Download September 23, 2016 Fighting Our Battles

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September 23, 2016
Fighting Our Battles with Lifted Hands
Warm-up questions:
Have you been personally attacked in any manner? What was the situation and how did you respond to it?
Was there any situation in your life where you felt defeated? How did you handle the situation?
We all have been attacked at some points in our lives, either verbally or physically. A personal attack can be
relatively gentle, for example by suggesting that our ideas are not very good (even if they are). It may also be vicious
and wounding, suggesting uncorrectable personality defects. When we’re being attacked, our tendency is to defend
ourselves and attack back. We become emotional and we all know that when our emotions are affected, our ability
to think rationally is diminished.
Biblical Text:
Main Text: Exodus 17:8-15
The Amalekites are an extinct group people whose existence was recorded in the Bible. They were a war- like people.
They lived primarily to attack others. They attacked the Israelites after their Exodus from Egypt. The first to do so after
the crossing of the Red Sea and they did it by attacking the back or rear of the camp of Israel. Moses, his brother
Aaron and another assistant named Hur did something that enabled Israel to win against these "attackers". Exodus
17:8-15 help us how we can win against "attackers" on our way to God's destiny/ promise land for us:
We win in life not because of how good we are in what we do but how good God is (v.v 8-11; Joshua 1:8;
Proverbs 9:10) - It was not how good Joshua was and the army but what Moses, Aaron and Hur did on the
mountain in obedience to what God said. Their simple child like obedience activated God's supernatural/
almighty involvement and intervention.
Hands raised to God in worship is what it takes from us to get God to stretch His mighty arm to fight for
us ( v.v. 10-11; Genesis 14:17-24) - who do we lift our souls and hands to when we are in need or faced with
mountains that can overwhelm and flatten us? Do we face these things with our limited human abilities or face
it with God at forefront? Who we worship is the god we bring to the front line. If we go about life on our own,
we worship ourselves and only have ourselves to rely on to face unstoppable opposition. But if we lift our souls
and hands to God, God will surely fight our battles.
We need each other’s worship to encourage us to worship through the attacks we face in life (v.v. 11-13) The wholehearted and energetic worship of our brothers and sisters in Christ, gives us the boost we need when
weak and weary. Regular worship and fellowship with other believers are non-negotiable ingredients to victory
over attacks and success in life and our walk with Christ.
God desires to crush completely all those who attack (Amalek v.v. 14-16) us but He requires that we worship Him
through and worship alongside others of the same persuasion. From this day forward, why don't we rest in the
everlasting strong arms of our God by raising our hands together in worship to Him and win together and for each
other in Jesus’ name.
In the light of the scriptures that we just read, how does this change your perceptions about dealing the attacks in
your life right now?
Think if a time when you were undergoing so many struggles and have chosen to worship God instead of focusing
on your struggles and share it with the group.