Download over the dish(es) in which cells would not be growing.

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10-3 Regulating the Cell Cycle Guided Notes
Before going on to this powerpoint of notes, try answering these questions based on this
Suppose you had a paper cut on your finger. Although the cut may have bled and stung a little,
after a few days, it will have disappeared, and your finger would be as good as new.
1. How do you think the body repairs an injury, such as a cut on a finger?
2. How long do you think this repair process continues?
3. What do you think causes the cells to stop the repair process?
NOW, go on to the powerpoint….How did you do on the above questions? Let’s learn more…
Cell division genes can be ________ in case of injury. What does this mean?
Do all cells divide at the same rate? ______
How fast do human skin cells divide?
How about liver cells?
Nerve cells?
Cell Cycle Regulators
In early 1980’s scientists discovered a protein in dividing cells that caused a ______________to form
in _______________ cells.
Levels of this protein rose and fell with the cell cycle so it was named __________ because it seemed
to control the cell cycle.
A whole family of cyclins have since been discovered that regulate the _____________________ in
eukaryotic cells.
______________ regulators - Proteins that respond to events inside the cell. What is an example of
______________ regulators - Proteins that respond to events outside the cell. What is an example of
______________ cells have lost control of their cell division genes. They don’t stop when they touch
nearby cells. . .they just continue growing – this is what makes a __________. These cells can spread ,
this is called ____________________.
______________ are substances that can damage DNA and cause cancer. Examples are:
Now, Use what you have learned to complete the following:
When cells come in contact with one another, molecules on their surfaces signal them to stop
growing. This prevents cells from growing uncontrollably and disrupting nearby tissues.
Circle the dish(es) in which cells would be stimulated to grow. Mark an “X” over the
dish(es) in which cells would not be growing.
Which of the following best describes cancer? Circle the correct answer.
uncontrolled cell growth
cells stop growing
Complete the flowchart about cancer.
Cancer cells don’t respond to signals that regulate
Cancer cells form masses of cells called
Cancer cells break loose and spread
throughout the