnperfect because a perfectly smooth substrate is hard to achieve. Defects (pinholes and pits) in the supported bilayer always exist and this results in a leakage of the charged species. If an electroactive species penetrates the bilayer to reach the electrode surface, a certain electrochemical reaction may occur at appropriate electrode potentials. TI+ has k e n successfülly used to probe the state of adenosine layer on a Hg electrode surface [52]. BiPotto et 02- 1531 studied the barrier properties of 4pentadecylpyridine coated gold surfaces. They found that the ferricyanide ion (F~(cN)~~-) was an ideal probe to examine the quality of the organic films on gold electrodes. Figure 7-10 shows some cyclic voltamrnograms used to explain the barrier properties of the DMPC bilayer at the Au(l 11)-solution interfàce. The ferricyanide ion is chosen because its reductiodoxidation potential is within the potential range where the DMPC bilayer is stable. The dashed line in Figure 7-10 shows that the reduction and oxidation potentials are 145 and 215 mV respectively. The small shoulder peak at about 70 mV in the anodic half is due to the diffusion of femcyanide ions fiom the buk to the electrode. When the DMPC vesicles were added to the electrolyte solution, a bilayer formed at the electrodesolution intefice and isoiated the electrode fiom the electrolyte. The redox reaction of ferricyanide was blocked, and the corresponding peaks disappeared. The CV curve becarne featureless (solid he). The DMPC bilayer displays a good barrïer propew although it may contain some defects. 7.3.3 In situ FTIR studies of DMPC bilayers at the electrode-solution interface The application of i d k e d spectroscopy to the study of the Iipid membrane was pioneered by Chaprnan and CO-workersin the late 1960s [54]. For a long tirne, the absorption of water in the IR range prevented the use of the IR spectroscopy to study the - - - - - - 0.05 M NaF --Added ferricyanide Presence of DMPC bilayer --- -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E /mV vs SCE Figure 7-10 Cyclic voltmograrns of Au(ll1) in 0.05 M NaF, 0.1 rnM Femcyanide and 0.1 mM Femcyanide with a DMPC bilayer formed by a vesicle fusion technique. Scan rate was 20 mV s-' . properties of phospholipids. The combination of the attenuated total r e k t i o n and Fourier transform techniques proved to be a way to overcome this problem [55,56]. Duevel et al. [57]studied the orientation and organization of phospholipid mono layers at gold surfaces by using polarization modulation FTIR spctroscopy. Here we will use SNIFTIRS to characterize the DMPC bilayer on the Au(ll1) surface at different electrode potentials. Figure 7-11 shows the SNLFTIRS spectra of DMPC at different sample poteniials. The spectra were recorded by stepping the potential between the sample potential indicated in the figure and a reference potential, -700 mV at which DMPC molecules are desorbed fiom the electrode surface into the thin layer cavity of the IR ceiI. The SNIFTIR spectra effectively plot a merence between the spectnun of DMPC desorbed to form vesicles at the reference potentid and the spectnim of a bilayer of DMPC spread at the goid d a c e at the sample potential. There are no absorption bands at E = -600 mV. This behaviour indicates that no DMPC bilayer is formed on the goId surface at this potential. The characteristic bands of IR spectra for phospholipid molecules appear when the electrode potential is higher than 4 0 0 mV. Table 7-1gives the vibrational assignments for the surfàce-active modes of DMPC in a bilayer. T'ose fiequencies are very close to the correspondhg vibrational modes in DPPC. The asymmetric (-2965 cm?) and symmetric (-2880 cm-') stretching modes for CH3 are misshg in the SNIFTIRS spectra The reason is either that the absorption is weak or that the vibrational modes are surfaceinactive. The intensities of CH2 asymmetric (2922 cm-') and symmetric (2852 cm-') stretching increase as the electrode potential is made more positive. However, their peak positions change little with appiied potentials. This indicates that the interactions between AWR = 4 x lU3 a.u. 2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber /cm" Figure 7-11SNlTXR spectra of DMPC bilayers at Au(1 1 1)-solution interface made with the vesicle fusion technique. Potentials are shown in the graph Table 7-1 Vibrational assignments for the surfâce active modes o f DMPC bilayer vibrational modes assignments DPPC,cm-' 2922 va(CH2) asym CH2 stretch 2925 [57] 2852 vdCH2) sym CH2 stretch 2855 [57] 1742 