Download NGSS 1 Biology Chemistry Biotechnology 2017

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2017-2018 Recommended Science Sequence at Irvington
(Current 8th and 9th graders only)
12th Grade Science Options
Use this chart if you started the 9th grade in
a college prep science class at Irvington.
(Alg 2/trig or
higher concurrent)
(Geo or higher
Use this chart if you started the 9th grade in
an honors science class at Irvington.
AP Chemistry
AP Biology
(Precalculus or
higher concurrent)
(Algebra 2/trig or
higher concurrent)
AP Chemistry
Biology Honors
(Algebra 2/trig or
higher concurrent)
(Precalculus or
higher concurrent)
(Precalculus or
higher concurrent)
These are the current offerings at
IHS. Course offerings are subject
to change. Prerequisites are listed
in parenthesis.
College Preparatory Courses
Biotechnology: (Geo or higher
Chemistry: (Algebra 2/trig or
higher concurrent)
Physics: (Chemistry completed,
Precalculus or higher concurrent)
AP Science Courses *
(These are college level difficulty
AP Biology: (Biology completed
with A or B+)
AP Environmental Science:
(Biology, Chemistry, and Algebra
2/trig completed)
AP Chemistry: (B+ or higher in
Algebra 2/trig, Precalculus or
higher concurrent)
AP Physics 1: (Chemistry
completed, Precal Honors or AP
Calc AB concurrent)
AP Physics C: (AP Calculus AB or
higher concurrent)
(Geo or higher
(Geo or higher
(Alg 2/trig or
higher concurrent)
* AP/Honors Request Waiver
Form MUST be completed and
attached to registration packet for
these college level courses.
Students need to complete 10 credits of a physical science and 10 credits of a life science in order to
graduate. Sports Physical Therapy is an on-campus ROP life science class that awards students life
science credits for graduation. Integrated Science will be offered for students that need to make-up
physical science credits.
If a student fails a semester of a course, they need to retake that semester of the course the following
year or complete the semester of the course in summer school (honors courses, AP courses, and science
courses above chemistry are not available in summer school).
This guide is the recommended sequence based on Irvington student performance data.
Students cannot take more than one science class during the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade.