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Period 7.3 Participation in a series of global conflicts
propelled the United States into a position of international
power while renewing domestic debates over the nation’s
proper role in the world.
USHC-7: The student will demonstrate an understanding of
the impact of World War II on the United States and the
nation’s subsequent role in the world.
World War II
Landing Craft
Video Quiz – World War II
USHC-7.1: Analyze the decision of the United States to
enter World War II, including the nation’s movement from
a policy of isolationism to international involvement and
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Focus: Rise of Totalitarianism and US shift from Neutrality
Key Terms: Define each…
Munich Pact
Pearl Harbor
Invasion of Manchuria
Neutrality Acts
Lend-Lease; Destroyers for Bases; Cash-and-Carry
• Italy’s Mussolini, Germany’s Hitler and Japan’s Tojo
threatened world peace
• The U.S. passed a series of Neutrality Acts designed to
prevent war, because it was still battling the Depression
 And due to disillusionment from “the Great War” (WW1)
• Neutrality Acts: prohibited the sale of arms or lending of
money to countries involved in any military action
 Reestablished isolationism and restricted the ability of
FDR to respond to Nazi Germany and Japan
Cause of World War 2
• Japan invaded Manchuria for economic domination
 U.S. response hampered by isolationism, and limited to
trade restrictions, which Japan viewed as a threat
• When Hitler broke the Munich Pact (promise to stop
expanding) by invading Czechoslovakia, the European
policy of appeasement ended
 Germany then invaded Poland…this led to WW2 (1939)
• French and British forces fell back against Nazi blitzkrieg
and the British came under devastating air attack
Video: Ep 2..Hitler Unleashes Blitzkrieg
U.S. helped without entering WW 2
• FDR wanted to change from isolationism to involvement
 This led to the policies of “Cash and Carry,” “destroyersfor-bases” and “Lend Lease”
• U.S. changed from a peacetime to a wartime economy
early, to supply the Allies and prepare for war
• FDR showed commitment to Europe by signing the
Atlantic Charter (statement of U.S. and British war aims)
• Prior to entering war, the U.S. was protecting shipments
of Lend Lease goods and lost ships to German attacks
Pearl Harbor (Dec 7, 1941)
• By 1941, U.S. was in undeclared naval war with Germany
• Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (Dec 7, 1941) forced the
U.S. to abandon Isolationism
 War against Japan led Germany to declare war on U.S.
• The U.S. was at war with Germany, Japan and Italy
Video: Pearl Harbor “Now it Can Be Shown”
Review Questions
1. What countries opposed the Allies in WW2 and who were their leaders?
a. Italy’s Mussolini, Germany’s Hitler and Japan’s Tojo
2. What was the United States’ initial position to the war in Europe?
a. Passed Neutrality Acts forbidding U.S. from helping allies
3. What did the Neutrality Acts say about America’s international policies?
a. Reestablished the policy of isolationism
4. What pre-war actions by Japan and Germany demonstrated their plans?
a. Japan invaded Manchuria & Germany broke Munich Pact
5. What officially led to World War II in Europe?
a. Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939
6. Name 3 policies used by FDR to aid the allies prior to entering the war?
a. “Cash and Carry,” the Destroyers-for-Bases deal and Lend Lease
7. How did FDR show his commitment to supporting the Allies?
a. By signing the Atlantic Charter
8. How were U.S. Navy ships in danger before the U.S. entered WW2?
a. Protecting the delivery of Lend Lease ships and equipment
9. What forced the U.S. to officially abandon its policy of isolationism?
a. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Naval Base; Dec 7, 1941
Note Taking Study Guide
Pages 187 and 189
USHC-7.2: Evaluate the impact of war mobilization on the
home front, including consumer sacrifices, the role of
women and minorities in the workforce, and limits on
individual rights that resulted in the internment of
Japanese Americans.
Focus: Impact of mobilization on the home front.
