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From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. Observations By ALAN on RICHARDSON PH.D., JONES, H. FRED the New M.B., ALLEN, B.S. OSENFIELD, antibodies transfusions. blood an which reacted persons bearing at antigen who the persons who sons of the and anti-c It svas postulated suggested that that these reactions were due the inheritance of this antigen of genetic anti-e categories respectively. capable with such test CDe/CDe Since of developing cells from a person this Dr. cells anti-f persons was whose w’ith available order to equal with cells but of antigen the type cells all 0.05 ml. the and Cc, Sanger,2 mdi- in addition to anti-c of type laboratory and or cDe anti-c when or cde. opportunity im- The was serum t.akeis to From Harvard then the Submitted serum been agglutinate serum was cells lacking to cells, each when and further against which with absorptions carried being absorptions out were cells gave agglutinated agall antigen. separate technics, re- His serum agglutinated CDe/CDe Coombs antibody this four aI)sorption two tested indirect immunized year period. of 1:128. It subjected of absorption serum, deliberately during a five to an end-point CDe/CDe below, for by accepted of the cells 2 minutes gently and negative at made against result.s Rh saline-suspended at absorbed Kr. to be tested. 1000 r.p.m. the tube. shaking Boston, and was mixed mixture was the presence or and the seruns The Department of with incubated absence of Pediatrics, Mass. for pul)lication in part by Public Health and Dr. P. Vogel made with ml. of the Laboratory, Boston, 2, 1953; 0.05 suspension Grouping School, June anti-f saline centrifuged Work supported Dr. R. Rosenfield to Kr. residual determined Blood Medical failed albumin, a had blood cells completeness described cent was cDE/cDE, the This METHODS of 1:32. reactions 45 minutes, AND (cde) negative packed CDe/cDE. of a 2 per type e and ensure to a titer agglutination of anti-c, by saline, to contain shown negative original familiar cDE/cDE are capable of producing persons lack the f antigen, they are a chromosome in this negative Rh of washed, To cells was In the 2 hours. CDe/cDE was Rh remove volumes 37 C. for for blood injections of saline-suspended containing with of Race the hypothesis. Kr., In to and such MATERIALS peated glutinated linked to a new w’as cie- did not have a chromosome bearing the gene combination cc failed f antigen on their cells. Typical examples of the Rh genotypes of lack the f antigen are CDe/CDe, cDE/cDE and CDe/cDE. Per- potentially munized AND certain Rh types, only blood cells of type cde or cDe being agglu- termined by a pair of allelic genes F and f tightly Dd and Ee pairs. In the data of Rosenfield et al., as well as in those viduals to have STEINBERG, M.D. DIAMOND, M.D. KRIETE, with bloods of one chromosome least by this antibody. f. It was further tinated G. ARTHUR K. LOUIS Anti-f Vogel, Gibbel, Sanger, and Racet recently described the found in the serum of a hemophiliac who had received numerous In addition to anti-N, anti-S, and anti-K, the serum contained antibody from Agglutinin (LONDON), I\I.D., JR., BERTRAND R Rh Service it possible ours. 117 June 25, Grant for 1953. H 1227. us to compare a specimen of the From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. 118 by All reactions one of us follows: as RI! NEW first, were and in rea(ler In results which the family The of 1)100(15 1)V the knew blind. In- another. a series followed the read read AGGLUTININ the given by antiseruns studies results results ANTI-F the of the obtained with anti-D, anti-C, was l)eing tubes reactions the he did randomly other absorbed anti-E, used were of all were read serum were read Kr. anti-c, isot. and kiio’ numbered bloods anti-c. vhich Although l)lOOd was being tested. H 1 Fully . Typed Tests Bloods of the bloods absorbed failed lowing tests group Since techisics residual antibody, be only 2. Kr. a selected between MNS, P, betw-een s’as w’ith c-positive CDe/ CI)e shown that if it. s-ere indeed anti-f the panel the K, Le, the of eleven Kr. antibody Fy, atsd Lu, Kr. atsd antibody three mothers. The the Rh serum associated no longer with the to be made (member Nevertheless type of the by example the the 4 must. of the serum. possibility that. matings of