Download access, quality and relevance of education for rural children (WG 1)

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Focus on Schooling :
access, quality and relevance of education for rural children
Chair Person : Hon. Minister Gerald Namerembe Bitamazire
Major facilitator:
Dr. Lavinia Gasperini
Raportour :
Dr. Azene Bekele-Tesemma
Major issues
EIMS to monitor progress in ERP
School building policy tailored to MGT
School feeding on homegrown food crops
Affirmative actions for attracting and retaining girls to complete
primary schools
Distance learning including radio-education and ICT as appropriate
Financial and material support for educating rural HIV/AIDS
orphans in livelihood support programs
Quality /Relevance
Having indicators for monitoring quality
Research and technical assistance in characterization of learning
needs and quality of rural communities as a tool for decision
Strengthen and compile data bank
accumulation, retrieving, repackaging and disseminating
knowledge and information for improved relevance of learning of
the rural communities
Rural children
Children at work
Minority ethnic groups
Nomadic/pastoralist/remote dwellers
Examine GMO food relevance to school feeding program
Governments to ratify conventions related to children
Take incentive measures to families to avoid children
exploitation at home and promoting schooling
Create gender responsive environment in and around the
schooling communities
Promote involvement of communities in school
Measure the quality of students interims of skills and
competence that they have obtained
Recommendations continued
Promote decentralization of curriculums to capture the
needs and cultures of rural people
Issue policies that encourage the built-up of infrastructures
necessary for rural learning and rural enterprising
Issue policies that make availability of training materials
books free of charge
Develop indicators for assessing the current learning status
and monitoring progress being made periodically
Adopt MGT as a tool to improve access
Focus on skills that have relevance to improved livelihoods
of rural communities
Recommendations continued
Develop curriculums focusing on mainstreaming training
in marketable basic skills at basic education programs (eg.
Grafting mangoes, artificial insemination for cows,
preserving and storage, market intelligence, etc.)
Encourage Tertiary level education to be connected to
adding value of the productions of the rural communities
Governments to promote education/training for farmers’
children on off-farm jobs that are relevant for adding value
to on-farm activities of the communities
Recommendations continued
Issue policies that target education relevant to
wealth creation in the rural setting
Government to create support infrastructures such as
energy, roads, markets and grassroots organizations
which have bearing to better schooling
Create a mechanism by which relevant institutions
and professions can complimentarily cooperate for
relevance of education for rural people
Focus on complementarities between education and