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2011 Ilwoo Foundation Scholarship Program
For Cambodian Students
(Undergraduate & Graduate Course)
1. Program Objective
The objective of scholarship program is to provide Cambodian students with the
opportunities to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in the
Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual
friendship between two countries.
2. Academic Programs and Total Candidates
(1) Bachelor’s degree program : Two students
(2) Master’s degree program : Two students
※ Undergraduate & graduate degree courses for four & two years after successfully
completing the 1 year Korean language training in Korea.
3. Entrance University and Study Fields (Only below fields)
(1) Entrance University : Inha University
(2) Study Field
Selection Field
Number of
Number of
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Engineering Field
※ College of Liberal Arts, College of Social Sciences, College of Business Administration
and etc are not the application filed.
※ Refer to the <RD-5> “Desired Major List” in the attached files below
4. Qualifications
Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria:
(1) Nationality : Cambodian citizenship is required
(2) Age and Academic career
① Bachelor’s Degree Program
- Should be under 22 years old (Single, unmarried)
- Must have being a college student except a senior
② Master’s Degree Program
- Should be under 25 years old (Single, unmarried)
- Must have already earned or expected to receive a bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- Must apply for same field in bachelor’s degree
※ All candidates must be the students of the Royal University of Phnom Penh or
ITC(Institute Technology Cambodia)
(3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally.
※ Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply.
(4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high
(5) Possess above 80% (out of 100%) in a grade point average (G.P.A.) of the whole school
years of the high school attended or within top 10% among graduates in the same year.
(6) Not at any time have received a scholarship in Republic of Korea for his/her
undergraduate study before.
(7) Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before.
(8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.
★ English Certificate : An applicant who has score over 540 points(PBT of TOEFL), 76
points(IBT of TOEFL), 700 points(TOEIC) will be given preferential treatment
★ Korean Certificate : An applicant who has the TOPIK 3 grade certificate will be given
preferential treatment
5. Submission of Required Documents
(1) Place of Submission : Phnom Penh Branch of Korean Air
(2) Deadline of Submission : 2010.11.01 (Mon)
(3) Documents to be submitted
① One Completed Application Form (on a prescribed form)
② One IWF Pledge (on a prescribed form)
③ One Self-introduction Essay (on a prescribed form)
④ One Copy of High School Diploma
⑤ One Copy of High School & University Grade Transcripts
⑥ One copy of Original of a Certificate of English Proficiency within 2 years from as of
Dec 31, 2011 (if applicable)
⑦ One copy of Original of a Certificate of Korean Proficiency within 2 years from as of
Dec 31, 2010 (if applicable)
⑧ Two color photos of applicant taken within past 12months (4cm x 5cm)
(4) Notes
① Application form and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or
in English. And all of the materials should be A4 sized; if smaller, attach the material
to an additional A 4 sized paper; if bigger, fold it up to be an A 4 sized one.
② Regarding a high school grade transcript, it should prove that your academic
achievement satisfies 4-(5) above; otherwise, you should submit a certificate issued
by the high school, which should include either an official seal of the school or a
school principal’s signature.
③ The documents such as certificates or credentials issued in languages other than
Korean or English must include official notarized translation, which is to be put
before the original.
④ Other documents except the ones written o n a form prescribed by IWF
should contain their numbers and names on the top right. (ex.⑧High
School Diploma)
⑤ When you submitting the documents to the institution in charge of selection of
candidates, the documents should be arranged in the order of the list of the
required documents stated above. Each document can be stapled, but all of the
documents should be put together using (a) clip(s): do not staple them altogether,
or do not put them into a transparent file one by one.
⑥ Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
⑦ Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by IWF.
6. Scholarship Payment
(1) Scholarship Period
① Bachelor’s degree : 5 years in total
② Master’s degree : 3 years in total
* 1 year of Korean Language training is included
(2) Scholarship Benefits
① Airplane ticket : The grantees will receive an airplane ticket or be paid an economy
class airfare of the shortest route between their country and Korea when they come
to Korea, and, thereafter, when they leave Korea after completion of their study.
② Monthly Allowance: Upon arrival at Korea, the grantee will be provided with about
more or less US$450 per month to cover living expenses for the period of his or her
program. If during the scholarship period, the grantee stays outside of Korea,
monthly allowance will be paid in proportion to the days during which the grantee
actually stayed in Korea. For the first month of the scholarship period, monthly
allowance will be paid in proportion to the number of days during which the grantee
actually stayed in Korea.
③ Tuitions: The full tuition is exempted by IWF.
