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TEXT: Pearson Physics - Ackroyd et al
Science education generally, and Physics 30 in particular, will:
 Encourage students to develop a critical sense of wonder and curiosity about scientific and technological
 Enable students to use science and technology to acquire new knowledge and solve problems so that they may
improve the quality of their lives and the lives of others
 Prepare students to critically address science-related societal, economic, ethical and environmental issues
 Provide students with a foundation in science that creates opportunities for them to pursue progressively higher
levels of study, prepares them for science-related occupations and engages them in science-related hobbies
appropriate to their interests and abilities
 Develop in students of varying aptitudes and interests a knowledge of the wide spectrum of careers related to
science, technology and the environment
(including exams)
A (5*) – Momentum and Impulse: Chapter 9
13 (18%)
B (6) – Forces and Fields: Chapters 10-12
24 (30%)
Midterm Exam**
C (7) – Electromagnetic Radiation: Chapters 13 & 14
25 (30%)
D (8) – Atomic Physics: Chapters 15-17
18 (22%)
Possible Field Test*** (if available on appropriate date)
OR Course Review Exam)
*Unit numbers in text continue from Physics 20.
82 classes
**Midterm exam can replace unit 1 or 2 exam marks, if higher,
otherwise not counted; may be Alberta Education Field Test
***Either the final field test mark or the course review exam
mark can replace any unit exam mark, if higher; otherwise not
****Percent of semester spent on each unit; relative weighting
of summative assessments for learning objectives in that unit
(see Physics 30 Learning Outcomes following)
Final exam
September 18
October 23
October ??
December 8
January 15
January ??
January 26, 2016
9:00 am -11:30 am
Historically, students with Physics 20 final grades of less than 65% are at considerable risk of failing Physics 30.
Some of the reasons for this include:
 Physics 30 is a considerably more challenging course than Physics 20; students who are prepared to work
in Physics 30 only as hard as they did in Physics 20 can expect declines of 10-15% or more from their
Physics 20 grades.
 A significant portion of Physics 30 depends on a good understanding of previous Physics 20 concepts,
many of which are carried over (in different contexts) directly to Physics 30 and form the basis for diploma
exam questions. Due to time and program constraints, these needed topics are reviewed only briefly in
Physics 30.
FALL 2015 - PAGE 1
Student results on the Physics 30 diploma exam (worth 30% of a student’s overall grade) for students whose class
work is in the 50-65% range have historically been poor on average, with results on this comprehensive and difficult
exam sometimes 10-15% or more lower than year’s work grades. Students who fail to maintain an average mark of
at least 50% throughout the course have little chance of passing Physics 30.
Throughout the semester, it is expected that students with failing grades (less than 50%) will make full use of
teacher support as well maximize their use of all the other resources listed below in the Resources for Physics
section as ways to improve their grades. Students with failing grades may also be required to appear at scheduled
lunch hour help sessions. Students with failing grades who are not making use of teacher assistance and other
resources, and who are exerting little effort in the course may be asked to withdraw from Physics 30.
Part of student evaluation includes summative assessment tasks, which are used to determine the degree of mastery
of learning outcomes and to provide ongoing and final student course grades; they are generally intended to provide
information to the teacher rather than to the student. A second part of evaluation involves formative assessment
tasks, where students and teachers can use the results of tasks to revisit topics or review understandings.
Summative assessment for Physics 30 will consist of:
– a unit exam and at least one chapter quiz for each unit; some lab reports and other assignments may also
be used (students will be informed ahead of time)
– a midterm exam which can improve a student’s mark on either or both of the first two unit exams (will
otherwise not be counted – may be an Alberta Education Field Test if available.)
– an Alberta Education Physics 30 Field Test (if available – covers the entire course) OR a course review
exam (teacher-generated), which can improve a student’s mark on any of the four unit exams (will
otherwise not be counted)
– an Alberta Education Physics 30 Diploma Examination (worth 30% of the course mark)
Formative assessment for Physics 30 may include (but may not be limited to) teacher-marked and peer-evaluated
quizzes and assignments, some lab write-ups, and other oral and written tasks, as well as daily activities, questioning
in class, homework completion and other assignments, and student self-checks. Some of these may be reported in
Gradebook using a numerical version of the EPAL system (Excellent/Proficient/Acceptable/Limited) as grades 4, 3,
2, or 1, respectively (note that an EPAL grade of 1 is considered a failing grade), or as a mark out of a possible total.
