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School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
RN to BSN Capstone Project Presentations Schedule
Fall Semester, 2015
Nursing 473 Professional Pathways Faculty
Barbara Matthees, PhD, RN, CNE
Alicia Swanson, MSN, RN, PHN
Day One: Monday, November 30th
WebEx Link:
Presenter’s Name
Alayna Hall
9:00am 9:30am
Topic and Summary
Noise Levels in the Inpatient Care Setting
Elevated noise levels in the patient care setting can cause harmful effects and dissatisfaction among patients. This
project investigated best practice related to decreasing noise levels in an inpatient post-op orthopedic unit and
translated this evidence into patient care through the organization of resources to promote sleep for patients,
development of communications (patient education tool and posters), and facilitation of nursing staff education.
Domenica Morales
9:30am 10:00am
Constipation Prevention
Constipation is a common medical problem that can have severe consequences and at times be overlooked. It is
frequently seen in the elderly and hospitalized patients, particularly in post-operative patients who are receiving opioids
for pain management. My project focuses on improving the quality of care given to orthopedic patients by reducing
Ashlee Snyder
10:00am 10:30am
Improving Patient Safety through SBAR Communication
The purpose of my pathways project is to improve patient safety and promote positive patient outcomes by improving
communication by implementing SBAR communication techniques in an acute care nursing unit. Current
communication practices were evaluated, needs were assessed, and a pilot staff education session was
implemented. Feedback will be used from the pilot staff education to propose SBAR be implemented facility wide to
improve interdepartmental communication to enhance patient safety and improve patient outcomes.
Jonna Ganje
10:30am 11:00am
Best Practice Related to Blood Pressure and Pulse Measurements
The use of automated devices has become common practice in many healthcare settings, including inpatient and
ambulatory. Since the introduction of the automated devices research has examined if automated machines are
appropriate for every patient. Skirton, Chamberlain, Lawson, Ryan & Young’s 2011 systemic review concluded that
automated devices should not be used for every patient, and the use of an automated BP device in some patients could
pose serious harm to the patient. After reviewing the research, a change program was developed for the walk in clinic
(WIC). This project examined the best practice recommendations related to manual blood pressure and apical pulse
measurements while caring for immediate intake patients in the WIC. This examination resulted in nursing staff
education and the development of best practice guidelines at the WIC for all immediate intake patients.
Stephanie Stradinger
11:00am 11:30am
Hourly Rounding to Prevent Patient Falls
The focus of my Pathways Project was the implementation and revision of the intervention of hourly rounding on a
General Surgical Floor. Based on a literature review of evidence based research articles, hourly rounding has shown to
reduce and prevent inpatient falls. During this project I have collaborated with the Unit Manager RN, BSN of the
General Surgical Floor, a RN, BSN from the Center for Learning in the hospital, and a quality improvement
representative from the hospital. This project consisted of staff education, creation of a policy,
implementation, review of verbal staff feedback, and presentation of quality improvements to a professional
performance council.
Anita Meyman
11:30am 12:00pm
Nursing Bedside Shift Report
This was a quality improvement project with reinforcement education and presentation on a nursing unit to increase
nursing awareness of bedside shift report and the importance and benefits to patients and nurses. The emphasis was on
ensuring safety, effective communication, patient-centered care, and nurse accountability.
Kim Racek
12:00pm 12:30pm
Aromatherapy Documentation
The purpose of my project was to provide a new policy of aromatherapy documentation. Nurses have a difficult time
documenting the results of aromatherapy. Documentation needs to show if aromatherapy is being done for the patient
and whether it is worthwhile and effective for their particular patient’s needs.
Nicole Carwell
12:30pm 1:00pm
Healthy Families America (HFA) Program
The purpose of this project is to improve the health of the county's mothers and children by analyzing a HFA program’s
ability to meet the needs of the local public health agency and provide a recommendation about adding the HFA (or not).
This is important to determine because HFA programs can improve parenting skills, reduce the risk of child abuse,
support child growth and development, and assist parents in accessing community resources.
Denise Harvey
1:00pm 1:30pm
Delirium Review and Policy Update
Action: The focus of this project was to explain the process it took to update delirium policies within a care system,
ultimately to improve patient care.Delirium is a serious condition that is under recognized in adults in the hospital
setting with incidences ranging from 14-56% (Reston & Schoelles, 2013). People with delirium have higher rates of postoperative complications, longer hospital stays, and higher mortality rates. Early interventions are the key to preventing
and treating delirium in this patient population.
Day Two: Tuesday, December 1st
WebEx Link:
Presenter’s Name
Jennifer Lang
12:00pm 12:30pm
Continuous Cardiac Monitoring, Skin Preparation, and ECG Lead Placement
Hospital Patients on the Telemetry, Cardiac Care, Cardiovascular Thoracic Unit, and Cardiac Procedure Recovery Unit
wear a continuous cardiac monitoring device with five electrodes. Practice for skin preparation was nearly non-existent
and ECG lead placement was found to be inconsistent. The focus of my project is to investigate current practice and
explore evidence based best practices related to continuous cardiac monitoring, skin preparation, and ECG lead
placement within a Hospital. With guidance from my mentor, a literature review was conducted, a presentation was
created for staff awareness, and policies were updated with best practice recommendations. This evidence-based
practice (EBP) was incorporated into standardized patient care practices on all cardiac monitored patients within the
Telemetry, Cardiac Care, Cardiovascular Thoracic Unit, and Cardiac Procedure Recovery Units.
Elly Stock
12:30pm 1:00pm
Improving Vaccination Rates in Hospital Staff
The purpose of my project is to increase the influenza vaccination rates and compliance rates for hospital staff.
Throughout this project, I have been working with the Employee Health (Occupational Health) Nurse. I have had the
opportunity to educate staff and round to provide influenza vaccine for staff. The goal established mutually by myself
and hospital was 86% of staff vaccinated by the end of the flu season (March 31, 2016) and 100% rate of compliance.
Compliance consists of receiving the flu vaccine, receive a vaccine at another location or sign a declination form. By
increasing the rate of employees vaccinated, I hope to provide a safer environment for employees, patients and families.
Andrea Hesse
1:00pm 1:30pm
Intravenous Bolus Insulin Administration
My project focused on changing unsafe practice regarding intravenous insulin bolus preparation and administration in
an emergency department. The goal was to review best practice recommendations and create policy and procedures
supported by the evidence to make IV bolus insulin administration safer for the patient. An education curriculum with
measurable testing tool was also constructed to ensure unit staff were adequately trained. The basis of this project began
with actual problem identification in an emergency department, but became a "mock" project due to contract
Nicole (Felt)
1:30pm 2:00pm
Payer –Provider Communication
The purpose of this project was to improve healthcare delivery through process improvement in communication
between payer and provider. The overall goal was to utilize evidence-based practice to improve access to appropriate
healthcare for Blue Cross Blue Shield members. I worked with the team lead for my own department as well as members
of other teams that would be affected by the new change. This project has been successful in developing a new process
for our members.
Casey Riedberger
2:00pm 2:30pm
Orientation to Team Nursing Model in a Clinic Setting
Proper orientation for new nurses is important for patient safety, employee satisfaction, and staff retention. In October
of 2014 our clinic changed their model of practice to be more patient centered. We shifted from a fragmented care
model to a team based approach referred to as Team Nursing. With this transition came new job titles and job roles for
the RN's currently working within the clinic. Ensuring that new RN’s, hired on as team leaders to our family practice
clinic, as well as current RN's already transitioning to this position, understand their role and responsibilities and
receive the proper training was the focus of this project. With the help of my Clinical Supervisor and mentor, along with
my fellow RN team leaders, a comprehensive orientation manual and an orientation competency checklist was
developed and implemented. The goal was to provide a standard of practice for each team lead to follow as well as
reduce the anxiety and information overload that comes with being a new employee in a newly developed role.
