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US History
Fort Burrows
US History Top 200ish – 1215 to 1870’s - Definitions, Examples, & Meanings
Study Guide for 2012 STAAR.
Prepared by Fort Burrows 1st – 2nd – 3rd periods March 2012
1st Period Group 1 – c. Skate – Gretta – Hayley
To rent a piece of land and use it to grow crops. In exchange for letting them use the
1. Share
land, the owner collects a share of the crops as rent.
laws in the United States after the Civil War with the effect of limiting the basic human
2. Black
rights and civil liberties of blacks.
An organization in the United States, which advocate extremist reactionary - such as
3. Ku Klux
white supremacy and white nationalism. They went to extreme measures to make sure
that blacks had no rights.
one of three United States federal laws that gave an applicant ownership at no cost of
4. Homestead
farmland called a "homestead" – typically 160 acres
An act of Congress in 1862 granting each state 30,000 acres of land for each member it
5. Morrill Act
had in Congress, 90% of the gross proceeds of which were to be used for the ability and
maintenance of colleges and universities teaching agricultural and mechanical arts and
other subjects.
A federal law intended to turn Native Americans into farmers and landowners by
6. Dawes Act
providing cooperating families with 160 acres of reservation land for farming or 320
acres for grazing.
A direct resource. Including a journal, dairy, or spoken word from an actual participant, a
7. Primary
person that is involved in what is going on with people or events.
A person that receives information about people or events and is told by someone that is
8. Secondary
a primary source. Includes – historians, child or grand-children.
One’s personal view of an object or person. A thought or a personal opinion.
9. Point of
Group 2 –c. Barbie – SamE – Capt. Jack
The years of the civil war between the Northerners and Southerners of the U.S. Two
10. 1861-1865
issues – States Rights and Slavery. The bloodiest war in Americas’ history. The
separation and rejoining of the (11) Confederates States of America.
Year that the U.S bought the Louisiana Purchase from France, dictator Napoleon
11. 1803
Bonaparte, which caused the doubling of size in land of the U.S. and New Orleans to
become a leading Port in the U.S.
Jamestown, Virginia, which was the first permanent English settlement on the Eastern
12. 1607
Coastline, next to the Atlantic Ocean.
The year the pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts wrote the Mayflower Compact, which
13. 1620
established a “civil body politic” or government for the colony
Year that the U.S. constitution was written. This was the document that set out the laws,
14. 1787
principles, organization, and process for the government of the nation.
1. Natural Rights - Rights that belong to all people from birth. The declaration states
15. 1776
that if the government fails to protect the rights of the citizens then it is the people’s right
to throw off the government.
2. British Wrongs - Second part of the declaration that listed the wrongs that led the
Americans to break apart from Britain.
3. Independence - Last part of the declaration that states the colonies are now the U.S.A.
They are now a free, independent nation, and all ties with Britain have been cut.
This ended the American Revolutionary war between Great Britain and the U.S. The U.S.
16. Treaty of
is now its own country and is no longer under British rule.
Paris 1783
1 US History Top 200ish
US History
Fort Burrows
17. Article
18. Federalist
19. AntiFederalist
20. Limited
22. Federalism
23. Separation
24. Check
25. Popular
26. Individual
27. Bill
2 US History Top 200ish
Group 3 – c. VikAman – RaaZoo – the Bomb
The first American Constitution which was passed out in 1777, called for more state’s
rights, with not much power for the federal government. This was eventually considered
too weak to control the nation. Very Limited Power. Created a ‘Loose Alliance’
between the Original 13 States
Citizens who favored the constitution and a strong national government.
Example: Alexander Hamilton
Citizens who opposed the constitution and a strong national government and they wanted
to write down the rights of the citizens. It led to The Bill of Rights.
Example: Thomas Jefferson
A principle of the constitution stating that a government only has the right the
constitution gives it Example: Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances; each branch
of the government work in unison to make sure that other branches do not abuse their
A form of government in which leaders are elected for a specific period by the citizens
The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing
less. -- Susan B. Anthony
The division of power between the federal government and the states. National and States
Government. Ex. Federal power – coin money, declare wars, regulate trade interstate
(going across state borders). States power – regulate trade intrastate (within their own
borders), state elections, public schools
The powers of the government are divided among the separate branches. The legislative
branch passes the law. The executive branch interprets the law. The judicial branch
makes sure the laws are being carried out.
Gave the branch of government the power to check the other branches.
Example: Congress can pass a law but the executive branch (the president can veto it).
A form of abuse on this one was when Andrew Jackson overridden the Supreme Court’s
ruling that what Georgia was doing to the Indians was unconstitutional.
States that people got the right to create, and change the government. Vote for it.
Example: Slavery still existed, different territories had different opinions so, they let each
territory decide if they wanted slavery or not.
Group 4 – c. Sharkey – MariOnnE – Jennifer
In the constitution, Individual Right's protect the freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
and the right to trial by jury.
These 10 amendments became the Bill of Rights
1. Freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and petition
2. Right to bear arms
3. Lodging troops in private homes
4. Search and seizure
5. Right’s to be accused
6. Right to speedy trial by jury
7. Jury trial in civil cases
8. Bail and punishment
9. Powers reserved to the people
10. Powers reserved to the states
US History
Fort Burrows
28. Amending
29. Alexander
30. Foreign
policy of:
31. Foreign
policy of:
John Adams
32. Foreign
policy of:
33. Foreign
policy of:
James Madison
34. Foreign
policy of:
James Monroe
3 US History Top 200ish
Amending the Constitution is when you are changing or adding something (laws) to our
current Constitution. The amending of our Constitution can be by - ratified by threefourths of the states or 2/3 of the legislatures.
(1755-1804) Hamilton devised a financial system which stabilized the national economy
after the American Revolution, and restructured national debt so it functioned as a
political asset rather than a liability. Born on Nevis in the British West Indies, Hamilton
was intelligent and decisive, characteristics which earned him the support of patrons who
sent him to the American colonies for his education. He became involved in the
Revolution and enlisted in the New York militia in 1776, becoming Washington's aidede-camp. He married into one of New York's wealthiest families, practiced law, served as
a delegate to four Continental Congresses, and represented New York in the
Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia of 1787. Hamilton was one of the leading
federalists; he favored a strong central government and helped write The Federalist
papers. As the first secretary of the treasury, he convinced Congress to assume the debts
states incurred during the Revolution, supported foreign trade and tariffs to provide
revenue to the nation, established a mint, and developed a national bank, the Bank of the
United States. Hamilton believed that as the federal government assumed states' debts,
financial leaders would turn their allegiance from the states toward the nation. This was
part of his plan to strengthen the central government. He also believed creditors to the
nation were more apt to support the central government if it owed them money. Thus, the
debt generated political support. The Federalist party developed in support of his
approach to government. Regarding the bank charter, Hamilton and Jefferson clashed
over interpretation of the Constitution and the extent government could exercise powers
not expressly permitted. Jefferson argued that the U.S. Constitution did not confer power
to the central government to create a national bank. As a result, states reserved the right
to charter banks. Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation: that the U.S. Constitution
permitted what it did not forbid, and that government was justified in establishing a bank
to support trade. The bank was chartered for 20 years, in 1791.
In George Washington's farewell speech, he warned the US to remain out of other
nation's business, to remain neutral, making this the last precedents of 6 that GW set for
the rest of the presidents
Followed the example set by George Washington, Made peace with Britain,
Strengthened the US Navy
Not to get involved with other countries. In 1807 congress passed the embargo act,
Thomas Jefferson never wanted war but he stopped trading with Britain and France
hoping it would hurt their economy but instead it hurt America's economy more than
France and Britain economy.
Wanted to stay Neutral concerning affairs of Europe. Pressured by Britain - the War of
1812 and the burning of the White House.
The best example of James Monroe’s foreign policy was the Monroe Doctrine. The
Monroe Doctrine said that the Western Hemisphere was not to be further colonized by
European countries. Also to warn Europe to stay out of the ‘newly’ Independent Latin
and South American countries. He wrote it because he was scared Spain and England
would come and take over.
US History
Fort Burrows
35. Suffrage
36. Santa
37. Oregon
38. Mormon
39. Mercantilism
40. Stamp Act
41. Boycott
42. Patriot
43. King
George III
44. Four
4 US History Top 200ish
Group 5 – c. Jenna – Star C – Sausage
The right to vote. Suffrage increased with white men during the 1800’s. More white men
were given the right to vote because they no longer had to own land in order to vote.
During this time African Americans were losing suffrage.
a major trading place where people could come and trade with other countries and this
was the trail that leads Americans to be able to trade with other countries that they had
always wanted to trade with like China.
These trails lead Americans into the Oregon Territory. The trails were bumpy and along
this trail and any other trail many people died because of disease and other things.
Missionaries were some of the first people to use these trails to settle the Oregon
Territory. The trails were also used by trappers.
Joseph Smith created the Mormon religion and in the cities he and other Mormons went
to, they were always driven out of the city. Eventually they traveled west and came to a
valley in present day Utah. This was a place where they were far enough from Catholics,
Baptists, and other religions. The Mormons settled the valley and it the city is Salt
Lake City. The path they made west became the Mormon Trail and other white people
used this trail to travel west to get to California, Washington, and Oregon.
This was the theory of trade that the country would export more than it imported. In this
theory the country would gain gold to make up the difference.
Part of the 4 Intolerable Acts. Passed in 1765 by the British parliament. The new tax was
put on any piece of printed paper like legal documents, newspapers, playing cards, etc.
A with draw from commercial or social relations as a punishment or protest. When
people Unite for a common cause to Protest in hopes of a change.
A person that supports their country and is ready to defend it against enemies. A person
who fought in the American Revolution to make it a better country.
(1738-1820) George III became King of England in 1760, determined to re-assert the
constitutional power of the monarchy. He was conservative and moral, and his reign of
more than 40 years oversaw considerable political, economic, social, and cultural change.
When he was crowned king, Britain was involved in the Seven Years' War (1756-1763).