Key Terms: Define each…
Wartime Defense Industries
“Rosie the Riveter”
Japanese Internment
Non-Traditional Roles for Minorities
Impact of War on Democracy and Capitalism
• WW II required Mobilizing the: economy, government,
and the home front
• Industries converted to war production even before Pearl
Harbor to supply the Allies through Lend Lease
• The government controlled allocation of scarce resources
to businesses, and controlled wages and prices
• To finance the war, they used advertising to get citizens
to buy war bonds
• Rationing (giving a little at a time) of scarce resources using
Ration Coupon Books
• Women & minorities were urged to work in war industries
• Women served in some support positions in the military
Video: Women at Work WW2
• Women took traditionally male jobs
• “Rosie the Riveter” became an icon of the period
• Black Union leader [A. Philip Randolph] threatened a
March on Washington for equal access to war-time jobs
 FDR established a commission to ensure equal access
• Bracero Program: Mexican workers let in to take the
place of farm workers who had enlisted or been drafted
Racial Tensions during WW2
• Despite the war effort, racial tensions threatened liberties
 Black soldiers served in segregated units and faced
discrimination as they trained in the South
 Northern blacks experienced Jim Crow while training in
the South, influencing the future civil rights movement
 Young Mexican Americans were attacked in Los Angeles
because their clothing was considered un-American
(Zoot Suit Riots of 1943)
Tuskegee Airman of WW 2
• Tuskegee Airman:
 First black servicemen to serve as military pilots
 Flew with distinction during World War II.
o Subject to racial discrimination at home and abroad
 15,500 combat sorties & 150 Distinguished Flying Cross
 Paved the way for integration of the armed forces under
President Harry Truman in 1948 with E.O. 9981
Video: Red Tails
Japanese Internment
• After Pearl Harbor, the west urged FDR to take action
against Japanese residents and citizens in the U.S.
 President Truman issued Executive Order 9066
• Japanese were ordered to report to Internment Camps
• The Supreme Court upheld the establishment of
internment camps by the U.S. government
VIDEO: The Untold Story of Japanese Internment
Review Questions
1. How did the government take control of the economy during WW2?
a. Allocation of scarce resources, and controlled wages and prices
2. How did the United States Finance our involvement in WW2?
a. Sold War Bonds
3. How did the government control allocation of scare resources?
a. Ration books and stamps
4. How did the war affect woman and minorities?
a. Women and minorities were urged to work in wartime industries.
Women also served in some support positions in the military.
5. What helped blacks get fair treatment in gaining wartime jobs?
a. Black union leader A. Philip Randolph threatened a march on
Washington, so FDR established commission to ensure fairness
6. What racial discrimination still occurred during WW2?
a. Served in segregated units, and endured Jim Crow in the South
7. How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect Japanese in America?
a. Many Japanese were moved to Internment Camps
Note Taking Study Guide
Pages 193 and 195
USHC-7.3: Explain how controversies among the Big Three
Allied leaders over war strategies led to post-war conflict
between the United States and the USSR, including delays
in the opening of the second front in Europe, the
participation of the Soviet Union in the war in the Pacific,
and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Focus: Alliances led to post-war conflict.
Key Terms: Define each…
1. Big Three
2. Two-Front Warfare
3. Stalingrad
4. D-day
5. Island Hopping
6. Battle of the Bulge
7. Iwo Jima and Okinawa
8. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
9. Yalta Conference
What led U.S. & USSR to the Cold War
• Decisions during WW II later caused the Cold War
• Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler
 When Hitler invaded USSR, the Soviets became
recipients of Lend Lease and allies in the war
• U.S. & USSR allied only because both hated Germany
 Tensions based on economic and political systems
• At the end of WW1, U.S. had landed troops in Russia
 Supported forces opposing the Russian Revolution
• Fear of communism was reflected in the Red Scare
The “Big Three”
• “Big Three” allied leaders met throughout the war to plan:
 Winston Churchill of Great Britain
 Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) of the United States
 Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union
Video: WWII - 1945, Yalta Big Three Conference
Competing Interests
• USSR wanted Allies to open a second ground front to
attack Germany, to provide relief to the Soviet Army
• British wanted U.S. bombers to take out the German Air
Force that was destroying Britain [Battle of Britain]
• Delay in opening a second front was partly based on the
decision to produce bombers rather than landing crafts
Review Questions (Part 1)