☞ Scholars who do not meet the minimum criterion for grades will have to pay the
tuition themselves
④ Korean Language Training Expenses: The full costs up to 1 year (IWF pays directly to
the language training institution)
⑤ Medical Insurance: The grantees will be provided with health insurance for major
accidents and illnesses during their scholarship period.
⑥ Housing Expenses
(3) Notes
① IWF does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country
and Korea.
② IWF does not compensate fees for insurance of traveling to and from Korea.
③ Any grantee who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not
receive airfare and allowance for repatriation except for the cases approved by IWF
such as severance of diplomatic relations, war or other natural disasters.
④ Any grantee who quits the program in 3 months after one’s entrance into Korea,
should refund all scholarship fees (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance,
monthly allowance, Korean language training expenses, etc.).
7. Selection (Application) Procedures
Selection Procedures
The notice of Ilwoo foundation
scholarship program
The Submission of Required
Application Procedures
(☞ Contact)
IWF, Phnom Penh Branch of Korean
Phnom Penh Branch of Korean
IWF will announce the successful
candidates & the date for an
2011.11. 25
The interview for final selection
IWF, Phnom Penh Branch of Korean
2011.12. 8
2011.12. 16
IWF will announce the selectees for
the Korean language course and give
them the information of following
IWF will notify the scholarship
students of the grantee’ entry
2012. 1
Grantees will enter Korea
The selectees will begin to take a
Korean language course
Grantees will begin to study at their
2012. Late
IWF, Check the entry itinerary and
prepare for the entry into Korea
Inha Language Training Center
Each university and graduate school
※ Final Selection
- Those who obtain more than level 3 in the TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) or
who complete level 3 and over of the Korean Language course at a Inha Language Training
8. Other Important things
(1) Entry
① Grantees must arrive in Korea by February 28, 2012. In case a grantee does not enter
Korea by the date stated above without any special reason, his/her scholarship
award will be canceled.
② Prior to arrival, grantees should acquire some knowledge about the Korean climate,
customs, culture, etc.
☞ Useful Websites
▪ Korean Language Study
▪ Korean Universities
▪ Korean Culture
▪ The Korean Embassy abroad
▪ Entry & Residence
③ Grantees are required to get a visa before arriving in Korea on their owns.
※ Visit the Consular section of the Korean embassy or consulate in your country of
residence with the guarantee letter from IWF, after being informed of selection as a
④ Every grantee should read the「Orientation Handout for IWF」 thoroughly before
coming to Korea and keep it for reference while staying in Korea, which will be
distributed prior to arriving in Korea.
⑤ The payment of the monthly allowance for the first month after arrival in Korea may
be delayed. Therefore, every grantee is advised to bring extra money to cover the
living expenses for the period.
(2) Housing
① Grantees would reside in a university dormitory.
② The dormitory fee will be paid by IWF.
(3) Korean Language Course
① Duration: March 5, 2012 ~ February 2013
② Institution: Inha Language Training Center (the institution designated by IWF)
(4) Universities & Graduate School
① Name(Number of students)
Inha University(2), Inha Graduate University(2)
② Notes
The grantee should make a preparation of the required documents for
application for an admission to a university.
(5) Cancellation or temporary suspension of Scholarship
① If a grantee is found engaged in any of the following activities during his/her stay in
Korea, his/her scholarship will be suspended and then will be disqualified from a
grantee position.
When any documents of the scholarship application has been found false.
When the grantee is punished by the university or involved in any form of
political activity.
When the grantee has violated the written pledge which s/he has given to IWF.
When the grantee has violated the guidelines and regulations set by IWF.
When the grantee has been cautioned more than 2 times due to an unexcused
absence or a prolonged absence from the Korean language training or the
temporary departure without permission or notification
When the grantee has not earned at least 2/3 of the registered credit courses of
the semester.
When the grantee has not submitted a request for re-enrollment to the
university and not notified IWF of re-enrollment without any proper reasons
within one month after the period of ‘temporary absence from school’ has
When the grantee has given up one’s studies.
The grantee can get only tuition in case of his/her marriage with anyone except
When the grantee severely violates the regulation of the foundation and
neglects the grantee’s basic duties
When the grantee is punished with more than a fine by Korean law
② Temporary suspension of scholarship
After the grantee begins his/her study, s/he should obtain a proper approval
from the university where s/he studies and IWF in order to exit Korea, and
his/her monthly allowance will be paid in proportion to the number of days
during which the grantee actually stay in Korea..