England acquired a large amount of territory in North America and India when the peace
treaty was signed with France and Spain. The American Revolution concerned George III
and his followers because they feared that the loss of one group of colonies would lead to
the loss of others and the eventual decline of the empire. To prevent this, the Crown
maintained an aggressive policy against colonial resistance. George III struggled to
enforce royal authority throughout his reign. After his first attack of mental illness in
1788 he became increasingly dependent on parliament. By 1811 he was permanently
insane and his son, the Prince of Wales, acted as regent. Upon George III's death in 1820,
his eldest son, George IV, assumed the throne.
Group 6 – c. Chicky – Bean II – Chuck
The Acts were passed by Britain to punish the Colonist for their actions at the Boston
Tea Party.
1. - shut down Boston port as to control the and regulate the colonist trade
2. - town meetings allowed only once a year unless governor approves, otherwise to
control and reduce the possibility of creating a self-governing body
3. - British officials accused of crimes would be tried in England or Canada, away from
the victims/colonists
4. - colonial citizens would have to house, feed, and furnish drink for any and all British
soldiers, with or without their consent
US History
Fort Burrows
45. William
46. Crispus
47. Samuel
48. Abigail
49. John
50. William
(1723-1780) A British judge, he gave the first university lectures on English common law.
His classic Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765 – 69) are the best-known
description of the doctrines of English law; it became the basis of university legal education
in England and North America. Providing a complete overview of English law, the 4volume work influenced the thought of such Americans as John Jay, John Adams, John
Marshall, and even Lincoln. The work continues to be cited in Supreme Court decisions
even today.
(1723?-1770) Crispus Attucks is remembered as the first American to die in the colonists'
fight for freedom from Britain. Attucks was an escaped slave of African and Native
American descent, but not much else is known about him. He was part of an angry mob that
surrounded eight British soldiers on 5 March 1770 outside the Boston customs house. The
soldiers fired on the crowd and Attucks was killed, along with four others. The shootings
were quickly dubbed the "Boston Massacre"
(1722-1803) Born into a Boston family with a heritage of municipal involvement, Samuel
Adams naturally became involved in local politics. Cousin of President John Adams. He
was opposed to British taxation in the colonies and believed that the colonial government
was capable of self-rule without intrusion by the British monarchy. Adams encouraged
cooperation among the colonies by generating and circulating correspondence as the clerk
of the Massachusetts General Assembly. He published British documents and decrees for
the edification of the colonists. Adams played a role in many of the events which
contributed to the Revolution including organized opposition to the Stamp Act, protests
waged by the Sons of Liberty, and the Boston Massacre. He participated in the First
Continental Congress and supported the Constitution subject to the addition of the Bill of
Rights. He was a Congressman, the Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Massachusetts.
(1744-1818) Born in Massachusetts in 1744. Wife of the 2nd President of the United States
and mother of John Quincy Adams the 6th President. Abigail Adams is an example of one
kind of life lived by women in colonial, Revolutionary and early post-Revolutionary
America. While she's perhaps best known simply as an early First Lady (before the term
was used), and perhaps known for the stance she took for women's rights in letters to her
husband. Her letters have become a valuable primary source for us to learn about life in
early and during the American Revolution. In her most famous letter to her husband, she
wrote, ‘Remember the Ladies’, pressing for equal status of women to men when he was
forming the new government. Abigail Adams should also be known as a competent farm
manager and financial manager.
(1735-1826) The 2nd President of the United States, Adams was born in Massachusetts,
1735, and was educated at Harvard as a lawyer. He defended the British soldiers after the
Boston Massacre. He was a representative to the First and Second Continental Congresses.
He led the debate which ratified the Declaration of Independence, served as ambassador to
England, and served 8 years as vice president to Washington before his election as
president. He managed to make more enemies than friends, promoting legislation which was
not favored by political faction, the federalists or the anti-federalists. His support of the
Alien and Sedition Acts angered many citizens. He appointed Chief Justice John Marshall to
the Supreme Court. He also appointed several Federalists to fill new judgeships, known as
the ‘Midnight Appointments’, which led to the Marbury v. Madison case. He was defeated
by Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and retired from public life. Both he and Jefferson died on
July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Leading English abolitionist. He headed the parliamentary campaign against the British
slave trade, leading to the passage of the Slave Trade Act of 1807.
5 US History Top 200ish
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Fort Burrows
51. John
52. Roger
53. Charles
54. Jonathan
Trumball, Sr.
55. John B.
56. Patrick
58. George
An American clergyman and Continental Army soldier during the Revolutionary War. He
was also a political figure in the newly-independent United States – serving in both the U.S.
House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.
He was an early American lawyer and politician. He served on the Committee of Five that
drafted the Declaration of Independence, and was also a representative and senator in the
new republic. He was the only person to sign all four great state papers of the U.S.: the
Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and
the Constitution.
A wealthy Maryland planter and early advocate of independence from Great Britain, he
served as a delegate to the Continental Congress and later as United States Senator for
Maryland. He was the only Catholic and the longest-lived (and last surviving) signatory of the
Declaration of Independence, dying at the age of 95.
One of the few Americans who served as governor in both a pre-Revolutionary colony and a
post-Revolutionary state (Connecticut). During the American Revolution he was the only
colonial governor who supported the American side.
A career military officer who served in the armies of three nations - as a U.S. Army officer in
the Mexican-American War, a Confederate general during the Civil War, and a general in the
Imperial Mexican Army. He was most noted for his actions in delaying Federal troops during
the 1862 Peninsula Campaign through elaborate ruses that gave an impression that
Confederates had more forces than in actuality, and for successfully defending Galveston,
Texas, against the Union Army and Navy early in 1863.
Group 7 – c. IsE – Tori – SoSo
(1736-1799) Born in Virginia, Patrick Henry taught himself law and developed a promising
career. He entered the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1765, and quickly influenced the
colonial resistance to British taxation without representation. He was a member of the First
Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774. In March 1775, in an impassioned speech to
the Virginia House of Burgesses, he stated: "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be
purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what
course others may take, but as for me, Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!" He was active
in Virginia politics, serving as the first governor of the new commonwealth. He did not
participate in the Constitutional Convention, and he opposed ratification because of the
potential limitations to the rights of states.
(1746 - 1817) First black man to be a property owner in New Hampshire; he was educated
and became school master in his hometown; later he was voted in as a public official (another
first) 1761; Cheswell was a Patriot for the Revolutionary cause and he
was involved in his community government. In addition to his civic service, Wentworth was
also a patriot leader. In fact, the town selected him as the messenger for the Committee of
Safety – the central nervous system of the American Revolution that carried intelligence and
messages back and forth between strategic operational centers. Serving in that position,
Wentworth undertook the same task as Paul Revere, making an all-night ride to warn citizens
of imminent British invasion.
(1732-1799) George Washington became the first President of the United States elected
following procedures outlined in the newly ratified Constitution. He served two terms
between 1789 and 1797. A resident of Virginia, he was a surveyor, a planter, a soldier in the
French and Indian War, a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses,
Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and the
chairman of the Constitutional Convention in 1787. His prestige as a southern planter, his
strong character, and his heroic military accomplishments ensured his recognition, and the
6 US History Top 200ish
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Fort Burrows
59. John
60. Mercy
61. James
62. James
Electoral College unanimously supported him for president in 1789. During his two terms he
started regular meetings of his cabinet and supported Alexander Hamilton's plans to deal with
war debts and create a currency system for the new nation. Washington was a Federalist,
believing in a strong central government and the responsibility of the wealthy to ensure the
wellbeing of all, but he remained open to the opinions of others, especially fellow Virginian
Thomas Jefferson. During his second term, an opposition political party solidified as the
Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans. In 1793 he sought to avoid another war with European
powers, Britain and France, by issuing the Neutrality Proclamation, a move which incensed
pro-French Jeffersonians but heartened Federalists. This stands as one of Washington's
greatest accomplishments because it allowed the fledgling United States to build a solid
system of government, expand westward, and develop a merchant marine to engage in trade
without becoming embroiled in another European war. His plantation home was Mount
Vernon. He is known as the "Father of Our Country" and his likeness is one of four presidents
carved into the monument at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.
Presidents' Day, a federal holiday, occurs on the third Monday in February, near his birthday,
February 22.
(1747-1792) John Paul Jones is considered the founder of the U.S. Navy. Born John Paul in
Scotland, he was apprenticed to a merchant trading in the West Indies and American
Colonies. He changed his name to Jones following the murder of a crew member on his
merchant vessel in 1773. He was daring and volatile, and led raids on British vessels during
the American Revolution. In 1779 he commanded the Bonhomme Richard and engaged the
British vessel the Serapis in battle. When the Serapis captain asked Jones if he was prepared
to surrender, Jones replied, "I have not yet begun to fight." True to his word, Jones and
crew defeated the British, an event which marked the high point of his career.
(1728-1814) Mercy became a Patriot writer and first woman historian of the American
Revolution. She wrote plays, poems and lots of other writings that supported independence.
She used her writing to display her ideas. Her ideas and writings convinced many people in
Massachusetts to become Patriots. Of all the people writing to support the patriotic cause,
Mercy Otis Warren was the only woman who published plays, books, and poetry.
(1751-1836) Born in Virginia, James Madison played a role in most of the significant political
events over a 40-year period from 1776, when he began his political career, to 1817, when he
completed his second term as the fourth president of the United States. He participated in the
Continental Congress, and because of his leadership role in writing and ratifying the U.S.
Constitution, is considered the "Father of the Constitution." He was one of three authors of
The Federalist papers. He supported a strong central government, a political theory that
coalesced as the platform of the Federalist party. This party and its opposition, the Federalists,
formed the basis of a bipartisan political system which continues today. He wrote the first 12
amendments to the Constitution, ten of which were ratified as the Bill of Rights. One of the
two not ratified, regarding congressional pay raises, was later ratified as the 27th Amendment
in May 1992. Elected president in 1808, he presided through the War of 1812 and fled
Washington, D.C. in August 1814, when the British invaded and set the public buildings, the
Capitol, and the White House afire.
