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An Advisory Opinion by Judge Naidu©®℗™
1. medium of exchange – barter, exchange, buy, sell, save,
hoard, supply, demand, leverage, monetize; create
2. unit of account - barter, exchange, buy, sell, save, hoard,
supply, demand, monetize, leverage; create value/worth
3. store of value - barter, exchange, buy, sell, save, hoard,
supply, demand, monetize, leverage; create value/worth
The SDR, as money, became an agent of change, a creature of
repute, an indispensable, intangible, but sensible sense of stability
and reliability around 1969, and continued in stages through 1981
to grow, develop, morph and emerge as a “Supermoney” just like
the Man of Steel, but bereft of a “krypton-like” antidote to super
strength as long as G20 member nations accepted the SDR now
backed by gold. Uncle Sam made sure that the USD can be
replaced by another - like the SDR – in case full faith and
credit became an issue as it will with increased trade
deficits, budget deficits, imports-exports disparity…Nixon
signed off on the gold convertibility August 15, 1971,
remember ??? France and Switzerland were on a gold
buying frenzy
1979 – the IMF issued 12.1 billion SDRs to provide liquidity as
global confidence in the dollar declined. Dumping dollars to buy
gold had started again. Dollar is losing its worth and value as
SDRs gain momentum, popularity, viability, feasibility and
2009 – IMF again issued SDRs to the tune of 310 billion
increasing the SDRs circulation by 850% - price of gold stood at
$1,900 per ounce – remember !!
The Fed in the meantime had printed $3 trillion in paper money.
SDRs can and will replace the USD in time….it’s happening
MOST COUNTRIES peg their currency to the USD which
outsources their value and worth to the Fed. If and when the
pegging country is running a trade surplus or experiencing capital
inflows (from investors because of its stable economy), the pegging
country has to print its won currency to purchase the incoming
dollars in order to maintain the peg. The exchange-rate
mechanism at full blown operations.
Monetary experts predict that the SDRs will become the most
prolific and popular peg as run by the IMF (read: USA). The euro,
yen, USD and the sterling are always purchasing, exchanging,
bartering, trading, using, the SDRs.
Oil and gold, wars and famines, earthquakes and tsunamis,
natural and unnatural physical and fiscal disasters are
manufactured by the evil that prevails in the guise of
“government” a/k/a The G20. They regularly meet in Davos,
Switzerland, planning the next wave of master and
disaster without the media around, of course. Once in a
while they will spew out a meaningless blabber of
“interviews” to the talking heads who usually have NO
Kenneth W Dam, a leading monetary scholar and former senior
US gov’t official who served in the Treasury, WH, and DOD
explains thus:
The SDR differed from nearly all prior proposals in one crucial
respect. Previously, it had been thought essential that any new
international created through the Fund, and particularly any new
reserve asset, be “backed” by some other asset . The SDR, in
contrast, was created out of (so to speak) whole cloth. It was simply
allocated to participants in proportion to quotas, leading some to
refer to the SDR as :”manna from heaven.” Thereafter it existed
and was transferred without any backing at all . . . A ready
analogy is to “fiat” money created by national governments but not
convertible into underlying assets such as gold.
##### In the beginning, the SDR was equivalent to 0.888671
grams of fine gold, but was abandoned in 1973 2 years after
Uncle Sam abandoned the gold standard. As Dam explains,
today, the SDR’s value is based on specified weights of the
USD, euro, yen and pounds sterling…what does that tell
SDRs operate in the realms of Planet Mystery, Planet Cambistry
(use of financial instruments), and Planet Aphnology (science of
wealth creation). Chrematophobia (fear of money) is their mantra.
ONLY the G20 knows who is who in this mass conspiracy.
Uncle Sam, Russia, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Iraq, Iran,Saudi
Arabia, OPEC, China, India, Pakistan, etc., are all involved one
way or the other. The media is clueless thinking each wants to
nuke the other.
When and if a new currency is created, like the SDR, it all
depends on WHO will accept it. As long as G20 accepts it vis-à-vis
their own currencies, a new phase in money creation is born out of
thin air.
Is the SDR aping the Fed ? Yes and no ! Yes, it is printing them,
and no, it’s denying that it will replace the USD.
Recent Report from the IMF:
The SDR may be allocated by the IMF, as a supplement to
ec=xisting reserve assets . . . Its value as a reserve asset derives
from the commitments of participants to hold and accept SDRs . . .
The SDR is also used by a number of international and regional
organizations as a unit of account (one of the definitions of
money/ncn) . .. Participants and prescribed holders can use and
receive SDRs in transactions . . . among themselves.
Here the IMF admits that SDRs are as good as money.
SDRs will never be used as banknotes because it has NO desire to
be threatend with inflation, deflation, devaluation and
revaluation. It will never be in the hands of citizens. DENIZENS
have a better chance. MORE on this later….
Exxon-Mobil, Toyota and Royal Dutch Shell use SDRs. This way
the USD, euro, sterling and yen (leading the pack in the basket of
currencies) can remain stable with SDRs shoring them up in case
of an emergency or contingency.
Central banks around the world will pretend they know nothing
about the SDRs because they do not want to know what they are
doing. The devil made me do it syndrome. The fun and games and
enjoyment was PERFECTLY sublime.
Tribal money judgments; native titles to land (usucapion); birth
certificates; labor bonds (human capital) based on average global
salary of $25/hour/individual/40-hour week X 500 million workers
= $1,000.00 per week per worker X 500 million workers =
$500,000,000,000 = $500 billion per week
SDRs as a back-up currency…..HOW THE DEVIL CAN WE GO
WRONG if we can have a central bank agree and accept and
endorse and validate this? WE ARE WORKING ON THE
DETAISL since the devil is in the details. Our central bank is
listening. Question is –ARE YOU ??? Will you sign off on the
labor bond as a “former slave’ who is DONE with the 40hour week.
NOT a pie in the sky.. it is already been planned, discussed,
strategized and developed.