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Barton & Koricheva
Complete bibliography for studies included in the meta-analyses.
Albrectsen, B. R., H. Gardfjell, C. M. Orians, B. Murray, and R. S. Fritz. 2004. Slugs, willow
seedlings and nutrient fertilization: intrinsic vigor inversely affects palatability. Oikos
Argandoña, V. H., J. G. Luza, H. M. Niemeyer, and L. J. Corcuera. 1980. Role of hydroxamic
acids in the resistance of cereals to aphids. Phytochemistry 19:1665-1668.
Argandoña, V. H., H. M. Niemeyer, and L. J. Corcuera. 1981. Effect of content and distribution
of hydroxamic acids in wheat on infestation by the aphid Schizaphis graminum.
Phytochemistry 20:673-676.
Baldwin, I. T., and E. A. Schmelz. 1996. Immunological "memory" in the induced accumulation
of nicotine in wild tobacco. Ecology 77:236-246.
Barto, E. K., and D. F. Cipollini. 2005. Testing the optimal defense theory and the growth
differentiation balance hypothesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Oecologia 146:169-178.
Barton, K. E. 2007. Early ontogenetic patterns in chemical defense in Plantago (Plantaginaceae):
Genetic variation and trade-offs. American Journal of Botany 94:56-66.
—. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity in seedling defense strategies: compensatory growth and
chemical induction. Oikos 117:917-925.
Basey, J. M., S. H. Jenkins, and P. E. Busher. 1988. Optimal central-place foraging by beavers:
Tree-size selection in relation to defensive chemicals of quaking aspen. Oecologia
Basset, Y. 2001. Communities of insect hebivores foraging on saplings versus mature trees of
Pourouma bicolor (Cecropiaceae) in Panama. Oecologia 129:253-260.
Boege, K. 2005a. Herbivore attack in Casearia nitida influenced by plant ontogenetic variation
in foliage quality and plant architecture. Oecologia 143:117-125.
—. 2005b. Influence of plant ontogeny on compensation to leaf damage. American Journal of
Botany 92:1632-1640.
Boege, K., R. Dirzo, D. Siemens, and P. Brown. 2007. Ontogenetic switches from plant
resistance to tolerance: minimizing costs with age? Ecology Letters 10:177-187.
Boege, K., and R. J. Marquis. 2006. Plant quality and predation risk mediated by plant ontogeny:
consequences for herbivores and plants. Oikos 115:559-572.
Bond, W. J., W. G. Lee, and J. M. Craine. 2004. Plant structural defences against browsing birds:
a legacy of New Zealand's extinct moas. Oikos 104:500-508.
Bowers, M. D., S. K. Collinge, S. E. Gamble, and J. Schmitt. 1992. Effects of genotype, habitat,
and seasonal variation on iridoid glycoside content of Plantago lanceolata
(Plantaginaceae) and the implications for insect herbivores. Oecologia 91:201-207.
Bowers, M. D., and N. E. Stamp. 1993. Effects of plant age, genotype, and herbivory on
Plantago performance and chemistry. Ecology 74:1778-1791.
Briggs, M. A., and J. C. Schultz. 1990. Chemical defense production in Lotus corniculatus L. II.
Trade-offs among growth, reproduction and defense. Oecologia 83:32-37.
Bryant, J. P., and R. Julkunen-Tiitto. 1995. Ontogenic development of chemical defense by
seedling resin birch: energy cost of defense production. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Bryant, J. P., J. Tahvanainen, M. Sulkinoja, R. Julkunen-Tiitto, P. B. Reichardt, and T. Green.
1989. Biogeographic evidence for the evolution of chemical defense by boreal birch and
willow against mammalian browsing. American Naturalist 134:20-34.
Barton & Koricheva
Byrne, D. N., and E. A. Draeger. 1989. Effect of plant maturity on oviposition and nymphal
mortality of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology
Campos, W. G., J. H. Schoereder, and C. F. Sperber. 2004. Does the age of the host plant
modulate migratory activity of Plutella xylostella? Entomological Science 7:323-329.
Chou, J.-C., and C. A. Mullin. 1993. Phenologic and tissue distribution of sesquiterpene lactones
in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Plant Physiology 142:657-663.
Cipollini, D. F., and J. Bergelson. 2000. Environmental and developmental regulation of trypsin
inhibitor activity in Brassica napus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26:1411-1422.