(1760-1830) James Armistead [Lafayette] was an African American spy during the American
Revolution. After getting consent of his master, William Armistead, he volunteered in 1781 to
join the army under General Lafayette. He was stationed as a spy, acting as a slave in Lord
Cornwallis' camp. He relayed much information about the British plans for troop deployment
and about their arms. His intelligence reports espionage were instrumental in helping to defeat
the British at the surrender at Yorktown.
7 US History Top 200ish
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Fort Burrows
63. Thomas
(1737-1809) Born in England, Thomas Paine contributed to the spirit of revolution in
America and France through his influential writings. He moved to the American colonies in
1774 and edited the Pennsylvania Magazine in Philadelphia. In January 1776 he wrote
Common Sense, a pamphlet which attacked the monarchical system, supported independence,
and outlined a new form of government. He became the leading propagandist of the American
Revolution, publishing his Crisis papers. Unable to make a living in the United States
following the Revolution, he moved to France. He did not get involved with the French
Revolution until he read Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790).
Then Paine wrote The Rights of Man, in two parts (1791-2), in which he urged a radical
departure from traditional rule and adoption of a government by the consent of citizens. He
was imprisoned in France during the revolution. During that time, he wrote The Age of
Reason (1792) which attacked organized Christian religions, refuted biblical passages, and
supported deism. His writings at once spoke to and alienated people of all classes in England,
France, and America.
(1743-1826) The third president, Thomas Jefferson was a founding father and principal author of
the Declaration of Independence which rationalized the break with Britain. He also approved the
Louisiana Purchase which nearly doubled the area controlled by the United States. Jefferson was
born into the Virginia planter class, attended private schools and entered the Virginia House of
Burgesses in 1769. By 1774 he owned 10,000 acres and more than 200 slaves. That same year he
wrote the first of many influential political pamphlets. He became an early and effective leader in
the American Revolution. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia and in
1776 he was a member of the committee which wrote the Declaration of Independence. He
drafted a plan to organize the territories of the expanding United States, a system based on
rectangular surveys. His plan to bar slavery from the territories was incorporated into the
Northwest Ordinance of 1787, but Jefferson owned slaves until he died. In 1785 he replaced
Benjamin Franklin as minister to France and was in France when the U.S. Constitution was
drafted. Jefferson served as secretary of state under President George Washington. By 1793, he
and James Madison organized opposition to the Federalist's plan for national economic
development and foreign entanglements with England. The Republicans emerged to provide an
outlet for citizens to oppose office holders they disagreed with, and to elect replacements which
shared their own concerns. Thus the first political system developed. The Republicans favored
state's rights in government in opposition to the strong central government favored by Federalists.
Jefferson expressed his concerns about this in the Kentucky Resolutions, written in 1798.
Jefferson ran for president in 1796, but earned only enough votes to serve as vice-president to
Federalist John Adams. In 1800 Jefferson was elected president and served two terms. He
maintained peace and encouraged westward expansion during the first term, completing the
Louisiana Purchase in 1803 from Napoleon. Foreign affairs clouded his second term as France
and England both refused to recognize that the United States was neutral. Jefferson imposed the
unpopular Embargo Act of 1807 which paralyzed trade for over one year. It was repealed by
Congress days before James Madison assumed the presidency. Jefferson and John Adams both
died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
(1706-1790) Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston in 1706, the fifteenth child of a candle
maker. He became a well-known printer in Philadelphia and an active leader in the city. He
published Poor Richard's Almanac between 1732 and 1758 and his Autobiography in 1818.
Through these he gained literary distinction. In the Almanac he shared bits of wisdom with
readers and pithy sayings which helped shape the American character. He founded the first
privately supported circulating library in America, in Philadelphia. Franklin was a member of the
committee which wrote the Declaration of Independence but spent most of the period of the
8 US History Top 200ish
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American Revolution in France. He represented the colonies as the American envoy starting in
1776 and remained until 1785. He negotiated the alliance with France and then the Treaty of Paris
which ended the war. He also participated in the U.S. Constitutional Convention in 1787, and
earned distinction as the oldest delegate in attendance. Franklin's many talents earned him a
reputation as "the first civilized American." In addition to his political activities, he supported
education and was considered a gifted scientist without peer in the colonies. He proved that
lightning was a form of electricity, a discovery that earned him international fame. He also
invented bifocal glasses, lightning rods, and the Franklin stove.
2nd Period Group 8 – c. Julio – Harshita – Chisum
(1746-1786) Before Spain officially declared support for the rebelling colonies of Britain,
66. Bernardo
Gálvez was assisting the revolution. He corresponded directly with Thomas Jefferson, Patrick
de Galvez
Henry, and Charles Henry Lee and sealed off the port of New Orleans so that British ships
could not utilize the Mississippi River. He also welcomed any American patriots at his ports
and river. The river, under French and Spanish administration, served as a constant source of
money, ammunition and weapons to the American forces under George Washington and
George Rogers Clark. By 1777, more than $70,000 had reached American troops.
Spanish military leader and the general of Spanish forces in New Spain, he served as governor
of Louisiana and Cuba and as viceroy of New Spain. He aided the Thirteen Colonies in their
quest for independence and led the Spanish armies against Britain in the Revolutionary War,
defeated the British at Pensacola and re-conquered Florida for Spain.
1779, led the first cattle drive, 10,000 cattle, from Texas to the Revolutionary Army.
67. Haym
(1740-1785) Salomon was a Polish Jew who immigrated to New York during the period of
the American Revolution and who played an important role in financing the Revolution.
When the war began, he joined the Sons of Liberty and became a prime financier of the
Continental Army. Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems
to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776.
He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon,
however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to
desert. After the war, he managed, time-after-time,
to raise the money to bail out the debt-ridden government of the newly established nation.
68. George
(1725-1792) Born on the family plantation in Virginia, Mason did not seek glory in public
service, but his writings influenced those working to develop a new government. He believed
in the need to restrict governmental power and supported protection of human rights. His
Virginia Declaration of Rights was a model for other bills of rights in the United States and in
France where the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted in
1789. Mason concentrated his political activities to the state of Virginia until 1787. Then he
served as a delegate from Virginia to the U.S. Constitutional Convention. He delivered 139
important speeches at the convention, making him one of the most influential of the founding
fathers. But he became disgusted as other delegates chose to exclude a bill of rights from the
document. He refused to sign the Constitution at the end of the convention and he did not
support its ratification. The passage of the Bill of Rights and the adoption of the 10th
Amendment, which supported the powers of the states, relieved most of his concerns. He led
those pressing for the addition of States rights and individual rights to the U.S. Constitution as
a balance to the increased federal powers. His efforts succeeded in convincing the Federalists
to add the first ten amendments and for that reason he is often referred to as the “Father of the
Bill of Rights”.
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69. Andrew
70. Era of
71. Election
72. Election
73. Fugitive
74. Trail
75. Indian
(1767-1845) Andrew Jackson, known as "Old Hickory," contributed to the democratic spirit
in America, becoming the symbol of the common man's rise from meager origins to positions
of prominence. Born in South Carolina of Irish parents, Jackson was orphaned by age 14. He
became a lawyer after apprenticing in a North Carolina firm and traveled to Tennessee in
1788 to earn a living. He rose to national prominence during the War of 1812 as a military
leader who challenged the Creek Indians in Alabama, and who fended off the British in the
Battle of New Orleans. He ran for the presidency in 1824 but was not elected. By 1828,
however, a political revolution had occurred and the electorate more than doubled. In an
infectious democratic spirit, Jackson was elected in a landslide. Since the American
Revolution, Congress had dominated the federal government, but Jackson favored a powerful
presidency. His style of government based in popular support became known as Jacksonian
Democracy. He increased the control of the executive branch of government thereby starting a
trend toward centralized government. His negotiations of foreign policy generally pleased
Europeans, but many in the United States criticized the President for the power he assumed.
His Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced the relocation of Native Americans from Florida,
Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi to open these lands for white settlement. More
than 100,000 Indians moved over a ten-year period in a process known as the "Trail of Tears."
Jackson appointed political allies to positions in his government; a process called the "spoils
system," and vetoed more bills in his two terms as president than previous presidents
This marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of
national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans. Although this period has often been
called the Era Of Good Feelings due to its one-party dominance, in fact, DemocraticRepublicans were deeply divided internally and a new political system was about to be
created from the old Republican-Federalist competition that had been known as the First Party
There were four candidates, all in the republican party. John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay,
Andrew Jackson, and William Crawford. Henry Clay and William Crawford were knocked
out of the election. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson were the remainders. Clay being
speaker of the HOR, pushed for Adams. Adams won the election, but Jackson suspected
bribery and stated it unfair.
As Adams runs for re-election he has a harder campaign. Andrew Jackson was his only
competition. The campaign was not focused on issues, but only their personal life. After this
bickering Jackson easily won. The common people cheered for finally they would be heard by
the government.
The right to purse and recapture fugitive slaves using any means necessary. A Fugitive Slave
is a run-away. The Fugitive Slave Act was enacted to catch and return slaves that tried to
escape enslavement.
The trail that the Native Americans had to go on. The Native Americans were forced to but a
combined army, militia, and volunteer force. Many Native Americans died. The 5 different
groups went. Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee (a.k.a. Creek), Chickasaw, and Seminole. Indian
to Indian territory (modern day Oklahoma.) Many of the Native Americans called it the Trail
of Tears and Death. There were approximately 11 trails, ranged from 200 to 900 miles,
walking barefooted. President Jackson ordered this.
In 1830, this law stating that all Native Americans would be moved from the East of the
Mississippi River across to the West side. Indian Territory (modern day Oklahoma). President
Andrew Jackson was a very strong supporter of this Act. The whites wanted the fertile soil
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76. Seminole
Wars - 3
for growing cotton.
Group 9 – c. Lisa – Brandon – Drew
1st – 1817-1818 In the first war, US authorities had to recapture runaway slaves that lived
with the Seminole Indians. In 1818, General Andrew Jackson was dispatched with a large
army of 3,000 people to punish the Seminoles. Jackson invaded the Florida area and fought
with the Seminoles and African Americans.
