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OIE Collaborating Centre Reports
Activities in 2012
Title of Collaborating Centre:
Address of Collaborating Centre:
Laboratory Capacity Building
Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia
(61 3) 5227 5000
(61 3) 5227 5555
e-mail address:
Name of Director of Institute
(Responsible Official):
[email protected]
Professor Kurt Zuelke
Name (including Title and
Position) of Head of the
Collaborating Centre (formally
OIE Contact Point):
Dr Peter Daniels
Name (including Title and
Position) of writer of this report
(if different from above)
Dr Peter Daniels
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of
OIE Collaborating Centres
Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of
techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE
The AAHL Regional Program in the Asia Pacific seeks to contribute to a prosperous and stable world through
support to food security and One Health initiatives in the region. A coordinated approach to veterinary
laboratory capacity development across national boundaries is being developed in the Southeast Asian region
in collaboration with the regional offices of the OIE and the FAO as well their country offices.
Together with donor agencies and the international organizations, the OIE and the FAO, AAHL is particularly
focusing in helping to develop laboratory networks. These may be in individual countries, where the work
AAHL undertakes separately in Australia, provides a useful model and experience, and across countries in the
region. As well as addressing strategic and technical issues such as laboratory management and support to
quality assurance AAHL has been developing systems of networked data management.
An activity incorporating many of these various aspects has been a project developing laboratory capacity for
bioinformatics of HPAI and the development of antigenic cartography for monitoring of the antigenic match
of vaccines to circulating field strains in Indonesia. The emphasis has been on developing capacity in
Indonesian government institutions for sequence analysis for molecular epidemiology, in screening of
antigenic profiles of H5N1 isolates and then further characterization of antigenicity for antigenic cartography
analyses. The data handling needs were addressed.
AAHL has also been working with the regional offices of FAO and OIE in Bangkok to deliver specific
outcomes such as those supported by the IDENTIFY initiative, that progress and harmonize regional activities
developing capacity for emerging infectious disease preparedness.
The OIE Twinning Project with the Malaysian Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) at Ipoh for avian influenza
and Newcastle disease has continued with elements of technology transfer, development of management
systems such as for quality assurance and biorisk management, and the training of the partnered laboratory to
deliver proficiency testing to its laboratories nationally.
The One Health project in the Laos PDR, Increased Productivity and Reduced Risk in Pig Production and
Market Chains. Component 1: Animal and Human Health continues implementation, interacting with village
based smallholder market chains, providing animal health capacity building in the field and also to the Laos
PDR national veterinary laboratory.
AAHL is specifically continuing its work in developing laboratory capacity with the Indonesian government
network of laboratories, continuing development of laboratory capacity for HPAI in particular and also
addressing a range of zoonoses such as rabies, anthrax and brucellosis. Importantly the laboratory component
is within the context of helping the animal health authorities to update systems for prioritising and managing
animal health issues more broadly, and so has a management systems element. This link between policy
setting and laboratory function in a strategic sense is seen as most important in all laboratory capacity
Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international
regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or
animal welfare
Through OIE and FAO Regional Offices servicing the ASEAN region AAHL continues to assist in the
development of initiatives to harmonize veterinary laboratory testing for emerging infectious and zoonotic
diseases. Training in systems to improve the strategic planning of laboratory activities within the animal
health sector operations are being delivered, as well as management systems that help laboratories further
develop their capability in diagnostic technologies, quality assurance systems and laboratory biorisk
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Maintenance of a network with other OIE Collaborating Centres designated for the same
specialty, and
AAHL participates in the OFFLU Technical Activity for laboratory capacity building.
Should the need arise, maintenance of a network with Collaborating Centres in other
AAHL participates on the OFFLU activity to generate and analyse data relating to animal influenza for
the WHO VCM process, collaborating with other OIE collaborating centres and reference laboratories
and with designated WCO Collaborating Centres for Influenza.
Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE
Chris Morrissy conducted a laboratory accreditation audit to the ISO/IEC17025:2005 standard of the Hong
Kong laboratory for the accrediting authority NATA, Hong Kong, 9-13 January 2012
Chris Morrissy facilitated and participated in a meeting to create a workshop on Laboratory Networking and
Proficiency Testing for priority HPEDs in SAARC countries in Bangladesh, 21-26 January 2012
Chris Morrissy contributed to the 4 Way Linking meeting as an OIE representative in Vietnam, 14 February
Peter Daniels chaired the OIE ad hoc Group meeting on Biosafety and Biosecurity in Veterinary
Laboratories, OIE HQ, Paris, 9-16 February 2012
Frank Wong attended the 2nd OFFLU Swine Influenza Technical Activity Meeting at OIE HQ, Paris, 25-31
March 2012
Peter Daniels attended and presented at the Asia pacific Biosafety Association (A-PBA) Scientific
Conference: Asia-Pacific Biosafety – Moving Toward One World Health, Indonesia, 24-28 April 2012
Wilna Vosloo presented a talk at the Second Global Conference on FMD Control organized by OIE and
FAO and participated in the FMD Vaccine Expert Advisory Group, Thailand 23-30 June 2012
Paul Selleck participated for FAO in an international mission to Pakistan to establish a Crisis Management
Centre in Animal Health, focusing on NDV, Pakistan, 7-18 Jul 2012
Peter Daniels chaired the Meeting of the ad hoc Group on Biosafety and Biosecurity in Veterinary
laboratories at OIE Headquarters, France 14-21 July 2012
Chris Morrissy contributed to the OIE/FAO meeting on HPAI, Thailand, 16-18 July 2012
Chris Morrissy and Noel Ritson-Bennett conducted a scoping mission for the Laboratory-Field
Epidemiology Linkage training under the FAO Biosafety Training Project, Thailand, 22-28 July 2012
Chris Morrissy attended the Laboratory TAG meeting, Thailand, 30-31 July 2012
Peter Daniels participated in the OIE training workshop for OIE National Focal Points on Laboratories,
delivering a presentation on Biosafety and Biosecurity in compliance with OIE Standards, 19-24 August
Andrew Hill contributed to the ASEAN workshop on Preparedness and response to a Biological Event,
Philippines, 4-8 September 2012
Peter Daniels attended the meeting of the OIE Biological Standards Commission, France 9-17 September
Martyn Jeggo was an invited speaker at the IAEA Scientific Forum on Nuclear Application related to Food
Production, Protection and Safety, Austria, 16-22 September 2012
Chris Morrissy attended the Fourth Laboratory Directors Forum Meeting which was hosted by the
Department of Animal Health in collaboration with OIE and FAO, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 10-11 October
Chris Morrissy participated in the 7th SEACFMD Labnet Meeting in Lanzhou, China, 15-17 October 2012
Frank Wong was invited by the FAO Animal Health Division (AGAH) as a representative to join an expert
consultation for establishing and maintaining core facilities for molecular test diagnosis in veterinary
laboratories of developing countries with limited resources, Austria, 14-21 October 2012.
James Watson conducted a laboratory accreditation audit on behalf of the International Accreditation New
Zealand (IANZ), Wellington, New Zealand, 15-18 October 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Peter Daniels attended the Influenza Risk Assessment and Risk Modelling: Pandemic Influenza Threats and
Beyond as OFFLU representative, Rome, 7-9 November 2012
Peter Daniels was invited to present at the 15th AAAP (Asian-Australasian Association of Animal
Production Societies) Symposium, Thailand, 25-27 November 2012, instructing in improved approaches for
Peter Daniels contributed to the Third Regional Workshop on Multi-Sectoral Collaboration on Zoonoses
Prevention and Control: Leading the Way on One Health, Bali, Indonesia, 27-29 November 2012
Chris Morrissy was participated as an OIE expert in the Four Way Linking Project, Indonesia, 1-14
December 2012
Wilna Vosloo attended the meeting of the OIE ad hoc Group on the Evaluation of Food and Mouth Disease
(FMD) Status of Member Countries to continue with the review of the FMD Chapter in the Terrestrial
Manual and evaluate dossiers of 6 countries who are applying for disease status, France 7-15 December
Peter Daniels participated in an OIE ad hoc Working Group on New Approaches to Diagnosis: Applied
Genomics at the OIE, France 9-13 December 2012
Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the
OIE, to personnel from OIE Member Countries
The following training was conducted in member countries:
Training given to member countries under OFFLU, EPT and EPT+ programs administered by the OIE and FAO:
Paul Selleck provided training under the OFFLU LOA 3 (managed by FAO) to Putsvetma, Wates and DIC
Denpasar laboratories in Indonesia, 7 January to 4 February 2012
Peter Durr and Kerryn Graham travelled to Luang Prabang, Vientiane and Bali under the OFFLU LIMS
project to facilitate data meeting and conduct results analysis, Laos 22 January-4 February 2012
Peter Durr facilitated the inception workshop under the OFFLU AI Indonesia project, 1-11 February 2012
Chris Morrissy and Rod Howard travelled to Bhopal to visit HSADL under the FAO Technical Support for
Biosafety and Laboratory Training PR48078 to contribute to laboratory management capacities particularly
in Biosafety equipment maintenance, India, 14-20 April 2012
Mai Hlaing Loh, Shane Riddell and Chris Morrissy conducted regional training on proficiency testing at the
project directorate IVRI on foot and mouth disease at the Indian Veterinary Institute (IVRI) in Mukteswar,
India, 14-26 May 2012
Andrea Certoma and Antonio Di Rubbo conducted a training workshop under the FAO Multi Disease
Project, Thailand 2-17 August 2012
Chris Morrissy, Susan Juzva and Brian Meehan established harmonized diagnostic protocols to key animal
health laboratories in SE Asia for the diagnosis of PRRS/CSF under the FAO Multi Disease Project,
Thailand 2-31 August 2012
Chris Morrissy travelled under the FAO Multi Disease Project to visit laboratories in Lampung, Subang,
Wates and Medan.
He will also attend the FAO Avian Influenza Coordination Meeting in Wates , Indonesia 3-24 November
Andrea Certoma travelled to Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand to conduct
back stopping missions under the FAO Multi Disease project, 7 November to 15 December 2012
John Allen and Peter Durr attended an FAO Avian influenza Virus Coordination meeting, Indonesia, 19-20
November 2012
As indicated in Section 1 of this report, the AusAID funded Australia Indonesia Partnership for Emerging
Infectious Diseases Animal Health Program 2010-2014 (AIP-EID) is currently a major capacity building activity
for AAHL, working with the national network of veterinary laboratories in Indonesia and the central veterinary
authority. The laboratories in the network comprise diagnostic laboratories, the national veterinary research
laboratory and major reference centre, a laboratory for the manufacture of vaccines and diagnostics and the national
veterinary assay laboratory supporting the regulation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Hence this is a
major capacity building activity with the emphasis on developing networked capability. The overall project is
managed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), Australia’s national veterinary
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
A major activity required under the AIP EID Project has been an Indonesian Laboratory Review. John Allen
was a member of the review team and helped conduct the first stage in Indonesia, 11-29 March 2012. John
participated in the second stage, 29 April to 16 May 2012
John Allen also conducted project sub-committee meetings and project meetings 8-18 February and 10-21
September 2012
John Allen chaired the Reflections Workshop required under the Project, 1-12 October 2012
Paul Selleck and John Allen travelled to PUTSVETMA to conduct a gap analysis of that institution under
the Project, 6-12 October 2012.
With respect to rabies training under the AIP EID Project
John Allen commenced scoping visits for future Rabies training, Indonesia 8-18 February 2012
Andrea Certoma conducted a scoping visit to Bukittinggi for a future Rabies Training course under the
Project, Indonesia, 13-16 February 2012
Andrea Certoma conducted a Rabies workshop in Bukittinggi under the DAFF AIP EID Project, Indonesia
20 April to 19 May 2012
Jemma Bergfeld travelled to assist in the delivery of the rabies Workshop held in Bukittinggi 5-19 May 2012
Andrea Certoma and Mai Hliang Loh attended the Bukittinggi Laboratory to conduct follow-up training for
Rabies diagnosis and interpretation of statistical and PT results, 7-22 September 2012
With respect to brucella training under the AIP EID Project
Susan Juzva and Trevor Taylor conducted a scoping visit to Makassar for a Brucella Training course, 13-22
February 2012
Trevor Taylor travelled to Makassar to deliver reagents and cultures required for the Brucella Workshop, 3-9
April 2012