Cipollini, D. F., Jr., and A. M. Redman. 1999. Age-dependent effects of jasmonic acid treatment
and wind exposure on foliar oxidase activity and insect resistance in tomato. Journal of
Chemical Ecology 25:271-281.
Çirak, C., J. Radušiene, and N. Çamas. 2008. Pseudohypericin and hyperforin in two Turkish
Hypericum species: Variation among plant parts and phenological stages. Biochemical
Systematics and Ecology 36:377-382.
Clausen, T. P., P. B. Reichardt, and J. P. Bryant. 1986. Pinosylvin and pinosylvin methyl ether as
feeding deterrents in green alder. Journal of Chemical Ecology 12:2117-2131.
Close, D. C., N. W. Davies, and C. L. Beadle. 2001. Temporal variation of tannins
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implications for light attenuation and antioxidant activities. Australian Journal of Plant
Physiology 28:269-278.
Craig, T. P., P. W. Price, and J. K. Itami. 1986. Resource regulation by a stem-galling sawfly on
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Danell, K., T. Elmqvist, L. Ericson, and A. Salomonson. 1987. Are there general patterns in
bark-eating by voles on different shoot types from woody plants? Oikos 50:396-402.
Darrow, K., and M. D. Bowers. 1997. Phenological and population variation in iridoid
glycosides of Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae). Biochemical Systematics and
Ecology 25:1-11.
Dawson, R. J., H. M. Armleder, and M. J. Waterhouse. 1990. Preferences of mule deer for
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Del Val, E., and M. J. Crawley. 2005. Are grazing increaser species better tolerators than
decreasers? An experimental assessment of defoliation tolerance in eight British
grassland species. Journal of Ecology 93:1005-1016.
Del Val, E., and R. Dirzo. 2003. Does ontogeny cause changes in the defensive strategies of the
myrmecophyte Cecropia peltata? Plant Ecology 169:35-41.
Diawara, M. M., J. T. Trumble, C. F. Quiros, K. K. White, and C. Adams. 1994. Plant age and
seasonal variations in genotypic resistance of celery to beet armyworm (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 87:514-522.
Doak, P., D. Wagner, and A. Watson. 2007. Variable extrafloral nectary expression and its
consequences in quaking aspen. Canadian Journal of Botany 85:1-9.
Doan, A. T., G. Ervin, and G. Felton. 2004. Temporal effects on jasmonate induction of anti
herbivore defense in Physalis angulata: seasonal and ontogenetic gradients. Biochemical
Systematics and Ecology 32:117-126.
Donaldson, J. R., M. T. Stevens, H. R. Barnhill, and R. L. Lindroth. 2006. Age-related shifts in
Barton & Koricheva
leaf chemistry of clonal aspen (Populus tremuloides). Journal of Chemical Ecology
Du, D., J. A. Winsor, M. Smith, A. DeNicco, and A. G. Stephenson. 2008. Resistance and
tolerance to herbivory changes with inbreeding and ontogeny in a wild gourd
(Cucurbitaceae). American Journal of Botany 95:84-92.
Eck, G., B. Fiala, K. E. Linsenmair, R. Bin Hashim, and P. Proksch. 2001. Trade-off between
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Journal of Chemical Ecology 27:1979-1996.
Elger, A., D. G. Lemoine, M. Fenner, and M. E. Hanley. 2009. Plant ontogeny and chemical
defence: older seedlings are better defended. Oikos 118:767-773.
Erwin, E. A., M. G. Turner, R. L. Lindroth, and W. H. Romme. 2001. Secondary plant
compounds in seedling and mature aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Yellowstone National
Park, Wyoming. American Midland Naturalist 145:299-308.
Escarré, J., J. Lepart, and J. J. Sentue. 1996. Effects of simulated herbivory in three old field
Compositae with different inflorescence architectures. Oecologia 105:501-508.
Feibert, E. B., and J. H. Langenheim. 1988. Leaf resin variation in Copaifera langsdorfii:
relation to irradiance and herbivory. Phytochemistry 27:2527-2532.
Fenner, M., M. E. Hanley, and R. Lawrence. 1999. Comparison of seedling and adult palatability
in annual and perennial plants. Functional Ecology 13:546-551.
Fisk, J. 1978. Resistance of Sorghum bicolor to Rhopalosiphum maidis and Peregrinus maidis as
affected by differences in the growth stage of the host. Entomologia Experimentalis et
Applicata 23:227-236.
