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World History
Greece Exam
Matching: (1 pt. Each)
Student of Plato; laid the foundation for the development of zoology and botany
Student of Socrates; famous for his forms and the perfect government
Redirected philosophy to deal with moral problems; encouraged people to question
Stoic philosopher who stressed that happiness could be found when people gained inner
5. Belonged to the Cynic school; famous for his acts of irreverence
Government (ish):
Rule by one; power seized typically by force; may be benevolent or malevolent
Form of government in which all citizens participate and limit the power of rulers
Leadership by the talented and deserving
Greek term for a ruling class of nobles
Place of ideal perfection
Multiple Choice: (1 pt. Each)
11. The first civilization to arise on mainland Greece was that of the:
a) Athenians
b) Spartans
c) Mycenaeans
d) Dorians
12. The Minoan civilization arose on the Greek island of :
a) Delos
b) Crete
c) Rhodes
d) Lemnos
13. All of the following encouraged Greek unity except:
a) a common language
b) a common religion
c) the geography of Greece
d) belief in a common ancestor
14. By 750 BC, the _________, or city-state, became the central focus of Greek life.
a) hoplite
b) agora
c) polis
d) pantheon
15. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey were:
a) immense paintings.
b) epic poems.
c) two immense ships.
d) statues of gods.
16. The teachings of Homer included:
a) the Phoenician alphabet.
b) agriculture and trade.
c) sailing and warfare.
d) the values of courage, honor, and excellence.
17. The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta:
a) was primarily concerned with the health of its people.
b) was a powerful military state.
c) granted universal suffrage to its people.
d) placed great emphasis on literature and the arts.
18. The Age of Pericles was a period of great power and prosperity for:
a) Sparta.
b) Crete.
c) Athens.
d) Persia.
19. The ancient Athenians are credited with:
a) inventing and using the wheel.
b) eliminating slavery.
c) establishing governments that had democratic elements.
d) inventing the printing press.
20. In what Greek city-state did women have the greatest freedom and place in society?:
a) Athens
b) Corinth
c) Argos
d) Sparta
21. The word spartan has come to mean:
a) highly self-disciplined.
b) oligarchical.
c) lover of literature.
d) democratic.
22. Greek religious festivals gave rise to:
a) the first poems that honored heroes.
b) Greek drama.
c) written history as a form of literature.
d) classical architecture
23. The Parthenon was dedicated to:
a) Hera.
b) Athena.
c) Zeus.
d) Herodotus.
24. In what Greek city-state did women have the greatest freedom and place in society?:
a) Athens
b) Corinth
c) Argos
d) Sparta
25. Which of the following men said that “the unexamined life is not worth living”?:
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Pericles
d) Socrates
26. As punishment for his conviction, Socrates proposed that he:
a) be forced to drink poisonous hemlock.
b) serve three years in jail.
c) be given free meals for the rest of his life.
d) be allowed to chill with Diogenes.
27. The philosophy of Socrates was written down by:
a) Plato.
b) Aristotle.
c) Archimedes.
d) Thales.
28. Who said “unless philosophers bear kingly rule in cities, or those who are now called kings
and princes become genuine philosophers….., there will be no respite in evil for cities or for
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Diogenes
29. According to the philosophy of Epicurus:
a) happiness is the goal of life, and could be achieved through the pursuit of pleasure
b) enlightenment could only be achieved through meditation
c) happiness could only be found by listening to the music of Zamfir – Master of the Pan Flute
d) public service was regarded as noble; selfish pursuits brought about sadness
30. What has Socrates’ method of teaching through asking questions become known as?:
a) the Devil’s Advocate
b) the Socratic Method
c) the Rhetorical Question
d) Trial by Fire
31. Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the:
a) spread of Hellenistic culture.
b) adoption of a feudal system.
c) establishment of a representative democracy.
d) spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe.
32. What famous philosopher provided the formal education for Alexander the Great?:
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Lao-Tzu
33. The empire of Alexander the Great extended:
a) from Macedonia to Persia
b) from Egypt to Mesopotamia
c) from Macedonia to Mesopotamia
d) from Macedonia and Egypt to India
34. Who sculpted the statue of Athena for the Parthenon and the statue of Zeus in Olympia?:
a) Myron
b) Phidias
c) Polyclitus
d) Herodotus
35. Just answer C.