certain factor, chro- anti-c. indirect could CDe The there- C Dc. cdE d aistigen, The t.he reactions the Family w-ith unknow’n No. I cDe and cells these antibody Positive Kr. Negative cde therefore of this mot.hers fathers with in figure an exact cde critical 1 the father not have d. 2 the genoI)d. were bloods cdE/cde 1. determination heterozygous individual evidence of the and the Two bloods. Thus its family DD and therefore does by the Kr. serum. In family agglut.iisated be critical ant.i-d. critical homozygous Kr. CDe CDe of of each of these matings is show-n are of value insofar as they enable studies member Kr. ilsvolved of the genotype 1) is undoubtedly his cells s-ere presence cde anti-c. contained Rh typed Chromosome families One family the the serum could not contain blood by saline, albumiis, and Family studies. Five of the several families studied provided showing that t.he alst.ibody iii the absorbed Kr. serum was not five families involved matings of CDe,cDe fathers with cde/cde remaining fully and the folJk. However, or ant.i-d. and Serum ABO, tests had against. associatiois associatioti donor careful Coombs’ fore an the Furthermore, serum any systems: suggested mosome. Kr. to disclose blood these ESULTS not Despite agglutinated enabled tts to exclude ant.i-d. was #{149} 0 Family CDe No. 2 CDe cdE IJ cde . 3’ CDe FIG. excluded cde 1.-Examples in the cDe of seruns two studied. cde families CDe providing critical cde bloods CDe which enable cdE anti-d to be From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. JONES, TABLE 1.-The Types. The STEINBERG, Reactions ALLEN, of Relationship the DIAMOND, Absorbed between Serum Kr. the AND .4ntigen with and the 119 KRIETE Blood Gene of Various Combination Rh ce is Demonstrated Reactions Probable with absorbed Kr. .. Positive Gene combination cde/cde present Cde/cde cc t This 1 0 5 0 CDe/cde 32 3* cDE/cde 10 0 2 0 0 20 0 10 0 3 CDe/CDe CDe/cDE Bloods the five a discussion genotype selected) At for is given individuals. colored and time the anti-R.h data confirm antigens. least one . bloods described by 3. Presence It has Acting and anti-c on but how passing sera shown has not by in with a positive of 121 unrelated with the bloods Kr. reaction. (but absorbed tested of these w-ere not. exceptional absorbed data of instances in this serum; serum. determined w-ith of the derived from persons cc are agglutinated Kr. randomly Kr. are presented in table 1. Kr. serum does not detect any foregoing removal Other that the antibody the anti-c closely the know-n having by at this which CDe,,/cde will be discussed which remains resembles the in the anti-f anti-c likely Antisera that used absorbed three times they of anti-c we since they tested for the in this anti-c, twice w-ith both been failed to react cDE/cDE cells. to react With detected of anti-c. the view After with cells sera are from cells and the this treatment cells of a second of the w-ide of the individuals or heterozygous It is perhaps existence in and can be show-n to lack this antipresence of aisti-f in the anti-c in homozygous typical of anti-f. it is that remarkable laboratory. with CDe,/CDe sera continued was present characteristics examples donors of anti-f w’as previously most bloods w-ere three the suggested and anti-c the cde chromosome they showed other in by assumption absorbed of to routinely absorption fit that only bloods the gene combination production serum was removal in this sera The to et al. been the anti-c serum for Rosenfield for The from the complete already gen. also with of Anti-f candidates likely The results the absorbed is called agglutinated below. It is apparent Kr. serum after most phenotypes show chromosome exceptions. persons Rh sera. that They Attention were not serum. the white usual The as these of unrelated same Rh of 0 . cDe/cde cDE/cDE text 0 4 cdE/cde Gene combination ce not present See Negative 31 CDE/cdet * serum genotype anti-c for type used in whom condition and pertinent to tsote antibody range in such of reactivity From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. 