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Active Review
7.1 Refer to the chapter opener, Meet Kroger. In your opinion, if you are the consumer, would you prefer
to receive targeted coupons even if it means the company is tracking your purchasing data?
The answer to this discussion depends on students’ concerns regarding tracking their purchasing data.
7.2 Discuss security concerns related to shadow data and business intelligence technologies.
The main security concern is that, by copying enterprise secured data into a personal computer or laptop,
the copied data can now be easily accessed by any unauthorized person.
7.3 Discuss how centralizing the operational database and data warehouse improves the performance of
intelligence queries.
If the enterprise data is not centralized, then intelligence queries should extract the necessary data from
many stand-alone databases. This requires an unacceptable query-execution time, since these queries need
to access different, unrelated databases. In some instances, when these stand-alone databases do not have
the same database engines, the intelligence queries may not even execute.
7.4 Discuss differences between an operational database and a data warehouse.
 An operational database stores data about business operations but a data warehouse stores all types
of data, including data about business operations and historical data.
 Operational database data is prepared to support business function but data warehouse data is
prepared for analysis.
 An operational database has relational structure but a data warehouse has star or snowflake
structures. The relational structure is suitable for organizing data based on business objects but data
warehouse structures are suitable for organizing data based on data analysis subjects.
7.5 Discuss why running business intelligence queries using an operational database can be a slow process.
Why is it faster to use BI technologies with a data warehouse?
Because of the structure of the operational database (that is relational) a query may need to access many
related tables to extract the required information. In a data warehouse, a query accesses only two tables to
extract the required information for analysis.
7.6 Discuss the role of accounting professionals in the development of shadow data.
Spreadsheets are very popular among accountants because they provide a large number of spreadsheet
analysis tools and these tools are easy to use. The end-user accountant can perform relatively complex data
analysis from a desktop or laptop computer using spreadsheet analysis tools.
7.7 Discuss the role of accounting professionals in the development of business intelligence technologies.
Most BI technologies are developed to analyze the enterprise financial data and make intelligent decisions.
Accounting professionals often better understand the requirements and needs for applications that have
specific requirements unique to accounting and finance. IT professionals may not have the requisite
accounting knowledge to develop a product that meets all the needs of the accounting professional.
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7.8 Discuss the benefits and limitations of using shadow data versus BI technologies.
Students could use information provided by figure 7.26 to discuss the answer to this question.
7.9 Discuss the advantages of using a decision model. How does it help standardize your accounting
system? Why is it important to consider qualitative factors when making a decision?
Integrative decision model (IDM) can be implemented in a spreadsheet. Quantitative data needed for
decision making can be extracted from the database by BI tools and stored in the quantitative section of the
model. Because the IDM provides a standard method for quantitative qualitative analysis, then it could
standardize decision making. The accounting system is standardized when the IDM is implemented into the
accounting system.
Quantitative data analysis doesn’t always provide the best indicators for business decision making.
For example, sometimes the social impact of a decision made based on just the numeric result could be
very dire for the future enterprise sustainability.
7.10 Discuss the advantages of a dimensional database structure used for data warehouses.
A dimensional database has one fact table and two or more dimension (Dim) tables. The dimension tables
in a star database are dimensions of the database, such as time dimension, product information, sales
territory, currency, and so on. The dimensional database fact table and dimension tables contain data for
specific intelligence. This makes them ready to use. The other advantage is that there are only two tables
involved in any data extraction query. That is why BI queries execute much faster than those using
relational databases.
Key Terms Check
7.11 Long-range, unstructured decisions with a high degree of ambiguity are called:
a. routine operating decisions.
b. tactical decisions.
c. strategic decisions. (Correct answer)
d. all of the above.
7.12 Decisions typically related to ongoing business activities are considered:
a. routine operating decisions. (Correct answer)
b. tactical decisions.
c. strategic decisions.
d. all of the above.
7.13 Semistructured decisions that are typically short term in nature and impact one year or less are
a. routine operating decisions.
b. tactical decisions. (Correct answer)
c. strategic decisions.
d. all of the above.