Formative learning tasks may involve recorded marks and/or indicators of completeness, timeliness and proficiency,
but these marks and indicators will not be used to determine ongoing or final student course grades.
Grades will be based on the summative assessments noted above. Within each unit, the unit exam will count for
approximately 80% of the unit mark. Units will be weighted as indicated in the chart above. Each weighting will be
applied to the total of summative assessments in that unit, and these values will be combined to determine a current
grade. At the end of the semester (prior to the final exam) the current grade will become the year’s work grade and
will be used, together with the professional judgment of the teacher, to determine 70% of the overall course grade.
The remaining 30% of the overall course grade will be determined by the Physics 30 Diploma Examination.
After all students have written a particular unit exam, and as time permits, the exam will be returned to students in
class and discussed. At this time, students should note learning outcomes that they have not mastered, and that
require further study. The exams will then be collected and filed. At the end of the semester, students may request to
review their unit exams, in school and under supervision. (Students who miss the day an exam is discussed may go
over their exam in their teacher’s presence at a mutually convenient time.) All other written assessment tasks will be
returned to students for their use. Because the study of physics is cumulative to a significant extent, previous skills
and abilities will unavoidably be tested on each exam. However, each unit exam will concentrate on the outcomes of
that single unit. Midterm and final (review) exams will test outcomes from all previous units.
Individual records of all summative and formative activities will be available to students and parents on Gradebook
through PowerSchool, as they are completed, submitted and graded. Current (calculated) grades will be posted
beginning at the end of Unit A (approximately September 22) and will remain available until the end of the
FALL 2015 - PAGE 2
semester; note that current grades will be updated only at the end of each unit, although marks will be entered
regularly. Students desiring a grade calculation before calculated grades are posted may request a Progress Report
from Mr. Packer.
Missed unit exams will be written as soon as possible after a student returns to class. As unit exams require more
time than is available at lunch, and must be written at a single sitting, missed exams will usually be written during
class time, in the hallway outside the classroom. (Unfortunately, the library is not considered a supervised space, so
cannot be used for missed exams.) Students with spares may write missed exams during spare blocks. Students may
be asked to write missed quizzes (in class or at lunch), or the quiz mark may be initially exempted and later replaced
by the unit exam mark, at the teacher’s discretion. Students who are away from school for one or more classes are
encouraged to contact Mr. Packer by phone at 780-998-3751, or through email at [email protected] , or through
Fort High’s website.
For students who miss classes when labs are being performed, the teacher may request that the student obtain needed
data from his or her lab partners and complete the lab, or complete the lab outside of class time, if this is feasible.
Alternatively, the lab may not be counted, at the discretion of the teacher. STUDENTS WHO MISS A LAB
Question assignments and individual lab write-ups intended as summative assessments will have due dates, with the
assignment due at the start of that class. Late submissions may result in a 10% mark deduction for each day late; late
labs and assignments may not be accepted and may receive a mark of zero if not submitted before the lab or
assignment is returned to the rest of the class. Individual circumstances (illness, etc.) may be considered by the
teacher when applying this policy.
Students should maintain an organized binder for physics. Binders should include: all notes provided from the board
or overhead, any notes (or exercises and examples) provided in photocopied form, returned
assignments/quizzes/homework, and completed problems and exercises, properly checked and corrected. Binders
may be arranged in any appropriate manner, but should be organized so that material in a particular unit can be
easily located. At a minimum, note pages or handouts should be dated. Summaries, extra problems from
supplementary sources, etc. that have been completed independently are excellent additions to student notes. Student
binders should be available for the teacher (or an administrator) to review if requested. Such a review may constitute
a formative assessment task.
Students are required to have their own calculators for work in class and for exams – calculators may not be shared
for exams and quizzes. Calculators on smart phones or music players are not acceptable for class or exam use.
Graphing calculators may be cleared prior to exams. Graphing calculators will be routinely cleared prior to exams.