Fonseca, C. R., T. Fleck, and G. W. Fernandes. 2006. Processes driving ontogenetic succession
of galls in a canopy tree. Biotropica 38:514-521.
Fritz, R. S., C. G. Hochwender, D. A. Lewkiewicz, S. Bothwell, and C. M. Orians. 2001.
Seedling herbivory by slugs in a willow hybrid system: developmental changes in damage,
chemical defense, and plant performance. Oecologia 129:87-97.
Fuchs, A., and M. D. Bowers. 2004. Patterns of iridoid glycoside production and induction in
Plantago lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) and the importance of plant age. Journal of
Chemical Ecology 30:1723-1741.
García, M. B., and J. Ehrlén. 2002. Reproductive effort and herbivory timing in a perennial herb:
Fitness components at the individual and population levels. American Journal of Botany
Gedge, K. E., and M. A. Maun. 1992. Effects of simulated herbivory on growth and reproduction
of two beach annuals, Cakile edentula and Corispermum hyssopifolium. Canadian Journal
of Botany 70:2467-2475.
Gianoli, E. 2002. A phenotypic trade-off between constitutive defenses and induced responses in
wheat seedlings. Ecoscience 9:482-488.
Gleadow, R. M., and I. E. Woodrow. 2000. Temporal and spatial variation in cyanogenic
glycosides in Eucalyptus cladocalyx. Tree Physiology 20:591-598.
Goodger, J. Q. D., P. K. Ades, and I. E. Woodrow. 2004. Cyanogenesis in Eucalyptus
polyanthemos seedlings: heritability, ontogeny and effect of soil nitrogen. Tree
Physiology 24:681-688.
Goodger, J. Q. D., T. Y. S. Choo, and I. E. Woodrow. 2007. Ontogenetic and temporal
trajectories of chemical defence in a cyanogenic eucalypt. Oecologia 153:799-808.
Goodger, J. Q. D., R. M. Gleadow, and I. E. Woodrow. 2006. Growth cost and ontogenetic
Barton & Koricheva
expression patterns of defence in cyanogenic Eucalyptus spp. Trees 20:757-765.
Goodger, J. Q. D., and I. E. Woodrow. 2002. Cyanogenic polymorphism as an indicator of
genetic diversity in the rare species Eucalyptus yarraensis (Myrtaceae). Functional Plant
Biology 29:1445-1452.
Goralka, R. J. L., and J. H. Langenheim. 1996. Implications of foliar monoterpenoid variation
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herbivory. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24:13-23.
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Hayne. African Journal of Ecology 41:218-223.
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Neto. 2004. Environmental and ontogenetic control of accumulation of brachycerine, a
bioactive indole alkaloid from Psychotria brachyceras. Journal of Chemical Ecology
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DIMBOA content at seven stages of plant development in a maize synthetic cultivar.
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 59:356-360.
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in mature plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 30:812-819.
Hanley, M. E., M. Fenner, and P. J. Edwards. 1995. The effect of seedling age on the likelihood
of herbivory by the slug Deroceras reticulatum. Functional Ecology 9:754-759.
Hódar, J. A., R. Zamora, J. Castro, J. M. Gómez, and D. García. 2008. Biomass allocation and
growth responses of Scots pine saplings to simulated herbivory depend on plant age and
light availability. Plant Ecology 197:229-238.
Horrill, J. C., and A. J. Richards. 1986. Differential grazing by the mollusc Arion hortensis Fér.
on cyanogenic and acyanogenic seedlings of the white clover, Trifolium repens L.
Heredity 56:277-281.
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Itino, T., and T. Itioka. 2001. Interspecific variation and ontogenetic change in antiherbivore
defense in myrmecophytic Macaranga species. Ecological Research 16:765-774.
Jarzomski, C. M., N. E. Stamp, and M. D. Bowers. 2000. Effects of plant phenology, nutrients
and herbivory on growth and defensive chemistry of plantain, Plantago lanceolata. Oikos
Jogia, M. K., A. R. E. Sinclair, and R. J. Andersen. 1989. An antifeedant in balsam poplar
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Laitinen, J., R. Julkunen-Tiitto, M. Rousi, J. Heinonen, and J. Tahvanainen. 2005. Ontogeny and
Barton & Koricheva
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Barton & Koricheva
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Barton & Koricheva
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