7.14 A business intelligence technique that uses mathematical algorithms to predict future trends is:
a. data mining.
b. text mining.
c. Web mining.
d. predictive modeling. (Correct answer)
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7.15 A business intelligence technique used on relatively unstructured data such as emails is called:
a. data mining.
b. text mining. (Correct answer)
c. Web mining
d. predictive modeling.
7.16 A business intelligence technique used to search social networking sites for customer preferences
would be referred to as:
a. data mining.
b. text mining.
c. Web mining. (Correct answer)
d. predictive modeling.
7.17 A business intelligence technique used to search data stored in a data warehouse using mathematical
algorithms to find patterns, trends, and relationships among data is referred to as:
a. data mining. (Correct answer)
b. text mining.
c. Web mining.
d. predictive modeling.
7.18 Match the following terms and definitions.
a. integrative decision model (IDM)
b. digital dashboard
c. open database connectivity
d. macros
e. spreadsheet identifier (SSID)
f. dimensional database
g. algorithm
c 1. Translates data analysis query commands into commands that are
compatible with RDBMS commands to extract data from an
operational database
g 2. A step-by-step solution to a problem
f 3. Contains one fact database table and one or more dimension
database tables
e 4. Each spreadsheet is assigned a unique identifier
d 5. Automatically perform a sequence of analysis tasks, step by step
a 6. A framework to structure the decision-making process and
incorporate both qualitative and quantitative considerations in
the decision
b 7. An interactive form that combines charts, graphs, figures, tables,
and data cubes
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Practice Test
7.19 Business intelligence is used to
a. Streamline business processes
b. Make better business decisions (Correct answer)
c. Make the enterprise database more intelligent
d. Remove redundant data from the enterprise database
7.20 Tactical decisions are
a. Routine operational decisions
b. Semi-structured (Correct answer)
c. Unstructured
d. Made for merger and acquisition
7.21 Total sales on the corporate annual income statement is
a. Data
b. Information (Correct answer)
c. Intelligence
d. All the above
7.22 ___________ provides an organization with insights to improve future business performance.
a. Customer relationship management
b. An information system
c. Enterprise resource planning
d. Predictive analysis (Correct answer)
7.23 ___________ provides a framework for structuring and organizing the decision-making process.
a. An integrated decision model (Correct answer)
b. A predictive model
c. Data mining
d. A mathematical model
7.24 Data cubes allow
a. Databases to have more than one table
b. More data from various tables be stored in one table
c. A multidimensional view of the data (Correct answer)
d. a and b
7.25 Shadow data is
a. Test data
b. Data currently stored in the organization databases
c. Data collected from sources other than the organization databases
d. b and c (Correct answer)
7.26 ODBC
Is an operational database component
Processes user queries
Is the pipeline between the database and the data analysis application
Provides the database reports (Correct answer)
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7.27 Inmon recommends that each
a. Spreadsheet in an organization be assigned login and password
b. Spreadsheet in an organization carry the developer name and identification
c. Spreadsheet in an organization be encrypted before being stored
d. Spreadsheet in an organization be assigned a unique identifier (Correct answer)
7.28 Which of the following is true?
a. Shadow data is quick to implement. (Correct answer)
b. Shadow data is used by a large number of users.
c. Shadow data is fully documented and supported by the IT department.
d. Shadow data is highly secure and protected.