vc=o(co;?R) sn-1 C=O stretch 1742 [58] 1730 vc=o(CQzR) sn-2 C=O stretch 1727 [58] 1466 WH2) CH2 bend 1468 [5Tj 1230 va(PO23 asym PO2-stretch 1231 [58j 1086 v~(pOt? sym PO2-stretch 1085 [59] DMPC, cm-' the CH2 and the electrode surfàce are weakly affected by the electrode potential. Actudy, the akyl chahs are relatively far fiom the electrode sudace, as expected for a bilayer modeL Both asymmetnc (1230 cm1)and symmetric (1086 cm-')stretching of PO2- groups show bipolar features in the spectra in figure 7-1 1. The bipolar shape usually suggests a strong (short range) interaction between the adsorbed molecules and the electrode d c e . Those results are consistent with our assumption that the polar heads of the f k t DMPC Ieaflet are attached to the electrode surface. The C=O stretching band of DMPC comprises of two components which c m be assigned to sn-1 (1742 cm") and sn-2 (1730 cm-') C=O groups [58]. The split of the two peaks is clear at 400 mV in Figure 71 1. As the potential increases, the relative peak heights of these two bands change, while there are no fkequency shifis of the individual components. The changes observed in the C=O stretching band indicates that the re-arrangement of the bilayer affects the glycero1 mo iety. The increase in band intensity with electrode potentials can be attributed to two factors. 1) More molecules adsorb ont0 the electrode at more positive electrode potentials. 2) A certain type of vibrational modes is favoured by the orientation change of the adsorbed molecules. Figure 7-12 correlates the charge densities for DMPC bilayer to the IR band intensities at 2852 cm-' (CH2 symmetric stretch). A good agreement has been achieved at E < 500 mV- When the electrode is more positive than 500 mV, the electroporation (see section 1.2.4 in Chapter 1) or breakdown of the bilayer probably occurs. Leaking of charge results in a steep increase in the measured charge densities on the metal side. Figure 7-13 shows that the IR intensities of both symmetnc and asymmetric stretching modes increase with the hcreasing electrode potential. If the increase of the band intensity results o d y fiom the increase of the number of adsorbed molecules, the ratio of the intensity at 2922 cm-' to the intensity at 2852 cm-' should be constant. Actuaily the ratio decreases with increasing electrode potential as shown in the inset of Figure 7-13. This behaviour suggests that the allcyl tails of adsorbed DMPC molecules change codormation as a function of applied potentials. 7.3.4 Cornparison of DMPC bilayers and monolayers at electrode-solution interface The DMPC monolayer has been made by using the horizontal touch technique (see section 2.4.2 in Chapter 2). Here the horizontally orientated substrate is lowered vertically and is brought into horizontal contact with the compressed monolayer at the G- S interface (Figure 2-8a). The meniscus was made thereafter. Al1 the electrochemical measurements were performed without tramferring the electrode to another cell. The horizontal touch method has proven to be an efficient way to transfer a monolayer of amphiphiles fkom the G-S interface to the metai-solution interface. The DMPC IR band intensity at 2852 cm" -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E /mV vs SCE Figure 7-12 Correlation of the charge densities for DMPC bilayer on Au(ll1) to the IR band intensity at 2852 cm". A V peak at 2922 cm'' peak at 2852 cm-' E /mV vs SCE Figure 7-13 Dependence o f CHz stretchuig modes on the electrode potentials for DMPC bilayers at the Au(1 l 1)-solution interface. Inset: ratio o f IR intensity at 2922 cm-' to the intensity at 2852 cm-' versus the electrode potential. mono layer fiom horizontal touch has a mo lecular orientation with their hydrophobic tails towards the electrode d c e . However, the electrode potential may change the orientation of the monolayer. Nelson and coworkers [60-621 proposed a flipping mechanism for the adsorbed phospfiolpid rnonolayer on a mercury electrode. Figure 7-14 compares the differential capacities of DMPC monolayers and that of bilayers. They show completely different features although al1 the curves merge at -750 mV denoting a total desorptioa The minimum value for monolayers is much higher than that for bilayers, indicating that the bilayer has a lower perrneability. There are two peaks on the dserential capacity curve for the monolayer. The quick orientation change rnay be responsible for the large peak in the range of -250 to -1 00 mV. The slow adsorption /desarption process results in the s d peak in the