120 NEW We also plus anti-E cDE. tested the as a result Since far been the cDE/cDE the cells that pothesis tivity cells serum against in this w-as removed anti-f AGGLUTININ ANTI-F serum from a CDe/CDe donor of isoimmunization of pregnancy antigenic found, RH not case w’ere expected to all activity was not cde/cde from cells the Had present. would have who had produced by a fetus of type of a type serum anti-f been in which contain anti-f. thus been anti-c CDe/ f has not Absorption strengthening present so with the some hy- residual ac- expected. DISCUSSION R.osenfield et system. After new antibody by mined the our anti-F f was data cc of Rosenfield In cDE, cdE or at routinely anti-f. detect sary the with When from be hypotheses to be for claimed of a “position esis would the antigen sional overlooked. that state c do with red genotype of f when c and fail CDe/CDe contain anti-f. not genes in the the explanations, e w-hich the si-hen in the bloods from persons such as CDe, did presence finding not carry of anti-f of such excep- of an individual whose genotype The blood of this person would that this as serum contained CDe/cde. In order or CDe/Cde it is necesWe have shown that such individual cde/cde who or cDe/cde w-hich would consider to that shown clearly similar f is present (as precluded bloods ; these has been immunized cells. genetics of the f antigen the attractiveness of a theory of a fourth pair of allelic genes must not allow other Iis the present st.ate of evidence, equal validity may a hypothesis absence possible For serum sera a susceptible hypothesis of thirty-five have of type does than rather effect”3’ chromosomes of w-hich new cdeF. out chromosome demonstrated the anti-c the of a serum Kr. opposite the hypothetic case cells were f positive. obtained cells we of f in bloods considering the the postulation involving and an anti-c be may CDe/cDE c and three absorbed anti-c serum because of the fact blood w’ould be classified mistakenly presence to employ a serum that anti-c the the the deter- was of this and Rh that from persons with the gene confirming the observations 1) that by the the named discovery proof cDEf derived thus (table time fact consider whose by our Therefore same the used be agglutinated to the CDef, as only in bloods chromosomes, agglutinated the However, For example, CDe,/CDe but was not the that such They the whets cDe. our tions. were lacked with in both or awaiting with concluded of vchich complex. recognized chromosomes associated authors inheritance Rh F antigen It w-ill be recalled et al. the in the They detected one these antigen, genes of the f was antigen f antigen. Hence, the presence of f in blood a cc chromosome cannot be said invariably to obtain. our series, f was not. found in association with chromosomes therefore cde on CDe,/cde of type an antibody. of new possibilities of allelic existence combination the detected pair identification the requires that various anti-f with containing In show-ed a fourth Ff locus al. examining one to iisteract of c and cells. e are e are w-hich to produce together the When CDe/cDE) on the would the antigen in drosophila. t.he on the genes c and f antigen is to same e are absent. he the result This hypothchromosome on opposite The occa- same chromosome admits of several postulate the existence of alleles of f. There is evidence to indicate that alleles exist.5 those w-ho favor the multiple allele theory of the inheritance of the Rh From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. JONES, STEINBERG, 2 I Frequency FIG. 2.-Frequency frequency with the antigen by the the simplest r and The allele of r. If anti-f mosomes 3 assumption does describe appears a new- be doubled to 5 6766 with COs be that the as number system the of genotypes array simultaneous presence of f on effect cDe(f-). equal The to types (n Would the of certain Rh system number + be of + 2)(n increased to for the presence of c and cells) contain suggest alsti-f. is not result of of 36 to e (especially never “position e on chroamount of chromosomes. of the three genotypes the loci would due effect” same would be 8 the multiplied possible to the the chromosome, t.w-o new’ chromosomes 1). If n equals an recognized. a c and genotypes that 1ff locus be to add + from evidence cde/cde would possible is Ff the alleles 3),/(n)(n There test the be of genes proof a new by to 136, compared with 36 s’hen If the new antigen proves to function of possible multiplied Thus be a f is determined antigen (4n + 2)/(n + 1) w-here ts equals the original number if we consider only the common pairs of alleles at. each (Cc, Dd, Ee), n equals 8 and the actual number of possible new- equal 121 be typed as CDe/cde CDe chromosome. Rh in the the KRIETE usual antigen mosaic w’hich these us w-ould require the postulation locus and AND 4 S with which f Is associated R#{176} as part of the exceptions described by would DIAMOND, with which CDe/CDe would which f is assoeiated with the genes duce. ALLEN, cde(f-) by an number and amount of geno- 55. if not many those occurs all antisera produced with C or E, commonly used by immttnization the presence to w-ith of anti-f From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. 