Students seeking ways of improving their grades in Physics should consult Mr. Packer’s e-teacher page, Success in
Physics (accessible through the Elk Island Public Schools website, then Fort High’s website.) Outside resources can
also be obtained from bookstores, including the Key book for Physics 30, or the Physics 30 Workbook used in some
Edmonton schools. Informal or professional tutoring is always an option as well; although professional physics
tutors are not common in the Fort Saskatchewan area, university students are often available as tutors for reasonable
fees. As the end of the semester approaches, students in need of extra review for the diploma exam might consider
registering for a diploma preparation course, offered by Elk Island and others.
FALL 2015 - PAGE 3
Adapted from the Physics 30 Program of Study (revised 2009)
This course includes four units, numbered A-D. Within each unit are one or more general outcomes; each of these if
followed by sections listing specific outcomes for knowledge (k), science, technology and society (STS), and skills
Students are expected to know and understand all bulleted, numbered outcomes. Indented, dashed points under
some outcomes, if NOT in italics, also describe expected student knowledge and understanding, or in some cases
experiments students should expect to design, perform and analyze. In the actual program of studies document, all
bulleted, numbered outcomes and all non-italicized sub-points are prefaced with the statement “Students will.”
Within the indented, dashed sub-points any text in italics is intended to illustrate some possible (not required) ways
of achieving that particular outcome; italicized text provides examples only and is not required material.
The outcomes under skills for each unit are essentially the same, and mostly involve learning techniques related to
designing and performing laboratory investigations, and analyzing the data obtained. Sub-points may provide
examples relating to the particular unit. (Note that due to limitations imposed by class size, time and availability of
equipment, we will not be able to perform all the laboratory activities listed under STS or skills.)
When preparing for exam questions, the most important outcomes to consider for each unit are those listed under
knowledge. However, higher-level (standard of excellence) exam questions are often drawn from associated
concepts and technologies mentioned in the STS sections, as well as from applications or technologies not
mentioned either in these sections or in the text. Questions that relate to data analysis and laboratory work are
typically drawn from or inspired by the skills sections.
Below are some additional points to keep in mind when using these outcomes.
 The outcomes do not indicate the depth of understanding required for each outcome – that is, the difficulty
level of questions students should be able to answer related to that objective.
 The outcomes do not indicate the different levels of understanding needed for a student to achieve the
acceptable standard (pass) or the standard of excellence (honours.) Your teacher for most outcomes will
indicate the level of proficiency needed to achieve each of these standards in Physics 30.
 The term quantitatively may mean minimal or extensive calculational requirements for that objective,
involving everything from substitution of values into a simple, provided formula formula (or use of an
appropriate proportionality related to a formula or concept), to derivation of a needed formula,
rearrangement as needed, correct use of unit analysis, and application to a variety of situations and
scenarios. It may also involve synthesizing a formula by combining given relationships.
 The term qualitatively generally means knowledge of specific facts or physics understandings, with the
ability to explain, provide examples and apply this knowledge and understanding, often extending to novel
applications or devices not covered in the text or in class.
 The outcomes as stated do not indicate the time needed to master each outcome. Many of the outcomes
below are stated in a highly concise form, relative to the time needed to cover and master the objective.
 Alberta Diploma Exam expectations for Physics 30 are difficult to infer from these outcomes. Students
should be aware that understanding a particular outcome and being able to solve a problem using a formula
taken directly from the data sheet will generally not be associated with standard of excellence results. A
diploma question may expect students to synthesize a second formula not given on the data sheet, or to
indicate understanding as to why a particular formula or approach is the best for a given question. Many
questions will involve a minimum of formula use, but instead will rely on proportionalities obtained from
formulas or general laws for their solution.
 There are 14 mandated labs throughout this course (the labs are indicated by a star. ) Due to constraints
related to equipment availability, class size, and time, not all of these will be done as actual lab
investigations. Any understandings that would have been covered from labs not completed will be
discussed in class. Students need to be aware that these labs, or variations of them, often form the
basis of questions on both school exams and the diploma exam.