1. Why were the U.S. and Soviets allies during WW2?
a. Only because they were both against Germany
2. What are U.S. & USSR tensions based on?
a. Differences in their economic and political systems
3. What made the U.S. distrust the Soviet Union prior to entering WW2?
a. Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler
4. Name the leaders of the Allied nations, known as the Big Three?
a. Winston Churchill (Great Britain), Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union),
and FDR (U.S.)
5. How Soviets and British differed in what they wanted the U.S. to do?
a. Soviets wanted a second ground front to attack Germany
b. British wanted U.S. bombers to take out the German air force
• Invasion of N. Africa happened to free the Mediterranean
Sea from Germany and protect Middle East oil fields
 Took pressure off the USSR; but it was the Soviet’s
resistance at Stalingrad that won the eastern front
• U.S. and British landings in Italy opened another front in
Europe but again delayed a direct attack on Germany
• Italy surrendered, but Germany continued the bitter fight
on the Italian peninsula and tied down Allied forces there
D-Day (Operation Overlord)
D-Day: Invasion of Normandy, France [Operation Overlord]
 Finally provided the long-awaited western front
Video: America the S.O.U. D-Day Invasion
• Germany was now engaged on three fronts and had to
divert military resources to the western front
The Battle of the Bulge was the last German offensive
and the beginning of the end for the Nazis
• American, British and French forces marched towards
Berlin from the West as the Soviets moved from the East
 The direction each approached from laid the foundation
for the post-war division of Berlin and Germany…and
 Cold War tensions over Soviet dominance of Eastern
Tank Battalion
In Pacific theater, U.S. used a strategy of Island Hopping
 Goal was to: get close enough to Japan to launch air
attacks to prepare for invasion of Japan’s home islands
• Naval victory at Midway stopped the Japanese advance
• Battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa showed tenacity of the
Japanese and cost in lives any invasion of Japan would be
 So U.S. wanted the Soviet Union to help invade Japan
and gained agreement at a Big 3 conference in Yalta
 Invasion never happened…decided to use Atomic Bomb
Video: Dramatic Aerial Fight…Over Okinawa
The Atomic Bomb
President Truman’s decision to drop atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki was made to:
 Avoid fighting in Japan to save U.S. lives
• After the war in Europe, the USSR marched into Korea
 This laid the foundation for the Korean War (1950-53)
• The Atomic Bomb increased distrust from USSR because
the technology was not shared during or after the war
 The Atomic bomb started an arms race with the USSR
Video: Nuclear Bomb
Note Taking Study Guide
Page 197
Review Questions (Part 2)
1. Why did the invasion of North Africa happen?
a. Free the Mediterranean Sea from Germany / protect Middle East oil
2. What action finally provided the long-awaited western front?
a. The invasion of Normandy on D-Day
3. What was the last German offensive?
a. The Battle of the Bulge
4. What laid the foundation for post-war division of Berlin and Germany?
a. The approach the different allied nations took to defeat Germany?
5. In Pacific theater, U.S. pursued a strategy of ________- ________?
a. Island-Hopping
6. What was the goal of the U.S. in the Pacific theater?
a. To get close to Japan to launch air attacks to prepare for an invasion
7. What stopped the Japanese advance in the Pacific?
a. U.S. Naval victory at the Battle of Midway
8. What did the U.S. learn from the Battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa?
a. The cost invasion of Japan’s islands would entail
9. When did the U.S. gain Soviet agreement to help invade Japan?
a. During a Big Three conference at Malta
10.Why did President Truman decide to drop Atomic Bombs on Japan?
a. To avoid the large amount of deaths expected if they invaded Japan
11.How did the end of the war set the stage for another war?
a. Soviets occupied northern Korea; set the stage for the Korean War
12.How did the Atomic Bomb cause future problems with Soviet Union?
a. Caused distrust and started an arms race with the USSR
USHC-7.4: Summarize the economic, humanitarian, and
diplomatic effects of World War II, including the end of the
Great Depression, the Holocaust, the war crimes trials, and
the creation of Israel.
