Download HEALTHY EATING AND BODY FAT To ensure maintenance or

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To ensure maintenance or reduction in body fat is to balance the energy you take in (food) with the
energy you expend (physical activity). If more energy is consumed than is expended, the result is
excess body fat. Dieting alone will not reduce body fat, as more calories need to be expended
through physical activity than the amount of calories that is eaten.
The key to losing body fat is to eat a moderately low fat diet combined with aerobic and strength
exercises. Not only will this reduce body fat, you will remain motivated to exercise as you will have
the right fuel to begin and maintain physical activity. It is suggested that eating frequent small
meals each day of complex carbohydrates (fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and crackers) will
maintain your blood sugar and therefore keep you energised. It will also increase your metabolism
and this will assist your body to burn more calories. Try to avoid refined carbohydrates (such as
biscuits, cakes, and lollies) as although they will increase your blood sugar very quickly to make
you feel energised, it does not last long and your energy will drop just as quickly subsequently
making you feel lethargic.
A misconception is to avoid carbohydrates altogether (breads, potatoes, pasta) in the fear that it
will increase body fat. Complex carbohydrates are a major source of energy and by missing these
out of your diet, you will lose energy to exercise and therefore impact on your ability to reduce
excess body fat. It is recommended to eat a combination of foods including complex
carbohydrates (wholegrain breads, crackers and pasta, fruit and vegetables), protein (meat, fish,
eggs) and fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts).
Remember to stay hydrated. Water is necessary for our organs to function efficiently, regulate our
body temperature and aids with digestion. Without it we can become dehydrated and this may lead
to heat exhaustion or heat stroke. It is recommended to drink enough fluids (water, fruit juices,
soups) to ensure your urine is clear or light coloured. If it is yellow or darker you may be
dehydrated. Make sure you drink fluids before you feel thirsty, as feeling thirsty is a sign that your
body is not hydrated enough.
Cellulite – more women are likely to have cellulite than men and put bluntly, cellulite is fat. The
most effective way of reducing it is to combine healthy eating with aerobic and strength exercises.