Amber Curtis
2:30pm 3:00pm
Educational Tools for Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients
A comprehensive educational tool was created that can be utilized by these patients which is customizable to their
treatment. This is important to these patients to help them better understand the treatment they are receiving, as well as
to help ensure their psychosocial needs are met.
Anne Yetzer
3:00pm 3:30pm
Home Care Ordering Improvement Project
The focus of this project was to improve the home care ordering process on our mom-baby unit. New mothers often turn
to emergency support during the first two weeks after discharge including problems with infant health, post-delivery
complications, or breastfeeding. An organized and seamless postpartum care program leads to increased knowledge,
resources, and caregiver accessibility. This project focused on assuring that all home care orders were processed before
discharge and sent to the right home care agency.
Katelyn Christenson
3:30pm –
Pediatric Education to Home Care Nurses
This project was to create orientation and education for pediatric home care nurses. The overall goal is to improve
pediatric patient and caregiver satisfaction. Once the education has been completed a monthly case conference will be
held for pediatric interdisciplinary teams to communicate and collaborate.
Chad Fedje
Home Care Minor Wound Management
This project is designed to improve the quality and consistency of home care patient's minor wound care through
the education of home care nurses on current, evidence-based, best practices suitable for a home environment. Many
home care nurses from several companies had limited or no wound care training since their nursing school days and
desired further training. This includes an updated wound assessment tool, a basic minor wound care training
presentation, and a clarified policy for the company involved in the project.
Kacie Sullivan
4:30pm 5:00pm
Newborn Care Policies in a Hospital Setting
The focus of my pathways project was updating the newborn care policies within a rural hospital with evidence based
practice newborn bath and infant cord care practices. My mentor for this project was the OB nurse educator within this
facility. With the help of my mentor and the director of nursing this project need was identified. After the updated
policies were created they were presented to the medical staff for approval which was granted. Implementation then
occurred as a nursing education presentation was given to the nursing staff within this facility. After the completion of
the nursing education presentation these policies were utilized in practice within this facility.
Georgia Schroeder
5:00pm 5:30pm
Mitigation of Risk Levels for Patients
This project will determine if the quality of care is improved when risk tools based in evidence can be applied to an
assessment and capture care management efforts with the multidisciplinary team. Community Behavioral Health
Hospital (CBHH) patients with a diagnosis of mental illness and substance use disorder will experience the benefits of
evaluation and treatment based on evidence to mitigate risk levels.
Jennifer Frakes
5:30pm 6:00pm
Neurovascular and Pain Assessments
This project focuses on standardizing and improving neurological and pain assessments for post-operative patients in
an orthopedic unit. Management, educational personnel and staff representatives were consulted for goal setting and
development of best practice standards Educational sessions were provided for nursing staff. Standardizing and
performing thorough neurovascular and pain assessments improve patient care and safety.
Day Three: Wednesday, December 2nd
WebEx Link:
Presenter’s Name
Lana Bruggeman
10:00am 10:30am
Care of Suicidal Patients in the Emergency Department
The focus of my project is addressing management of suicidal patients in the emergency department. The CNO of the
organization is my mentor and we both identified this is a needed project. I have worked with nursing staff that work
in the emergency department as well. The research and discussions related to the project are going well, everyone can
agree on the value of this project. The implementation of the project has had some glitches due to recent leadership
structure change and two other concurrent priority projects occurring in the emergency department.
Jane VonRuden
10:30am 11:00am
Discharge Phone Calls
This project was to implement follow up phone calls to patients who were discharged home from the Medical
Surgical and Intensive Care Units. The purpose was to help improve the discharge process by increasing patient
education in hopes to improve patient satisfaction scores. The project was started in mid-October and has helped
enhance education and confirmed follow-up appointments that were given on hospital discharge.
Rachel Pappenfus
11:00 am11:30 am
Reducing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Readmissions
My action is to create an individualized discharge education program and specialized questionnaire for nurses to
follow during the post-discharge phone call. This is important to help these patients better understand how to detect
early signs of infection and manage their disease at home.
