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Ages 10-13
At this age we move into “learning exploration”. As children transition into adolescence their
developmental status both for maturation and skill levels become increasingly important in further
advancing overall development and athletic potential. We work on low to moderate level plyo-metrics,
power skips, single leg hops, low to medium height hurdles, squat jumps, agility ladders, and dot drills,
This also includes throwing, catching, unilateral and bilateral movements, multi joint movements, and
striking skills that relate to things such as softball, baseball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, and football.
Hand eye coordination, foot eye coordination, Tracking, and reactions will be addressed at this level.
Ages 14-18
At this age we “train with application”. At this point we are really making an effort to increase
foundational muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility,
coordination, speed, agility, balance, and skill. We will use sport specific movements as well as
bodyweight and resistance exercises to best prepare this athlete for success. At this age skill refinement
and technique mastery will separate a moderate athlete from a stand out athlete. We will make the
athlete skilled, efficient, strong, and in control of their body.
Collegiate Programming
At this level we will work on sport specific training and making a stronger and more efficient athlete. We
will prepare them to be at peak performance for the start of their respective season. We will add lean
muscle, increase fast twitch muscle fibers, improve endurance, develop core strength, work on
improving techniques for speed and agility specific to the sport, and make an overall improved athlete.
We will pre and post-test these athletes to chart improvements in exercise that involve muscular
strength and power such as the bench press and squat. We will test them on the Fitnessgram Pacer test
to identify their ability within cardiovascular endurance parameters. We will check their lean muscle
mass percentages and body fat percentages. We will also offer recommendations for diet and nutrition.