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Ancient China Study Guide
Unit Vocabulary:
Shang Dynasty – the first Chinese Dynasty which historians have clear evidence. (1766 to 1122 BCE)
Dynasty - a series of rulers from the same family
Zhou Dynasty – overthrew the Shang Dynasty; lasted longer than any other dynasty; ruled by Mandate of Heaven, or heaven gave power
to the king or leader, and no one ruled without heaven’s permission. (1122-256 BCE)
Mandate of Heaven - heaven gave power to the king or leader, and no one ruled without heaven’s permission.
Confucius – the most influential teacher in Chinese history; said Chinese needed to return to moral values.
Confucianism – a philosophy with basic guidelines of moral values restoring family order and social harmony.
Ethics – moral values
Daoism – a philosophy which stressed living in harmony with the Dao (the way), the guiding force of all reality.
Laozi – the most famous Daoist teacher; taught people should not try to gain wealth, nor should they seek power.
Legalism – a political philosophy with the belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled
Qin Dynasty – fist dynasty to unify China under one government; China receives its name from Qin. (221-206 BCE)
Qin Shi Huangdi – “first emperor” of China who followed Legalist political beliefs; created a strong central government with strict laws
and punishments.
Great Wall of China – a barrier that linked earlier walls across China’s northern frontier; 600s BCE to about 1450s A.D.
Han Dynasty – a Chinese Dynasty lasting for more than 400 years; government based on Confucianism; great achievements occurred.
(206 BCE – 220 A.D.)
Silk – a soft, light, highly valued fabric
Silk Road – a 4,000-mile-long network of routes stretched westward from China across Asia’s deserts and mountain ranges, through the
Middle East, until it reached the Mediterranean Sea.
Buddhism - a religion or “way of life” based on the teachings of the Buddha
Unit Essential Questions:
How did China’s location impact its development? What about the geography of China BEST explains why civilizations began in that area?
What is Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism? How are they similar & different? How did they impact society in China?
How did Chinese Dynasties (government, rulers, rules) impact life in ancient China?
How did the Silk Road impact: religion, government, and trade/economy
What are some of the achievements of ancient China? How do they impact modern society?
Ancient China Study Guide
Unit Vocabulary:
Shang Dynasty – the first Chinese Dynasty which historians have clear evidence. (1766 to 1122 BCE)
Dynasty - a series of rulers from the same family
Zhou Dynasty – overthrew the Shang Dynasty; lasted longer than any other dynasty; ruled by Mandate of Heaven, or heaven gave power
to the king or leader, and no one ruled without heaven’s permission. (1122-256 BCE)
Mandate of Heaven - heaven gave power to the king or leader, and no one ruled without heaven’s permission.
Confucius – the most influential teacher in Chinese history; said Chinese needed to return to moral values.
Confucianism – a philosophy with basic guidelines of moral values restoring family order and social harmony.
Ethics – moral values
Daoism – a philosophy which stressed living in harmony with the Dao (the way), the guiding force of all reality.
Laozi – the most famous Daoist teacher; taught people should not try to gain wealth, nor should they seek power.
Legalism – a political philosophy with the belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled
Qin Dynasty – fist dynasty to unify China under one government; China receives its name from Qin. (221-206 BCE)
Qin Shi Huangdi – “first emperor” of China who followed Legalist political beliefs; created a strong central government with strict laws
and punishments.
Great Wall of China – a barrier that linked earlier walls across China’s northern frontier; 600s BCE to about 1450s A.D.
Han Dynasty – a Chinese Dynasty lasting for more than 400 years; government based on Confucianism; great achievements occurred.
(206 BCE – 220 A.D.)
Silk – a soft, light, highly valued fabric
Silk Road – a 4,000-mile-long network of routes stretched westward from China across Asia’s deserts and mountain ranges, through the
Middle East, until it reached the Mediterranean Sea.
Buddhism - a religion or “way of life” based on the teachings of the Buddha
Unit Essential Questions:
How did China’s location impact its development? What about the geography of China BEST explains why civilizations began in that area?
What is Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism? How are they similar & different? How did they impact society in China?
How did Chinese Dynasties (government, rulers, rules) impact life in ancient China?
How did the Silk Road impact: religion, government, and trade/economy
What are some of the achievements of ancient China? How do they impact modern society?