Focus: The lasting effects of WWII.
Key Terms: Define each…
1. Nuremberg Laws
2. Nuremberg Trials
3. Genocide
4. Anti-Semitism
5. Kristallnacht
6. Holocaust
7. Israel
8. Economic Impact of WWII on America
The Holocaust (A.K.A. Hitler’s “Final Solution”)
• WW II had a devastating impact on European Jews
• Part of the Nazi propaganda machine and was based on
both Social Darwinism and longstanding prejudice
• The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism became policy with the
Nuremberg Laws restricting rights of Jews, ending with the
 Hitler’s effort to rid Europe of its entire Jewish population
 Killed 6 million Jews and 5.5 million others
 Hitler’s plan was called the “Final Solution”
Video: The Holocaust
The Holocaust (A.K.A. Hitler’s “Final Solution”)
• Before the end of the war, the response of the Allies to
German anti-Semitic policies was severely limited
• Although attacks on Jews such as Kristallnacht were
widely reported, little action was taken to stop the Nazis
 Kristallnacht: “The Night of the Broken Glass.” 200
synagogues destroyed, 8,000 Jewish shops sacked,
thousands of Jews moved to concentration camps
• Immigration laws were not eased to grant asylum to Jews
• Once the war began, no military action was taken to
interrupt the shipment of people to the death camps
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
• As the war ended, the death camps of the Final Solution
horrified the soldiers who liberated the camps
• The Allies responded to the war crimes by Hitler and the
Nazis by identifying war criminals and putting them on trial
 Hitler committed suicide
 Some Nazi officers and civilians charged with “crimes
against humanity” at Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
• The Nuremberg trials established the precedent for
future trials on war crimes. It has not ended genocide
Video: World War 2 and The Holocaust
Creation of Israel
Result of the impact of German war crimes on the conscience
of the world and of the United States:
 The establishment of the state of Israel after the war,
 The prompt recognition by the United States of Israel, and
 The U.S. continued support for Israel in the Middle East
Review Questions
1. What was the main economic impact of the war for the U.S.?
a. Ended the depression
2. Who was impacted the most by the war and why?
a. Jews, due to the Holocaust
3. What was Nazi hatred of the Jews based on?
a. Social Darwinism and long-standing Prejudice
4. How did the Nuremberg Laws affect Germany?
a. Anti-Semitism became policy, restricting the rights of Jews
5. What was Hitler’s ultimate goal called and how many died because of it?
a. Final Solution: rid Europe of Jews, 6 million Jews & 5.5 million others
6. How did the Allied nations respond to the holocaust during the war?
a. Did nothing to stop it, and failed to ease immigration laws for Jews
7. How did the allies respond to the holocaust after the war?
a. Put war criminals on trial for crimes against humanity at the
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
8. What positive event happened for Jews because of the Holocaust?
a. Established the state of Israel; prompt recognition by the United
States of Israel; and the United States’ continued support for Israel
Note Taking Study Guide
Page 200
Period 8
Key Concept 8.1: The United States responded to an
uncertain and unstable post-war world by asserting
and working to maintain a position of global
leadership, with far-reaching domestic and
international consequences.
USHC-7.5: Analyze the impact of the Cold War on national
security and individual freedom, including the containment
policy and the role of military alliances, the effects of the
“Red Scare” and McCarthyism, the conflicts in Korea and the
Middle East, the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall, the Cuban
missile crisis, and the nuclear arms race
Focus: Impact of the Cold War on national security and
individual freedom.
