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French Revolution
Part 2
Reform, Radicals, and
Made with Love
Ms. Clyde
This is the Bloody One
Revolution’s National
August 4th, 1789, the
National Assembly got
rid of tax exemptions,
titles, obligatory labor
on roads, and the
payment of “dues”
New Slogan
Declaration of Rights of
Adopted on August
27th, 1789
stated that all men are
born and remain free
and equal in rights
The aim of all political
association is the
preservation of natural
rights of man
Rights of Man
included liberty,
property, security, and
resistance to
Includes equal justice,
and freedom of
speech and religion
Church and State
Church was seen as
oppositional to the
Assembly took over
church property
onNovember 2, 1789.
Assembly sold church
property to pay for
government debt
Priest had to be
elected and paid by
the state
Great Escape
Louis the XVI knew he
was in danger and he
tried to escape to
Austria with his family
He was captured right
before the border
His enemy’s thought
he was a traitor for
Constitution of 1791
New Constitution
allowed the Assembly
the power to create
French Law and
declare war
King Louis XVI signed
the Constitution even
though he did not want
Gave all power to the
Revolution Divides
Radicals wanted sweeping changes giving all
power to the people, They sat on the left side
of the room, hence “Radical Left”
Conservatives wanted few changes in
government. They liked the monarchy and
“privileged” classes, they sat on the right side
of the room, hence the term, “conservative
Moderates- wanted change but not as much
as the radicals, called centrist, sat in the
War and Chaos
Monarch’s of Europe thought the same kind of
Revolution that France had could happen to
They sent army’s to destroy the French
Prussian (German) and Austrian forces
invaded France in July 1792 in the hopes to
help King Louis the XVI regain his throne
Threatened mass destruction if anyone from
the royal family was harmed
Foreign Threats
The Revolutionaries reacted by throwing the
royal family in a stone tower
They killed many royalist, former nobility and
clergy, this way, there can be no “going back”
The French “People’s Army” barely won
King was officially deposed and a new
legislative body of revolutionaries called the
Convention was elected
Radical Rule and Terror
The Convention was
ruled by a radical
group called the
The radical “Jacobin”
named Robespierre
took over power, they
wanted to eliminate
France’s feudal past
To Kill a King
King Louis the XVI was tried for treason and
killed by the “Guillotine”. The new modern,
humane way to kill someone by cutting off
their head
Peasants were horrified by the killing of the
Many countrymen did not believe the
government had much control outside of Paris
Committee of Public
Robespierre headed up the “Committee of
Public Safety” to determine who was an
enemy of the revolution.
They would try them in the morning and kill
them by guillotine in the afternoon
People would come to watch the deaths of the
people considered “Enemy of the State”
Robespierre was
He was a good public speaker
thought it was everyones duty to detest and
dispose of tyrants and traitors
wanted people to help the unfortunate and
respect the weak, and to defend the
behave with justice towards all men
Reign of Terror
Robespierre ruled from July 1793-July 1794
Anyone suspected of being an enemy of the
Revolution was guillotine
Even others that questioned Robespierre’s
leadership were killed
Thousands of Parisians were killed. 40,000
were killed through out the country
Many were poor urban workers the revolution
tried to help
End of Terror
By July 1794, the members of the National
Convention felt threatened by Robespierre.
To save themselves, they turned on
Robespierre and guillotined him, shouting,
“Down with the Tyrant”
The French had grown
tired of the destructive
“excesses” of terror
Many French reacted
against the chaos and
tyranny of radical
Jacobin’s rule
In 1795, they wrote a
new constitution
New Constitution
Called for a two body legislature and a five
man executive known as “directory” to lead the
French Nation
The directory was made up of moderates