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lives often drowns you out when you speak to us. / Have mercy
on us once again. / Make us aware of how often you are with us
as our companion along life’s road. / Send us out to serve
others as you command / giving all that we have, just as you
have for us. / In the name of the risen One, Jesus Christ, we
April 30, 2017
Celebrating Community
Greeting & Announcements
During the silence, please make your personal confession to God.
If you are visiting with us today, we are especially glad you are here! Please
fill out one of the visitor cards and place it in the offering plate. Also, please
feel free to join us following the service for coffee and conversation.
Recognition of Birthdays & Anniversaries
*Assurance of Pardon
As surely as Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead, God has
forgiven your sins, and has given you the power of His holy Spirit to
live a new life of faith. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Prelude and Lighting of the Candles
Hearing God’s Word
As you prepare your hearts for worship, welcome
the presence of the Lord in this place.
The Children’s Message
Following the children’s message, all children are invited
to attend Sunday School. They may join our teachers
at the entrance to Fellowship Hall.
Praising God
*Call to Worship (based on Psalm 116:12-19)
What can we return to the Lord for all His goodness
to us?
Let us offer our thanks and praise to Him, and let
us lift up His name in the presence of His people.
The Lord is gracious and merciful to us, full of love
and compassion.
While we were still helpless, He came to save us.
Let us worship the Lord.
*Hymn of Praise
“Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna!”
# 248
Receiving Pardon from God
*Invitation to Confession
Epistle Lesson
1 Peter 1:17-23
Pastor Scott
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Has ransomed us from an old life and given us a new one.
Sermon Text
Luke 24:13-35
The resurrected Jesus appears to two disciples
walking on the road to Emmaus.
“Recognizing Jesus”
Responding in Faith
*Hymn of Response
“Take My Life and Let It Be”
# 697
(vv. 1, 2, and 6)
If our faith in the resurrection means anything at all, then we must
believe in God’s power to forgive and transform us. With confidence
in God’s power, let us confess our sins to Him and one another…
*Prayer of Confession
Molly DeWitt
The People of God
Forgiving God, / we are often too full of ourselves and our
concerns to recognize that you are among us. / The noise of our
*Affirmation of Faith
Today we will recite together the Apostles Creed,
found on p. 35 of the hymnal
*Gloria Patri
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
# 581
Molly DeWitt
Order of Worship on the Lord’s Day
April 30, 2017
Moment of Reflection
*Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration
Praying for the Church and World
Sharing of Concerns & Celebrations
Molly DeWitt
Pastoral Prayer
Brown County
Presbyterian Fellowship
The Lord’s Prayer
Departing to Serve
* Closing Hymn
“I Love to Tell the Story”
*Pastoral Charge and Blessing
# 462
Pastor Scott
Please remain seated and enjoy the postlude
that our musicians have prepared.
If you need to contact Pastor Scott, please feel free to do so by
calling one of the following numbers: 317-931-2347 office; or 317701-0207 cell. His e-mail is [email protected]. Molly DeWitt can be
reached at (574) 727-1724 or [email protected].
Attendance last Sunday (Apr 23)
Offering last Sunday
Weekly needs to make the budget
$ 1,530.00
$ 1,938.17
Rev. Dr. Scott Seay, Pastor
Molly DeWitt, Associate Pastor Intern
Mark DeZwaan, Organist
Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship exists
to glorify God through its worship; to build a loving community
of faith; to nurture people into true disciples of Jesus Christ; and
to serve the needs of our community, nation, and world.
Welcome to Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship for worship on
this Lord’s Day! We hope that our service this morning is a blessing
in your life.
Welcome to Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship for worship on
this Lord’s Day! We hope that our service this morning is a blessing
in your life.
Mark your calendars! Molly DeWitt’s last day with us as Associate
Pastor Intern will be Sunday, May 28. Following worship that day
there will be a potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall in her honor. Please
plan on being there to say our official “goodbye” to her!
Mark your calendars! Molly DeWitt’s last day with us as Associate
Pastor Intern will be Sunday, May 28. Following worship that day
there will be a potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall in her honor. Please
plan on being there to say our official “goodbye” to her!
The family of Kathy Cox has donated a beautiful watercolor to the
church in her memory, and in gratitude for the open house last
Saturday. We will find exactly the right spot to hang it. Thank you to
everyone who provided food for that event.
The family of Kathy Cox has donated a beautiful watercolor to the
church in her memory, and in gratitude for the open house last
Saturday. We will find exactly the right spot to hang it. Thank you to
everyone who provided food for that event.
We welcome your voluntary donations to the Deck Fund. If you
would like to contribute, please make your check payable to BCPF
with “Deck Fund” in the memo line and put it in the collection plate.
We welcome your voluntary donations to the Deck Fund. If you
would like to contribute, please make your check payable to BCPF
with “Deck Fund” in the memo line and put it in the collection plate.
