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Politics and People after Persia
What did it take to be a politician
in ancient Athens? What happens
in the Greek world after the
Persian Wars?
Three Intellectual Issues
What is justice? Is it revenge?
Who solves human problems?
Polis replaces archaic world.
Truth vs. Lies
“We know how to make lies sound like the
Plato – purpose of good storytelling – to be
able to act on the truth embedded in the tale.
What might have happened vs. what really
Monumental History
Heroic figures, set speeches (Homer)
Greek citizen morality, citizen soldier, divine
justice (rise and fall of prosperous states and
people) Lyric poets
Stories have a staged feel (Greek drama)
479-431 BCE
445 BCE
Territorial rights
No soliciting
The Trouble with Athens
Economy Expands
Permanent Military Presence
Aristocratic control of public business
and economy is diluted
Athens appears as a threat to other
nation-states (i.e., Sparta)
Political Prominence is no longer with
just noble members of society
Is Athenian Democracy
Compatible with Running an
Delian League/Why Delos?
Allies(Thasos, Delos, Naxos) pay tribute
Plato’s thoughts on democracy
Would the Athenians Have
Elected Arnold?
* Good looks
* Wealth
* Public speaking skills
* Family connected with
BUT . . . the completion of successful military
campaigns & experience in the city’s affairs were
also required
What Else Do You Need?
Power Base
Influence in the Assemblies
Generational Continuity
How did you campaign?
Monetary Aid
Material Gifts
Food Donations
Pericles (b. 493)
Athens’ best and brightest (461-429 BCE)
Military Experience
Public building program
A plan of action
Prepare for the worst
60 ship squadron
Citizenship opportunities
Cleon 430-422
“Friendship weakens and perverts the
right and just choice in life.” Plutarch on
City vs. Friendships
Spokesman for Lower Classes
The Myth of the Self-Made
Different Class of Politician
Prosperous Empire
Educational Differences
Cleon’s Reforms
Radical Speech
Superfluous Training
Which Is Better?
Seasoned Military General
Ambitious, Dynamic, Prosperous Entrepreneur?
The Athenians are about to find out . . .
Thucydides on Leadership
“A lack of education combined with
solid common sense is more beneficial
than the kind of smartness that gets out
of hand . . . As a general rule states
benefit more from rule by the man in
the street than by intellectuals . . .”
Does someone like Jesse Ventura make
a better leader?
Plato’s Critical Viewpoint
. . . You can still see the imprint of the
slave’s haircut in their minds as well as
their heads . . .”
Upper class polish
New politicians promoted the following:
Equal representation for all
Citizen felt loyal to polis
Schwarzenegger Moment of
"It's the most difficult [decision] I've made in
my entire life, except the one I made in 1978
when I decided to get a bikini wax." –
announcing his gubernatorial candidacy on
"The Tonight Show With Jay Leno"
"Don't worry about that." -on the
"I think that the only way that you really keep
it a secret is by not telling anyone." –on his
decision to run for governor of California