2nd – 1835-1845 The northerners started to move onto Seminole territory. The government
asked the Seminoles to move but they refused so they created the Treaty of Moultrie Creek.
The treaty required the Seminoles to move South. The Seminoles moved onto a reservation,
but it did not satisfy their needs. President Jackson persuaded Congress to pass the Indian
Removal Act. The Seminoles did not want to move, but the chiefs agreed to go check out the
new land. When they get there, they were persuaded to sign a treaty saying they would move.
When the chiefs got back though, they claimed that they had been tricked. Finally, Osceola
led a surprise attack on the Americans, which ended with him dying in prison. The second
Seminole War ended with many Seminoles dying off, and the others sent to reservations in
the west.
77. Free
79. Urbanization
80. Cottage
81. Steamboat
82. Cotton Gin
3rd – 1855-1858 This war was also known as the Billy Bowlegs war because the Seminoles
main leader was Billy Bowlegs. Once again, the war was over land distribution, and the result
ended with the Seminoles losing. By the end of the war, the Seminoles had less than 200
people remaining in Florida. Another treaty was made at the end stating that if the Creeks and
Seminoles would move west, but they would be given their own government. The treaty did
not put an end to the fight between Seminoles and white men, and the Seminoles did not get
their independent government as the treaty promised.
The system where businesses and individuals can make their own economic choices. The
production and distribution are completely up to the businesses.
When overall production changes from farming production to manufacturing production.
Industrialization starts the use of machines and makes things easier to make or create.
The transition from farms and towns to cities. It can also be when there is a quick
migration of people from small desolate areas to flourishing cities.
When things are created and produced within a home industry instead of a business. The
products are often unique and not created in large numbers.
In 1807, Robert Fulton was inspired to created/build a boat that would be propelled by
steam. Revolutionary idea, steam powered boat. To operate it, you would need to
constantly have wood and water. The wood heated the water in large boilers. The boiling
water turned to steam, which moved the pistons up and down. The pistons were attached
to as drive shaft which was attached to a paddle wheel. The turning paddle wheel caused
the boat to move. This boat made water travel faster and easier. Also, the COST of
shipping was greatly reduced, making the final cost of products be lower.
Separates the seeds and seed hulls from the cotton fibers. The cotton gin revolutionized
cotton making because it made picking out cotton easier, faster, and cleaner.
All parts on a vehicle or machine that can be used for any other machine of the same type
and model. For example, if the barrel of a gun was damaged, instead of taking apart the
entire gun and creating a new barrel to fit the gun, they would already have a box full of
11 US History Top 200ish
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barrels that would easily fit on the gun.
84. Hudson
85. John
Group 10 – c. David – Tasia
The Hudson River School was America's first true artistic group. Its name was invented
to identify a group of New York City-based landscape painters that developed about
1850 under the influence of the English emigrant Thomas Cole. They painted a landscape
of the Hudson River Valley.
(1785-1851) Born in Haiti, John J. Audubon lived in France and in various states in the
United States throughout his lifetime. He was a gifted artist who preferred observing and
painting birds and other wildlife. He began The Birds of America in 1820 and worked
diligently to acquire patrons for the project. Published between 1827 and 1838, it
contained life-size color prints of 489 species and remains the most comprehensive
presentation of birds in America. Though he relied on his own observations for much of
the work, he also used specimens provided by other naturalists. He generally used dead
birds as models, wired into positions to suit his composition. Following completion of
The Birds of America, he began work on North American Mammals, published between
1846 and 1854. It was completed by his sons following his death. One of Audubon's
followers, George Bird Grinnell, founded the first Audubon Society in 1886, dedicated to
increasing awareness of and appreciation for nature.
A 19th century idealistic philosophical and social movement that taught that divinity
Transcendentalism pervades all nature and humanity. A small group of New England writers and thinkers
believed that the most important truths in life transcended, or went beyond, human
The act of Congress in 1787 providing for the government of the Northwest territory and
87. Northwest
setting forth the steps by which its subdivisions can become states.
88. Civil Liberties One’s freedom to exercise one’s rights as guaranteed under laws of the country.
It is a belief in the 1800s that Americans had the right and the duty to spread across the
89. Manifest
continent all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
It was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that gave Florida to United
90. Florida
Sates and set out a boundary between United States and Mexico. It is also known as the
Adams-Onis Treaty.
The annexation or seizure of Republic of Texas of United Sates of America as the twenty
91. Texas Annex
– eighth state which lead to the Mexican – American War. It occurred in 1845.
The Mexican Cession occurred in the time 1848. United Sates signed a treaty of
92. Mexican
Guadalupe Hidalgo and acquired California and New Mexico.
Cession 1848
Group 11 – c. Fish – Davis
America bought a strip of land in lower New Mexico and Arizona for 10 million dollars.
93. Gadsden
We completed Manifest Destiny
Purchase 1853
1. Causes - Manifest Destiny
94. US/Mexican
2. Events – Battles of Buena Vista and Palo Alto
3. Effects - USA gains Mexico’s northern lands for just $15 million dollars.
Person against slavery. Many of these people were in the North.
95. Abolitionist
Most outspoken white abolitionist. Launched The Liberator, most influential anti-slavery
96. William
Lloyd Garrison
(ca. 1817-1895) Frederick Douglass was a leading African-American abolitionist in the
97. Frederick
nineteenth century who captivated his audiences with his strong presence. Born a slave in
12 US History Top 200ish
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Tuckahoe, Maryland, Douglass escaped in 1838 to New Bedford, Massachusetts. He
subscribed to The Liberator, the publication of abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, and
began lecturing for Garrison on the abolitionist movement in 1841. Douglass was an
accomplished orator and writer, both of which developed from his involvement with
abolition. His most famous book is his autobiography, The Narrative of the Life of
Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, published in 1845. He purchased his freedom in
1847, and continued to speak to issues of civil rights and human freedom until his death.
98. Uncle
99. John
Browns’ Raid
100. Elizabeth
Cady Stanton
101. Susan B
102. Frances
103. Temperance
104. Educational
Controversial book by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote about the horrors of slave life,
and poured oil over the fire of Abolitionist movements across the United States, and is
looked back to as a big reason that the civil war started.
John, an Abolitionist, wanted to seize guns at a US armory then free slaves from nearby
He was lynched. His plot failed, but his death angered and inspired abolitionists all
across America.
Group 12 – c. Stephen – Madison – AP
(1815-1902) Author of the Declaration of the artist of Women, Elizabeth Cady was born
in western New York state, educated at a female seminary, and spent her life seeking
equal rights for women. She married Henry Stanton in 1840, and they had seven children.
She met Lucretia Mott in England in 1840 and eight years later they organized the first
convention of the women's movement, the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention.
Stanton wrote the Declaration of Rights at this convention and pushed the assembly to
adopt a resolution calling for the extension of the right to vote to women. She was the
primary thinker in the women's movement while Susan B. Anthony was the organizer.
(1820-1906) Susan B. Anthony was a leading force in the women's suffrage movement
for 50 years. Born in Massachusetts to a Quaker family, she taught school and became
convinced that society needed to be reformed and freed from slavery and alcoholism
(temperance movement). She was president of the Canajoharie Daughters of Temperance
in the 1840s. She met Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1851 at an antislavery rally. They
founded the ‘National American Woman Suffrage Association’ and the ‘American Equal
Rights Association’. They organized the Women's State Temperance Society of New
York. Not until 1853 did Anthony support the cause of women's suffrage and equal
rights, but she remained committed to the cause for the remainder of her life, contributing
significantly to the effort to attain equal rights for women. She was arrested, convicted
and fined for voting in New York. The 19th Amendment (women’s voting) is referred to
as the ‘Susan B Anthony Amendment’ in her honor.
(1839-1898) An American educator, temperance reformer, and women's suffragist, her
influence was instrumental in the passage of the Eighteenth (Prohibition) and Nineteenth
(Women Suffrage) Amendments to the United States Constitution.
the issue of a high consumption level of alcohol in the 1820s. It continued to be problem
in our society until 1851 when Maine banned the selling of alcohol. This ban was called
the Temperance Movement. It saved many U.S families from splitting up and lowered
the amount of child abuse.
the improving schools and educational. The government set up a tax that would go
towards education and school districts. Massachusetts extended the school year and paid
teachers more. By the 1850s most northern states followed and colleges were set up to
teach the teachers.
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105. Labor
106. Prison
107. Civil War
the idea to get rid of hard labor and end slavery. A long day of hard work was not fair for
African Americans. Slavery and hard labor was to end because all men are equal.
the fixing of prisons that treated prisoners who were mainly debtors badly. Dorothea Dix
visited the prisons and saw many prisoners ill. She made it so debtors were treated more
fairly with shorter time in prison and when ill they were treated like patients.
13th - This amendment completely abolished slavery. 1865
14th - This amendment guaranteed citizenship to former slaves in the U.S. 1868
15th - This amendment declared states cannot deny a citizens vote on the basis of race,
color, or previous condition of servitude. {Guaranteed African Americans the right to
Vote. 1869.
Group 13 – c. Paris – As As – Brendan
A government agency formed to help out the newly freed slaves during Reconstruction.
108. Freedmen’s
This agency provided many things to help this very large population of Americans. It
made food available. It also helped train and then helped find jobs for the African
Americans, also poor whites. It provided medical care. One of the bureau’s most
important set up was for school. They also made colleges for African Americans such as
Howard, and Fink.
Act was from 1870-71 and it protected all the rights of African Americans. It ratified the
109. Enforcement
14th amendment as part of reconstruction. Also free men could be a full citizen. The
Enforcement act protected the black man from violence when voting.
a legal separation of races. 1877 it became a law in the south. It separated blacks and
110. Segregation
whites in everything. It was one of the Jim Crow laws. African Americans tried to
challenge segregation, but they were overruled. Later the Constitution recognized the
blacks as citizens.
