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By Shenay, Arjeta, Brooke &
Andrew :)
What are some of the major beliefs
of the religion of Islam?
There may not be another religion like Islam with its simplicity and unity of beliefs. Whether one is a Muslim in Singapore or
Saudi Arabia, a Sunni or Shiite, a scholar or poor person, the major beliefs are the same. There is little argument about their
broad meanings. The Quran states that it is righteousness to believe in Allah, the last day, angels, the Book, and the
messengers. Muslims believe Islam is God's final message to humankind, a reconfirmation and perfection of the messages
that God has revealed through earlier prophets.
A. Oneness of God: The central Muslim belief is that there is only one God to be worshipped, unique incomparable, eternal,
absolute and without peer or associate. Allah is the name of the One and Only God in Arabic. The word Allah is used by
Muslims, Christians and Jews alike who speak the Arabic language. Allah has ninety-nine beautiful names, such as: The
Gracious, The Merciful, The Beneficent, The Creator, The All-Knowing, The All-Wise, The Lord of the Universe, and others. He
is the Creator of all human beings. Muslims do not believe in the idea of a trinity or a unity with God which implies more
than one God in one.
B. Oneness of mankind: Other important tenets of Islam are that God is the Creator of all that exists and that His will is
supreme. People are created equal in front of the Law of God and there is no superiority for one race over another. God
made humans of different colours, nationalities, languages and beliefs so that we get to know each other. The best of people
are those who are pious and righteous.
C. Oneness of Messengers and the Message: Muslims believe that God sent different messengers and prophets throughout
the history of mankind in order to guide them. Muslims believe in Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, David,
Jesus, and Muhammad. All came with the same message to worship the one true God. Some were sent books, such as the
original Torah or the original Gospel. However over time the true message was changed or misinterpreted. Muhammad is
the 'seal' of all the prophets -- that is, the last.
What are some of the major beliefs
of the religion of Islam?
D. Angels and the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe that there are unseen immortal creatures such as angels created by
God in the universe for special tasks. Satan was also created to test mankind. Muslims also believe that humans are
responsible to God for their actions; and that, on the Day of Judgment, an all-knowing and merciful God will judge His
creation according to their deeds in this life. On that 'day' all people of the world throughout the history of mankind till the
last day of life on earth, are to be brought for accounting. The reward or punishment is to be Heaven or Hell.
E. Innocence of Man at Birth: Muslims believe that people are born free of sin. It is only after they reach the age of puberty
and it is only after they commit sins that they are to be charged for their mistakes. No one is responsible for or can take the
responsibility for the sins of others. However, the door of forgiveness through true repentance to God is always open.
What is the difference between
Shia and Sunni?
Both Sunni and Shia Muslims share the most fundamental Islamic beliefs and
articles of faith. The differences between these two main sub-groups within Islam
initially stemmed not from spiritual differences, but political ones. Over the
centuries, however, these political differences have spawned a number of varying
practices and positions which have come to carry a spiritual significance.
How do Islamic beliefs compare to
those of other major world
What is Islam’s major religious
figure? And why?
Allah (god) is the main figure of Islam. The Qur'an mentions only 25
prophets by name but also tells that God sent many other prophets and
messengers, to all different nations that have existed on Earth. The main
and the last messengers/ Prophet is Muhammad.
And what a prophet actually means in the Muslim sense of the term, is a
person whom God specially chose to teach the faith of Islam.
What is the main Muslim text?
The Quran is the religious text of Islam, and the finest piece of literature in
the Arabic language.
What was the role of Islamic
fundamentalists in the overthrow of
the Shah of Iran?
• Islamic groups were about to set a network with the against the shah as
they didn’t get funding from the government.
• The Islamic groups were promising heritage values and old ways, which
people wanted
• The shah wanted to get rid of the Mullahs which outrage the Iranians.
• He wanted to change the Shiite tradition which separated them from the
• Mosques became a meeting place for these organisations.