Short Exercises
7.29 Identify which of the following numbered items are data, information, or intelligence. (Q7.1)
a. data
b. information
c. intelligence
a 1. Sequence of numbers stored in a table
c 2. A chart depicting sales of a specific item for specific regions and
average income in those regions
a 3. A table containing one hundred names
b 4. A graph showing sales amounts for a specific year
c 5. A pie chart showing sales in different regions
c 6. A graph depicting sales in relation to customer age
b 7. A graph showing the average price of a product in the market
7.30 Match the following intelligent system components with the appropriate example. (Q7.3, 7.4)
a. data storage
b. data extraction and transfer
c. data analysis
d. data visualization
2. digital dashboard
3. spreadsheet financial functions
4. relational database
5. query
6. star data warehouse structure
7. ETL
8. predictive modeling
9. OLAP cube
10. data mining
7.31 Number the following steps for an ETL in the order in which the steps would be executed. (Q7.5)
a. Load data warehouse dimensional table - 4
b. Extract operational relational database table - 2
c. Choose operational database table - 1
d. Use data warehouse dimensional table - 5
e. Transform operational database table into data warehouse dimensional table - 3
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It’s Your Call
7.32 Both accounting and IT report to the CFO of Lawrence Enterprises. The IT professionals have been
lobbying him for a data warehouse to use for business intelligence. While the CFO can see the value of
using business intelligence to improve decisions, he is not sure that it is warranted by the cost of the data
warehouse. The accounting professionals are saying that it will put them over budget if they have to
purchase a data warehouse. Why can’t IT just use the operational database that was purchased last year?
The CFO has called you in to act as a liaison between accounting and IT. He wants some straight
answers from you: Does he need to invest in a data warehouse or not? Can the company just use the
operational database for business intelligence? Draft a short email to the CFO with your response. (Q7.3,
7.4, 7.5)
Your email should include:
 Accounting and IT both should be involved in this project. This would prevent redundant
requirements for data warehouse design and implementation.
 Business intelligence can use an operational database but predictive modeling and data mining tools
cannot be effectively implemented without access to historical data.
 BI tools provide much faster reports when using a data warehouse.
 In summary, using a data warehouse allows for better decision making.
7.33 Because of your background in accounting and IT, the vice president of sales and marketing asked
you to create a digital dashboard for his sales managers. For his review, he would like you to send him a
short email summarizing your ideas for the digital dashboard. Draft a short email to the vice president
outlining your thoughts. Include the following:
1. What information and intelligence would you put on the digital dashboard for the sales managers?
In most cases a digital dashboard for monitoring sales is called a Sales Performance Dashboard.
The following is a list of information and intelligence that could appear on a digital dashboard
 Sales trend, revenue, average sales
 Sales by dimensions such as sales by geography, customer, product, sales channel,
adjustable date range
 Sales analysis tool for analyzing sales data.
What would be the source of your data for the digital dashboard?
On this digital dashboard, the operational database is used to show the live data about sales. For
the data analysis, it could use both the data warehouse and the operational database.
3. What decisions could the digital dashboard help the sales managers make?
Some of the decisions could be removing one or more products from sales, increasing the
advertisement effort in specific regions, and increasing sales promotions in some geographic
7.34 Because of your stellar performance in your accounting information systems course, you have been
called to the office of the university’s controller. The controller tells you that the university’s annual audit
begins next month. The controller has heard from other universities that they experienced audit issues with
numerous spreadsheets that did not have proper controls. The controller has asked you to complete an
internship with his office. Your assignment would be to devise a plan to improve spreadsheet controls.
What would you say in your executive summary to the controller? (Q7.4)
In the solution section of your executive summary, include what is explained in the Shadow Data Global
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Spreadsheet Analysis section of this chapter. Explain the advantages of assigning a SSID to each
spreadsheet, implementing a global identification system for shadow data stored in spreadsheets, and
storing all spreadsheets on a dedicated university server.
Tech in Practice
Tech Exercises
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
This technology exercise is a continuation of the Chapter 7 illustration, STAR for Autism Shadow Data.
Although the foundation board voted to continue the golf benefit, the walkathon, and the silent
auction, but to discontinue the carnival, one of the board members requested additional analysis be
conducted regarding the carnival. The board member was concerned that the board was making a hasty
decision and felt that the carnival had been a successful fundraiser in past years.
One of the staff members collected the following additional data and has asked your assistance in
analyzing it. In particular, the staff member asked if you could organize the information in a data list for
2008 and 2009 for the carnival as has been done for 2010. In addition, the board members had asked for a
dashboard to summarize the analysis using PivotTables and PivotCharts.
