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Concept Note
IFAD-IDB- UNOSSC Supported Partnership Initiative
On South-South And Triangular Cooperation
For Agricultural Development and Enhanced Food Security (SSTC-ADFS)
The Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary (MoAH)
Through the National Agriculture Research and Innovation Centre
The First Specialized Training on Agricultural Biotechnology
“Practical course on chicken primordial germ cell (cPGCs)
long-term cultivation and characterization”
12-16 September 2016, Gödöllő, Hungary
Transfer of the successful experience seems to be one of the most effective ways to solve the problems
faced by the agricultural sector. South-South knowledge exchange can be part of the solution for the lack
of information, capacity building for both scientists and practitioners, as well as facilitate scaling up of
successful solutions.
Agricultural biotechnology is the application of scientific techniques to modify and improve plants,
animals, and microorganisms to enhance their value. Therefore agricultural biotechnology can help both
the developing and developed countries enhance productivity while preserving the environment.
The “Practical course on chicken primordial germ cell (cPGCs) long-term cultivation and characterization”
is the first training organized within the Agricultural Biotechnology corridor in the framework of the
partnership initiative on South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Agricultural Development and
Enhanced Food Security (SSTC-ADFS) jointly supported by the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Office for South-South
Cooperation (UNOSSC). The training is designed in respond to the demand from the participating
countries expressed during the Knowledge Exchange and Coordination Workshop on agricultural
Biotechnology held in Gödöllő, Hungary in October 2015. . This follow-up training is organized by the
Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary (MoAH) through the National Agriculture Research and Innovation
Centre NARIC.
The training will provide an opportunity for experts in biotechnology from Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco,
Sudan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey and Uzbekistan to improve their capacities and get acquainted with new
techniques in poultry breeding. The production of an efficient culture method for the propagation of
chicken PGCs in vitro represents a useful system for the study of PGCs biology. The chicken PGCs ability
to form functional gametes after long-term culture is useful to develop a cell-based system for the genetic
modification of the chicken genome. Currently, no other cell-based method exists for the production of
transgenic birds. To successfully propagate avian PGCs, it is useful to understand the mechanisms how
they arise and the genetic pathways that regulate germ cell survival, proliferation, and migration in the
early embryo. Avian stem cells have been seen as a promising tool for biotechnology. The long-term PGC
cultures are presently seen as one of the most promising tool for maintaining the avian genetic
In the frame of this course, participants will be acquainted with technique on isolating of circulating
primordial germ cells (PGCs) from the blood of HH14 -16 stage embryos and culturing them without feeder
cells. The expression of stem cell specific genes will be investigated by the combined use of sex
determination, RNA isolation, cDNA writing. To check the viability of the cultured PGCs, cells will be
injected back to the blood circulation of a developing embryo and then the integration ratio of the injected
cells in the gonad will be checked.
Expected results:
Upon completion of the training, participants raise their awareness on modern biotechnology
approaches in poultry development and obtain practical knowledge on applying specific technics for
ensuring preservation of genetic biodiversity.
Format of the training course
The 5-day training includes lectures and practical sessions on specific aspects of cPGCs long-term
cultivation and characterization, as well as visiting tour to the Research Centre for Farm Animal Gene
Conservation (HáGK), Isaszeg
Requirements to participants:
Knowledge of cell biology, molecular genetics and embryology sufficient to actively participate in
theoretical and practical sessions.
Master Degree or PhD
English language proficiency.