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In the summer of 1940, Hitler decided to invade
Britain. His plan was to take control of the
English Channel by destroying the Royal Air
force and then to send German troops into
Britain to take control.
In July 1940, Hitler put his plan into operation.
The German air force (Luftwaffe) began making
daily bombing raids on British ships, ports, radar
stations, airfields and aircraft factories. This
became known as the Battle of Britain.
Children were evacuated to the country side for
their safety during the war .More than 1 million
children were evacuated.Most children were
sent to locations by train.
The first four days of September 1939 nearly 3
million children were transported from towns and
cities in danger from enemy bombers to a place
of safety .
.Hitler's middle name was Elizabeth.
.Hitler was born on 20th of April 1889.
. Hitler was head of the Nazi Party during World War 2.
When the Luftwaffe approached the British coast during the
Second World War local Air Raid Wardens arranged for the
sounding of sirens. People were now expected to immediately
take cover before the raid actually started. Another siren was
played to announce that it was safe to leave the air raid
People doing important war work were instructed to ignore the
first siren that told them that enemy aircraft were approaching.
Instead they could only go to their shelters when the second
siren was sounded that indicated that the Luftwaffe were
immediately overhead.
Everyone in Britain was given a gas mask in a
card board box to protect them from gas
bombs .
A Anderson shelter was used as a protection
for the family in case of any unexpected
bombs by Hitler .
At night, everywhere was in a blackout. You
didn’t dare put a light on and if you did the air
raid wardens would have rapped on your door
and shouted, “Put that light out!” The air raids
wardens were volunteers and they wore tin
hats. They made sure everyone had dark
curtains and no lights were showing from the
A ration book was used for people during the
war to get little supplies of food they would
get :Meat = 4oz per week.
Butter = 4oz per week.
Milk = 3 oz per week .
Sweets = 3oz per week .
In reclaiming women's history, their contribution
during World War II is frequently overlooked. Here
are the statistics in this area: More than 100 military
nurses were captured when Bataan and Corregidor
fell to the Japanese in 1942. Sixty-six Army Nurses
and eleven Navy Nurses remained in a Japanese
concentration camp for 37 months, more than three
years! Sixteen hundred Army Nurses and 565 WACS
received combat decorations, including the
Distinguished Service Medals, Silver Stars, Bronze
Stars, Air Medals, Legions of Merit, Commendation
Medals, and Purple Hearts.
Don’t look at your watch Mr Roberts we've nearly finished!
Thanks For Watching, Folks!