Susan Juzva, Shane Riddell and Trevor Taylor conducted the Brucella workshop in Makassar 10-28 April
John Allen helped facilitate the Brucella Workshop in Makassar 14-19 April 2012
Ross Lunt and Mai Hliang Loh attended the Makassar Laboratory to conduct follow-up training for Brucella
diagnosis and interpretation of statistical and PT results, 9-20 September 2012
With respect to anthrax training under the AIP EID Project
John Allen and Trevor Taylor conducted a scoping mission to Wates for Anthrax training, 21-29 November
An important capacity building activity that AAHL is happy to support is the OIE twinning Project in Avian
Influenza and Newcastle Disease between AAHL and the Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) at Ipoh in Malaysia:
Chris Morrissy visited VRI under the OIE Twinning Project, Ipoh, Malaysia, 26-29 March 2012 for project
work planning consultations for the year
Chris Morrissy and Rod Howard, a senior biorisk management engineer from AAHL, travelled to VRI to
assist in consultations on engineering requirements, 22-24 April 2012
Bernadette O’Keefe, the AAHL Quality Assurance Manager, travelled to VRI for follow-up on actions from
the Internal Audit report undertaken in July 2011, 30 September to 9 October 2012
Paul Selleck assisted in establishing virus cultures as required under the OIE Twinning Project, Ipoh,
Malaysia, 12-19 October 2012
In other capacity building activities for member countries:
Gary Crameri participated in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) exchange scheme work with the
Wuhan Institute of Virology on the development of Chinese bat cell lines project. China, 26 March- 15 April
Jianning Wang attended and presented at the molecular Diagnostic Workshop Program held at the National
Centre for Biosecurity and Infectious Disease in Wallaceville, 1-2 May 2012
Debbie Eagles and Trevor Taylor conducted Brucella training for new veterinarians under a request from the
Fijian Government, Fiji 11-23 June 2012
Trevor Taylor conducted follow-up support for the recently run Brucella Testing training for the Fijian
Government, 26 August to 1 September 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Martyn Jeggo and Warren Michell attended a meeting at AMES for training officers to develop strategies on
how to collaborate and harmonise the training that is conducted in high containment laboratories, USA, 2229 June 12
AAHL is also engaged in capacity building activities with laboratories servicing aquatic animal health needs:
Chris Morrissy facilitated project planning meetings for work to be conducted under an AusAID funded
Public Sector Linkages program (PSLP) Project in Vietnam, 16-18 February 2012
Nicholas Gudkovs attended the first project meeting and to assess current capabilities in AAH diagnosis at
RAHO6 and the Central Vietnam Veterinary Institute under the PSLP Vietnam Project, Vietnam 16
February to 8 March 2012
Mark Crane and Nick Gudkovs conducted a workshop under the DAFF Regional PT Program for Aquatic
Animal Disease Laboratories in the Asia-Pacific 24-28 July 2012
Nicholas Gudkovs and John Hoad commenced technical visits to provide advice and training in OIE based
diagnostics (cell culture/virus isolation and molecular diagnosis) under the PSLP Vietnam project, 17
September to 3 October 2012
Another capacity building activity for aquatic animal health in the region is the provision of proficiency testing for
certain major AAH pathogens, with funding from the Australian DAFF. (AAHL is accredited as a proficiency test
provider to the international standard ISO/IEC 17043:2010.) This project which is just commencing will run over a
number of years.
Nicholas Gudkovs travelled to Thailand under the ASEAN Aquatic Animal Health Proficiency Testing
project to collect and prepare yellow head virus (YHV) infected tissue for transfer to AAHL for the
development of PT panels, 3-10 October 2012 and to Indonesia to similarly collect and prepare infectious
myonecrosis virus (IMNV) and Taura syndrome virus (TSV) viral inocula, 24 November to 7 December
Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE
AAHL did not specifically host major meetings on capacity building for the OIE during this period but helped
plan and participated in capacity building meetings co-organized by OIE and FAO regional offices, with
activities as outlined above in sections 4 and 5.
Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories,
organisations or collaborating centres
The project in the Laos PDR: Increased Productivity and Reduced Risk in Pig Production and Market Chains.
Component 1: Animal and Human Health, has substantial components of capacity building for both laboratory and
field staff. Project visits in support of this work included:
Dr John Allen travelled to Vientiane for implementation discussions and visits to field sites, 16-28 January
2012 and again 26 February to 2 March 2012
Jemma Bergfeld travelled to Vientiane to service the project field sites, 1-19 April 2012
John Allen returned for a brief implementation visit, 2-7 June 2012, returning 29 July to 6 August 2012 and
again from 23-25 October 2012
As indicated in last year’s report, AAHL has commenced an FMD Risk Management Project with the primary aim
of evaluation of vaccines contained in the Australian FMD bank using challenge studies. These will be conducted in
Vietnam (in pigs), in South Africa (in sheep) and in Argentina (in cattle), with supporting studies being conducted
at the OIE FMD Reference Laboratory at Pirbright. Capacity building, particularly in diagnostics and molecular
characterization, is an essential component of the studies. During the current year the following activities have been
conducted in partner countries:
Chris Morrissy helped establish and initiate the laboratory trials of FMD in pigs at NAVETCO in Vietnam,
4- 11 February 2012
Wilna Vosloo, Jacqui Morris and Negendra Singanallur commenced the experimental infection of pigs and
followed up with titration of challenge virus for use in future pig challenge experiments at RAHO6, Vietnam
15 February to 3 March 2012
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Wilna Vosloo, Jacqui Morris and Negendra Singanallur continued work on the experimental infection of
pigs under at RAHO6, Vietnam, 13 March to 4 April 2012.
Chris Morrissy travelled to Vietnam to assist with the work, 5-7 April 2012
Jacqui Morris, Jianning Wang and Nagendra Singanallur commenced PCR and virus isolation on materials
collected during the FMD pig trials at RAHO6, Vietnam 22-28 April 2012
Jacqui Morris, Wilna Vosloo and Nagendra Singanallur continued pig inoculations for the vaccine efficacy
studies using 01 Manisa monovalent vaccine in Vietnam, 7-31 May 2012
Nagendra Singanullar returned to Vietnam partner laboratories. This phase included performing the in-vitro
assays on samples previously collected, Vietnam 22 July to 25 August 2012
Jacqui Morris continued work in Vietnam with collaborators at NAVETCO, 31 July to 24 August 2012
Jacqui Morris conducted the second phase of the FMD project to generate pig challenge virus for a serotype
A Vietnamese isolate belonging to the MAY/THAI genotype, Vietnam 1-19 October 2012.
Nagendra Singanallur continued work in Vietnam, continuing with the adaptation and titration of this strain
in pigs and perform the vaccine efficacy studies using A Malaysia 97, Vietnam, 11 November to 5
December 2012
Under the collaborative project Control and characterisation of highly pathogenic avian influenza strains in poultry
in Indonesia funded by ACIAR
Peter Durr continued work with the University of Melbourne in collaboration with Bbalitvet on AI
Surveillance in Indonesia, 19 May to 2 June 2012
Peter Durr travelled to Indonesia project activities, 23-30 September 2013 and again 20-27 November 2012
Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by
the OIE that may be useful to Member Countries of the OIE
Journal Articles
 Conlan, J. V., Vongxay, K., Jarman, R. G., Gibbons, R. V., Lunt, R. A., Fenwick, S., Blacksell, S. D.
(2012). Serologic Study of Pig-Associated Viral Zoonoses in Laos. American Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 86(6), 1077-1084. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.11-0195
 Daniels, P., Morrissy, C., Poermadjaja, B., Selleck, P., Stratton, J., Allen, J., Kalpravidh, W. (2012).
Diagnostic capacity for regional emergency infectious disease preparedness. ACIAR Proceedings
Series(137), 83-86.
 Daniels, P., Wiyono, A., Sawitri, E., Poermadjaja, B., & Sims, L. (2012). H5N1 highly pathogenic
avian influenza in Indonesia: retrospective considerations. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, online in
press, 20.
 Foord, A., Middleton, D., & Heine, H. (2012). Hendra virus detection using Loop-Mediated
Isothermal Amplification. Vet Microbiol, 181, 93-96.
 Henning, J., Wibawa, H., Yulianto, D., Usman, T. B., Junaidi, A., & Meers, J. (2012). The
management of smallholder duck flocks in Central Java, Indonesia, and potential hazards promoting
the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus. Worlds Poultry Science Journal, 68(3), 513528. doi: 10.1017/s004393391200061x
 Hoque, M. A., Skerratt, L. F., Garland, S., Burgess, G. W., & Selleck, P. (2012). Adaptations of a
Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for the Detection of Antibodies to Influenza A
Virus in Horse Sera for Use in Wild Aquatic Birds. Indian Journal of Virology, 23(3), 261-269. doi:
 Jaramillo, D., Tweedie, A., Becker, J. A., Hyatt, A., Crameri, S., & Whittington, R. J. (2012). A
validated quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of ranaviruses (Family
Iridoviridae) in fish tissue and cell cultures, using EHNV as a model. Aquaculture, 356, 186-192. doi:
 Kaku, Y., Noguchi, A., Marsh, G. A., Barr, J. A., Okutani, A., Hotta, K., Wang, L.-F. (2012). Antigen
capture ELISA system for henipaviruses using polyclonal antibodies obtained by DNA immunization.
