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Understanding Angioid Streaks
Our eyes are comprised of many different structures and membranes. The back of each eye
houses the retina, a tissue that contains layers of cells and enables us to sense light. Within this
area is a thin, multi-layered elastic tissue known as the Bruch’s membrane, which preserves the
blood-ocular barrier. The Bruch’s membrane thickens with age, and certain systemic diseases
can also cause the elasticity of the membrane to decrease. When this happens, angioid streaks
can form.
If you have angioid streaks in one or both eyes, it is possible to remain asymptomatic and
maintain perfect vision for a long time. In many cases, however, these fine cracks in the
membrane expand, leading to visual impairment. The effects of angioid streaks are much more
severe if the cracks extend into the center of the retina. Those with angioid streaks are also at risk
for membrane rupture and the formation of new blood vessels known as macular choroidal
neovascularization (CNV). The most serious complication of angioid streaks is the development
of CNV blood vessels, which is also common in those afflicted with wet age-related macular
degeneration (AMD). This means that vision loss in individuals with angioid streaks is similar to
those with AMD.
Problems Caused by Angioid Streaks
This eye condition was first described in the late 1800s, when doctors realized that the dark red
or grey-colored lines radiating from around the optic nerve area were not additional blood
vessels. The lines are typically narrow and jagged, and almost always appear bilaterally. Angioid
streaks can worsen due to further loss of elasticity, mineral deposits within the membrane, and
the CNV abnormal blood vessels that can developinside the cracks. These complications within
the retina can cause distortion, the formation of blind spots, and progress loss of central vision.
This condition can cause enough problems on its own, but having angioid streaks could indicate
the presence of another disease elsewhere in the body. These systemic diseases are mostly elastic
tissue diseases and include Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Paget’s disease, and
pseudoxanthomaelasticum (PXE). Patients with sickle-cell anemia may also have angioid
streaks, although other forms of anemia, from iron deficiencies, do not develop the. The presence
of angioid streaks in individuals with sickle-cell anemia is likely due to calcium deposits within
the Bruch’s membrane. Many patients with angioid streaks test positively for an inherited
In most cases, angioid streaks can be diagnosed during a regular eye exam. It is important to visit
your optometrist on a regular basis so that any issues such as angioid streaks can be caught early
on. The condition is typically diagnosed by fundoscopy or fluorescein angiography. If it isnot
possible for your optometrist to determine the borders of the neovascular membrane due to
nearby hemorrhages or lesions, Indocyanine Green angiography may be used.
Some individuals diagnosed with angioid streaks are also found to have patterns of yellowish
leopard-skin or peau d’orange spotting. In general, angioid streaks are rare, but they are
sometimes confused with other, more common conditions due to the range of appearance and
clinical characteristics. In several past case studies examined by the Wills Eye Hospital in
Philadelphia, angioid streaks have been misdiagnosed as other degenerative or inflammatory
diseases including ocular histoplasmosis, ocular toxoplasmosis, myopia, and retinal vasculitis.
The patients in these studies were sometimes incorrectly treated, and many of them were also
found to have pseudoxanthomaelasticum (PXE).
Preventing Vision Loss and Complications
Angioid streaks can cause brittleness within the Bruch’s membrane and the retina, which means
that afflicted individuals have fragile eyes. Any trauma to the head or eyes could cause choroidal
rupture or hemorrhaging, leading to significant visual impairment. Optometrists typically
recommend sturdy, polycarbonate eyeglasses, and protective goggles must be worn during
sporting activities.
Early diagnosis is essential to helping prevent the worsening of angioid streaks and the
development of CNV vessels. Laser treatments and surgeries may help halt the progression of
the condition, which means that many patients achieve visual stabilization and will not face
complete vision loss. For those with existing or developing impairments, however, a huge variety
of low vision aids now exist. Visit Low Vision Technologies to see what tools you could use to
help you retain independence and make your everyday life easier.
Meta tags: angioid streaks, low vision, choroidal neovascularization, Bruch’s membrane
Meta title: Angioid Streaks: Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating
Meta description: Angioid streaks are small cracks that appear in the Bruch’s membrane. This
condition can lead to numerous complications and vision loss, but treatments are available.
H1: Understanding Angioid Streaks
H2: Low Vision Caused by Angioid Streaks