122 NEW in the with sera used to C and E, errors test 2 illustrates figure classified tion as to the the (because of f in based associated in the is difficult and potent primary will use appreciate the antigen in fact represent are studies probable the most cDE/Cde, but if it is f positive sary to the possible the depend upon presence the the use For are c, e. If chances two types of this probably be it now of w-hich of in immuno- CDe/cDE, presence sera of finding significance engaged testing its Geneticists The blood ss-ould the of the a pure future, problems. obviously or anti-e for immediate locus of paternity effect the laboratory genotypes of anti-c is correct. in differentiating E, this, be misin rela- that f is that anti-f a place increased. The D, field typings knowledge, a fourth useful C, In the these somewhat genotypes C1DE/cDe. consider which serum antigens of Sanger6 indicate the assumption of theoretic is obvious. anti-f the for of our analysis complex Rh contaits commonly, the occur example CDe.* atsd that laboratory. the f negative less in an of CDe,.CDe would of anti-f in the anti-c sera) used stage if f does will find W’ork of which sera clinical aid in population hematologic both an As containing this if f does HOW-ever, bloods presence anti-c at be as which quoted by Race C or E, provided and general that consequence. be introduced. well of the in the within e is of no with data w-it.h anti-c Will a cross-over on ANTI-F may chromosomes to envisage, anti-f AGGLUTININ frequency CDe/cde present It c or in typing frequency Calculations rarely if ever was for RH of blood phenotype is CDe/cdE or CDE/cde, or becomes the antigen have tiot neces- f in beets results tested for of anti-f. SUMMARY 1. An example 2. It is show-n of the 3. The that significance practical new anti-c anti-Rh and of the serum, anti-c anti-f, sera may is described. contain f is discussed antigen anti-f. in terms of its genetics and importance. IN SULtARIo 1. Es describite 2. Es demonstrate que anti-c 3. Le significat.iois del atst.igeno importantia uii exemplo del IXTERLINGUA nove factor anti-f pote continer e anti-c f es discutite its le systema Rh. anti-f. in relation ANI) RACE, over at a su genetica e su practic. REFERENCES 1 body. 2 R., ROSENFIELD, RACE, anti-f. R. R. Brit.. A. Genetics RACE, 316, AND 6 - * 10: E. R. J. H.: The N., GIBBEL, of unequal phenomenon of position R., LAWLER, 1925. The SANGER, R., SANGER, R. R.: A “new” Rh anti- 1: 975, 1953. R.: Personal communication. effects AND crossing effect. S. D.: Rh the Advances genes in bar locus Genetics allelonsorphic in drosophila. 1950. Nature, 3: 73, to C. 161: 1948. -: Blood Appendices derivation space. M. 117, B.: R., P., SANGER, AND STURTEVANT, LEwIs, VouEI, to of Copies Groups the t.his equation of tlsese in Man, paper, Oxford, Blackwell containing for appendices the the curve may of be Scientific calculations figure obtained 2, by of have writing 1950, Publications, gene been frequencies, omitted to the for authors. p. 87. and economy the of From www.bloodjournal.org by guest on August 3, 2017. For personal use only. 1954 9: 117-122 Observations on the New Rh Agglutinin Anti-f ALAN RICHARDSON JONES, ARTHUR G. STEINBERG, FRED H. ALLEN, JR., LOUIS K. DIAMOND and BERTRAND KRIETE Updated information and services can be found at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/9/2/117.full.html Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/misc/rights.xhtml#repub_requests Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/misc/rights.xhtml#reprints Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: http://www.bloodjournal.org/site/subscriptions/index.xhtml Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.