1. Gold (economics) – migrated to learn how to manage limited resources to satisfy their
111. Colonialism
needs, constantly looked for treasures (gold) for their country and themselves
2. GOD (religion) – migrated to practice their religion freely, to spread the Catholic
religion to all others
3. Glory (political or social reasons) – to establish more freedoms and more equality in
their Government, to start a new life, adventure, to obtain land
term for religious movement from one church to another. Most commonly in this time
112. Religious
from catholic to protestant, depending on the region, and the time period.
when someone is discriminated against because of religious beliefs and customs. for
113. Religious
instance the Mormons and protestants were discriminated against.
English joint stock company chartered by king James 1, responsible for the
114. London Company
landings at both Jamestown, and Plymouth
(Virginia Company)
Group 14 – c. Cory – Noah – Manny
Person who agreed to work for a fixed period of time in exchange for a passage to the
115. Indentured
1. Puritans - Came to America to reform the church of England
116. Religious
2. Pilgrims - Did not want to believe in the same things as the king and queen of
Reasons to
England, wanted to get away from religious pressure to support the ‘state’ church
3. Quakers - Came in search of land and religious freedom
to US
4. Catholics – Came for religious freedom and a new government
117. New England
Northern part of the 13 colonies. Based off of manufacturing and ship building. Could
not farm because of poor soil.
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118. Middle
119. Southern
121. Charles
122. John
123. Magna
124. English
Bill of
126. House of
127. FOC
Orders of
128. William
In the middle of the 13 colonies. Mainly farming and manufacturing. Less
manufacturing, more farming because of rich soil. Skilled Artisans and Craftsmen
Southern in the 13 colonies. Based off of farming. Mainly cotton and indigo. Slaves were
in the southern colonies and mastered by plantation owners.
Movement in Europe in the 1600s and 1700s that emphasized the people to use reason
and logic.
Group 15 – c. Vuch – Poncho – Allysa
(1689-1755) A French political and social philosopher, Baron de Montesquieu defined
the principle of separation of powers, calling for a system of checks and balances in
government, in The Spirit of Laws (1734). His ideas influenced the founding fathers,
notably Thomas Jefferson who developed them further in his Notes on the State of
Virginia (1784).
(1632-1704) John Locke's writings on the nature of government influenced the founding
fathers of the United States. He was an English philosopher whose political theories were best
summarized in his doctrine of natural rights which outlined the fundamental rights all humans
should enjoy: life, liberty, and property. Locke's most significant work was his Second
Treatise of Government (1690) in which he rejected the divine right of kings to rule, and
argued for constitutional government to limit the power of the monarch thus preserving the
natural rights of citizens. Locke invoked Hobbes' social contract theory that humans, being
"by nature, free, equal, and independent," choose to live with others and create governments
to protect their rights. The social contracts citizens form with the government binds them to
act in support of the common good of society, and for government to do the same. Thus
government develops at the consent of the governed and can be dissolved if the citizens
believe that their government fails to act in their best interests. The committee which drafted
the Declaration of Independence, led by Thomas Jefferson, adapted Locke's concept of natural
rights and social contract as the philosophical rationale for breaking with England.
It was a document created in 1215 by the English people as a law. King John (the king of
United Kingdom) was the main author of the law. The Law was written to create for the
purpose of limiting the powers of the monarch and preserving the basic legal rights of all free
men in England.
1689. Was a law that mainly had to do with getting rid of the taxes that the British were
giving to America. The Americans were very frustrated and they wanted to rebel since it was
their land. They came up with a new bill that would stop this idea that the British had.
1620. Was the first governing document in Plymouth Colony by the colonists, who are later
on known in history as the Pilgrims. Almost half of the colonists were part of a group seeking
the freedom to practice Christianity according to their own determination and not the will of
the Angelic Church Faith. The Pilgrims sailed on the sea on a ship called “Mayflower”.
The House of Burgesses was the first representative group to form in the American colonies.
They first met in Jamestown, Virginia; July 30, 1619. They could make laws, which could be
vetoed by the governor or the directors of the Virginia Company
1639. It is considered the first written constitution (plan of government) in British North
America. When Connecticut representatives met up to decide how the rights to livestock
would remain and be withheld written on Jan 14, 1636 by Thomas Hooker
(1644-1718) William Penn established a colony in Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers and a
place where they could create a government based on their own standards. Born in London
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into a merchant family, Penn joined the Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of
Friends, in 1666. The Friends believed in direct guidance from the Holy Spirit, did not
recognize the authority of an ordained ministry, believed in simple dress, and opposed war.
Penn became a leading Quaker in England, preaching at meetings, publishing religious tracts,
and supporting toleration of those who dissented from the teachings of the Church of England.
He secured a land grant from the King of England in 1681, and the King called the area
"Pennsylvania" or Penn's Woodland. Penn aggressively advertised his land grant and
attempted to treat Native Americans and squatters from other colonies residing in the grant
fairly. He rarely visited the colony and lived there only a few years which caused residents of
the colony to under appreciate his role in the colony's development. He supported freedom of
worship, welcomed immigrants, and did not require residents to serve in the militia.
129. War
Consisted of the two warring sides. The United States and the British. There were many
reasons why the Americans went to war with the British, but the most significant ones were
the reason of the trading restrictions between them, the British supplying the Native Indians
with weapons and horses, and the American merchants being drafted into the Royal Navy.
Group 16 – c. Preston – Veena – Anderson
(1857) Also known as the Dred Scott Decision. The Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v.
Sandford was issued on March 6, 1857. Delivered by Chief Justice Roger Taney, this opinion
declared that slaves were not citizens of the United States and could not sue in Federal courts.
In addition, this decision declared that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and
that Congress did not have the authority to prohibit slavery in the territories. The Dred Scott
decision was overturned by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.
(1832) Definition: States wanted to prevent Native American tribes from forming their
independent governments within states. Georgia declared all Indians must obey states’ laws.
Mississippi and Alabama followed suit. The Cherokees instead went to court for this and the
case reached the Supreme Court. Named Worcester v. Georgia it said it was unconstitutional
and Native Americans were protected under constitution.
(1819) Definition: Chief Justice John Marshall wrote the opinion for this landmark case
defining the powers of a state over the federal government. Summary: The United States, at
this time had a federal bank, the Bank of the United States. The State of Maryland voted to
tax all bank business not done with state banks. This was meant to be a tax on people who
lived in Maryland but who did business with banks in other states. However, the State of
Maryland also sought to tax the federal bank. Andrew McCulloch, who worked in the
Baltimore branch of the Bank of the United States, refused to pay the tax. The State of
Maryland sued, and the Supreme Court accepted the case. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice
John Marshall wrote that the federal government did indeed have the right and power to set up
a federal bank. Further, he wrote, a state did not have the power to tax the federal government.
"The right to tax is the right to destroy," he wrote, and states should not have that power over
the federal government.
133. Gibbons
(1824) Definition: One of the most important decisions of the early Supreme Court. Led by
Chief Justice John Marshall, the Court said that the federal commerce clause, in effect,
outranked a state law that had granted a monopoly to one group of people. Summary: The
New York Legislature had passed a law giving a monopoly on steamship travel in New York
state to a group of investors, including Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamship Clermont.
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Among the people who had permission to do business under this monopoly was Aaron
Ogden. Thomas Gibbons, another steamship trader, wanted to use the New York waterways
for his business, too. He had been given federal permission to do so. He was denied access to
these waterways by the State of New York, which cited its law as enforcement. Gibbons sued
Ogden, and the Supreme Court agreed to decide the case. The majority opinion, written by
Marshall, said that the U.S. Constitution had a commerce clause that allowed the federal
government to regulate commerce, in this case trade, wherever it might be, including within
the borders of a state. Previously, it was thought that the federal government had power over
only interstate commerce. But Marshall's opinion said that the commerce clause applied here,
too. Thus, the Supreme Court extended the definition of interstate commerce and cemented
the power of the federal government over the states when laws conflicted.
134. Marbury
135. Daniel
136. John C
137. Henry Clay
(1803) Definition: First decision by the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional
(1803). Summary: At the very end of his term, President John Adams had made many
federal appointments, including William Marbury as justice of the peace in the District of
Columbia. Thomas Jefferson, the new president, refused to recognize the appointment of
Marbury. The normal practice of making such appointments was to deliver a
"commission," or notice, of appointment. This was normally done by the Secretary of
State. Jefferson's Secretary of State at the time was James Madison. At the direction of
Jefferson, Madison refused to deliver Marbury's commission. Marbury sued Madison, and
the Supreme Court took the case. Chief Justice John Marshall wrote that the Judiciary Act
of 1789, which spelled out the practice of delivering such commissions for judges and
justices of the peace, was unconstitutional because it then gave the Supreme Court
authority that was denied it by Article III of the Constitution. Thus, the Supreme Court
said, the Judiciary Act of 1789 was illegal and not to be followed. This was the first time
the Supreme Court struck down a law because it was unconstitutional. It was the beginning
of the practice of "judicial review."
(1782-1852) Daniel Webster was a representative and senator from New Hampshire and
then Massachusetts in the U.S. Congress. He served twice as secretary of state and
negotiated the Webster-Ashburton Treaty in 1842 which resolved a border dispute with
Canada. He was noted for his speaking ability and his commitment to preserving the union
of states.
(1782-1850) John C. Calhoun raised issues which highlighted sectional conflicts and
presaged the coming of the Civil War. Born in South Carolina, Calhoun served as secretary
of war, secretary of state, and as vice-president to two presidents, John Quincy Adams and
Andrew Jackson. He supported a system of national improvements to support growth and
increase commerce and communication, but by the late 1820s he switched his opinion to
favor states' rights. He was an eloquent spokesman for increasing the authority of states,
and led opposition in South Carolina to the protective Tariff of 1828. During 1832,
delegates to a state convention in South Carolina declared the tariff null and void in the
state and threatened to secede from the union if federal representatives used force to collect
duties. Jackson responded to the Nullification Crisis by sending reinforcements and
speaking out against the right of any state to ignore a federal law. The crisis ended without
incident and Calhoun preserved his status in state politics. He continued to represent South
Carolina in the U.S. Senate until his death. In 1860, South Carolina became the first state to
secede from the union.