Arch Virol, 157(8), 1605-1609. doi: 10.1007/s00705-012-1338-3
 Kaku, Y., Noguchi, A., Marsh, G. A., Barr, J. A., Okutani, A., Hotta, K., Wang, L.-F. (2012). Second
generation of pseudotype-based serum neutralization assay for Nipah virus antibodies: Sensitive and
high-throughput analysis utilizing secreted alkaline phosphatase. J Virol Methods, 179(1), 226-232.
doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2011.11.003
 Keeling, S. E., Johnston, C., Wallis, R., Brosnahan, C. L., Gudkovs, N., & McDonald, W. L. (2012).
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
Development and validation of real-time PCR for the detection of Yersinia ruckeri. Journal of Fish
Diseases, 35(2), 119-125. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2761.2011.01327.x
Kumar, A., Wong, A. K. L., Lizard, M. L., Moore, R. J., & Lefevre, C. (2012). miRNA_Targets: A
database for miRNA target predictions in coding and non-coding regions of mRNAs. Genomics,
100(6), 352-356. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2012.08.006
Serrao, E., Meers, J., Pym, R., Copland, R., Eagles, D., & Henning, J. (2012). Prevalence and
incidence of Newcastle disease and prevalence of Avian Influenza infection of scavenging village
chickens in Timor-Leste. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 104(3-4), 301-308. doi:
Stubbs, S., Oura, C. A. L., Henstock, M., Bowden, T. R., King, D. P., & Tuppurainen, E. S. M.
(2012). Validation of a high-throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of
capripoxviral DNA. J Virol Methods, 179(2), 419-422. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2011.11.015
Wang, L.-F., & Daniels, P. (2012). Diagnosis of henipavirus infection: current capabilities and future
directions. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol, 359, 179-196. doi: 10.1007/82_2012_215
Wibawa, H., Henning, J., Waluyati, D. E., Usman, T. B., Lowther, S., Bingham, J., Meers, J. (2012).
Comparison of serological assays for detecting antibodies in ducks exposed to H5 subtype avian
influenza virus. BMC Veterinary Research, 8(117), (23 July 2012)-(2023 July 2012).
Conference Papers
 Babiuk, S., Bowden, T., Wallace, D., Mather, A., Gertds, V., & Babiuk, L. (2012). Sheep and goat
pox viral diagnostics and vaccine development collaboration. Paper presented at the 11th Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network, Winnipeg, Canada.
 Bagnara, A., & Lunt, R. (2012). Validation of Equine IgM Capture ELISA for Serodiagnosis of West
Nile Virus Infection. Paper presented at the AAVLD Conference, University of Sydney, NSW.
 Daniels, P. (2012). Advances in Biomedical Research and Biosecurity: Biorisk management issues in
Animal Health Labs (Abstract). Paper presented at the 7th APBA Scientific Conference, Moving
Towards One World-One Health, Bali, Indonesia.
 Daniels, P. (2012). Emerging and Re-emerging Disease Control. Facing New Challenges: Emerging
Pathogens & Disease Surveillance Control (Abstract). Paper presented at the The 7th APBA
Scientific Conference, Moving Towards One World-One Health, Bali, Indonesia.
 Daniels, P. (2012). The Challenge of Influenza Surveillance in the Intensive Animal Industries, The
Joint NHMRC and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Forum: H5N1: are we prepared?, 1 November
2012, NHMRC Canberra
 Daniels, P. (2012). Animal Health Challenges and Climate Change, 15th AAAP Animal Science
Congress, 26-30 November 2012, Thammasat University, Thailand
 Daniels, P., Diaz, F., & Hamilton, K. (2012). OIE guidelines and recommendations for biorisk
management in veterinary laboratories (Abstract). Paper presented at the The 7th APBA Scientific
Conference, Moving Towards One World-One Health, Bali, Indonesia.
