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Cold War
Rising Tension post WWII
• Lack of trust stemming
from WWII
• Sacrifices and Money
• Ideology
• Communism vs
• Command vs Capitalism
• Potsdam Declaration –
Stalin declares no free
elections in E. Europe
• Buffer zone in Eastern
• US actively rebuilds Europe
and suppresses the spread of
• Marshall Plan (1948) and
Truman Doctrine (1947)
• Germany and Berlin split
into occupied zones by US,
GB, France, and SU
Berlin 1948
Who is fighting? What are they fighting with? Why?
Berlin Airlift – 1948-1949
• Conflicting ideologies for occupied zones between US and
• Currency, unification, reparations, government…
• Eastern zone closed by June 1948 and all land and water
access to West Berlin was blocked
• Berlin supplied by air for 15 months
• 92 million miles flown
• Over 2.25 million tons of goods delivered
• Berlin reopened in May 1949
AntiFascist Protection
(The Berlin Wall)
Concrete and barbed wire structure ran
96 miles encircling West Berlin in 1961
built by Khrushchev
• 15 feet tall concrete wall
• Barbed wire
• Guard posts
• Anti-vehicle trenches
• “Death strip”
The collapse and destruction in 1989
The Wall today – click me (15 min…)
Collective Security
What does this actually mean?
• Treaty organization
formed in 1949
comprised of Western
Europe, US, and
Warsaw Pact
• Treaty organization formed
in 1955 consisting of
Eastern Europe and the
Soviet Union
• Used to keep Eastern states
from defecting
• Hungary - 1956
• Czechoslovakia and the
Brezhnev Doctrine – 1968
Soviet policy toward Eastern bloc states
The Brezhnev Doctrine
How else can we divide
Capitalism vs. Command
Marshall Plan vs. COMECON
Democracy vs. Communism
West vs. East
The Cold War in Asia
Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Afghanistan
• After WWII peninsula split between communist
North and democratic South
• Civil War erupted in 1950 when North invaded South
• Kim Il Sung  Kim Jong Il  Kim Jong Un  …
• UN/US backed South
• China backed North
• No peace treaty to this day – split at 38th Parallel at
the demilitarized zone (DMZ) – Click Me!
Two Koreas Today and North
Korean Propaganda - click me!
North Korea
South Korea
$40 billion
$1.6 trillion
Per capita GDP
$3.9 billion
$557.3 billion
Life expectancy
Infant mortality
rate/1,000 births
Miles of paved roads
51, 697
• Former French colony that became independent in 1954
• Split into communist North and democratic South
• Ho Chi Minh (North) and Ngo Dinh Diem (South)
• Domino theory prompts US involvement against communist rebels,
Viet Cong, and North Vietnam in 1960 under President Kennedy
• Peak troop deployment in 1968 under President Johnson – over 500,000
American personnel were in Vietnam
• The draft, guerilla war, and the Tet Offensive all contributed to Ho
Chi Minh’s victory by 1975
• Post war – economically liberal but restricted personal freedoms
Vietnam “buzzwords”
Gulf of Tonkin
Draft and anti-war movement
Domino Theory
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Tet Offensive
• 1975-1979 - Cambodia ruled by Pol Pot and the Khmer
• Used Maoist/Communist principles and attempted to
create a utopian agricultural state
• Four Year Plan
• Goal: Triple agricultural production within a year without
fertilizer, modern tools, or material incentives
• Opponents executed by hundreds of thousands in the “killing
• 1.5 million died during reign/1 out of every 5
• Overthrown in 1979 following Vietnamese invasion
Cambodia and Pol Pot
• Soviet invasion in 1979 to
restore a communist regime
in Kabul
• Muslim mujahedeen flood in
from ME
• CIA trained and financed
• OBL/stinger missiles
• Soviets withdraw in 1989
• Civil war in Afghanistan
won by the Taliban by 1996
United Nations
• Successor to the League
of Nations
• Created at the end of
World War II
• International government
organization aimed at
promoting international
cooperation and peace
• Main organs
• General Assembly
• Security Council
• Economic and Social
• International Criminal
• International Court of
• Secretary General
Contributing Nations to
Peacekeeping Missions
Timeline of Nuclear Weapons
• 1945 – US atomic bomb
• 1949 – Soviet atomic bomb
• 1952 – US thermonuclear bomb
• 1953 – Soviet thermonuclear bomb
• 1968 – Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
• SALT I - 1972
What other countries have joined the “nuclear club”?
• Red = non signatories
• Yellow = unrecognized state
• Orange = withdrawn
• Blue? Green?
Mutually Assured Destruction
How do nuclear weapons maintain peace?
Tsar Bomba – click me
• The Tsar Bomba mushroom cloud seen
from a distance of 99 miles. The crown of
the cloud is 35 miles high at the time of the
• Explosive power: 50-58 megatons of TNT.
This is equivalent to about 3,300 times the
power of the bombs that destroyed
Hiroshima and 10 times the combined
power of all the conventional explosives
used in World War II.
• Mushroom cloud over 40 miles high
• The base of the cloud was 25 miles wide
• Shockwaves were felt 430 miles away
• Windowpanes broke 560 miles away
Gorbachev and the Collapse of the
Soviet Union
• In 1985 Premier Gorbachev attempted to
reinvigorate and reform the collapsing Soviet state
• Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (economic
• Both programs tried to raise public confidence in a
corrupt government but instead showed
incompetence and corruption
• Stops Brezhnev Doctrine
of intervention in the
Eastern bloc
• SU collapses in 1991 and
transitions to a capitalist,
democratic society
• Difficult transition to free
market capitalism and free
elections throughout
former Soviet states
Map of the Union Republics
between 1956–1991
1 Russia
2 Ukraine
3 Belarus
4 Uzbekistan
5 Kazakhstan
6 Georgia
7 Azerbaijan
8 Lithuania
9 Moldavia
10 Latvia
11 Kirghizstan
12 Tajikistan
13 Armenia
14 Turkmenistan
15 Estonia
Nonaligned Movement
• International movement developed by Indian Prime
Minister Nehru
• Advocated abstaining from the Cold War and not
taking sides
• Focused on internal growth, political continuity postindependence, and maintaining regional peace
Dark blue = Member Countries
Light blue = Observing Countries