FALL 2015 - PAGE 4
Unit A: Momentum and Impulse
General Outcome 1
Students will explain how momentum is conserved when objects interact in an isolated system.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–A1.1k define momentum as a vector quantity equal to the product of the mass and the velocity of
an object
- investigate the role of impulse and momentum in the design and function of rockets
and thrust systems
- assess the roles that conservation laws, the concepts of impulse and inertia and
Newton’s laws play in the design and use of injury-prevention devices in vehicles and
- describe the limitations of applying the results from studies of isolated systems in
solving a practical problem, as occurred with the early design and deployment of
• 30–A1.2k explain, quantitatively, the concepts of impulse and change in momentum, using Newton’s
laws of motion
• 30–A1.3k explain, qualitatively, that momentum is conserved in an isolated system
• 30–A1.4k explain, quantitatively, that momentum is conserved in one- and two-dimensional
interactions in an isolated system
• 30–A1.5k define, compare and contrast elastic and inelastic collisions, using quantitative examples,
in terms of conservation of kinetic energy.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–A1.1sts explain that technological problems often require multiple solutions that involve different
designs materials and processes and that have both intended and unintended consequences
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–A1.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions,
ideas, problems and issues
- design an experiment and identify and control major variables; e.g., demonstrate the
conservation of linear momentum or illustrate the relationship between impulse and
change in momentum
• 30–A1.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range
of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform an experiment to demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum, using
available technologies; e.g., air track, air table, motion sensors, strobe lights and
- collect information from various print and electronic sources to explain the use of
momentum and impulse concepts; e.g., rocketry and thrust systems or the interaction
between a golf club head and the ball
• 30–A1.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible
- analyze graphs that illustrate the relationship between force and time during a collision
- analyze, quantitatively, one- and two-dimensional interactions, using given data or by
manipulating objects or computer simulations
• 30–A1.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of
science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- use appropriate International System of Units (SI) notation, fundamental and derived
units and significant digits
- use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate ideas, plans and results
- use the delta notation correctly when describing changes in quantities
FALL 2015 - PAGE 5
Unit B: Forces and Fields
General Outcome 1
Students will explain the behaviour of electric charges, using the laws that govern electrical interactions.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
Students will:
• 30–B1.1k explain electrical interactions in terms of the law of conservation of charge
• 30–B1.2k explain electrical interactions in terms of the repulsion and attraction of charges
• 30–B1.3k compare the methods of transferring charge (conduction and induction)
• 30–B1.4k explain, qualitatively, the distribution of charge on the surfaces of conductors and insulators
• 30–B1.5k explain, qualitatively, the principles pertinent to Coulomb’s torsion balance experiment
• 30–B1.6k apply Coulomb’s law, quantitatively, to analyze the interaction of two point charges
• 30–B1.7k determine, quantitatively, the magnitude and direction of the electric force on a point charge due to two
or more other point charges in a plane
• 30–B1.8k compare, qualitatively and quantitatively, the inverse square relationship as it is expressed by Coulomb’s
law and by Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–B1.1sts explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining observations
and in predicting future observations
- explain that the electric model of matter is fundamental to the interpretation of electrical phenomena
- explain that charge separation and transfer from one object to another are fundamental electrical processes
• 30–B1.2sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- compare and contrast the experimental designs used by Coulomb and Cavendish, in terms of the role that
technology plays in advancing science.