 Nining Hartaningsih, Mia Kim, Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, James McGrane, Elly Sawitri,
Pudjiatmoko, Muhammed Azhar (2012) Sustainable approach to influenza virus monitoring for
animal health in Indonesia. 8th International Symposium on Avian Influenza, Royal Holloway,
University of London. 1-4 April 2012.
 Holmes, C., Crameri, S., & Hyatt, A. (2012). Diagnostic electron microscopy and communications via
a high definition interactive communication platform. Paper presented at the The Joint APMC
10/ICONN 2012/MMA22 Conference, Perth, WA.
 Juzva, S., Meehan, B., Carlile, G., & Morrissy, C. (2012). Diagnostics for the Detection of CSFV and
PRRSV and the Importance of Proficiency Testing. Follow-up to CSFV and PRRSV Workshop
(HCMC July 2011). Paper presented at the Veterinary Research Institute Conference, Ipoh, Malaysia.
 Juzva, S., Riddell, S., Morrissy, C., & Allen, J. (2012). Diagnostic Serology for the Detection of
Brucellosis. Paper presented at the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious Diseases Bovine Brucellosis Diagnostic Training Workshop - DIC Maros, Maros, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
 McNabb, L., Lunt, R., Barr, J., Crameri, G., Juzva, S., & Wang, L. (2012). Developments in Hendra
virus serology using Henipavirus binding and blocking assays. Paper presented at the Emerging
Infectious Diseases Symposium (EIDS), Geelong.
 Mohr, P., Moody, N., & Crane, M. (2012). Real-time PCR limits of detection: can a ct value >40 be
positive. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Australian Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians, DPI, Victoria, AgriBio Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic.
 Payne, J., Bergfeld, J., Rookes, J., Bingham, J., & Middleton, D. (2012). Title: Pesky Prions: disease,
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012
Laboratory Capacity Building
disinfection and diagnosis. Paper presented at the AIMS National Meeting, Darwin, NT.
Riddell, S., Certoma, A., van der Heide, B., Wong, F., Walker, S., Ha, W., Daniels, P. (2012).
Laboratory diagnosis of Hendra virus infection during the 2011 outbreaks in Australia. Paper
presented at the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Medical Virology, Adelaide.
Shan, S. (2012). Avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) in Australia. Paper presented at the The
Asian-Pacific Regional Workshop on Newcastle disease in China, Qingdao, China.
Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, Mia Kim, Nining Hartaningsih, Elly Sawitri, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad
Azhar, Gwenaelle Dauphin, James McGrane, John Allen and Peter Daniels (2012) Monitoring
antigenic variation of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Indonesia towards improved vaccine selection.
6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference, 29 July – 1st August 2012, Cairns,
Queensland, Australia
Paul Selleck, Frank Wong, Mia Kim, Nining Hartaningsih, Elly Sawitri, Pudjiatmoko, Muhammad
Azhar, Gwenaelle Dauphin, James McGrane, John Allen and Peter Daniels (2012) Monitoring
antigenic variation of H5N1 avian influenza viruses in Indonesia towards improved vaccine selection.
Emerging Infectious Diseases Symposium, October 22-23, 2012, Geelong, Australia
Vosloo, W. (2012). Diagnostic tools and their role in the global control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Paper presented at the Second Global Conference on FMD control, Bangkok, Thailand.
Vosloo, W., Morris, J., Nguyen, T. T. H., Kim, P., Quach, N., Le, P., Singanallur, N. (2012). Using
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EUFMD Open Session, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
Wang, J. (2012). Molecular diagnosis of emergency animal diseases at the Australian Animal Health
Laboratory. Paper presented at the Moleuclar Diagnostics Workshop 2012 - National Centre for
Infectious Disease and Biosecurity (NCBID), New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Wong, F., Kim, M., Selleck, P., Stevens, V., Davies, K., Allen, J., Daniels, P. (2012). Update on
H5N1 activity and diversification in Indonesian poultry. Paper presented at the 8th International
Symposium on Avian Influenza, Royal Halloway, University of London, UK.
Wong, F., Selleck, P., Bruce, K., Allen, J., Claes, F., Kim, M., & Daniels, P. (2012). International
avian influenza activities at AAHL: contributions to one health from regional veterinary surveillance
programs. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Congress for Medical Virology, Adelaide.
Annual reports of OIE Reference Centres, 2012