Key Terms: Define each…
1. Cold War Alliances
2. McCarthyism
3. Korean War
4. Iron Curtain
5. Arms Race
6. Cuban Missile Crisis
7. Berlin Wall
8. Truman Doctrine
9. Middle East
• WW II was fought to stop Nazi aggression and preserve
democracy in Europe; but…
 It also made allies of democratic capitalist U.S. and
totalitarian communist USSR
• Conflicting ideologies, wartime priorities and the course of
the fighting caused post-war tensions
• Postwar goals also put the U.S. and the USSR at odds
 USSR wanted a buffer zone of friendly states on its
eastern border so Germany could not invade again
 U.S. wanted free and fair elections throughout Europe
Containing Communism
• U.S. supported allies to continue influence in other regions
 When Britain was unable to stop Greece from falling to
a communist-leaning rebel force; the U.S. helped
 French tried to restore control of Southeast Asia and
met resistance and sought U.S. help
• U.S. became involved worldwide containing the communist
threat as a result of wartime and postwar circumstances
• By 1946 tensions were made public when Winston
Churchill said an ‘Iron Curtain’ had descended upon
Europe, cutting off Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe from
the West
Containing Communism (continued)
• President Truman began a policy of containment
 The Truman Doctrine (1947): President Truman’s
pledge (promise) to contain communism in Europe
o First applied with financial aid to Greece and Turkey
o Designed to aid those trying to resist communism
• Fearing that a weak Western Europe would elect socialist
/communists, U.S. offered aid in the form of…
 The Marshall Plan to promote economic rebuilding
and prevent a European fall to communism
The Berlin Airlift
• Berlin, divided at the end of WWII, became the first Soviet
test of the U.S. policy when the Soviets blockaded Berlin
Berlin Wall
• Berlin became a Cold War symbol when the USSR erected
the Berlin Wall to separate East and West Berlin and keep
people from escaping to freedom in the west
• The U.S. won this first confrontation with the Berlin Airlift
Video: Berlin Airlift and Formation of NATO
Berlin Wall and West Berlin
Video: The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall
• In 1949, a series of events increased Cold War fears:
1. U.S. formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO)…a military alliance aimed at the USSR
a)USSR later formed the Warsaw Pact in response
2. Test of an atomic bomb by USSR accelerated
development of the hydrogen bomb by U.S., and
began a nuclear arms race
• Also in 1949, after a civil war, (China under Americanbacked nationalist [Chiang Kai-shek]), fell to communist
forces led by Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong)
Korean War (1950 to 1953)
• In 1950, communist North Korea invaded South Korea
• Believing the invasion was caused by USSR, President
Truman urged the United Nations (U.N.) to take action
• U.N. voted to demand cease fire and support ‘police action’
• Majority of troops and financial support came from the U.S.
1950 to 1953
Korean War (1950 to 1953)
• When U.S. neared the Chinese border, Communist China
attacked and drove U.S. forces back to the 38th parallel
• American casualties turned public opinion against the war
• Negotiations ended with North Korean forces contained
above the 38th parallel
 Example of successful containment, but at a high cost
• USSR started the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance of
Eastern European nations for defense against NATO
Review Questions (Part 1)