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–B1.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- design an experiment to examine the relationships among magnitude of charge, electric force and distance
between point charges
- predict the results of an activity that demonstrates charge separation and transfer
• 30–B1.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform an activity to demonstrate methods of charge separation and transfer
- perform an experiment to demonstrate the relationships among magnitude of charge, electric force and
distance between point charges
• 30–B1.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- infer, from empirical evidence, the mathematical relationship among charge, force and distance between point
- use free-body diagrams to describe the electrostatic forces acting on a charge
- use graphical techniques to analyze data; e.g., curve straightening (manipulating variables to obtain a
straight-line graph)
• 30–B1.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
General Outcome 2
Students will describe electrical phenomena, using the electric field theory.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–B2.1k define vector fields
FALL 2015 - PAGE 6
• 30–B2.2k compare forces and fields
• 30–B2.3k compare, qualitatively, gravitational potential energy and electric potential energy
• 30–B2.4k define electric potential difference as a change in electric potential energy per unit of charge
• 30–B2.5k calculate the electric potential difference between two points in a uniform electric field
• 30–B2.6k explain, quantitatively, electric fields in terms of intensity (strength) and direction, relative to the source
of the field and to the effect on an electric charge
• 30–B2.7k define electric current as the amount of charge passing a reference point per unit of time
• 30–B2.8k describe, quantitatively, the motion of an electric charge in a uniform electric field
• 30–B2.9k explain, quantitatively, electrical interactions using the law of conservation of energy
• 30–B2.10k explain Millikan’s oil-drop experiment and its significance relative to charge quantization.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–B2.1sts explain that the goal of technology is to provide solutions to practical problems
- assess how the principles of electrostatics are used to solve problems in industry and technology and to
improve upon quality of life; e.g., photocopiers, electrostatic air cleaners, precipitators, antistatic clothing
products, lightning rods
• 30–B2.2sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- explain, qualitatively, how the problem of protecting sensitive components in a computer from electric fields is
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–B2.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- evaluate and select appropriate procedures and instruments for collecting data and information and for
determining and plotting electric fields
• 30–B2.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- plot electric fields, using field lines, for fields induced by discrete point charges, combinations of discrete
point charges (similarly and oppositely charged) and charged parallel plates
• 30–B2.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- analyze, quantitatively, the motion of an electric charge following a straight or curved path in a uniform
electric field, using Newton’s second law, vector addition and conservation of energy
- use accepted scientific convention and express energy in terms of electron volts, when appropriate
- use free-body diagrams to describe the forces acting on a charge in an electric field
• 30–B2.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
General Outcome 3
Students will explain how the properties of electric and magnetic fields are applied in numerous devices.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–B3.1k describe magnetic interactions in terms of forces and fields
• 30–B3.2k compare gravitational, electric and magnetic fields (caused by permanent magnets and moving charges)
in terms of their sources and directions
• 30–B3.3k describe how the discoveries of Oersted and Faraday form the foundation of the theory relating
electricity to magnetism
• 30–B3.4k describe, qualitatively, a moving charge as the source of a magnetic field and predict the orientation of
the magnetic field from the direction of motion
• 30–B3.5k explain, qualitatively and quantitatively, how a uniform magnetic field affects a moving electric charge,
using the relationships among charge, motion, field direction and strength, when motion and field directions are
mutually perpendicular
• 30–B3.6k explain, quantitatively, how uniform magnetic and electric fields affect a moving electric charge, using
the relationships among charge, motion, field direction and strength, when motion and field directions are mutually
FALL 2015 - PAGE 7
• 30–B3.7k describe and explain, qualitatively, the interaction between a magnetic field and a moving charge and
between a magnetic field and a current-carrying conductor
• 30–B3.8k explain, quantitatively, the effect of an external magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor
• 30–B3.9k describe, qualitatively, the effects of moving a conductor in an external magnetic field, in terms of
moving charges in a magnetic field.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–B3.1sts explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining observations
and in predicting future observations
- discuss, qualitatively, Lenz’s law in terms of conservation of energy, giving examples of situations in which
Lenz’s law applies
- investigate the mechanism that causes atmospheric auroras
• 30–B3.2sts explain that the goal of technology is to provide solutions to practical problems and that the
appropriateness, risks and benefits of technologies need to be assessed for each potential application from a variety
of perspectives, including sustainability
- evaluate an electromagnetic technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission
tomography (PET), transformers, alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) motors, AC and DC
generators, speakers, telephones
