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What Happens When We Eat Under Stress?
Decreases nutrient absorption.
o Loss of vital vitamins and minerals essential for health.
Less oxygenation in the gut.
o The gut needs oxygen to help the metabolism to burn body fat; like a fire needs oxygen to burn,
our body is the same and simple meditation and breathing exercises, before eating a meal, has
been seen to be beneficial to health and has been seen to promote weight loss.
Less blood flow.
o Can lead to heart dysfunction and irregularities.
Less enzymatic action.
o Enzymes and their enzymatic action are necessary to allow your body to break down foods more
quickly, and less enzymatic action slows the metabolism.
Mineral and nutrient excretion through our urine; especially potassium, which, in combination with
magnesium depletion, can create electrolyte imbalances which further lead to heart and brain
Cholesterol levels can increase by 20%.
Triglycerides rise within SECONDS of stress and your blood platelets get sticky.
Salt retention; which is problematic to the heart and the waistline.
Increased cortisol levels = increased fat storage and decreased muscle mass.
Decrease in growth hormone; which can affect muscle development.
Decreases and kills gut flora; causing digestive stress and requiring probiotic supplements.
Decreases thyroid hormone output; making the thyroid sluggish; which can negatively affect weight
management and lead to the need for prescription medications.
Digestive processes can become impaired, resulting in gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and other gut
Because 75% of your immune system is in or around your gastrointestinal system, if you have digestive
stress and consuming poor quality foods, your immune system will be compromised leading to sickness
and constant flus and colds and other bugs.
What Foods Can Stress The Body & What Happens?
Excess amounts caffeine triggers negative sympathetic nervous system responses
Our autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the master regulator of our METABOLISM and we have two
sides to the ANS; the sympathetic (fight & flight) and the parasympathetic (rest & digest); a high stress
lifestyle and ingesting poor quality food sources will result in us becoming sympathetic dominant which
will turn OFF digestion and turn ON stress; and parasympathetic dominance will turn ON relaxation and
turn ON digestion.
o You cannot be in both sympathetic and parasympathetic at the same time, but you need
balance and to use nutritional and physical protocols to become parasympathetic dominant.
Poor sources of dietary fat will suppress the immune system; such as commercial cooking oils; trans fats;
margarine; hydrogenated oils; and a suppressed immune system will result in those constant bugs, colds
and flu.
Excess poor quality sugars deplete vitamin stores, particularly the water soluble B-Vitamins, and we
have to continually source water soluble vitamins from our food as our body cannot retain them.
Excess sugar leaches calcium from our bones; but to guarantee bone density, the best way to
accomplish this is to lift weights and to remove as much sugar from your diet as possible.
o Leafy greens are a great source of calcium, and if you are taking a calcium supplement, it is
expensive pee or poop if you have a stressed digestive system and stressed immune system as
your body will not uptake the calcium from the pill.
The 3 Stages Of Stress
 Your nervous system sends an emergency message to your brain, that fight or flight response
 When you do not get any relief from that first stage of stress.
 Your body reacts by releasing the stored sugars and fats into your system.
 This leads to defined changes in your physical and mental behavioral patterns.
 The normal indications of this level are exhaustion, weariness, anxiousness, and being forgetful. You
start smoking and drinking more to come out of your stress. Being weak, you are an easy target for colds
and flu.
 When stress continues beyond the second stage and you do not adhere to remedial measures, the final
stress stage of exhaustion settles in.
 You are now totally tired and drained out of all energy. You do not even have the desire or the drive to
do your work or live your life.
 This stage symbolizes a breakdown of your system and your basic physical existence itself.
Foods & Nutrients To Reduce Stress
Vitamin C
 Boosts immune system health.
 Complex Carbohydrates
Whole Grains; Fruits; Vegetables
 Can increase serotonin levels; stabilize blood pressure.
 Known as THE anti-stress mineral.
Alleviates PMS, balances mood swings, relaxes the body, including the colon which can assist with
constipation issues.
 Found in salmon, leafy greens and spinach.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
 Protects against heart disease and reduces production of the stress hormone.
 Found in salmon, nuts and seeds.
 Salmon is also a high source of B-Vitamins, which aid in weight loss, memory, recall, focusing and
Dark Leafy Greens
 Kale and spinach.
 High in calcium which helps the brain to use tryptophan and hence produce melatonin for improved
sleep quality.
 Provide a steady level of blood sugar for the brain and aid with mood swings and depression.
 Contains the B-Vitamin choline which enhances memory and reaction time.
 One holds the daily amount of glucose needed for brain health and activity.
 Contain a wealth of antioxidants to keep brain cells youthful and flexible.
Greek Yoghurt
 High protein and probiotic source, which is essential for optimal digestive health.
Dark Chocolate
 High in antioxidants which help to improve focus and concentration.