1. How did the post-war goals of the U.S. and USSR differ?
a. USSR wanted a buffer zone, U.S. wanted free and fair elections
2. What did Winston Churchill say about the Soviet Union after the war?
a. That an Iron Curtain had descended upon Europe
3. What was the Truman Doctrine?
a. Pledge to contain communism in Europe
4. Why did the U.S. offer aid to Western European countries after WW2?
a. Feared a weak Western Europe would elect socialist /communists
5. What was the first test of containment in Europe and how was it settled?
a. When USSR divided Germany and blockaded Berlin…Berlin Airlift
6. In 1949, a series of events increased Cold War fears, name a few.
a. NATO, USSR gets A-bomb, China taken over by communist forces
7. What started the Korean War, was it a WAR, and how did it end?
a. Communist invade south…UN Police Action…stalemate at 38th Parallel
8. What is the Soviet Unions version of NATO?
a. Warsaw Pact
Note Taking Study Guide
Page 205 and 207
Space Race
• Space race took off when USSR launched Sputnik [1957]
 First man-made satellite to be placed in orbit
• In response, Congress passed the National Defense
Education Act to promote Science and Math
 And to counteract the fear that consumerism made
U.S. less competitive to win the arms race
• Arms Race fears reflected in building bomb shelters
• U.S. took the space race lead when Neil Armstrong
landed on the moon
Fear of Communism
• Threats set the stage for a Red Scare in the 1940s & 50s
• Truman’s Tough talk caused the public to see the U.S. and
USSR as good against evil
• The fall of China, Soviet acquisition of the bomb and the
Korean War made Americans look for an enemy within
• Cold War propaganda & anti-Soviet media added to fear
• Partisan politics caused Republicans to accuse Democrats
of being “soft on communism”
 Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy gave his name to
the crusade, McCarthyism
• McCarthy used the Big Lie: repeating an accusation of
communism loud & often to smear people
• McCarthy’s attack ended when televised hearings showed
him as a bully…so the public rejected him
• Some spies did aid the Soviets; but, many public servants
had their reputations smeared by false accusations
Quick Review
1. What started the Space Race and how did the U.S. take the lead?
A. Sputnik…Moon Landing
2. What were negative consequences of the Space Race?
A. Arms Race
3. What three international events made Americans look for an enemy
A. Fall of China, Soviets get Atomic Bomb, Korean War
4. What was McCarthyism and what technique did he use?
A. Witch Hunt for Communist…the Big Lie
Bay of Pigs
• Fidel Castro overthrew the U.S.-backed dictator of Cuba
 Took U.S. property and developed friendship with USSR
 Made Cuba a battleground for the Cold War
• Bay of Pigs: Cuban exiles trained by the CIA invaded
Cuba hoping to initiate a popular uprising against Castro
 Plan failed, U.S. prestige suffered
 President Kennedy wanted to prove Cold War
credentials in Berlin, Vietnam and Cuba
Cuban Missile Crisis
• Spy planes photographed nuclear missile sites in Cuba
• President Kennedy placed a naval blockade around Cuba
to prevent the Soviets from arming these sites
 After 13 days an agreement was reached
 Soviet (Nikita Khruschev) agreed to remove the missiles
• Cuban Missile Crisis: closest the U.S. and Soviet Union
came to armed conflict during the Cold War
• To avoid nuclear war, a hot line was installed in the White
House and the Kremlin (USSR White House)
 Also, they both signed a nuclear test ban treaty
Quick Review
1. What was the Bay of Pigs?
A. Invasion of Cuba by Cuban Exiles
2. Explain the Cuban Missile Crises?
A. Soviets placed nuclear missile sites on Cuba, Kennedy negotiated
Examples of U.S. Diplomacy
• Cold War, American interests in oil, and support for Israel,
led to efforts in the Middle East and conflict in the region
• U.S. supports Israel in defense against Arab neighbors
• USSR increased influence on Arab nations against Israel
• President Eisenhower intervened in Suez Crisis (Israeli
forces entered Egypt when Egypt nationalized the canal)
• Eisenhower Doctrine: extended Truman Doctrine’s
containment of Communism, to the Middle East
• Importance of Middle East oil led the U.S. to engage in
diplomacy to stop the oil embargo by the “Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries” (OPEC) in the 1970s
• U.S. tried to aid Middle East peace in Camp David Accords
Iran Hostage Crisis (1979)
• In the 1950s, the CIA helped the Shah of Iran overthrow a
rival who attempted to nationalize foreign oil interests
 Supported repressive regime to maintain a friendly
buffer state on the southern border of the Soviet Union
 When the Shah was overthrown, anger led to taking of
150 American Embassy hostages for a year
• Relations with Iran continue to be strained today
Video: The Iran Hostage Crisis
End of the Cold War
• When the USSR invaded Afghanistan, the Cold War policy
of containment led U.S. to support the Afghan resistance
• Afghan resistance groups later evolved into the Taliban
 Taliban later helped al Qaeda…led to war after 9/11
• Cold War ended due to changes in the USSR, the strain of
the arms race, the war in Afghanistan on USSR economy,
and a movement for liberation in Eastern Europe
• The 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall (the most important
symbol of the Cold War), marked the end of the Cold War
Review Questions (Part 2)