- investigate the effects of electricity and magnetism on living organisms, in terms of the limitations of scientific
knowledge and technology and in terms of quality of life
• 30–B3.3sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- describe how technological developments were influenced by the discovery of superconductivity
- investigate how nanotubes can be used to construct low-resistance conductors
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–B3.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- design an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor
- design an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a moving conductor
- design an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a moving electric charge
• 30–B3.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor,
using the appropriate apparatus effectively and safely
- perform an experiment to demonstrate the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a moving conductor, using the
appropriate apparatus effectively and safely
- predict, using appropriate hand rules, the relative directions of motion, force and field in electromagnetic
• 30–B3.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- state a conclusion, based on experimental evidence that describes the interactions of a uniform magnetic field
and a moving or current-carrying conductor
- analyze, quantitatively, the motion of an electric charge following a straight or curved path in a uniform
magnetic field, using Newton’s second law and vector addition
- analyze, quantitatively, the motion of an electric charge following a straight path in uniform and mutually
perpendicular electric and magnetic fields, using Newton’s second law and vector addition
- use free-body diagrams to describe forces acting on an electric charge in electric and magnetic fields
• 30–B3.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
FALL 2015 - PAGE 8
Unit C: Electromagnetic Radiation
General Outcome 1
Students will explain the nature and behaviour of EMR, using the wave model.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–C1.1k describe, qualitatively, how all accelerating charges produce EMR
• 30–C1.2k compare and contrast the constituents of the electromagnetic spectrum on the basis of frequency and
• 30–C1.3k explain the propagation of EMR in terms of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields that are varying
with time and travelling away from their source at the speed of light
• 30–C1.4k explain, qualitatively, various methods of measuring the speed of EMR
• 30–C1.5k calculate the speed of EMR, given data from a Michelson-type experiment
• 30–C1.6k describe, quantitatively, the phenomena of reflection and refraction, including total internal reflection
• 30–C1.7k describe, quantitatively, simple optical systems, consisting of only one component, for both lenses and
curved mirrors
• 30–C1.8k describe, qualitatively, diffraction, interference and polarization
• 30–C1.9k describe, qualitatively, how the results of Young’s double-slit experiment support the wave model of
d sin
• 30–C1.10k solve double-slit and diffraction grating problems using  
and  
• 30–C1.11k describe, qualitatively and quantitatively, how refraction supports the wave model of EMR, using
sin1 n 2 v1  1
sin 2 n1 v 2  2
• 30–C1.12k compare and contrast the visible spectra produced by diffraction gratings and triangular prisms.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–C1.1sts explain that scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence becomes apparent and as laws
and theories are tested and subsequently revised, reinforced or rejected
- use examples, such as Poisson’s spot, speed of light in water, sunglasses, photography and liquid crystal
diodes, to illustrate how theories evolve
• 30–C1.2sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- describe procedures for measuring the speed of EMR
- investigate the design of greenhouses, cameras, telescopes, solar collectors and fibre optics
- investigate the effects of frequency and wavelength on the growth of plants
- investigate the use of interferometry techniques in the search for extrasolar planets
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–C1.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- predict the conditions required for diffraction to be observed
- predict the conditions required for total internal reflection to occur
- design an experiment to measure the speed of light
• 30–C1.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform experiments to demonstrate refraction at plane and uniformly curved surfaces
- perform an experiment to determine the index of refraction of several different substances
- conduct an investigation to determine the focal length of a thin lens and of a curved mirror
- observe the visible spectra formed by diffraction gratings and triangular prisms
- perform an experiment to determine the wavelength of a light source in air or in a liquid, using a double-slit or
a diffraction grating
- perform an experiment to verify the effects on an interference pattern due to changes in wavelength, slit
separation and/or screen distance
FALL 2015 - PAGE 9
• 30–C1.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- derive the mathematical representation of the law of refraction from experimental data
- use ray diagrams to describe an image formed by thin lenses and curved mirrors
- demonstrate the relationship among wavelength, slit separation and screen distance, using empirical data and
- determine the wavelength of EMR, using data provided from demonstrations and other sources; e.g.,
wavelengths of microwaves from the interference patterns of television signals or microwave ovens
• 30–C1.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of
science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions; e.g., draw ray diagrams
General Outcome 2
Students will explain the photoelectric effect, using the quantum model.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–C2.1k define the photon as a quantum of EMR and calculate its energy
• 30–C2.2k classify the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum by photon energy
• 30–C2.3k describe the photoelectric effect in terms of the intensity and wavelength or frequency of the incident
