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Chapter 9 Self Quiz
The decision in the case Marbury v. Madison was a victory
for the system of checks and balances. It set up a check by
the ____.
a. legislative branch on the judicial branch
b. judicial branch on the legislative branch
c. executive branch on the judicial branch
d. legislative branch on the executive
What is “the principle of judicial review”?
a. The Supreme Court may decide which judges
appointed by the president are qualified to serve.
b. Congress may decide which judges appointed
by the president are qualified to serve.
c. Congress may decide which court cases may
be reviewed by the Supreme Court.
d. The Supreme Court may decide if a law
violates the Constitution.
Which of the following is a secondary source of information
about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
a. an excerpt from the expedition diary of Meriwether Lewis
b. an atlas map of the route based on written accounts by William Clark
c. an Indian bowl used by Sacagawea on the expedition
d. a letter from Thomas Jefferson, asking Meriwether Lewis to lead the
Read the diagram below, which summarizes the effects of the case
Marbury v. Madison. What answer should fill in the blank on the diagram?
a. president
b. Congress
c. Supreme Court
d. Senate
Thomas Jefferson was ____ a
strong federal government.
in favor of
skeptical of
an advocate of
the dictator of
Which of the following facts completes the table below about Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of State under George Washington
U.S President from 1801-09
the first U.S. President
Drafted the Declaration of Independence
commanded U.S. forces during the Revolutionary War
drafted the U.S. Constitution
What revolutionary-era American leader authorizedthe
Louisiana Purchase in 1803?
The Louisiana Purchase
a. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
d. James Madison
Selected Lands Added to the United States 1803-1867
Millions of Acres
1803 Lousiana Purchase
1845 Texas Annexation
1846 Oregon Treaty
1848 Mexican Cession
1867 Alaska Purchase
Analyze the above Selected Lands Added to the United
States 1803–1867 graph. The bar graph shows that the
United States added about 170 million acres to its territory in the year ____.
a. 1803
b. 1846
c. 1848
D. 1845
Read the statement below. What concept does it express?
A state has the right to refuse to obey
any national law that it considers
a. secession
b. sectionalism
c. nullification
d. judicial review
The idea that states could veto a federal law was first
written into the ____ as a reaction to the Alien and
Sedition Acts.
a. Naturalization Act
c. Nullification Act
b. Constitution
d. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Read the excerpts below. To what rights was Jefferson referring in
these two passages? Summarize the meaning of the passages.
Write your answer in your answer Document.
Note: The following is only a sample answer. All reasonable answers
should be accepted.
In these passages, Jefferson
is referring to unalienable
or natural rights. He is saying that people have rights that
naturally belong to them simply because they are human.
They do not have to depend on government to give
them these rights. The only reason people need government is to
safeguard their natural rights.
States’ rights advocates pointed to the ____ of the
Constitution to support their position, because it gave
states powers not specifically granted to the national government.
a. elastic clause
c. Preamble
b. Tenth Amendment
d. supremacy clause
In the debate over nationalism versus states’ rights,
why did nationalists point to the “elastic clause” in
the Constitution to support their point of view?
a. It stated that the power of government comes from the
b. It established that the Constitution and federal laws, not state
laws, were supreme.
c. It stated that powers not delegated to the national
government or denied to the states belonged to the states or
to the people.
d. It allowed the national government to use any reasonable
means to carry out its duties.
The ideas expressed in the box support a ____ point of view.
By ratifying the Constitution, the states agreed to make it the law
of the land.
There can be no nation if a state can withdraw whenever it does
not like a federal action.
The people, not states, created the Constitution.
a. popular sovereignty
b. states’ rights
c. nationalist
d. secessionist
According to the Declaration of Independence, a
government’s authority to govern should come from
the agreement of the people being governed
the consent of the states
an agreement between the people and the king
Read the passage below. Benjamin Franklin said these words
as delegates to the Constitutional Convention were
signing the new Constitution. What did he use the sun to represent?
a long, hard negotiation coming to an end
the British Empire losing its hold on the United States
a bright future for the United States under the new Constitution
the strong leadership of President George Washington
Which of the following facts completes
the table about Thomas Jefferson?
Thomas Jefferson
Founded University of Virginia
Served two terms as U.S. President
Drafted Declaration of Independence
First President of the United States
Approved Louisiana Purchase doubling size of United States
Killed in a duel by Aaron Burr
Noted lawyer from Boston
Which of the following is the correct title
for the table below?
• Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States
• Northern border of the United States established along the Great Lakes
• Mississippi River established as western boundary of United States
• Florida returned to Spain; border between Florida and United States
Results of the French Revolution
Provisions of the Proclamation of 1763
Provisions of the Treaty of Paris (1783)
Effects of Manifest Destiny
Which of the following early political party leaders said the following?
a. Alexander Hamilton
c. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
d. Abraham Lincoln
Which of the following would be a primary source for a
report on the education reform movement of the 19th
a. notes recorded at an 1839 school reform meeting
b. an analysis of the effects of the movement on education today
c. a biography of Horace Mann
d. an interview with a descendant of Thomas Gallaudet
From which of the following definitions
of the word “quarter” did the Quartering Act take its name?
quarter \'kwo(r)-ter\ 1: to divide into four parts 2: a
period of time in a sporting event 3: a coin worth twentyfive cents 4: to provide lodging or shelter
a. definition 1
c. definition 3
b. definition 2
d. definition 4