(1771-1852) Henry Clay was known as the "Great Compromiser" for his ability to smooth
sectional conflict through balanced legislation. First a senator and then a representative to
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138. French &
Indian War
139. Sectionalism:
140. Sectionalism:
141. Sectionalism:
142. Protective
143. Tariff of
144. Missouri
145. Compromise
of 1850
146. Wilmot
the U.S. Congress from Kentucky, Clay served as speaker of the house for the majority of
his 13 years of service. He favored internal improvements and westward expansion. He
sponsored the Missouri Compromise in 1820, admitting Missouri as a slave state and
Maine as a free state, preserving the United States for the moment. He also proposed
measures which stilled the Nullification Crisis in 1832. He returned to the senate in 1831 as
a Whig and served 11 more years. He died in office during his final term (1849-52).
A war fought between Great Britain and New France, with both sides supported by military
troops from Europe and Native American Indians and Colonist. They were fighting for
power in Europe and North America. In 1754 there was more fighting and settlers called it
the French and Indian War because it was them against France and its Native American
Allies. France lost the war and as a result, lost its power forever, in America.
3rd Period Group 17 – c. Lalith – Miss Kitty – Kendra
Human Characteristics - Daniel Webster was the leader of the North. He was a very
skilled public speaker from New Hampshire. The people in the North opposed the War of
1812 and did not want slavery.
Geographic Characteristics - The North was becoming much more industrialized.
Economic Characteristics - : The main industries in the North were textile mills and
Human Characteristics - The leader in the South was John C. Calhoun, who was a
handsome and energetic man from South Carolina. The South supported slavery as well
as the War of 1812; they did not want a strong central government.
Geographic Characteristics - The south had a warm climate, forests, and good
Economic Characteristics - Agriculture (Farming) was the main industry in the south,
because there were very few factories.
Human Characteristics - The leader of the West was Henry Clay. Clay was a man from
Kentucky who was the leader of the War Hawks, although he charmed all the people
around him. The West supported the War of 1812 and wanted to have an active role in
the government.
Geographic Characteristics - The West was mostly unsettled territory.
Economic Characteristics - Supported international improvements like better
transportation for the United States.
Group 18 – c. Pooh – Ballard – UniKorn
passed by Congress on May 19, 1828, created to protect the industry in the northern part
of the US, hurt the southern part of the US because they had to pay more for the good
from Europe, which was not produced in America
When the government of the United States
put a large tariff to protect the factories (manufacturing) but hurt
the farmers in the Southern states
Compromise between the slave and anti-slave states, prohibited slavery in the Louisiana
Territory except for Missouri
intricate packet of five bills, passed in September, four year confederation between the
slave states and the free states of the north that arose from expectation of territorial
expansion of the US with Texas's annexation
an unsuccessful congressional amendment in 1846 that sought to ban slavery newly
acquired from Mexico
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147. Kansas
148. Nullification
149. Secede
150. Cession
151. State’s Rights
152. Emancipation
153. Assassination
of Lincoln
154. Lincoln’s 1st
Inaugural Address
155. Lincoln’s
156. Lincoln’s 2nd
Inaugural Address
157. Abraham
158. Jefferson
In 1854, a law was created to allow the potential ‘new’ states to have a popular vote to
choose to have slavery or not in within their boundaries. The Act was to try to eliminate
possible disputes between the Northern states which were anti-slavery and the Southern
states which were pro-slavery.
when the states thought they had enough power to veto bills prospered by the national
When a territory, state, or country separates from central power to create its own political
Late 1800's and early 1900's, states separated from the federal government. Between the
Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains, they wanted to create a peaceful union
among the former British Colonies
Group 19 – c. M&M – Caleb – Young
Political powers reserved to states inside of a country such as the U.S.
An executive order issued by Lincoln January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War
ordering that all slaves in the Confederate States were FREE and slavery would be illegal
in those states. This did not affect the neutral-border states.
His assassination took place on Good Friday, at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C., and
he was killed by John Wilkes Booth, an actor and a Southern sympathizer. In response to
Lincoln’s stand on making slavery Illegal in ALL of America.
Lincoln’s first inaugural address focused on support of the north without further
alienating the south.
Delivered on November 19, 1863, in it he highlighted the liberty and equality were the
core components for the emancipation of America. He urged common men and
politicians to pay tribute to unsung heroes.
Delivered in March 4, 1865, he defined the meaning of civil war and approached
(1809-1865) Abraham Lincoln served as president of the United States during the Civil
War. He managed to preserve the unity of the United States and took steps to abolish
slavery, but was assassinated before he could implement post-war plans. He began his
political career by serving four terms in the Illinois state legislature beginning in 1834.
He served one term as representative from Illinois to the U.S. House of Representatives.
He was elected the sixteenth President in 1860, re-elected in 1864, and assassinated in
1865. He helped build the Republican Party, which replaced the Whig Party in the 1850s,
from obscurity to the party of choice by 1860. His Gettysburg Address, delivered in
November 1863 at the dedication of the national cemetery at the Civil War battlefield,
called for national unity despite obstacles. He began the process of freeing slaves in the
Confederate states when he issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. His most
lasting influence remains the Thirteenth Amendment, ratified in December 1865, months
after his death. It banned slavery throughout the United States. His likeness is one of four
presidents carved into the monument at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. Presidents'
Day, a federal holiday, occurs on the third Monday in February, near his birthday,
February 12.
(1808-1889) President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis was
educated at West Point and served on the frontier during the 1830s. He also volunteered
in the Mexican War. He represented Mississippi in both the U.S. House of
Representatives and the Senate and was secretary of war from 1853 to 1857. He was
appointed provisional president and then was elected president of the confederacy. He
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159. Stonewall
160. Julia Ward
161. Ulysses
162. William
163. Phillip
164. Robert
was demanding, did not tolerate disagreement, interfered in military matters, and did not
select effective subordinates. Regardless, he managed to hold the confederacy together
despite the lack of consensus among southerners. He supported the confederate cause
after the war, writing a two-volume history, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate
(1824-1863) Born in what is now the state of West Virginia, in the town of Clarksburg;
Thomas Jonathan Jackson possessed a strong military background at the outbreak of the
Civil War. His training in the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, recognition as a hero
in the Mexican War, and his experience as an instructor at the Virginia Military Institute
justified Jackson's rank of brigadier general at the first major battle of the Civil War near
Manassas, Virginia. Upon that field, General Bernard E. Bee proclaimed, "There is
Jackson standing like a stone wall," and a legend as well as a nickname was born.
She was an American abolitionist, social activist, and a poet. She wrote a popular song
called “John Browns Body”. It was then used as a battle hymn, for the Union troops
during the Civil War.
Group 20 – c. Tommy – Jenny – Deek Deek
(1822-1885) The eighteenth president, Ulysses S. Grant gained notoriety as commander of
the Union army during the Civil War. He graduated from West Point, served in the
Mexican War, and then resigned from the military after serving in posts on the west coast.
He was commissioned as a colonel at the start of the Civil War. By September 1861 he was
promoted to general. After a series of victories, including the capture of Vicksburg,
Lincoln gave him command of the Union army. He created an overall plan concentrated on
Sherman's march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate army in
Virginia. Grant accepted Lee's surrender in 1865, ending the war. His popularity after the
war and the voters' disillusionment with professional politicians following the Andrew
Johnson administration led Republicans to nominate Grant for the presidency in 1868. He
wanted peace, not continued military reconstruction in the South, but he was unprepared to
serve as president. He managed to maintain his personal integrity despite the scandals
which racked his administration.
(1842-1908) Sgt. William H. Carney was the first African American to be awarded the
Medal of Honor. Sgt. Carney served with the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and
took part in the July 18, 1863 assault on Fort Wagner in Charleston, South Carolina. He
received his medal for saving the American flag and planting it on the parapet and holding
it while the troops charged. He was wounded four times, but returned the flag to the lines,
saying, "Boys, the old flag never touched the ground!"
(?-Unknown-?) Seaman Philip Bazaar, born in Chile, South America, was a Navy seaman
who was awarded the United States' highest military decoration for valor in combat - the
Medal of Honor (1865)- for having distinguished himself during the battle for Fort Fisher
of the American Civil War.
(1807-1870) Lee gained recognition for his military leadership during the Civil War. A
soldier who graduated second in his class at West Point, Lee served in the Mexican War
and worked as an engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. When the South seceded,
Lincoln offered Lee the command of Union forces but Lee refused, resigned from the U.S.
Army, and returned to Virginia to serve with the Confederate forces. In 1862 Lee was
appointed to command the Army of Northern Virginia. His battle strategies are admired to
this day, but he was criticized for having a narrow strategy centered on his native Virginia.
He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in 1865. Following the war
he urged southerners to pledge allegiance to the north and rebuild the nation. He became
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president of William and Lee University in Virginia and died there.
165. Fort Sumter A union fort at which the Confederates started shooting at and started the Civil War
Historic site in northwestern Maryland, scene of a major Civil War battle in 1862
166. Antietam
167. Gettysburg A historic borough in south central Pennsylvania, scene of a critical Civil War battle in
July 1863; pop. 7,025
168. Appomattox Historical place where General Robert E. Lee signed the surrender officially ending the
Court House Civil War, all on Palm Sunday
Known as, “The Shot Heard Around The World”
169. Lexington
Colonist were hiding ammunition/weapons, the British marched there to confiscate the
weapons. About 70 minutemen poised to protect their town. An unknown person fired the
first shot. Many were killed. Site of the first skirmish/battle of the American Revolutionary
Group 21 – c. Miss Taylor – Kimmy – Christian
170. Saratoga The Battle of Saratoga was a major turning point in the American Revolution. This battle was
in 1777. Saratoga ended the British threat to New England. This boasted the spirits of the
Americans because it was a time of great defeat. Most importantly, this helped France be
convinced to be our ally. This battle can never be forgotten because if we never had this battle
then we would still probably be a part of England.