range of -350 to -250 mV. Figure 7- 15 is the plot of charge density data measured fiom the chronocoulometry experiments for DMPC monolayers and bilayers. Those charge densities represent the total charge on the metal side of the double Iayer. The total charge (Q) mntajns two contributions as shown in equation 7.1. Q = CoE + L.FCD- (7-1) Where C is the infinite fkequency capacity, E is electrode potential, F is the Faraday constant, L is the electrosorption valency and r- is the SUfface concentration of adsorbed DMPC molecules. The hrst term (CoE) is responsible for the charging of the double Iayer (charging of the infinite fiequency capacity). And the second term @*ForD-) represents the charge due to DMPC adsorption. The charge densities for the mondayer increase g r a d d y up to about 400 mV. They increase drastically when the potential is greater than 400 mV. The steep change could be the results of the oxidation *.... - - - - - - 0.05 M NaF - ---- DMPC monolayer DMPC bilayer -- 1 l . . 1 s I I e - I , - . 8 ., 1 8 . \; I \ I \ I l - .. . . r r I ! I I 1 - -800 t I -600 -400 I -200 1 1 O 200 I E / mV vs SCE Figure 7-14 Cornparison of the differential capacities for DMPC bilayers with that for DMPC monolayers at the Au(1 l 1)-soIution interface. - +0.05 M NaF DMPC bilayer from vesicle b DMPC monolayer E / mV vs SCE Figure 7-15 Cornparison of charge densities of DMPC bilayers with that of DMPC monolayers at Au(1 11)-solution interface. of the electrode surfàce because it follows the trend of the pure supportkg electrolyte. Another explanation may be the break-down of the double iayer capacitor at high potentials as described earlier. The oxidation of DMPC molecules is unlikely as shown by the FTIR spectra at those potentiats. There is a step O bserved for -600 <E< 4 0 0 mV on the charge-potential curve recorded for the bilayer. The step is followed by a linearly increasing section up to 300 mV. The second term in equation 7.1 is responsible for the presence of the step on the charge-potential curve. The step on the charge-potential curve for the monolayer is more graduai and the linear section where charge changes slowly with the potential is restricted to a narrow potential range, O to 400 mV, where the dserential capacities change little. The product of charge and potential is equal to energy. Therefore, the area contained between the charge density curves correspondhg to the film-fkee and the filmcovered electrode is equal to the change of surfàce energies due to the adsorption of DMPC molecules. In fact, this energy change is equal to the pressure of the film at the electrode-solution interfàce [63]. As descriid by equation 2.5, the film pressures calculated for the monohyer and the bilayer are plotted in Figure 7-16. AU curves are parabolic in shape and are strongly dependent on the electrode potential. The maximum film pressure is about 60 mN m-'at 300 mV for a DMPC bilayer, and 39 mN rn-' at 200 rnV for a rnonolayer. Theoretically, the maximum film pressure of monolayers at the electrode-solution interface should be the same as the film pressure of a compressed monolayer at the gas-solution interface. In order to measure the film pressure of a monolayer of DMPC at the gas-solution interface, the LB microbalance was used. Figure 7-16 shows the film pressures at the gas-solution interflice measured over a period of 70 -800 -600 -400 -200 O 200 400 600 E / m V v s SCE Figure 7-16 Cornparison o f the film pressure for DMPC bilayers with that for DMPC monolayers at Au(1 1 1)-solution interfaces. Dot: bilayers by LB deposition; Square: bilayers by vesicle fusion; Triangle: monolayers by horizontal touch. -800 -600 -400 -200 O E /mV vs SCE 10 20 30 40 50 200 400 60 70 80 Time /Min Figure 7-17 Cornparison of the film pressures for DMPC monolayers at the gas-solution with that at the rnetal-solution (inset) interface. minutes. A constant value o f 37 mN II? was observed. This result is quite close to the maximum film pressure at the electrode-solution interfiace (as shown in the inset of Figure 7-17). The consistency of the film pressures measured at the gas-solution and the electrode-solution interfaces indicates that the film was transferred fiom the G-S to the electrode-solution interface with the transfer ratio of 1:l. It is usefùl to note that the film pressure for the bilayer is not exactly the double of the film pressure of the monolayer. This behaviour indicates that the bilayer does not simply duplicate the monolayer; Le. the physical properties of one leaflet in the bilayer d s e r from that of the rnonolayer. In the case of a monolayer, the hydrophobie tail of the DMPC is facing the electrode sudace. In contirist, the polar head o f the DMPC is facing the electrode surfàce when a bilayer is formed at the electrode-solution interface. 