1. Name some consequences of U.S. dependence on Oil in the Middle East?
a. Heavy involvement in affairs, Suez Crisis, Israel, Camp David accords
2. What is the Eisenhower Doctrine?
a. Extension of efforts to contain communism into the Middle East
3. What is considered the source of America’s strained relationship with
a. CIA helped Shah takeover country, leading to Hostage Crises in 1970s
4. How did the Taliban get started?
a. When USSR invaded Afghanistan the U.S. helped arm a resistance
5. Why did the Cold War finally end, and what was the symbolic ending?
a. Changes in the USSR, strain of the arms race, the war in Afghanistan
on the Soviet economy, and a movement for liberation in Eastern
Note Taking Study Guide
Pages 209 and 211
USHC-7.6: Analyze the causes and consequences of social
and cultural changes in postwar America, including
educational programs, the consumer culture and expanding
suburbanization, the advances in medical and agricultural
technology that led to changes in the standard of living and
demographic patterns, and the roles of women in American
Focus: Cultural and social changes in post-war America.
Key Terms: Define each…
GI Bill
White Flight
Baby Boom
Feminine Mystique
Technological innovation in Medicine and Agriculture
• As a result of World War II the United States entered a
period of prosperity shared by many Americans.
 Participation in WW2 ended the Great Depression
• Prosperity and govt programs helped to expand democracy
• Government investment in education expanded the middle
class and narrowed the gap between the rich and poor
• Veterans used GI Bill for college & trade school
 Provided a skilled workforce that promoted economic
Impact of 1950s Prosperity
• Prosperity of the 1950s led to an explosion in the birthrate
 This Baby Boom led to a need for more schools
• The Cold War and Sputnik led to an emphasis on quality
education, especially in science and math
 National Defense Education Act (1958)
• Prosperity allowed young people to stay in school longer,
at least through high school, and more attended college
Suburbanization: Population shift from Rural
(country) into Urban (city) areas
• GI Bill also made federal loans available to veterans
 Could be used to buy homes or start new businesses
• More automobiles and expansion of highways (by
President Eisenhower), accelerated suburbanization
 Baby Boom also contributed to the growth of suburbs
• Shopping malls, motels and fast food restaurants followed
• Concentration of war industries in cities of the Northeast
and the West Coast, led blacks to move from the South
 Continued in the 50s/60s to escape poverty & racism
 Caused White Flight that also spurred suburbanization
o White Flight: Whites leave the city to avoid the poor
• As middle and upper class moved to suburbs, so did jobs;
Left unemployment, limited service and shrinking tax base
 This set the stage for the race riots of the 1960s
• Pent-up demand for goods that were unaffordable during
the Depression and unavailable during war, created
markets for goods and services
 This helped recreate a Consumer Culture
• The baby boom contributed as parents bought baby items
• Demand led to an increase in production, more jobs and
an economic boom during the 1950s
Review Questions (Part 1)