Download the spreadsheet data file for this exercise for STAR for Autism.
Using the downloaded spreadsheet data file, create a digital dashboard that compares prior years to
the current year results, including a PivotTable and PivotChart.
What relationships and insights do you see? What intelligence can you glean from your analysis?
By looking at data from 2008 till 2010 we have a better understanding of the STAR for Autism.
The analysis of the three years data shows a loss from the carnival in year 2010, a small gain in
2009 and a $6300 gain in 2008, a steady decline. This will support that discontinuing the carnival
is the right decision. Furthermore, the Golf Benefit needs further scrutiny.
See Tech Ex 7.35 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software, Database Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet ODBC, Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
EspressoCoffee has asked for your assistance with the following tasks.
1. Download the EspressoCoffee file for this exercise.
2. Set up open database connectivity (ODBC) to import data from the Microsoft Access file you
downloaded into a spreadsheet.
3. Format the imported data into a data table in Excel.
4. Create a PivotTable to analyze the sales data.
5. Create a pie chart with totals for each country.
6. Create a bar chart by quarter.
7. Using the PivotTable and charts you created, develop a digital dashboard that could be used to
monitor and track EspressoCoffee sales.
8. Analyze the information provided by your digital dashboard to create intelligence. What
intelligence can you glean from your analysis?
The dashboard shows the relationship between the total sales amount for different quarters in a
particular country. We can compare the total sales amount between two quarters or two countries. For
example, the information provided by the dashboard shows from the third quarter to the fourth the total
sales in Italy jumped from very high to very low and the total sales in Greece jumped from very low to
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very high. These drastic fluctuations require further scrutiny of the market in these countries. Adding a
slicer tool (an MS Excel tool) to the dashboard would make sections much easier.
Open MS Excel and use ODBC to import Sales Data table from Tech Ex 7.26 Data File. MS Excel
provides a direct ODBC to MS Access. You can find MS Access icon on the data ribbon of the MS Excel.
See Tech Ex 7.36 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
You have just been hired as the new accounting intern. Your first assignment is to reformat a spreadsheet
that your predecessor created. Complete the following steps.
1. Download the file for this exercise.
2. Reformat the spreadsheet into a data table format.
3. Create a PivotTable to analyze the data.
4. Create a chart that best summarizes intelligence.
5. Develop a digital dashboard that can be used to monitor results in the future.
The data file contains products ID, names, and the unit price for products sold in each sales transaction. The
PivotTable and PivotChart organize this data to show revenue from each product and the count of each
product sold. When you create a PivotChart, MS Excel automatically creates corresponding PivotTable.
Therefore parts 4 and 5 are shown in one sheet. By adding a data slicer tool (an MS Excel tool), we can see
and compare sales amount for selected items in the slicer.
See Tech Ex 7.37 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
Now that you have a full-time position, you have decided to start investing. You have invested in three
different companies. You are using a spreadsheet to track stock prices for the three different companies for
a 12-month period.
1. Download the spreadsheet data file for this exercise.
2. Create a PivotTable to analyze the data.
3. Create a line chart to contrast the stock performance of the three companies.
4. Develop a digital dashboard that can be used to monitor stock performance.
The data file contains weekly stock price for GE, IBM, and Expedia for year 2010.
See Tech Ex 7.38 SOLUTION in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
Have you ever been asked for your ZIP code when you made a purchase at a store? From American Eagle
to Williams Sonoma, stores ask customers for ZIP codes when a sale is made. Why?
ZIP codes can be used to identify pockets of customers in specific geographic regions that then can
be targeted with coupon mailings and advertisements. When the sales transactions are recorded in the
accounting system, also recording the customers’ ZIP codes can provide additional intelligence for making
future sales.
As the new accounting intern, you just received your first information broadcast email containing
the results of a business intelligence query. This BI query retrieved data from the company’s data
warehouse about customer ZIP codes and amount of purchase, using information that had been stored in
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both the CUSTOMER table and the ORDER table. The query results were exported to a spreadsheet, and then
using information broadcasting it was sent to your email inbox.
Complete the following steps to obtain a sense of how additional insights and business intelligence
can be obtained through analysis.
1. Download and open the file for this exercise.
2. Format the data as a spreadsheet data table.
3. Create a PivotTable to analyze ZIP codes and purchases.
4. Create a chart that best depicts the location of customers making purchases. Does your chart provide
a means for gauging the dollar amount of the purchases? If not, can you think of a way to create a
chart that would reveal this additional type of business intelligence?
5. Develop a digital dashboard that the company can use in the future for BI purposes.
See Tech Ex 7.39 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables
Explore the data analysis tools provided by Microsoft Excel.
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. List all the data analysis tools that you can discover in Excel.
Under the Data ribbon you will see:
 What-if Analysis, which consists of scenario building, Goal seeking, and Data table
 Data analysis, which consists of all statistical data analysis tools such as regression
 Solver, which allows linear and non-linear programming for the solution optimization
3. Explain how these tools can be used to create business intelligence using shadow data.
Based on what type of analysis is needed, these tools can be used to provide intelligence. For example,
by bringing together the sales data and temperatures in different months of the year, we could use
correlation analysis and regression to find out if there is a relationship between the sales and the
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Tables
Explore the data visualization tools provided by Excel.
1. Open Microsoft Excel.
2. List all the data visualization tools that you can discover in Excel.
Excel provides different types of graphs and charts as well as PivotTable and PivotCharts for data
3. Explain how these tools can be used for digital dashboards.
Many assignments in the Tech Ex section of this chapter are very good examples of how the MS Excel
data visualizations could be used to create a digital dashboard.
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Analysis Tools
The following table shows the increase of the teenage population in the past 10 years in a European country
as well as the increase in demand for a specific nonalcoholic drink.
1. Download the exercise data file
2. Graph the teenage population for the past 10 years.
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Graph the demand for the past 10 years
Plot the teenager population (x, independent variable) versus the demand (y, dependent variable).
See Tech Ex 7.42 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Teenage population
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Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet Data Analysis Tools
A marketing manager says that there is a relationship between the marketing budget and sales volume. He
provided the following table of the marketing budget (in thousand $) and the amount of sales (in million $).
He insists that if the marketing budget increases to 23, 25, and 27 thousand dollars, the sales will increase
accordingly. Is he correct? To support your answer, you may need to use Microsoft Excel to:
1. Put the data in the spreadsheet.
2. Decide between the marketing budget and the sales amount—which one depends on the other (x
and y of the curve).
3. Plot the marketing budget versus sales volume.
Use the Microsoft Trendline data analysis tool to:
4. Determine the curve that best fits the plotted data and the curve equation.
5. Find out the R2 value. The closer to 1, the stronger the relationship.
Analyze the result.
See Tech Ex 7.43 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions folder.
Marketing Budget
(in thousand $)
Sales Amount
(in million $)
Although the polynomial of degree 6 provides a better R2 and a better fit, a polynomial of degree 2
(quadratic equation) will do the work.
This graph shows increasing the marketing budget will increase sales but after certain amount it actually
will cause a drop in sales.
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Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet ODBC
You are asked to build a spreadsheet graph to monitor different products’ sales amounts. Management is
interested in seeing changes in the sales display data when the sales of different products are changed.
1. Download the MS Access data file for this exercise and open it.
2. Set up ODBC to import data from the Microsoft Access file you downloaded into a spreadsheet.
3. Graph sales of different products.
4. Go back to the exercise data file (MS Access data file) and change the sales volume of a product.
5. Verify changes in your graph.
6. Prepare a summary for this process.
The Spreadsheet ODBC video should help you to set up a data transfer link between MS Access and MS
After bringing the sales table to MS Excel go back to the MS Access and change the value of one Acer
2400 to something like a 1000000. Go back to the Excel file and select the data tab and click refresh. You
should be able to see the change of the sales amount for that particular Acer computer.
