Download Notes: P.666-669 The Beginnings of the Liberation Struggle in Africa

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The Beginnings of the Liberation Struggle in Africa:
MI: During World War I, European made promises toward African in return for their resources and
manpower, but the promise was broke leading to strikes and rebellions.
By the 19th century, Western-educated Africans and traditional rulers =loyal toward British and
French overlords -> French and British are able to use manpower, raw materials, laborers,
soldiers from Africa during World War I.
World War I -> African merchants and framers suffer from shipping shortages/ decline of
demand for crops such as cocoa-> African=hungry~ crops given to armies of allies.
European made promises to Africans to join the military-> but only kept a few such as better
jobs and public honors-> strikes/riots broke out-> Great Depression.
Western-educated politicians did not pay much attention of urban workers/ peasants -> Marcus
Garvey and W.E.B Du Bois (African American political figure) emerge African nationalist leaders
-> pan-African organization (made up of African loyalties~ leadership = African Americans, West
French-speaking West Africans focus on their organizational and ideological efforts in Paris->
negritude literary movement combat racial stereotyping bondage to Europeans.
Leopold Senghor (Senegalese poet), Leon Damas (from French Guiana), and West Indian Aime
Cesaire celebrated beauty of black skin and African physique -> arguing African people in precolonial era~ women were freer, old people better care, attitudes toward sex were healthier
than civilized West.
Western-educated Africans in British territories were given greater opportunities-> nurture
organization linking nationalist of different British colonies~ National Congress of British West
Africa-> able to concern with issues within individual colonies.
British grant representation in colonial advisory councils to Western-educated Africans~ political
organization= bad structured to be true political parties-> leaders attack British polices and
reached out for African villagers and young that played little role in nationalist.
P. 723-727
The Liberation of Nonsettler Africa
MI: Educated-Africans begin to take a nationalist position and established the Convention People
Party of organizing mass movements.
Forced labor, confiscations of crops and minerals, inflations, African earnings cut down,
African recruits~ serviceman fought bravely -> used European latest weapons to destroy
Europeans during World War II.
Wartime of British and French-> restricted industrial development throughout Africa->
factories made vegetable oils, foods, and minerals in west and central of Africa-> growing
migration of African peasants to towns shaping African urban growth.
 Kwame Nkrumah was educated in African missionary schools and Untied States-> created
contacts with nationalist leaders in British and French West Africa and civil rights leaders in
America in the late 1940s-> restrictions on government control marketing boards and
favoritism for British merchants -> nonviolent protest in cities, but police fire in 1948= riot.
 Western-educated African leaders=slow organizing groups into a sustained mass movement
-> Nkrumah resigned position as dominated political party in Gold Coast creating
Convention People Party (CPP)~ signaling arrival of new style of politics by organizing mass
rallies, boycotts, strikes.
Educated Africans were give representation in the legislative bodies and took over
administration of colony -> British recognize Nkrumah as prime minister of the independent
Ghana in 1957.
French made sure that African leaders would dominate the nationalist movements and post
independence in French West Africa-> 1956-1960, French colonies moved toward nationhood->
1960, France’s west African colonies=free.
Well-educated Congolese led resistance to Belgian rule -> 1960 independence, only 16 African
collage graduates in Congolese population exceeded 13 million.
Repression and Guerrila War: The Struggle for the Settler Colonies
MI: Settlers in the 1950s-1960s, revolt with violence to fight for their independence with the KAU, FLN,
and OAS group they form.
South Africa-> settled by Europeans -> gave new openings for nationalist agitation -> South
Africa, Algeria, Kenya, Southern Rhodesia blocked rise of nationalist movements.
Settlers emigrated =permanent homes-> fought attempts to turn political control over to
African and grant civil rights-> refused reforms by colonial administrators-> African leaders
turned to violent, revolutionary struggle for independence.
1950s, Kenya-> Kenya African Union (KAU) (underground organization made up of radical
leaders) = impatient with Jomo Kenyatta and nationalist party of nonviolent approached->
formed Land Freedom Army -> campaign terror and guerrilla warfare against British
settlers-> British imprison Kenyatta and KAU.
1963 Kenya won independence-> most stable and prosperous of new African states.
Algeria-> National Liberation Front (FLN) -> full-scale against French rule and settler
1960, Algeria~ Secret Army Organization (OAS) =against Arabs, Berbers, French that favor
independence for colony.
French military-> toppled government in Paris in 1958-> end of Fourth Republic.
1960a-> OAS was close to killing de Gaulle and overthrow the Fifth Republic.
1962, independence was won by Algerian
Migrants formed the Algerian population present in France.
The Persistence of White Supremacy in South Africa:
MI: By the 1900s, Afrikaners created the Afrikaner National Party winning their complete independence
from Britain and apartheid was established giving no rights to them.
Southern Africa violent revolutions-> end of white settler dominance in Portuguese colonies
of Angola and Mozambique (1975), Southern Rhodesia (1980).
Afrikaners had no European homeland to go back too and consider themselves as distinct
from Dutch.
Afrikaner-> racism
1930s-1940s-> black Africans -> Afrikaner National Party -> winning complete
independence from Britain without using violence.
1948 through the passage of thousands laws, created the apartheid by Afrikaners->
legislation reserved best jobs for whites and define contact between radical groups-> rights
to vote was denied for black, color, and Indians ~many restricted.
P. 804-806
South Africa: The Apartheid State and Its Decline:
MI: In the 1990s, Afrikaners were under the laws of apartheid system and government begin to prohibit
forms of black protest and brutally including non-violent, but by 1994 Nelson Mandela became
president and the African National Congress party came to power.
Some nations received its independence while others remain under the European or the
American rule to present day.
Dutch-descended Afrikaners-> control of the country with leadership of Nationalist party->
blacks were not allowed to vote-> Nationalist won complete independence from Great
Britain in 1960-> Afrikaners were rule by thousands of laws making up the apartheid.
Apartheid-> unequal facilities were created for different radical group for recreation,
education, housing, work, medical care & dating and sexual intercourse across racial lines
=strictly prohibited-> non white South Africans were given jail if it broken.
Numerous homelands within South Africa were created for the separation -> poorest lands
toward black African.
1980s~ government prohibit all forms of black protest and brutally even non-violent
resitance-> African National Congress=illegal-> Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela, African
leaders, were shipped off to prisons-> Steve Biko was an organizer of Black Consciousness
movement was killed.
F.W. de Klerk pushed for reforms that begin to go against the apartheid system
1994 election brought power to African National Congress party-> led by Nelson Mandela->
becoming the first black president in South Africa-> one of the most skillful/respected
political leaders.