1. What did Government investment in education do for America?
a. Expanded the middle class and narrowed gap between rich and poor
2. In what ways did the GI Bill help veterans?
a. Attend colleges and trade school; buy homes and start businesses
3. Prosperity of the 1950s led to what, and how did states have to adjust?
a. A baby boom, and states had to build more schools
4. How did the Sputnik satellite affect American education?
a. Led to emphasis on quality education, especially in science and math
5. What factors accelerated suburbanization?
a. Automobiles, expansion of highways, baby boom, and White Flight
6. Why did blacks move to the northwest and west coast from the south?
a. War industry jobs, and to escape poverty and racism
7. How did Suburbanization effect the inner cities?
a. Business moved, causing high unemployment, limited services and a
shrinking tax base. This set the stage for the race riots of the 1960s
8. What led to the economic boom of the 1950s?
a. Pent-up demand from depression and war periods created markets
for goods. Demand led to production, jobs and consumer spending
• Cold War helped economic growth as:
1. Government spent money on weapons
2. Defense industries hired workers
• U.S. had the highest standard of living by the end of 1950s
• Economy offered more ‘white-collar’ jobs like clerical, or
managerial, than traditional ‘blue-collar’ manufacturing jobs
• As middle class had money to spend, businesses offered
more products and advertised through print and TV
• TV fostered a consumer culture and promoted a ‘buy now,
pay later’ mentality based on a heavy use of credit cards,
resulting in rising consumer debt
 TV also fostered a sense of national cultural conformity
Video: U.S. Post World War 2 Boom
What else does this Ad promote?
Advances in Medical Technology
• Postwar period also saw advances in medical technology
 Penicillin, used during the war, stimulated the search for
more antibiotics and other miracle drugs
 Scientists developed vaccines to prevent disease like polio
 Surgeons, after their war service, developed new surgical
techniques, including advancements in heart surgery
• These lifesaving techniques impacted demographic patterns
as the infant mortality rate fell and Americans lived longer
Advances in Agriculture
• The demand for food during the war, and prosperity of the
postwar period led to advances in agricultural technology
• Pesticides and fertilizers provided more food types,
improved nutrition
• Family farms were replaced with commercial farms
• Reliance on chemicals to increase crop yields had a longterm environmental impact and resulted in legislation in
the 1970s and, a worldwide concern about global warming
Women in the Workplace after WW2
• The role of women in the workplace during the war laid the
foundation for the women’s rights movement
• Women displaced from their jobs by returning veterans
 Many returned to traditional roles of wife and mother
• Consumer culture impacted the role of women
 Role as chief consumer emphasized through advertising
 Media glorified the role of the traditional homemaker
Video: Day in the Life of a Kitchen
Women in the Workplace after WW2
• Suburbs increased a woman’s sense of isolation
• Career opportunities were limited to nursing, teaching,
domestic, social work, retail sales and secretarial work
• Few were promoted to manager and pay was less than men
• As more graduated from college, they were frustrated by
their inability to find and advance in jobs
• Publication of The Feminine Mystique in the early 1960s
helped launch the modern women’s rights movement
Video: Working Women seen
as unintelligent
Review Questions (Part 2)
1. How did the Cold War help economic growth?
a.Government spent money on weapons and defense industries
2. What type of jobs were most available during this period?
a.More ‘white-collar’ jobs, than traditional ‘blue-collar’ jobs
3. What consumer trend was promoted more on Television?
a.Promoted a ‘buy now, pay later’ mentality based on credit cards
4. How did post-war advances in medical technology affect society?
a.Penicillin caused search for more antibiotics; developed vaccines, new
techniques in heart surgery, and mortality rate fell
5. Name advances in Agricultural technologies and some consequences?
a.Pesticides/fertilizers, improved nutrition, family farms replaced with
commercial farms, environmental impact, legislation, global warming
6. How were women in the workplace affected by the end of WW2?
a.Replaced by veterans, many returned to tradition roles
7. How were women portrayed in the media?
a.Chief consumer, and glorified role of women as homemaker
8. What career opportunities were most available to women?
a.Nursing, teaching, domestic, social work, retail sales and secretarial
9. Why were women who graduated from college often frustrated?
a.Inability to find, and advance, in jobs that matched their new skills
10. What helped launch the modern women’s rights movement?
a.Publication of The Feminine Mystique in the early 1960s
Note Taking Study Guide
Page 213 and 215
EOC Study Guide
Chapter 9