light and surface material
• 30–C2.4k describe, quantitatively, photoelectric emission, using concepts related to the conservation of energy
• 30–C2.5k describe the photoelectric effect as a phenomenon that supports the notion of the wave-particle duality of
• 30–C2.6k explain, qualitatively and quantitatively, the Compton effect as another example of wave-particle
duality, applying the laws of mechanics and of conservation of momentum and energy to photons.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–C2.1sts explain that scientific knowledge and theories develop through hypotheses, the collection of evidence,
investigation and the ability to provide explanations
- describe how Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect while investigating electromagnetic waves
- describe how Planck used energy quantization to explain blackbody radiation
• 30–C2.2sts explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining
observations and in predicting future observations
- investigate and report on the development of early quantum theory
- identify similarities between physicists’ efforts at unifying theories and holistic Aboriginal worldviews
• 30–C2.3sts explain that the goal of technology is to provide solutions to practical problems
- analyze, in general terms, the functioning of various technological applications of photons to solve practical
problems; e.g., automatic door openers, burglar alarms, light meters, smoke detectors, X-ray examination of
welds, crystal structure analysis
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–C2.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- predict the effect, on photoelectric emissions, of changing the intensity and/or frequency of the incident
radiation or material of the photocathode
- design an experiment to measure Planck’s constant, using either a photovoltaic cell or a light-emitting diode
• 30–C2.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect
- measure Planck’s constant, using either a photovoltaic cell or an LED
• 30–C2.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- analyze and interpret empirical data from an experiment on the photoelectric effect, using a graph that is either
drawn by hand or is computer generated
• 30–C2.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
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communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
Unit D: Atomic Physics
General Outcome 1
Students will describe the electrical nature of the atom.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–D1.1k describe matter as containing discrete positive and negative charges
• 30–D1.2k explain how the discovery of cathode rays contributed to the development of atomic models
• 30–D1.3k explain J. J. Thomson’s experiment and the significance of the results for both science and technology
• 30–D1.4k explain, qualitatively, the significance of the results of Rutherford’s scattering experiment, in terms of
scientists’ understanding of the relative size and mass of the nucleus and the atom.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–D1.1sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- analyze how the identification of the electron and its characteristics is an example of the interaction of science
and technology
- analyze the operation of cathode-ray tubes and mass spectrometers
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–D1.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- identify, define and delimit questions to investigate; e.g., “What is the importance of cathode rays in the
development of atomic models?”
- evaluate and select appropriate procedures and instruments for collecting evidence and information, including
appropriate sampling procedures; e.g., use electric and magnetic fields to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of
the electron
• 30–D1.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- perform an experiment, or use simulations, to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron
• 30–D1.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- determine the mass of an electron and/or ion, given appropriate empirical data
- derive a formula for the charge-to-mass ratio that has input variables that can be measured in an experiment
using electric and magnetic fields
• 30–D1.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
General Outcome 2
Students will describe the quantization of energy in atoms and nuclei.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–D2.1k explain, qualitatively, how emission of EMR by an accelerating charged particle invalidates the classical
model of the atom
• 30–D2.2k describe that each element has a unique line spectrum
• 30–D2.3k explain, qualitatively, the characteristics of, and the conditions necessary to produce, continuous lineemission and line-absorption spectra
• 30–D2.4k explain, qualitatively, the concept of stationary states and how they explain the observed spectra of
atoms and molecules
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• 30–D2.5k calculate the energy difference between states, using the law of conservation of energy and the observed
characteristics of an emitted photon
• 30–D2.6k explain, qualitatively, how electron diffraction provides experimental support for the de Broglie
• 30–D2.7k describe, qualitatively, how the two-slit electron interference experiment shows that quantum systems,
like photons and electrons, may be modeled as particles or waves, contrary to intuition.
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–D2.1sts explain that scientific knowledge and theories develop through hypotheses, the collection of evidence,
investigation and the ability to provide explanations
- investigate and report on the use of line spectra in the study of the universe and the identification of
- investigate how empirical evidence guided the evolution of the atomic model
• 30–D2.2sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new
technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- investigate and report on the application of spectral or quantum concepts in the design and function of
practical devices, such as street lights, advertising signs, electron microscopes and lasers.