The solution MS Excel file couldn’t be provided since the ODBC path between MS Access data file and
the MS Excel file won’t be the same on users computers.
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Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet ODBC
Add a pivot table and pivot chart to the preceding exercise solution. Verify changes in the data file in the
pivot chart. Prepare a summary of this process.
MS Excel 2010 and above: Add a slicer tool to be able to focus only on the selected products.
The following graphs show how the total sales of Acer 2400 changed after changing the sales amount for
the Sales ID P3902 changed from $3212 to $1000000.
The solution MS Excel file couldn’t be provided since the ODBC path between MS Access data file and
the MS Excel file won’t be the same on users’ computers.
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Go Online
7.46 You are the accounting representative for a project team assigned to evaluate business intelligence
solutions. The team leader has asked you to research BI vendors and the BI solutions that each provides.
Go online and search for business intelligence solution providers. Prepare a short summary of the list of BI
vendors and their products that you can present at the next team meeting.
Students can find many BI vendors online. Here are few of them:
7.47 The CFO has just asked you to get her up to speed on data warehousing. The IT staff will be in her
office this afternoon asking for funding. She wants to be able to have an intelligent conversation but they
are using terms such as snowflakes and stars. What do stars and snowflakes have to do with a data
warehouse? Go online and research dimensional database structures, and create a short summary for the
CFO to prepare her for the afternoon meeting.
One good site to use for preparing your report is
7.48 You are CFO of Vienna SA. Recently your company has faced decreasing sales as a result of
competitors using business intelligence. The CEO wants to implement a data warehouse for BI purposes.
Since IT reports to you, you need to learn about data warehousing fast. Go online and search for companies
providing data warehouse solutions, such as Teradata and Sybase. Prepare your notes for your upcoming
meeting with IT to discuss data warehousing options.
There are many companies who provide data warehousing solutions. A few are:
7.49 You are completing a summer internship with Laura Inc. The company makes extensive use of
shadow data for data analysis. The controller has asked you to research a spreadsheet add-in called
Analysis Toolpak. Go online and search for information about this product. Write a short email to the
controller about what you learn.
There are many sites providing all necessary information about what this add-in software can do and how it
can be installed on MS Excel. The Analysis Toolpak tools allow the user to conduct basic statistical
analysis, regression, ANOVAs test, and many other types of data analysis. This add-in also allows
decisions support analysis, such as what-if and goal-seeking.
7.50 You are completing a summer internship with Laura Inc. The company makes extensive use of
shadow data for data analysis. The controller has asked you to research a spreadsheet-based application
called Crystal Ball used for predictive modeling. Go online and search for information about this product.
Write a short email to the controller about what you learned about Crystal Ball.
Crystal Ball is an Oracle product. Students can find detailed information about this data analysis software
Students also can find information on this product on SAP sites.
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Technology Projects
Technology Project 7
Tech Tool: Spreadsheet Software, Database Software
Software Videos: Spreadsheet ODBC, Spreadsheet Data Tables, Spreadsheet PivotTables and PivotCharts
Visit to:
1. Download Technology Project 7 instructions.
2. Download files provided online for your convenience in completing the project deliverables.
3. Watch the videos with software instructions to complete this project at
Nick, the owner of iSportDesign, would like to start using business intelligence to improve decision
making. He has asked you to complete the following assignments for this initiative. Your deliverables for
the project include:
Deliverable 1. Shadow data: Data list for sales data for iSportDesign created using an ODBC and a
relational database
Deliverable 2. Shadow data: Data list with data validation and analysis added
Deliverable 3. Shadow data: PivotTable and PivotChart
Deliverable 4. Shadow data: Digital dashboard
Deliverable 5: BI technologies: Digital dashboard created from a data warehouse table for iSportDesign
Visit to do the following:
1. Download Technology Project 6 instructions.
2. Download files provided online for your convenience in completing the project deliverables.
3. Watch the videos with software instructions to complete this project at
See Project Chapter 7 SOLUTION file in the Chapter 7 Exercises Solutions.
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