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Sport Psychology 1
Topic 1: Mental Training
Introduction, Self Confidence, Self
Mental Training
 Sports
is another skill the
athlete can train to
help gain a
competitive and
performance edge.
Mental Training
When physical
skills are evenly
matched, the
athlete with
greater control
over his mind will
usually emerge as
the victor.
Mental Training
 Mental
and confidence
can make the
difference between
succeeding and
collapsing in a close
Mental Training
Performance in sport =
Technical - skills
 Physical - fitness
 Tactical - strategies
 Mental and Emotional mind-control and
Mental Training
Six basic mental skills:
 Self-Awareness
 Goal Setting
 Self Talk
 Attentional Control
 Relaxation
 Imagery
Mental Training
 The
opponent an
athlete is ever
to face may be
staring you in
the mirror!!!
Self Awareness
The ability to identify what you are thinking,
feeling and doing.
Helps you to learn who you are in order to
develop to your full potential.
GOAL: “You are what you think.”…and you
can CHANGE what you think!
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
“What you think is
what you’ll get.”
Your beliefs about your
abilities affect the
outcome of your
If you think that you will fail,
you probably will.
If you expect to be
successful, you likely will be.
How to improve self –awareness:
Mentally recall performances that were great
and not so great.
Keep a journal, records of your thoughts.
How to improve selfawareness:
Listen to constructive
 Think
your mistakes
 Feel your successes
Learn from the errors and
successes of other
Self Confidence
Self-confident athlete:
Self motivated to
achieve, be the best
they can be.
Focus on
mastering skills.
Think they can and
usually do.
Self Confidence
Ways to improve selfconfidence:
Avoid using negative selfstatements.
Know what you can do well.
Learn from failures
Self Confidence
Ways to improve selfconfidence:
 Commit to performing to
the best of their abilities at
all times
 Celebrate
Belief in Self!!!!
Self Confidence: HOMEWORK
Have each of them do a personal inventory of 5 abilities they are very
competent in their sport. They also have to generate one ability they know
they can improve on and would be confident in telling their coach it is not an
area of strength and that they need some direction for.
Have them generate how they PERSONALLY celebrate their successes (i.e.,
quiet fist pump, point to the sky, etc.) Ask if this needs to be public and do
they need to receive recognition for it or are they ok knowing how they do it.
Have them generate a celebration (FUN!!!!!!!)
Ask them what it means for them to “believe in themselves”: What does this
mean to them. Have them come back the next time and be prepared to share
a topic like this. Use a pair-share-square again or use an anonymous method
of having them shared. This can be emailed prior to the session to you or you
can find a fun way to have them share them in class.