7.4 Conclusions Both LB deposition and direct vesicle fusion techniques have been employed to deposit the DMPC bilayers at the gold electrode-solution interfàce. The thickness and the electrochernicd properties o f DMPC bilayers are independent of the methods used for the deposition However, the direct vesicle fûsion technique facilitates the application of SNIFTIRS which can provide detailed information concerning the orientation of phospholipid molecules. Another advantage of the use of vesicle fiision is the ease in which proteins can be incorporated in the phospholipid bilayers. Some proteins may not tolerate the transfer process during the LB deposition while others need to be embedded into the bilayer at the tirne of vesicle preparation. The success of the direct vesicle fusion technique opens a way to initiate new directions of fundamental research In the hture, this technique may be used for development o f biosensors, The bilayer o f DMEC is formed in the potential range between -600 to 4 0 0 mV. The measured differential capacity of DMPC bilayer at the gold-solution intertàce is approximately 5 pF cm-2. This value is much higher than the capacity of the lipid bilayer at the solution-solution interface (4 pF The higher value of the capacity may be due to the trapped electrolyte, defects in the DMPC bilayer and the imperfection of the electrode surface. The bilayer is fâirly stable up to 400 mV. Its barrier property was tested using ferricyanide as a probe. The formation of the DMPC bilayer prevents the diffusion of femcyanide ions to the electrode surface. Therefore, the reduction/oxidation peaks in the cyclic voltammograms of this probe are absent when DMPC vesicles are present in the solution. The maximum values of the film pressure for the DMPC bilayer and monolayer are 60 and 39 mN m-' respectively. The film pressure for the monolayer at the electrode surface agrees weU with the value of the film pressure for a compressed monolayer at the gas-solution interface. The film pressure of the bilayer is not equal to double that of the monolayer. This is because the bilayer does not simpiy duplicate properties of the monolayer. The bilayer has a tail-to-tail cofigmation with the polar heads towards the electrode surface. The in situ J?ïR technique complements the electrochemical studies. It provides additional information c o n c e d g the molecular organization of the DMPC bilayer. This technique is particularly suitable for monitoring subtle changes in the bilayer structure induced by changing the electrode potentiai. The SNIFTIRS spectra demonstrate that the re-arrangement of the DMPC biiayer occurs when the electrode potential is increased. It aiso shows that the polar heads of phospholipid molecules are attached to the electrode d a c e at alI adsorption potentials. The formation of the phospholipid bilayers at the electrode surface is, therefore, confirmed. References 1. Tien, H. T(ed.) Bilayer Lipid Membranes(BLM)-Theory and Practice, 1974&kce1 Dekker, Inc. pp8. 2. A. Ottova-Leitmannova and H.T. Tien, Prog. Surf. Sci. 41(4) (1992) 337. 3. W. Hanke, CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem 19 (1985) 1. 4. K.L. Mittal(Ed.), Sdactants in Solution, Vol. 8, Plenum, New York, 1989, pp133. 5. J.R Harris and AH. Etemadi(Eds.), Artificial and Reconstituted Membrane Systerns, in Subcell. Biochem 14 (1989) 97. 6. J.R Bolton(Ed.) 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The results showed that the adsorption of both anions and cations was highly dependent on the crystallography of the electrode surface, the bu& concentration of ions of interest, the c o ~ s i t i o of n the electrolyte solution and the electrode potential applied. On the other han& the interfacial behaviour of srnall organic molecules [3,6,7] and insoluble surfactants [8,9] at the gold-solution interface have d s o been studied by using electrochemical and spectroscopie techniques- These studies were tailored to investigate surface behavior of molecules that are used as polishing and leveling agents in electroplating and e l e c t r o r e ~ g My . research extended this broad research program onto studies of s d c e behaviour of amino acids and phospholipids. This constitutes a new thrust in the direction of biomimetics. Its long-term