10. Contacts
(1) For application & submission of application documents
• Jaehwan, Huh (Manager of Ilwoo foundation)
• E-mail Address: [email protected]
(2) For others except for the above
① The Ilwoo foundation
• Phone: +82-2-753-6505
• Fax: +82-2-6324-3400
② Phnom Penh Branch of Korean Air
• Phone: +023-224-047
• Fax: +023-224-050
1. Application Forms
2. Self-Introduction Essay
3. Pledge
4. Checklist
5. Desired Major List
Scholarship Program Application
Color Photo
(4×5 ㎝)
1. Desired Program
□ Bachelor's program
□ Master's program
2. Desired Field
Civil / Architecture Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Information Technology
Business Administration / Economics
3. Personal Information
※ Write in English only. It must be typed by computers.
Last Name/Middle Name/First Name
Full Name
Last Name/Middle name/First name
Date of Birth: yy/mm/dd
□ Male
□ Single
Marital Status
□ Female
□ Married
Native language / Languages you
Place of Birth
can speak
Blood Type
Zip Code:
Country Code / Area Code / Phone Number
Cell Phone
2. Education
School Name
of Study
or Certificate
3. Work Experience
Institution or Company
4. Language Proficiency
Title of Test
Date of Test
※ You must present the copy of score report of language test
5. Family Background
6. Previous Visits to Korea
Date of Birth
Final Education
Period: yy/mm/dd
City or Region
Purpose of Stay
Organization Concerned
7. List of Friends and Relatives in Korea
Self-introduction Essay
Write a essay in Korean or English on an A4 size format, and one-sided only. It must be typed by
Date of Birth
Present Major in
Desired major in Korea
A statement of approximately 100 words or less indicating your immediate and ultimate
professional objectives for attending the program.
Specifically, please indicate how your objectives
fit within the the ILWOO foundation Scholarship Program.
Please describe your contribution plan to your country using your knowledge acquired in Korea after
returning to your home country? (100 words or less)
Please give an example of a significant contribution to your society or accomplishment in your life
(100 words or less).
1. As a grantee of the ILWOO Foundation scholarship, I pledge to abide by the following rules;
(1) To refrain from violation of university regulations, and to fulfill my obligations as a
student to the best of my ability.
(2) To behave in a manner appropriate to the Korean culture and society, and not to
participate in any form of political activity (such as organizing a political party, joining
a political party, attending political meetings, publishing political articles and
declarations, organizing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so
(3) To accept responsibility for paying any debts incurred in Korea
(4) To abide by the IWF's policy concerning the Korean language course and the degree
course without any objection.
(5) To abide by all of the terms and regulations set by IWF.
(6) To agree to the use of my personal information (name, contact number, institutions I
belong to, etc) when it is needed for the operation of the program or upon the request
of other governmental institutions.
2. If I am proved to have violated any of the above articles, to have made a false statement in
my application documents or to have failed to comply with academic standards or the
rules of university or research institute, I shall accept the decision of NIIED, even though it
may include the suspension or revocation of the scholarship.
□ Name:
※ Please put a √ in the appropriate box. If not applicable, please state N/A.
List of Required Documents
Official Notarized
① One Complete Application Form
② One NIIED Pledge
③ One Self-introduction Essay
④ One Copy of High school Diploma
⑤ One Copy of High school Grade Transcripts
⑥ One Original Copy of Certificate of English Proficiency (If
⑦ One Original Copy of Certificate of Korean Proficiency (If
⑧ Two Pictures(4X5cm, Color, upper body, front, no hat)
⑨ Others [Write down the name(s) below]
Desired Major List
1. Mechanical Engineering
ㅇ Mechanical Engineering
ㅇ Aerospace Engineering
ㅇ Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering
ㅇ Industrial Engineering
2. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
ㅇ Chemical Engineering
ㅇ Biotechnology
3. Nano-Systems Engineering
ㅇ Polymer Science and Engineering
ㅇ Advanced Fiber Engineering
4. Materials Science & Engineering
ㅇ Materials Science & Engineering
5. Electrical and Computer Engineering
ㅇ Electronic Engineering
ㅇ Electrical Engineering
6. lnformation Engineering
ㅇ Computer and Information Engineering
ㅇ Information and Communication Engineering
7. Materials Science & Engineering
ㅇ Materials Science & Engineering
8. Civil/Environmental/ Geoinformatic Engineering
ㅇ Geoinformatic Engineering
ㅇ Civil Engineering
ㅇ Environmental Engineering
9. Architecture
ㅇ Architectural Engineering
10. Energy Resources Engineering