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Regents- Quarter 3 Review
Aim #
2-Feb What are the stages of mitosis?
2-Feb What is cancer?
3-Feb What is asexual reproduction?
4-Feb How can we compare sexual and asexual reproduction?
8-Feb What are the stages of meiosis?
40 11-Feb What is gametogenesis?
41 12-Feb What is parthenogenesis?
42 22-Feb How can we study genetic disorders?
43 25-Feb Who is Gregor Mendel and what did he discover about genetics?
44 1-Mar How can genetic probability be calculated using a punnett
45 4-Mar How is gene expression influenced by the environment?
46 7-Mar What can we accomplish with advanced understanding of
47 10-Mar What is the theory of evolution?
48 16-Mar What is natural selection and how does it guide evolution?
49 17-Mar What evidence exists to support evolution?
Castle Learning Sections:
Genetics- genes and inheritance, genetics
Reproduction and Development- asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction
Evolution- natural selection, sources of variation, evolution
*****Anything we have covered so far this year may be on the quarterly!******
Multiple Choice Practice – Mitosis/Meiosis/Reproduction
1. ____ In humans, which cell is produced most directly by mitotic cell division?
A) a sperm cell
B) a skin cell
C) a zygote
D) an egg cell
2. ____ Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having
A) twice the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
B) half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
C) the same number and kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell
D) the same number but different kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell
3. ____ When a cell with 24 chromosomes divides by mitotic cell division, the resulting daughter cells will each
have a maximum chromosome number of
A) 12
B) 24
C) 48
D) 6
Regents- Quarter 3 Review
4. ____ When complex plants are produced by cloning, which process is most directly involved?
A) gametogenesis
B) mitotic cell division
C) budding
D) meiotic cell division
5. ____ Orchid plants reproduce slowly and take many years to produce flowers when grown from seeds. One
technique that can be used in genetic research to reproduce rare orchid plants more rapidly is
A) cloning
B) screening
C) inbreeding
D) sexual reproduction
6. ____ Which factor would tend to restrict genetic variations within a species?
A) asexual methods of reproduction
B) sexual methods of reproduction
C) gene mutations
D) recombination of genes
7. ____ Which usually occurs in the first meiotic division of a primary sex cell?
A) polyploidy
B) fertilization
C) differentiation
D) crossing-over
8. ____ Normally, each cell of a specific organism contains 64 chromosomes. However, some cells in that organism
may each contain only 32 chromosomes as a result of
A) mitotic cell division
B) regeneration
C) meiotic cell division
D) crossing-over
9. ____ In human males, the maximum number of functional sperm cells that is normally produced from each
primary sex cell is
A) one
B) four
C) three
D) two
10. ____ In a species of corn, the diploid number of chromosomes is 20. What is the number of chromosomes found in
each of the normal egg cells produced by this species?
A) 40
B) 5
C) 10
D) 20
11. ____ One primary sex cell undergoing the process of oogenesis typically results in the production of
A) four sperm cells
B) one egg and polar bodies
C) one diploid ovum
D) three eggs and polar bodies
Regents- Quarter 3 Review
12. ____ Ovaries produce reproductive structures known as
A) pollen grains
B) zygotes
C) sperms
D) egg cells
13. ____ In humans, the fusion of the nuclei of two functional gametes results in the formation of a
A) monoploid cell
B) polyploid cell
C) zygote
D) cotyledon
14. The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange segments of DNA is
A) crossing-over
B) segregation
C) independent assortment
D) fertilization
Compare and Contrast sexual and asexual reproduction:
Regents- Quarter 3 Review
Put the stages of mitosis in order and name each stage:
What is the difference between a haploid and a diploid cell?
Give an example of each.
Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis:
Include- types of organisms, steps, outcome/product
Regents- Quarter 3 Review
Explain the concept illustrated in this image:
Analyze the images to the left. What gender are these
individuals? Do they have any disorders? What is this
technique called?