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–D2.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems
and issues
- predict the conditions necessary to produce line-emission and line-absorption spectra
- predict the possible energy transitions in the hydrogen atom, using a labelled diagram showing energy levels
• 30–D2.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- observe line-emission and line-absorption spectra
- observe the representative line spectra of selected elements
- use library and electronic research tools to compare and contrast, qualitatively, the classical and quantum
models of the atom
• 30–D2.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- identify elements represented in sample line spectra by comparing them to representative line spectra of
• 30–D2.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
General Outcome 3
Students will describe nuclear fission and fusion as powerful energy sources in nature.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–D3.1k describe the nature and properties, including the biological effects, of alpha, beta and gamma radiation
• 30–D3.2k write nuclear equations, using isotope notation, for alpha, beta-negative and beta-positive decays,
including the appropriate neutrino and antineutrino
• 30–D3.3k perform simple, non-logarithmic half-life calculations
• 30–D3.4k use the law of conservation of charge and mass number to predict the particles emitted by a nucleus
• 30–D3.5k compare and contrast the characteristics of fission and fusion reactions
• 30–D3.6k relate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the mass defect of the nucleus to the energy released in nuclear
reactions, using Einstein’s concept of mass-energy equivalence
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–D3.1sts explain that the goal of science is knowledge about the natural world
- investigate the role of nuclear reactions in the evolution of the universe (nucleosynthesis, stellar expansion
and contraction)
- investigate annihilation of particles and pair production
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• 30–D3.2sts explain that the products of technology are devices, systems and processes that meet given needs and
that the appropriateness, risks and benefits of technologies need to be assessed for each potential application from a
variety of perspectives, including sustainability
- assess the risks and benefits of air travel (exposure to cosmic radiation), dental X-rays, radioisotopes used as
tracers, food irradiation, use of fission or fusion as a commercial power source and nuclear and particle
- assess the potential of fission or fusion as a commercial power source to meet the
rising demand for energy, with consideration for present and future generations
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–D3.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions,
ideas, problems and issues
- predict the penetrating characteristics of decay products
• 30–D3.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range
of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information
- research and report on scientists who contributed to the understanding of the structure
of the nucleus
• 30–D3.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible
- graph data from radioactive decay and estimate half-life values
- interpret common nuclear decay chains
- graph data from radioactive decay and infer an exponential relationship between
measured radioactivity and elapsed time
- compare the energy released in a nuclear reaction to the energy released in a chemical
reaction, on the basis of energy per unit mass of reactants
• 30–D3.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of
science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of
representation to communicate findings and conclusions
General Outcome 4
Students will describe the ongoing development of models of the structure of matter.
Specific Outcomes for Knowledge
• 30–D4.1k explain how the analysis of particle tracks contributed to the discovery and identification
of the characteristics of subatomic particles
• 30–D4.2k explain, qualitatively, in terms of the strong nuclear force, why high-energy particle
accelerators are required to study subatomic particles
• 30–D4.3k describe the modern model of the proton and neutron as being composed of quarks
• 30–D4.4k compare and contrast the up quark, the down quark, the electron and the electron neutrino,
and their antiparticles, in terms of charge and energy (mass-energy)
• 30–D4.5k describe beta-positive (β+) and beta-negative (β-) decay, using first-generation elementary
fermions and the principle of charge conservation (Feynman diagrams are not required)
Specific Outcomes for Science, Technology and Society
• 30–D4.1sts explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining
observations and in predicting future observations
- research and report on the development of models of matter
• 30–D4.2sts explain that scientific knowledge is subject to change as new evidence becomes apparent
and as laws and theories are tested and subsequently revised, reinforced or rejected
- observe how apparent conservation law violations led to revisions of the model of the
atom; i.e., an apparent failure of conservation laws required the existence of the
• 30–D4.3sts explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and
new technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery
- investigate how high-energy particle accelerators contributed to the development of
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the Standard Model of matter
Specific Outcomes for Skills
• 30–D4.1s formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions,
ideas, problems and issues
- predict the characteristics of elementary particles, from images of their tracks in a bubble chamber, within an
external magnetic field
• 30–D4.2s conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and
techniques to gather and record data and information
- research, using library and electronic resources, the relationships between the fundamental particles and the
interactions they undergo
• 30–D4.3s analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions
- analyze, qualitatively, particle tracks for subatomic particles other than protons, electrons and neutrons
- write β+ and β- decay equations, identifying the elementary fermions involved
- use hand rules to determine the nature of the charge on a particle
- use accepted scientific convention and express mass in terms of mega electron volts per c2 (MeV/c2), when
• 30–D4.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in
communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
- select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes of representation to
communicate findings and conclusions
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