Valley Forge was a makeshift camp during the winter of 1777-1778. The conditions were
171. Valley
terrible. Many of the soldiers suffered from frostbite and disease because there wasn’t enough
blankets and clothing. Once people heard about this, they sent food, medicine, clothes, and
ammunition. This was the bleakest hour of the war. Once they were done with Valley Forge,
the patriots were more hopeful
The battle of Yorktown was the last battle of the American Revolution. Washington tricked
Cornwallis in this battle. Cornwallis decided to rest in Yorktown but Washington came with
his men to attack them. The British surrendered because they were running low on supplies.
We ended up winning the Battle of Yorktown and the American Revolution. This battle is
important because it was the last battle and victory in the American Revolution.
Minutemen are volunteers trained regularly. Minuteman got their names because they kept
their muskets at hand. They were prepared to fight at a minute's notice. In Boston, minuteman
collected weapons and gunpowder. In 1775, minuteman had a large sore of arms in Concord
(a village about 18 miles from Boston).
Transcontinental Railroad is a railroad that crosses a continental land mass in 1869. It is now
174. Transpossible for settlers to travel by train all the way from the Atlantic Cost to the Pacific's. The
more settlers move westward, the more disastrous for the Native American. They lost lands,
their farms, and buffalo herds. Soldiers and hunters wiped out huge buffalo herds for their
own wasteful uses unlike the Natives.
175. Property Property Rights are laws created by governments to give people the right to own property
such as land and furniture. This was created so that we can own certain items without having
someone else say that it is theirs when it rightfully yours. This right protects you from having
other parties be unjust or unlawful to your property. Property Rights is the right to keep
people off your land if you do not want them on it. It was created between 1787 and 1791. It
is good we have property rights so we can keep what is ours under our own care and not have
someone take it for theirs the next day.
This amendment was had said that there to have respect for an establishment of a religion,
176. 1
also it gave free exercise and freedom of speech. This amendment gave a lot of new privileges
to us. This also states that we have freedom to have a peaceful assembly and not a rowdy riot.
This is a great amendment so we don’t get out of hand. This is a very important amendment
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177. 2nd
178. 5th
179. Water
180. John
181. Henry
182. Founding
that has been very useful in our society. Now there are many different religions in the U.S. It
Ratified on December 15, 1791.
This amendment was the right to keep and bear arms. If we did not have this amendment we
wouldn’t be allowed to keep guns. This is important because this is also a way for protection
and hunting. People wanted to be able to protect and stay safe back when Britain was a threat
so we needed this to allow are self’s to be safe. This can help so they can have more security
in the Free State. This was ratified on December 15, 1791.
This amendment states that whoever does bad gets a fair trial. This says nobody that the
person being trialed doesn’t have anything wrong until he gets a fair case at trail or court. This
amendment is so they you can’t be just thrown in jail or sentenced to death without a fair trial
in court. This amendment makes it possible for us to have a trial by jury. So that we can’t just
be thrown in jail and have done nothing. This amendment was ratified on December 25, 1791.
Group 22 – c. Aisha – Mr. Taylor – Bryece
Water power was the main mover of the Industrial Revolution. Waterwheels used the power
of water running downstream in a river to turn machinery. Mills mechanized a number of
very deadly tasks. Waterwheels powered grist mills for grinding grain into flour, saw mills
for carving lumber out of logs, fuelling mills for finishing cloth, and twisting mills for
winding silk thread. Neither animals nor people could match power of water. The reliance
upon water power to run the machinery of the new factories meant that factories had to be
built upon a river. Since land near the rivers was limited, the land was very valuable and
sometimes very expensive. The ability to capture more power from downhill rivers allowed
mills to thrive and further encourage the development of water-powered technologies.
(1755-1835) As a justice in the U. S. Supreme Court, Marshall established the authority of
the court in defining the limits of the U.S. Constitution and the authority of the executive
branch. He served in the Virginia legislature and was elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives as a Federalist. He was appointed chief justice by President John Adams and
served from 1801-1835. During his tenure he shaped federal law and government. Most
important was the Marbury v. Madison decision (1803) in which he ruled that the federal
courts had the power to determine whether or not congressional legislation was
(1817-1862) Thoreau was a leading American essayist, poet, practical philosopher, and
transcendentalist. Transcendentalism, one of the most significant literary movements of
nineteenth-century America, was based in idealism, the goodness of humankind and the
harmony of creation. Thoreau was inspired by leading transcendentalist Ralph Waldo
Emerson. The cabin Thoreau built on Walden Pond, and lived in for two years, was on
property Emerson owned. He supported abolitionism, lecturing and writing against
slavery. Henry David Thoreau was born in 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts. He went to
Harvard and graduated in 1837. At first Thoreau became a schoolteacher and tutor. Then he
decided to fulfill his dream as a poet of nature. In 1846, when Thoreau went into town to
have a pair of shoes repaired, he was arrested for refusing to pay a poll tax meant to support
America's war in Mexico. He spent a night in jail. His most famous essay, Civil
Disobedience, is based on that. The journal he kept during his first stages as a writer became
his most famous book, Walden, Or Life in the Woods, in which he wrote his ideas on how an
individual should live to nature. By the 1850s he had become greatly concerned over slavery,
and he wrote passionately about it. Thoreau died of tuberculosis in 1862, at the age of 44.
Although he never earned a lot from his writings, now his works fills 20 volumes
The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were political leaders who
participated in the American Revolution by creating the United States Declaration of
22 US History Top 200ish
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Independence. They established the United States Constitution. Within the large group
known as the "Founding Fathers", there are two key groups: the ones that signed the
“Declaration of Independence" in 1776 and the Framers of the Constitution who proposed
the Constitution of the United States. Another group is also the one that signed the Articles
of Confederation
The most well-known out of them all were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, John Jay, and
Patrick Henry
Self-government is when a group of people govern themselves by electing the people who
183. Selfwill be their representative and create legislature. The HOB was the beginning of a
representative government in the colonies. The colonies of Massachusetts and Rhode island
were examples of self-government.
(1586-1647) “Founder of the State of Connecticut, Father of American Democracy."
184. Thomas
Thomas Hooker led about one hundred people away to begin a new settlement, which is
now called Hartford, Connecticut. Later three settlements merged to form the
Connecticut Colony. This colony put Hooker's principles into practice when it adopted
the Fundamental Orders sometimes called the first written constitution.
A naturalized citizenship is given to a person who has been born in another country or
185. Naturalized
otherwise raised as a foreigner, but has been granted U.S. citizenship and the rights and
privileges of being a citizen. The process by a person attains citizenship is called
Transportation is the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being
transported. Over history transportation has changed immensely. From steamboats,
canals, trains, wagons, and eventually to the modern time automobiles.
187. Transatlantic In the early 16th century after many of the Indians were dying cause of diseases, they
tried to bring over Africans who had been exposed to the same diseases as Europeans and
Slave Trade
wouldn’t die from them. The condition for the slaves was horrible because they had to
work hard, and obey their masters. It consisted mostly of the West Indies, Britain, and
United States. Britain was the main trader in the 18th century and eventually in 1806
they outlawed the trade, and the United States ended it eventually as well. The slave trade
ended hundred percent in the 1850’s after the American Civil war.
Group 23 – c. Van – Kaila – Kaushik
We are Americans and we don't want someone to just take away or rights without a big
Unalienable process. Rights that cannot be taken away without a warning of due process are known as
Unalienable Rights. The Unalienable Rights were included were noted in a preamble in the
Natural Rights Section in the Declaration of Independence. It said that all men are created
equal and our Creator gave us these Unalienable Rights. The rights protected us from things
like the Police checking our homes without asking us.
189. Judicial Judicial review is a Doctrine that increased the powers of the Supreme Court. It is also a
vocabulary word that we 8th graders learned. Some cases that led to this review are the
McCulloch vs. Maryland case and the Gibbons vs. Ogden. Both of these cases increased the
Supreme Court's power over the States Rights. The review also stated that the Supreme Court
has the power to decide whether a law passes by congress is unconstitutional.
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 essays that were written by James Madison, Alexander
Hamilton, and John Jay. They wrote these essays to defend the position of the constitution, but
they also helped us to think about what is better for the United States of America. All of these
authors are federalists who want the constitution to be a part of America. They explained
briefly about what the constitution is and how it will benefit America.
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A pamphlet that was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. In this time period, we American's are
in the process of thinking whether we need independence or not from Great Britain. Thomas
Paine made the process really quick by letting us know in this article what the British is doing
to us. He told us to wake up and see what's going on. He encouraged Americans against Great
Britain and said that the King is treating us different from the people in England.
The Great Awakening is an emotional religious moment that took place between the 1730192. Great
Awakening 1740's. There lived a young preacher who started this moment named Jonathon Edwards. The
impact of this religious moment swept through the colonies quicker than clock. We, the people
who supported this moment, broke away from our old churches and formed new ones. Our
opponents are strongly against the Great Awakening thinking that the moment was very
fervent and more colonists would join it. With the Great Awakening on move, people started to
think abnormally about political rights.
193. Geographic 1. Thirteen Colonies - The Thirteen Colonies is on the east coast of North America
Features of: founded by the people of Britain that wanted freedom of religion. The Queens and Kings of
Britain were very sensitive about the Catholic religion that was going on in their country. If
you didn’t believe that being a Catholic was your way of life then you go to the Americas.
Some examples were Massachusetts, the colony that was founded by Quakers which were
Protestants that thought all people were created equal in God’s eyes. This started to create
many revolts of the people and of other countries as well.
2. Appalachian Mountains - This was a mountain range was north of Georgia, south if
the great lakes, east of thirteen colonies, and west of the Louisiana Purchase. It was a part
of the Proclamation line of 1763 that stated the colonist could not go further of this
mountain range. The colonist started revolting because the taxes that they were paying
were going to the soldiers to keeping them inside the boundary lines. The colonists also
stated getting furious because they thought that the king didn’t trust them to go that far,
because of the revolting. This was one of the reasons the American Revolution started.
