Download Animal Farm Propaganda Project Create a propaganda poster, in

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Animal Farm Propaganda Project
Create a propaganda poster, in the style of the Soviet propaganda posters, that glorifies Animal Farm.
Your poster should include:
- Characters from the novel (you can draw them, or use images from the
web or magazines)
- An understandable Visual Message that connects to your caption and
clearly connects to the story of Animal Farm.
- Use of at least 1 of the Propaganda techniques examined in class: Name
Calling, Band Wagon, Testimonial, Repetition/Hypnotism, Plain
Folks/Down Home, Ego Building/Snob Appeal, Emotional
Words/Patriotic Slogans, Straw Man
- One of the following captions incorporated into the poster:
o “Four legs good, two legs bad!”
o “Napoleon is always right!”
o “I must work harder!”
o “Four legs good, two legs better!”
o “All men are enemies! All animals are comrades!”
o OR: Another acceptable slogan or maxim from the novel, cleared by Mrs. Barber.
***Note: It is recommended that you hand-draw or create your poster. Tracing is fine if necessary. If
you feel you must, you may use images from the web, however, they must be appropriate to the story
and must not come from existing Animal Farm images circulating on the web. (For example, the
image on this document.)
This Poster Project is a TEST GRADE, and will be due Friday, January 23rd.
Along with your Poster, you must include a T.A.P.E. breakdown of how your work is
PERSUASIVE, along with what Propaganda Technique(s) it displays. You may cut the bottom of
this page off to attach it to your poster.