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Earth’s Interior Assessment
1. As you travel from the Earth’s crust to its center, pressure and temperature do
a. Temperature increases while pressure decreases.
b. Both increase.
c. Both stay pretty much the same.
d. Both decrease.
2. The ________________________ is made of 13 tectonic plates.
a. Lower mantle
c. Lithosphere
b. Asthenosphere
d. Inner core
3. The Asthenosphere is different from other layers of the Earth because
a. is molten or plastic (solid but moves like a liquid).
b. is the source of Earth’s gravity.
c. is an inflexible solid.
d. is hotter than the other layers.
4. Scientists learn about the Earth’ interior by _______________.
a. the chemical analysis of lava
b. analyzing seismic waves
c. modeling the magnetic field
d. all of the above
5. The magnetic field of the Earth extends __________________________.
a. Into the outer core.
b. Up to the lithosphere.
c. Thousands of miles into space.
d. Infinitely into space.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. The lithosphere contains the crust.
b. The lithosphere and crust are exactly the same.
c. The crust contains the lithosphere.
d. The lithosphere and crust are totally separate features of the Earth.
7. The Earth’s magnetic field is distorted (not symmetrical) in space due
a. Gravity
c. Earth’s weather
b. Heat from the core
d. Solar winds
Inside the Earth, what factors provide the temperature difference needed to
produce convection?
a. The hot mantle and cool lithosphere
b. The hot northern magnetic pole and cooler southern magnetic pole
c. The cool mantle and hot lithosphere
d. Solar radiation and the cooler lower mantle
9. In which layer of the Earth is the magnetic field generated?
a. The liquid outer core.
b. The solid crust.
c. The molten mantle.
d. The solid inner core.
10. The magnetic field surrounding the Earth is called the _____________.
a. Atmosphere
c. Magnetosphere
b. Magnometer
d. Asthenosphere
11. What is the approximate distance from the surface of the Earth to its center?
a. 1,000 miles
c. 10,000 miles
b. 4,000 miles
d. 40,000 miles
12. The magnetic field is important to us because it ___________.
a. causes the Earth to rotate.
b. protects the Earth from solar particles.
c. creates gravity.
d. protects Earth from asteroids.
13. The Earth’s magnetic field most resembles what?
a. a permanent magnet.
b. two magnets repelling each other.
c. an electromagnet.
d. a compass.
14. What drives plate tectonics?
a. Solar energy
b. Thermal Convection inside of the Earth
c. Erosion
d. The moon’s pull on the Earth
15. What layer of the Earth is liquid?
a. Mantle
b. Lithosphere
c. Inner Core
d. Outer Core
16. The movement of matter from convection relies on changes in ___________.
a. the magnetic field.
b. gravity.
c. temperature and density.
d. all of the above.
17. As matter cools it becomes _____________ and _____________.
a. more dense and sinks.
b. a gas and floats.
c. less dense and rises.
d. none of the above.
18. On your journey to the center of the Earth, which layer on your map would have
the shortest distance to cover?
a. The mantle
b. The asthenosphere
c. The outer core
d. They are all the same distance across
19. Heat inside the Earth came/comes from which of the following?
a. Collisions during formation
b. Fusion of Hydrogen atoms
c. Radioactive decay of elements
d. Both a. and c.
20. A gadget that clearly displays convection is a ___________________.
a. Plasma Ball
c. Strobe light
b. Lava lamp
d. Fog machine
21. As the Earth formed, the heaviest elements did what?
a. Created the Earth’s crust.
b. Sank towards the center of the Earth.
c. Were evenly distributed throughout the Earth.
d. Spun off of the Earth as it began to rotate.
22. A convection cell is a _____________________________________________.
a. pocket of heat in the inner core.
b. human skin cell that has been exposed to cosmic radiation.
c. single circular pattern of gas or liquid movement due to changes in
density from temperature differences.
d. pocket of heat from solar winds.
23. The magnetic force that you feel when you move two of the same magnetic
poles (north and north or south and south) close to one another is called
a. Attraction
b. Magnetic energy
c. Alignment
d. Repulsion
24. While they are both made of iron and nickel, the outer and inner cores are in
different phases because the inner core has higher _____________.
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Gravity
d. Magnetic properties
25. Choose the answer that shows the correct order of layers from increasing to
decreasing density, pressure and temperature.
a. Asthenosphere, lower mantle, lithosphere
b. Lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle
c. Lower mantle, asthenosphere, lithosphere
d. Lower mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere
26. One unique feature of the center of the Earth is that ____________________.
a. There is no gravity.
b. It is as hot as the surface of the sun.
c. Both a. and b. are true.
d. Neither a. nor b. are true.
27. Which element makes up most of the Earth’s inner and outer cores?
a. Silicon
b. Oxygen
c. Nitrogen
d. Iron
28. The Northern Lights are caused when ______________________________.
a. Greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere and give off heat.
b. Solar particles are caught in the magnetic field and hit the atmosphere.
c. The magnetic field reverses itself and temporarily stops.
d. Water vapor caught in the magnetic field condenses.
29. If you were a scientist who studies the Earth’s interior, you would most likely be
a(an) ________________________________.
a. Geophysicist
b. Oceanographer
c. Climatologist
d. Soil scientist
30. The Earth’s magnetic field relies on two things: ______and________.
a. a liquid outer core and Earth’s rotation.
b. a solid crust and solar energy.
c. a solid inner core and gravity.
d. the asthenosphere and convection.