Adult Sunday School resumed it study of the gospels today. Please
join us in Fellowship Hall for our study of the gospels at 9:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School resumed it study of the gospels today. Please
join us in Fellowship Hall for our study of the gospels at 9:00 a.m.
Prayer Concerns and Celebrations
Prayer Concerns and Celebrations
For this week’s presbytery prayer partner, Main Street
Presbyterian Church, Petersburg, and its pastor, Rev. Michael
For this week’s presbytery prayer partner, Main Street
Presbyterian Church, Petersburg, and its pastor, Rev. Michael
For four area theological seminaries: McCormick, Chicago
Theological Seminary, Christian Theological Seminary, and
Louisville Presbyterian; all are entering searches for new
For four area theological seminaries: McCormick, Chicago
Theological Seminary, Christian Theological Seminary, and
Louisville Presbyterian; all are entering searches for new
For Connie Casey’s brother, Brad; he has been diagnosed with
For Connie Casey’s brother, Brad; he has been diagnosed with
For Brittany, a former student of Anna Cassiday; she has just lost he
mother and a newborn baby.
For Brittany, a former student of Anna Cassiday; she has just lost he
mother and a newborn baby.
For Chet and Janice Kylander, who have moved from their house to
an apartment in Willow manor.
For Chet and Janice Kylander, who have moved from their house to
an apartment in Willow manor.
For Sandy Pavey, who is talking with doctors and considering hip
replacement surgery.
For Sandy Pavey, who is talking with doctors and considering hip
replacement surgery.
For the family of Susan, a former co-worker of John Wolfarth; she
has passed away at age 66.
For the family of Susan, a former co-worker of John Wolfarth; she
has passed away at age 66.
For Kathy Sparks and her friend, Julie Koeppen, as they travel to
and from a conference in Kansas City.
For Kathy Sparks and her friend, Julie Koeppen, as they travel to
and from a conference in Kansas City.
For three close friends of Ginni Fearrin: one has been diagnosed
with bone cancer at age 50; another with pancreatic cancer; and
another faces open heart surgery in the near future.
For three close friends of Ginni Fearrin: one has been diagnosed
with bone cancer at age 50; another with pancreatic cancer; and
another faces open heart surgery in the near future.
For Dave and Sharlene Wall. Both have fallen recently and
sustained injuries; Dave is still scheduled for surgery.
For Dave and Sharlene Wall. Both have fallen recently and
sustained injuries; Dave is still scheduled for surgery.
For Romilda Hamontre, who is home recovering from recent
surgery and hospitalization.
For Romilda Hamontre, who is home recovering from recent
surgery and hospitalization.
For Ron Swain, a co-worker of Blake Wolpert. He is scheduled to
have surgery in the near future.
For Ron Swain, a co-worker of Blake Wolpert. He is scheduled to
have surgery in the near future.
For Tabitha, a co-worker of Ashley Gartner; she recently had a baby
after 24 hours of labor. Both mom and baby Emma are doing well.
For Tabitha, a co-worker of Ashley Gartner; she recently had a baby
after 24 hours of labor. Both mom and baby Emma are doing well.
For Brett Kirby, son-in-law to Tim and Kathy Sparks; he has been
deployed to Kuwait.
For Brett Kirby, son-in-law to Tim and Kathy Sparks; he has been
deployed to Kuwait.
We give thanks for the stellar performance that Meghan Cassiday
has given in the BCHS production of “Annie.” And we hope for muchneeded rest and relaxation.
We give thanks for the stellar performance that Meghan Cassiday
has given in the BCHS production of “Annie.” And we hope for muchneeded rest and relaxation.
For those with ongoing health issues: Janice Cassiday; Orv Toler;
Diane’s sister-in-law Carolyn; Floyd Clouse; Jean Pienta, Big Jim
Brydges, Marissa Fisher, Jay Cecerman, Gary Fox, Junior Cody,
and Doug McGarvey.
For those with ongoing health issues: Janice Cassiday; Orv Toler;
Diane’s sister-in-law Carolyn; Floyd Clouse; Jean Pienta, Big Jim
Brydges, Marissa Fisher, Jay Cecerman, Gary Fox, Junior Cody,
and Doug McGarvey.
In a broken and fearful world, the Spirit gives us courage to pray
without ceasing, to witness among all peoples to Christ as Lord and
Savior, to unmask idolatries in Church and culture, to hear the voices
of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom,
and peace.
A Brief Statement of Faith of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
In a broken and fearful world, the Spirit gives us courage to pray
without ceasing, to witness among all peoples to Christ as Lord and
Savior, to unmask idolatries in Church and culture, to hear the voices
of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom,
and peace.
A Brief Statement of Faith of the Presbyterian Church (USA)