goal is to d c the properties of biologicat membranes deposited at the metal-sohtion interfàce. In this thesis, the direct vesicle fusion technique has been developed for the deposition of phospholipid bilayers at the metal-solution interface. This technique was then employed to study the interfacial behavior of DMPC by using a combination of electrochemical, AFM imaging and in situ =IR techniques. The direct fiision technique was compared to the conventional Langmuir-Blodgett deposition Both AFM and electrochemical studies showed that these two methods produced Lipid bilayers of similar properties. However, the direct vesicle fùsion provides a convenient means to insert other membrane components such as cholesterol and proteins that rnay be explored in fùture studies. 1 aIso investigated the adsorption of amino acids such as phenylalanine. Pheny [alanine is an amino acid that has hydrophobic propert ies. Its hydropho bic properties play an important role in the tertiary structures of proteins. The investigation of the adsorption of phenylalanine is the fïrst step towards the understanding of the tertiary structure of proteins in the adsorbed state at solid surfaces. The adsorption of an amino acid is quite cornplex, Ln order to facilitate the interpretation of the spectroscopic data for phenylalanine, additional studies of benzoate and phenylacetic acid adsorption at the gold electrode surface have been performed. The major conclusions in this thesis can be sumuiarized as follows. For the deposition of phospholipids at the gold-solution interface: ï) DMPC bilayers cari be deposited onto the gold electrode surfàçe by using both LB deposition and direct vesicle fision techniques. The bilayers deposited using different methods showed similar thickness and electrochemical properties. However, the vesicle fiision approach faciiitates the application of SNIFTIRS in studies of iipid bilayers. Another advantage of the vesicle fùsion over the LB deposition is that it provides a convenient rneans to insert other membrane components into the bilayer. This is the key issue for the fùture researches in this area I ii) The DMPC bilayer showed very good b e r properties. The reduction-oxidat ion peaks of ferricyanide were blocked by the vesicle fùsion onto the electrode surface. However, the daerential capacity of the DMPC bilayer at the gold-so Iution interface was about 5 pF cme2, which was much higher than the capacity of a lipid bilayer at the solution-solution intefice (-1 crK2) [15]. Defects in the bilayer a d o r on the electrode surface were responsible for the high value of dserent ial capacities. For the adsorption of phenylalanine and benzoate: i) Both benzoate and phenylalanine favored a flat orientation (x-bonding) at negat ively charged surfaces, and a vertical (tilted) orientation at more positively charged surfaces with the carboxylic groups attached to the eIectrode surface. ii) A change in the electrode potential promoted the transformation of phenylalanine fiom the neutral state at negatively charged surface to the zwitterionic state at a positively charged s d a c e . This transformation is coupled with the potential-controlled reorientation of the adsorbed molecuIe. At a positively charged d a c e , phenylalanine is turned with the negative carboxylate group towards the surface and the positive protonated amine group towards the solution. iii) The benzoate ion is chemically stable in a broad range of electrode potentials. In contrast, decarboxylation of phenylalanine was Observed the electrode potentials greater than 300 mV (SCE). CO2 was detected as the oxidation product of phenylalanine at these positive potentids. vi) intensities of IR bands for adsorbed benzoate and phenylalanine correlated very well with surface concentrations of adsorbed pheny lalanine and benzoate ions. The combination of electrochemica1 and in situ FTIR techniques provides complementary information conceming the energetics and mechanism of molecular adsorption at the metal-so lution interface. 