Rebecca Hansen
11:30am 12:00pm
Improving Immunizations in the Ambulatory Care Setting
The purpose of my pathways project is to improve immunizations in the ambulatory setting. Currently screening often
only occurs during wellness exams for children and adults resulting in missed opportunity to vaccinate. Vaccine
preventable diseases such as pertussis are on the rise calling for a need to become more diligent in assessing
immunization status. Primary series immunization completion rates in PrimeWest Medicaid members are also
suboptimal in the Beltrami County area. By changing patient care policy, developing improved ambulatory nurse
education and orientation as well as developing educational handouts will encourage increased assessments and
confidence in the delivery of immunizations in the ambulatory setting improving vaccination rates.
Lacy Johnson
12:00pm 12:30pm
Best Practice and the Second Stage of Labor
The purpose of my project was to bring attention to evidenced based practice related to second stage labor. For this
project I have been working with the FBC educational coordinator, FBC manager and my nurse mentor who has been
an OB nurse for 10 years. The techniques used for pushing during second stage labor have been inconsistent among
staff nurses. I have introduced AWHONN's second stage labor algorithm, which has been proven as evidenced based
practice, to the L&D nurses. My goal is that every nurse will implement this algorithm with their patients. By doing so,
they will be providing evidenced based care related to second stage labor, which results in safer care for the mother
and fetus.
Jessica Canevello
12:30pm 1:00pm
Improving Patient Satisfaction with Patient Education
Health promotion and prevention are included in the IOM’s vision of patient-centered care, and “education is a key
method for accomplishing this” (Finkelman, 2012, p. 219). The goal of this project was to improve patient satisfaction
regarding medication education patients receive during their hospital stay. By providing them with medication
education, we are treating them as a full partner, and giving them the knowledge needed to make informed decisions
about their care.
Amy Brenno
1:00pm 1:30pm
Immunizations in the NICU
Resources were created that are easily accessible for staff and families in multiple formats to appeal to different
learning styles. This is important because immunization programs are seeing declining participation with antivaccination movements, which puts everyone at risk for vaccine preventable diseases and decreased health.
Anna Furzland
1:30pm 2:00pm
IV-VAT and PICC line education
This project involves measuring outcomes after the start of the IV-VAT team and developing a new patient education
piece on PICC lines for the hospital. The goal of the project is that increased understanding among patients will result
in a reduction in CLABSI's (central line associated bacterial infections) and increase in patient satisfaction.
Tamara Retzlaff
2:00pm 2:30pm
Reducing Negative Behaviors in Dementia Patients through Music Therapy
Reduction of aggressive behaviors in long term care residents with dementia through non-pharmacological
interventions. Implementing non-pharmacological interventions for negative behaviors reduces medication side
effects while improving quality of life for dementia patients. Music therapy has been successful in this project in
reducing negative behaviors and improving patient mood and quality of life.
Diana Dacera-Ross
2:30pm 3:00pm
Improving the Accuracy of ADL Documentation
Clear and accurate documentation is an integral part of providing safe and effective nursing care. The goal is to
achieve a higher level of accuracy in the documentation of residents’ ADL in order to receive appropriate
reimbursement for the cares rendered, and achieve adequate resources needed to provide quality patient care.
Katie Williams
3:00pm 3:30pm
Fetal Loss Care in the Emergency Department
The focus of this project is to improve patient safety and experiences for patients experiencing a fetal loss when they
enter the emergency department. This will be achieved through providing education and the enhancement of the
available tools for the emergency department nurses.
The emergency nurses and the Patient Care Supervisor have supported and encouraged this project to move forward
towards implementation. Currently, the project will be presented to the emergency department unit council after
which additional plans will occur when nursing education will begin.
Chris Mokongu
3:30pm 4:00pm
Reducing Teen Suicide
Teen suicide continues to be a concerning problem in the United States. Statistics show that suicide is the third
leading cause of death among teenagers. With the focus on prevention, not many people know the warning signs of
suicide and how to identify teens that are high suicide risk. This project focuses on reducing suicide attempts in
adolescents around Grand Forks area by increasing awareness about suicide.