3. Louisiana Purchase - This is the land that ran diagonally from Montana to Louisiana
and the furthest parts were the western border of Illinois and the middle of Colorado. This
land was founded by the French but by the 1800’s was the United States. It started when
French people started to revolt and did it very violently by chopping off the king’s and
queen’s heads. When Jefferson sent three men to France to negotiate a deal to see if they
could navigate through the state Louisiana, but surprisingly Napoleon offered them the
Louisiana Purchase, so the he could have money for the expenses of the army. Now that
Jefferson has the land he sends 2 men to explore it. That started the Lewis and Clarke
194. Battle of
195. James
4. Rocky Mountains - This is a mountain range the starts in the northern part of Alaska
and ends in the northern part of New Mexico. As you can see It was very long so there was
no way to get by it if you wanted to complete Manifest Destiny. This mountain range was a
big obstacle, because at that elevation it can be cold and have bad weather conditions like
blizzards. When the settlers wanted to get to California for the gold rush life or death was
one of the things you had to risk
Group 24 – c. Mason – Colton – Lauren
Battle of the Civil War where he Union (led by Ulysses S. Grant) fought in 1863 against
the Confederacy (led by John C. Pemberton). The union won. This was the final major
military action in Vicksburg campaign of the American Civil war.
(1758-1831) Involved in politics most of his life, James Monroe established one of the
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196. Monroe
198. Marquis
basic principles of American foreign policy with his Monroe Doctrine. Born in Virginia to
a family of Scottish origin, Monroe fought and was wounded in the American Revolution.
His political career began when he was elected to the Virginia legislature in 1782, and
continued for more than 40 years. He participated in the Congress of the Articles of
Confederation in 1783. As a member of the Virginia convention of 1788, he opposed
ratification of the U.S. Constitution fearing that it made the federal government too strong
and that this would negatively affect state's rights. He served as Minister to France from
1794-6 and assisted with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. He was elected president and
served two relatively peaceful terms balancing sectional tensions between 1817-25. During
his administration he signed the Missouri Compromise in 1820 and issued the Monroe
Doctrine in 1823. In the doctrine, Monroe declared that the European powers should not
colonize or interfere in the affairs of nations in the Western Hemisphere.
Was a doctrine signed by president James Monroe to help defend Latin America’s
independence from Spain. This doctrine told the Europeans to back off from Latin
The speech president George Washington made when he left office. In this speech, he set a
precedent for the US to avoid foreign affairs.
(1757-1834) Marquis de Lafayette was a French aristocrat who played a leading role in two
revolutions in France and in the American Revolution. He respected the concepts of liberty
and freedom and constitutional government. Between 1776 and 1779 he fought in the
American Revolution, commanding forces as a major-general in the colonial army. He
returned to France in 1785 convinced of the value of governmental reform. In 1789, as a
member of the Second Estate, the nobility in France, he drafted a version of the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens, which served as the preamble to the French
Constitution of 1791. In it, he declared that all men were created equal but that some were
meant to govern, and they had a responsibility to protect the common good. His proposed
government was divided into executive, legislative, and judicial branches. In 1789 at the
start of a revolution, King Louis XVI appointed Lafayette to command the National Guard
of Paris. In effect, Lafayette ruled Paris. He worked with the National Assembly of France
to complete the Constitution of 1791. Lafayette opposed Napoleon's government and
rejoined French politics following the Battle of Waterloo and the exile of the emperor. He
toured the United States with his son Georges Washington de Lafayette for a year, 1824-5.
He returned to lead the French National Guard in the Revolution of 1830 after which he
retired from public life, "a hero of two worlds."
199. Three-Fifths An issue resolved between the Northern and Southern states at the constitutional
Compromise convention. Southerners wanted to include slaves in the state’s population (because they
had so many and would have more representatives in the HOR) but NOT in tax
assessments. The Northerners did NOT want slaves to be counted for the population (the
southerners would have less representatives in the HOR) but DID want them to be counted
for tax assessments. The delegates compromised that 3/5 of the slaves in any state would
count for BOTH tax assessments AND population.
200. Great
An issue settled at the constitutional convention between James Monroe and William
Patterson (The New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan). The Virginia Plan favored the
larger states, while the New Jersey Plan favored the smaller states. Since both plans called
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for 3 branches of legislature, the compromise included that. The Great Compromise said
that there should be a House Of Representatives (determined by population) AND a senate
(2 per state). This made sure the government favored both the larger AND the smaller
202. Jacksonian
Meeting held to revise the Articles of confederation in which 55 delegates attended. Each
state sent representatives except Rhode Island. This was where the Great Compromise and
Three-Fifths Compromise were settled.
Time during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. During this time, the phrases “spoils system”
and “kitchen cabinet” were created and used. Also during Jackson’s presidency, the Bank
of the United States was closed.
(1767-1848) He served as the 6th President of the United States and interestingly, was the
eldest son of the 2nd President, John Adams. A Harvard man. Spoke several languages.
Minister to the Netherlands and to Russia. His political career was marked by two words,
which summed up his passion: Independence and Union. He helped negotiate the AdmasOnis Treaty of 1819. He served as member of Congress, as a US Senator, the US Secretary
of State, and he helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine of 1823. He favored a strong
nationalism against states' rights and spoke out against the pro-slavery messages of John C.
Calhoun. Adams considered himself "bonded" by the Constitution to work for
emancipation. He is the only President to be elected a Congressman after serving as US
President. He argued before the Supreme Court on behalf of slaves from the ship Amistad,
which mutinied during the journey from Africa. His election in 1824 against Jackson was
tainted by the alleged “Corrupt Bargain” and he was easily defeated in his re-election run
of 1828 against Jackson.
Group 25 – c. JuliannE – Nathan P – Brit
In early 1861 representatives of the states seceding from the United States elected
204. Jefferson
Jefferson Davis as president of their provisional government, and his selection as
Inaugural Address president of the Confederate States of America required that he deliver an inaugural
address. Jefferson Davis's Inaugural Address, delivered on February 18, 1861, pointed
toward a tentative plan for the seceding states’ future. Contemporary observers had
anticipated that South Carolina would lead the way to secession and drag along other
Deep South states. They were correct. South Carolina's secession on December 20, 1860,
created a chain reaction, as one Deep South state after another passed ordinances of
secession. When Davis delivered his Inaugural Address, the six additional Deep South
states (Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas) had followed the
lead of South Carolina and withdrawn from the Union.
203. John
205. Hiram
Rhodes Revel
(1822-1901) American clergyman and educator who became the first black citizen to be
elected to the U.S. Senate (1870–71), during Reconstruction, representing Mississippi.
Revels was a Republican and he was anxious not to encourage race friction with white
Southerners; he therefore supported legislation that would have restored the power to
vote and to hold office to disenfranchised members of the former Confederacy. In
January 1870 he was elected to the U.S. Senate to fill the unexpired term of the former
Confederate president, Jefferson Davis. He performed competently in office, advocating
desegregation in the schools and on the railroads. Though serving only one term, he was
consistently praised in the papers for his oratorical skills, quoted often about the need for
moderation and compromise. While Radical Republicans called for continued
26 US History Top 200ish
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206. Concord
207. Banking
208. John Jay
209. Executive
210. Legislative
211. Judicial
212. XYZ Affair
213. Temperance
punishment of ex-Confederates, he argued for amnesty and a restoration of full
April 18, 1775, British troops left Boston for Concord. The Sons of Liberty watched this
happen and placed two lanterns in the church tower to signal Paul Revere to tell everyone
that the British were coming. In the end, the British did not find any fire arms. So they
went back to Boston but not without any fighting. The British had to retreat
There are two banks at the time, The Bank of the United States and State Banks. The
Bank of the United States was created by the government and been disputed for a long
time. It was powerful because it controlled the loans made by state banks. Whenever they
thought the State Banks were making too many loans they would limit it. This changes
merchants and farmers because they got their loans from the State Banks. The Bank of
the United States was run by private banks. The Bank of the United States has to send in
a charter for the president to approve it and continue funding it. The Bank of the United
States closed in 1836, so instead of putting money in the bank they gave it to state banks.
The band became known as pet banks because Toney and his friends control many of
John went with Benjamin Franklin then Adams, Henry Laurens to Paris for talks about
treaty’s since we beat Britain in the war. Since Britain was eager to end the war we
mostly got what we wanted. This was called the Treaty of Paris. He also helped write the
federalists papers. It was a series for essays. Then he became the first Chief Justice of the
U.S. Then when America was struggling to stay neutral John had to go to Britain for
treaty talks. He made Britain pay for damages for the seized American ships, but
Americans have to pay their old debts to British merchants. So British had to give up its
forts in the west. This was called Jay’s Treaty approved in 1795.
The Executive Branch of the Government has the President, Vice President, and all the
cabinet members. The President is allowed to pass or veto a bill that the legislature sends
him. The Executive branch is the branch of the United States government that is
responsible for carrying out the laws. The Executive Branch contains 15 Departments,
such as the Departments of Labor, Homeland Security and Education. These
Departments help the President protect the public or enforce federal laws. Those 15
Departments, along with the Vice President, make-up the President's Cabinet.
The Legislative Branch writes the laws. This branch is made up of the House of
Representatives, which has 435 members elected proportionally from each state, and the
Senate, which has two members from each state, 100 members all together. Their
purpose is to make laws. Each chamber needs to approve of the law before it is sent off to
the President for approved. However, it's a long process. An example of the Legislative
Branch would be congress.
The Judiciary explains and applies the laws. This branch does this by hearing and
eventually making decisions on various legal cases. The Judicial Branch is in charge of
the court system. There are three different kinds of courts found in the federal court
system. The lowest level is the district courts. The 2nd level is the court of appeals. The
top level is the Supreme Court.
French attempt in 1797 to bribe the US by demanding payment before talks could begin
on the issue of French seizure of neutral American ships. Instead, Adams strengthened
the navy by building frigates to convince France to stop attacking American ships.
campaign against alcohol consumption, 1820s, women took the lead role against alcohol;
Women believed the ‘Demon Rum’ led to wife-beating, child abuse, and family breakups
27 US History Top 200ish