8.2 Future Work Directions As mentioned earlier, the technique of direct fusion of vesicles that was developed in this thesis opens a possibility of new biomimetic research. Below 1 outline three directions in which this project may develop in the fùture. i) Mechanistic studies of the formation and phase transitions of the supported phosphoüpid bilayer: We w w know tbat the phospholipid bilayer can be deposited at a well-defined gold single crystal electrode using the direct vesicle fusion technique. The electrode potential effectively influences the spreading process of vesicles. It should also affect the structure of the bilayer. AFM and STM were used recently to study the potential-controlled phase transition in a film of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) at the gold electrode surface [16]. Those techniques can dso be applied to study the structure and potential controlled phase transitions in phospholipid bilayers. In addition, further mo lecular level infiormation concerning the properties of the supported bilayer may be O btained using in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Our specidy designed ce11 for FTIR allows programming of temperatures. It is, therefore, possible to examine the effect of temperature on the phase transitions in the supported bilayer and the orientation of the phospholipid molecules in the bilayer at dBerent electrode potentials. These studies can provide information concerning the choice o f the optimum temperature and potential for the deposition of a lipid bilayer at the electrode surfàce. ii) Modification of the phospholipid bilayers with cholesterol: Biomembranes are generally in the Buid Iiquid crystalline phase and the membrane fluidity is critical to preserve its hctions. The fluidity of the naturat bio logical membrane is preserved due to the presence of cholesterol. Cholesterol constitutes about 30% of the mass of the membrane lipids of muiy animal ce11 plasma membranes. The incorporation of cholesterol into phospholipid bilayers is expected to increase van der Waals attraction [17], decrease electrostatic repulsion due to an increase the area per lipid molecule [18,19] and mod@ the short-rang repulsive force [19,20]. Therefore, the incorporation of cholesterol into the mode1 membranes (vesicles or planer bilayers) should affect the balance of intermolecular forces and alter the stabïlity of the bilayers and the fusion of vesicles ont0 a solid support. It would be of great interest to study the properties of phospholipid biiayers containing cholester01 mo lecules by using both electrochemical and spectroscopie techniques. iii) Ion transfer across the phospholipid bilayers: An important fiinction of the bio logical membrane is to provide selective permeability to ions. The hydrophobic core of the biIayer is a very effective barrier against the passage of inorganic ions although it allows nonpo lar so lutes to pass across the membrane. The permeability to inorganic ions is mainiy due to the presence of ion channels in the bilayers. The DMPC bilayer deposited by the vesicle fiision technique had good barrier properties probed using the d ferricyanide reduction reaction (Chapter 7, section 7.3.2). This bilayer may, therefore, be used as a m a t e for the incorporation of ion channels. Three typical ion channels that may be used for that purpose are (1) nystatin, a polyene antibiotic which forms a complex with cholesterol (Figure 8-l), (2) gramicidin A, a peptide which forms monovalent cation-selective channels (Figure 8-2), (3) alanethicin, a peptide which forms voltagegated channels (Figure 8-3). Electrochemical techniques may be used to study ionic transport across the bilayer with those ion channels. These studies may provide valuable information conceming the mechanism of the ionic transport across the charme1 and the effect of the electric field at the interface on the rate and mechanism o f the ion transport through the channel, Figure 8-1 Chemical structures of nystatin and a ''barre1 stave" mode1 of the channel formed with nystatins. The protuberance on the bottom represents the amino sugar and the shaded interior represents the hydrophilic polyhydroxyl portion of the molecule. The exterior surface of the channel is completely nonpolar. (Adapted from ref. [2 11.) Figure 8-2 Illustration o f the structure of the channel formed by a dimer (right) gramicidin A (lefi) in the bilayer. (Adapted fiom ref. [2 11.) Ac- Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-Aib-Ma-GIn-Aib-Val- Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Vai-Aib-Glu-Glu-Glu-PH (A ibr aminobufyrïc acid. Phl: L-phenylalaninol.) Figure 8-3 Proposed structures formed by an oligomer (bottom) of alanethicin (top) in a Iipid bilayer. Le#: The conformation in the absence o f an applied tram-membrane voltage. Righl: The open channel conformation in the presence o f an applied voltage. M m e : An intermediate conformation. (Adapted f?om ref [21].) References Zhichao Shi, PkD. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1996. Shijie Wu, Ph.D.Thesis, University of Guelph, 1996. 