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The Chemistry of Organic
Chapter 3
Organic Molecules
Organic Molecules
 Organic Chemistry- the chemistry of living organisms.
 Inorganic Chemistry- chemistry of nonliving matter.
 Organic- molecules and compounds that contain both carbon and hydrogen
 Four classes of organic molecules in living things:
1. Lipids
2. Carbohydrates
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
The Carbon Atom
 Six electrons
 Always form covalent bonds (almost always)
 C-C bond is so stable it allows the formation of long
The Carbon Atom
 Carbons can also form a ring
structure when placed in water
 Double bonds between
carbons aren’t as flexible,
restrict movement
 Can also form triple bonds with
Carbon Skeleton and Functional Groups
 Carbon chains are called the skeleton or backbone.
 Functional group- specific combination of atoms that always have
same chemical properties regardless of carbon skeleton attached
to it.
 Identical molecular formulas
but different arrangements of
Biomolecules of Cells
 Polymers- large number of the same subunit linked together (carbs,
proteins, and nucleic acids)
 Lipids are made of different subunits linked together so they are NOT polymers
Synthesis and Degradation
 Build- dehydration reactions –OH AND –H groups are removed making water.
 Break down- hydrolysis reactions –OH and –H are added
 Enzymes that act as catalysts are usually needed for these to occur.
 Immediate energy source in living organisms.
 1:2:1
 Chain length varies.
 Monosaccharides-monomer subunits
 Polysaccharides- long chains or monosaccharides.
 Simple sugars
 Carbon backbone of 3 to 7 carbons
 Pentose
 Hexose
 Glucose is a hexose monosaccharide
 Ribose and deoxyribose are pentose ones
 Two monosaccharides that have joined together.
 We use sucrose to sweeten our food.
 Lactose
Polysaccharides: Energy Storing
 Monosaccharides linked together.
 “Complex carbs”
 Short-term energy storage because not as soluble in water and
larger than simple sugars.
 Can’t easily get through the plasma membrane
 Plants- starch
 Animals- glycogen
Polysaccharides: Structural Molecules
Plants- cellulose
Most abundant organic molecule on earth
Wood, cotton
animals/fungi- peptidoglycan
Chitin- found in exoskeleton of insects, lobsters, and crabs.
Fats or triglycerides
Insulation and long-term storage
In plants, they are referred to as oils.
1. Fatty acid
 Each has a long hydrocarbon chain with an EVEN number of carbons and a –COOH
 Saturated fatty acid- no double bonds
 Unsaturated fatty acid- double bonds between C-C, melt faster
 Trans fat is a triglyceride that has one bond in the trans configuration
2. Glycerol
3-C compound with three –OH groups
Soluble in water
 Triglycerides except in place of 3rd
fatty acid, there is a polar
phosphate group
 Hydrophilic heads and
hydrophobic tails
 Lipid structures with skeleton of
four fused carbon rings.
 Cholesterol provides stability to
cell membrane and is the
precursor to other steroids.
 Testosterone, estrogen, etc.
 50% of the dry weight of most cells
is protein.
 Play a role in metabolism, support,
transport, defense, regulation,
and motion.
 Hundreds of thousands proteins
identified so far.
Amino Acids: Protein Monomers
 Proteins are made up of aa.
 20 aa total.
Amino Acids
 When two or more amino acids are linked
together it is called a peptide.
 When many are linked together it is
called a polypeptide.
Peptide Bond
Shape of Proteins
Four levels of structural organization
Primary- linear sequence of aa
Secondary- polypeptide folds or curls
Tertiary- folding into three dimensional shape
Quaternary-more than one polypeptide
Nucleic Acids
 Polymers of nucleotides, store info, conduct chemical reactions.
 DNA is one type of NA
 Stores info
 Specifies order of aa for proteins
 mRNA is a copy of gene that specifies what aa sequence will be during the process of
protein synthesis.
 tRNA helps translate for protein
 rRNA works as enzyme to form peptide bonds between aa in the polypeptide
Structure of DNA and RNA
1. Sugar
2. Phosphate
3. Nitrogen containing base
1. DNA- A, T, G, C
2. RNA- A, U, G, C
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
 Adenine and ribose and three phosphates (3 P)
 ADP- diphosphate (2 P)
 Used for energy by the cell.