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Name: ____________________________________________
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan represented
attempts by the United States to deal with the
A) contain the spread of communism in post-World War II
B) encourage summit meetings with the Soviet Union
C) overthrow the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union
D) protect the Western Hemisphere from further
spread of communism
national debt
arms race
President's political opposition
Many foreign peoples, in Europe at least, are... frightened
by experiences of the past and are less interested in...
freedom than in security. They are seeking guidance
rather than responsibilities. We should be better able
than the Russians to give them this. And unless we do,
the Russians certainly will.
drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
deport any person suspected of being a Communist
develop the Marshall Plan
end segregation in the Armed Forces
The main reason for providing aid to Europe under the
Marshall Plan was to
A) guarantee American factories a supply of cheap raw
B) rebuild the economies of devastated European nations
C) encourage the Soviet Union to withdraw from the
United Nations
D) create disagreements between Western European
The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to provide Europe
political alliances
defensive military weapons
cultural exchange programs
economic aid
The Truman Doctrine and the Berlin Airlift were examples of
the United States foreign policy of
A) colonialism
B) detente
C) containment
D) nonalignment
Which heading would be the most appropriate for the list
I. ______________________
A. Truman Doctrine
B. Marshall Plan
C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
This advice to President Harry Truman helped influence
Truman's decision to
The major motive of the Truman Doctrine and the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was to
Immigration Policies
Containment Efforts
Trade Agreements
Tax-Reform Plans
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the
Truman Doctrine were attempts to carry out a United States
foreign policy of
A) appeasement
B) brinksmanship
C) containment
D) neutrality
Which United States foreign policy trend of the 1940's and
1950's did the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and
Eisenhower Doctrine best represent?
A) increased commitment to strengthen NATO
B) provision of economic, technical, and military
assistance to nations threatened by communism
C) effort to increase trade with Asian and European
D) continuous support of the United Nations health
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Name: ____________________________________________
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that
we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the
survival and success of liberty." ‡‡John F. Kennedy
A) African Americans will never gain equality. We really
have no choice but to have the two races separate.
B) African Americans must be patient and aim first for
economic advancement. Social and political equality
will come later.
C) Unjust laws must be disobeyed and the consequences
accepted peacefully.
D) All Americans have a right to equality. Any means,
including violence, can be used to attain it.
This statement best supports a foreign policy of
A) neutrality
B) colonialism
C) noninvolvement
D) containment
Which statement about the Cuban missile crisis (1962) is
most accurate?
A) The Communist government in Cuba was overthrown.
B) The crisis brought the two major world powers very
close to war.
C) The crisis showed that the United States and the Soviet
Union could agree on total disarmament.
D) The United States wanted to establish missile sites in
Cuban territory.
When necessary to achieve justice, which method did
Martin Luther King, Jr., urge his followers to employ?
A) demanding that Congress pay reparations to African
B) using violence to bring about political change
C) leaving any community in which racism is practiced
D) engaging in civil disobedience
"We will match your capacity to inflict suffering with our
capacity to endure suffering.... We will not hate you, but
we cannot obey your unjust laws...." ‡‡Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.
This quotation most strongly advocates
A) civil disobedience
B) prohibition
C) anarchy
D) segregation
After the Civil War, the adoption of the 13th, 14th, and
15th amendments led to
A) a narrowing of the role of the Federal Government
B) an expansion of the power of the states to tax interstate
C) the loss of equal rights for minorities
D) greater Federal supremacy over the states
When Martin Luther King, Jr., said "I have a dream," he was
expressing his hope that
A) blacks would be willing to give up social equality in
exchange for economic opportunity
B) blacks and whites could work and live together in
C) many aspects of economic, political, and social life
would be dominated by blacks
D) part of the United States would be set aside as a home
for a black nation
During the early 1960's, the United States had to deal with
the building of the Berlin Wall, the Bay of Pigs invasion, and
the Cuban missile crisis. Each of these events was a direct
result of the
A) United States failure to remain involved in world affairs
B) concern for the safety of Americans living in foreign
C) continuing tensions between the United States and the
Soviet Union
D) United States continued support of United Nations
Which statement most closely reflects the views of Martin
Luther King, Jr.?
A common purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall
Plan, and the Eisenhower Doctrine was to
A) insure the survival of the newly independent nations of
Africa and Asia
B) limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons
C) carry out the United States policy of preventing the
spread of communism
D) provide medical aid to Latin American nations
Which United States foreign policy trend of the 1940's and
1950's did the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and
Eisenhower Doctrine best represent?
A) provision of economic, technical, and military
assistance to nations threatened by communism
B) continuous support of the United Nations health
C) increased commitment to strengthen NATO
D) effort to increase trade with Asian and European