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High Throughput Screening Laboratory
High Throughput Screening Proposal (Fill in information that is available)
Instructions: Please fill information in Section 1 and return to the KU-HTS contact Melinda Broward
([email protected]). Information in Section 2 will be completed in meeting to be scheduled with
Principal Investigator and KU-HTS personnel.
Principal Investigator Information
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Institution: ____________________________________________________________________________
Department/Lab: _______________________________________________________________________
Screen Charge to information (charge code or bill to information):
Phone #:______________________________________________________________________________
Fax #:________________________________________________________________________________
Personnel working on project (name and position):_____________________________________________
Biology, Rationale, and Purpose Screen
Indicate if looking for a drug candidate or for a biochemical tool._________________________________
Biological event measuring (circle): protein-protein binding, enzymatic activity modulation, cell toxicity or
Provide a brief description of the biology, rationale, and goals for conducting the screen.
Add any data that has been generated to support scientific validity of proposed assay (statistical experimental
design, enzyme kinetic analysis, receptor/ligand K0 determinations, cell growth characteristics, etc.).
Assay Protocol
If commercial kits are available provide brief description.
Manufacturer name _______________________________ and catalog # _________________________
Assay type: homogeneous / cell-based or other
Assay format: 96-well / 384-well / other
Positive/Negative controls: _______________________________________________________________
Working concentrations or modulating conditions for your assay
Activation/Inhibition of Target (Positive or negative): ___________________________________________
Are there any safety concerns associated with assay? __________________________________________
Readout mode (fluorescence / luminescence / absorbance):
Readout wavelength(s): _________________________________________________________________
Assay Sensitivity and Specificity
Cell Based Assays:
Cell line and Origin of Cells
Transfected gene if any
Do you need clone selection and optimization services?
Scale up cell culture procedure
Cell seeding process
Cell passage effects
Number of cells per well, density
Cell harvesting process
Assay Signal Stability
Special Requirements
Proposed plate map with controls
Process flow chart
Reagents and medias
Protein Based Assays:
Sufficient enzyme/protein for entire screen
Any batch or differences
Enzyme/substrate stability
Enzyme/substrate storage conditions
Enzyme/substrate freeze-thaw stability
Assay Signal Stability
Special Requirements
Proposed plate map with controls
Process flow chart
Reagents and medias
(Insert additional details of procedures)
Screening Timetable and Logistics
Which libraries do you anticipate screening (Circle)?
Validation, Large Collection (ChemBridge/ChemDiv), Focused, or Natural Product libraries
Is assay still being optimized?_____________________________________________________________
Suggested equipment and any special requirements. List equipment and readers currently being used.
Timing issues, potential stop points_________________________________________________________
Stability and Process Studies______________________________________________________________
Reagent storage requirements and stability for projected duration of HTS work_______________________
Reaction stability over projected assay time___________________________________________________
Are reagents and supplies readily available, any necessary order lead times or production times?
Proposed plate map and Incubation time (with compound):
Provide a realistic estimate as to when assay will be ready for validation screening at HTS
Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property (IP)
Have you talked to the Technology Transfer office about potential intellectual property associated with you
biological target or assay method? _________________________________________________________
Has a provisional patent been filed (date filed or contacted office)? ________________________________
Do you have an upcoming presentation or publication disclosing IP? ______________________________
Data Handling
Do you need raw data only or data analyzed:________________________________________________
Do you want the data to be kept private or open to the KU HTS community (once IP protected and you have
published). Yes or No; if yes, then you will get to see other shared data and vice versa.