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2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
Name ______________________________ School _________________ Team Number ______
______ 1. The prefix inter- means __________ while the prefix intra- means __________.
a. within; between
b. between; within
c. away from; toward
d. toward; away from
______ 2. What does the suffix -itis mean?
a. Structure
b. Pain
c. Inflammation
d. Disease
______ 3. What is a gastrectomy?
a. Incision into the stomach
b. Surgical removal of the stomach
c. Suturing of the intestines
d. Incision into the intestines
______ 4. The sagittal plane divides the body into what parts?
a. Unequal right and left parts
b. Dorsal and ventral parts
c. Equal right and left parts
d. Cranial and caudal parts
______ 5. ___________ is an increase in the size of an organ or tissue or cell.
a. Dystrophy
b. Neoplasia
c. Hypertrophy
d. Atrophy
______ 6. A ___________ is a band of fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to
another bone.
a. Joint
b. Tendon
c. Bursa
d. Ligament
______ 7. The opening in the middle of the vertebra through which the spinal cord passes is the
a. Vertebral foramen
b. Spinous process
c. Manubrium
d. Xiphoid process
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
______ 8. What is the name for the lumbar region of the back, between the thorax and pelvis?
a. Loin
b. Pastern
c. Muzzle
d. Heart girth
______ 9. What is the name for the two nostrils and the muscles of the upper and lower lip?
a. Jowl
b. Hock
c. Pinna
d. Muzzle
______ 10. What is a boar?
a. Intact male pig
b. Castrated male pig
c. Intact male sheep
d. Castrated male sheep
______ 11. The ___________ is a collapsible, muscular tube that leads from the oral cavity to
the stomach.
a. Sphincter
b. Pharynx
c. Esophagus
d. Pylorus
______ 12. What is the largest compartment of the ruminant stomach?
a. Reticulum
b. Rumen
c. Omasum
d. Abomasum
______ 13. What is the functional unit of the kidney called?
a. Glomerulus
b. Cortex
c. Medulla
d. Nephron
______ 14. The ___________ establishes the basic rhythm of the heart.
a. Atrioventricular node
b. Sinoatrial node
c. bundle of His
d. Aortic semilunar valve
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
______ 15. What is cardiac output?
a. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per unit time.
b. The alternating sequence of relaxation and contraction of the heart chambers.
c. The rhythm created by electrical impulses.
d. Random heart contractions per unit time.
______ 16. ___________ are air sacs in which most of the gas exchange occurs.
a. Bronchioles
b. Bronchi
c. Alveoli
d. Lungs
______ 17. What is dyspnea?
a. Abnormally slow respirations
b. Absence of breathing
c. Difficult or labored breathing
d. Abnormally rapid respiratory rates
______ 18. ___________ provides skin with its waterproofing properties.
a. Keratin
b. Melanin
c. Melatonin
d. Melanocytes
______ 19. Which skin layer is composed of blood and lymph vessels?
a. Basal layer
b. Dermis
c. Epidermis
d. Subcutaneous layer
______ 20. What secretes melatonin?
a. Adrenal glands
b. Thyroid gland
c. Pancreas
d. Pineal gland
______ 21. What hormone decreases blood glucose levels?
a. Thymosin
b. Glucagon
c. Epinephrine
d. Insulin
______ 22. The ___________ is the tube at the upper part of each testis that secretes part of the
semen, stores semen before ejaculation, and provides passageway for sperm.
a. Epididymis
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
b. Ductus deferens
c. Seminiferous tubules
d. Seminal vesicles
______ 23. Where does fertilization usually occur in a female?
a. Uterus
b. Fallopian tubes
c. Uterine tube
d. Oviducts
______ 24. Which period of the estrous cycle occurs after sexual receptivity?
a. Metestrus
b. Proestrus
c. Diestrus
d. Estrus
______ 25. ___________ are root-like structures that receive impulses and conduct them.
a. Dendrites
b. Neurons
c. Synapses
d. Ganglion
______ 26. What is the second largest part of the brain?
a. Brainstem
b. Interbrain
c. Cerebrum
d. Cerebellum
______ 27. Which of the following does the parasympathetic nervous system NOT control?
a. Constricts pupil size to normal
b. Increased heart rate
c. Returns blood flow to normal levels
d. Returns normal gastrointestinal function
______ 28. The ___________ is the fibrous outer layer of the eye that maintains the shape of the
a. Choroid
b. Sclera
c. Retina
d. Pupil
______ 29. The ___________ is the nervous tissue layer of the eye that receives images.
a. Choroid
b. Sclera
c. Retina
d. Pupil
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
______ 30. What is the name for the blood protein that transports oxygen?
a. Hemoglobin
b. Erythrocyte
c. Macrophage
d. Reticulocyte
______ 31. Which blood cell primarily functions in fighting disease in the body?
a. Leukocyte
b. Granulocyte
c. Erythrocyte
d. Macrophage
______ 32. ___________ primarily function in filtering lymph to remove harmful substances.
a. Lymph nodes
b. Tonsils
c. Lacteals
d. T cells
______ 33. ___________ means nose end of the head.
a. Caudal
b. Superior
c. Posterior
d. Rostral
______ 34. ___________ means front of the body.
a. Posterior
b. Anterior
c. Lateral
d. Medial
______ 35. The prefix trans- means ___________.
a. below
b. above
c. across
d. between
______ 36. In the term gastroenteritis, the o is called a ___________.
a. combining form
b. prefix
c. combining vowel
d. suffix
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
______ 37. Ventricles of the heart are separated from each other by the ___________.
a. Interventricular septum
b. Interatrial septum
c. Myocardium
d. Epicardium
______ 38. What are immature bone cells that produce bony tissue called?
a. Osteoblasts
b. Osteocytes
c. Medullary
d. Symphysis
______ 39. What type of teeth are used for cutting?
a. Canine
b. Incisor
c. Premolar
d. Molar
______ 40. The thoracic and peritoneal cavities of the lungs are separated by what?
a. Larynx
b. Trachea
c. Pleura
d. Diaphragm
______ 41. What is the cup-shaped structure that contains the glomerulus called?
a. Bowman’s capsule
b. loop of Henle
c. collecting tubules
d. renal pelvis
______ 42. What hormone stimulates uterine contractions during parturition and milk letdown?
a. Luteinizing hormone
b. Somatotropin
c. Oxytocin
d. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
______ 43. Which of the following does the peripheral nervous system NOT consist of?
a. Cranial Nerves
b. Spinal Nerves
c. Spinal cord
d. Ganglia
2013 Veterinary Science CDE
General Knowledge Test
______ 44. What is the term that refers to the capacity of the chest or trunk of a horse?
a. Cannon
b. Barrel
c. Flank
d. Gaskin
______ 45. What is the term for the loose skin under the throat and neck of cattle?
a. Dewlap
b. Crest
c. Hooks
d. Loin
______ 46. What is the term that refers to the circumference of the chest just caudal to the
shoulders and cranial to the back?
a. Shoulder
b. Sole
c. Crest
d. Heart girth
______ 47. What is the term that refers to the mass of connective tissue, muscle, and fat covering
the cranioventral part of a sheep’s chest between the forelegs?
a. Brisket
b. Dock
c. Flank
d. Pedal
______ 48. What is the term that refers to the upper lip and apex of the nose of swine?
a. Loin
b. Pastern
c. Jowl
d. Snout
______ 49. What is the term that refers to the rudimentary first digit of dogs and cats?
a. Elbow
b. Flank
c. Dewclaw
d. Hock
______ 50. The common name for the tarsal joint in animals is the ___________.
a. Hock
b. Loin
c. Wrist
d. Stifle