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In the following section, a brief sumrnary of this topic wilf be given. Error in charge density measurement The value of relative charge density (AcM)is determined by integration of the current transient. The accuracy of the current integration procedure can be determined with the help of a dummy ceU It is found to be equal or less than 0.05 pC cmm2. The accuracy in the charge density is not chiefly determined by the arors associated with the current integration, but by the errors associatecl with reproducing the contact area between the single crystal d c e and the electrolyte solution and reproducing the surface structure using the flame annealing procedure. The reproducibility of the contact area is approximately 1%. However the precision can be improved if the whole series of measurernents is made on an electrode that is brought in contact with the electrolyte solution only once [4]. In such a case precision on the order of 0.1 pC c ~ can ' be acachied. The accuracy of AoMwas found to be e . 7 % for organic molecules [l]. The accuracy of absolute charge density not only depends on the accuracy of the relative charge density but also on the accuracy of the value of pzc. The value of p z is determined fiom the position of the diaise hyer minimum of the dinerential capacity versus electrode potential curves. The accuracy in the value of the pzc was estirnated to be M.005 V. Error in the calculation of film pressure The film pressure at constant potential was calculated by htegration of the charge density with respect to potentials using equation 2.13. The error propagation in the data processing has k e n discussed by Oldham [SI. The error of integration can be estimated by where S, is the standard deviation of the charge density, AE is the potential range over wirh the integmtion was performed, and N is the number of charge density points taken in the integration. The equation predicts an increase of S, when the electrode potential becornes more positive. If the standard deviation of the charge density was assumed to equal to 0.1 pC and the AE of 0.5 V was used, the error in nImpressure amounts to 0.14 mN m-'. Emor in the calcuIation of reIative Gibbs excess The relative Gibbs excess was determined either by graphical differentiation of the x (or a)versus h(c) curves (Eqs. 2.21 and 2.22). The standard deviation of relative Gibbs excess determined by the fkst method is given by the express [SI: where S, is the standard deviation of the film pressure and A is the increment of RTln(c). r,), The Sr depends on the magnitude of b For the values of T c detennïned by this method, are estirnated to have an error of &IO%. The error associated with r,, which are which is determined by linear regression of the linear section of the x versm potential curve, has an error approximately *5% [l]. Error in the calculation of Gibbs energy The Gibbs energies of adsorption is related to the adsorption coefficient P. The P was determined fiom the initial dope of the ir versus X (molar fkction of organic molecule) plot using Henry's law or fiom a fit of T verjus h(c) curves with the Fnimkin Wthenm For this procedure, the error of Gibbs energy can be calculated fkom the formula 121: where Mn:and 6r-/ïnrax are the relative errors for the film pressure and the maximum SUTfàce concentraiion of the adsorbate, respectively. For n l e s than 1 mN m-', the relative e m r is on the order of 3Ph. Since the relative error in, , T is 10%, the un&@, ~AGO~~S is equal to 1 kJ mol-'. Errors in the calculation of other Damneters The shifi of p z , EN,is equal to the difference between the pu: for an electrode which is covered by a monolayer of organic molecule @ m l ) and the pzc observed in the absence of organic molecule (pz-). uncertainty of pzc+l and pz-. Therefore, the error associateci with EN depends on the The relative e m r of EN is estirnated to be 3.8%. The electrosorptionvalencies (y3 were calcuiated f?om the sbpes of the m versus r plots. The uncertauity in y' depends on the standard deviation of the dope of CM - r plot. The relative error is approximately 5% for gold single crystd electrode in the presence of organic molecules [2]. References 1. L. Stolberg, PbD thesis, University of Guelph, 1990. 2. R J. Richer, PbD thesis, University of Guelph, 1990. 3. D. Yang, PbD, thesis, University of Guelph, 1995. 4. k Hamelin, S. Morin, J. Richer and J. Lipkowski, Electroanai. Chem 304 (1 99 1) 195. 5. KB. Oldham, JElectrodChem, 208 (1 986) 1.