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Autumn Issue 2010
Sustainable Energy saving the Economic & Environmental World Crisis
NEXT GEN visions and remedial action ► The hope for nature and humanity to survive on Earth
China Clean Energy Evolution ► 20th Anniversary of the CMDC Clean Energy Initiative in Beijing
NEXT GEN Objectives to be resolved
The Fallacy of Nuclear Power
Here are the fatal mistakes made by humankind:
Completion of Finnish pressurized nuclear reactor
delayed by 4 years until 2013
1) Overexploitation of all natural resources right to
the bitter end of depletion
2) Wrong energy systems causing global warming,
pollution and radiation
3) Noisy oversized too heavy vehicles damaging the
environment and health
4) Wrong intensive agriculture destroying the
natural balance with chemicals
5) Unhealthy diets causing high cost from obesity,
diseases and early death
6) Disastrous medicine and dentistry with
superfluous lethal drug excesses
7) Wrong and insufficient school programs as
regards character education
8) Misconceived monetary system abused by tricky
bankers and speculators
9) Abuse of public funds for weaponry and war
poisons instead of building peace
HELSINKI (AP) – The Finnish utility TVO says the
completion the country's fifth nuclear reactor will be
further delayed and the company does not expect
it to go online until 2013.
TVO says the Areva-Siemens consortium
responsible for its construction has said that "most
of the work will be completed in 2012" and the
plant could begin to produce electricity the
following year.
Monday's announcement marks the fifth delay at
the site in Olkiluoto, which has been plagued by
faulty materials and planning problems since
construction began in 2005.
The 1,600-megawatt plant was to be the
continent's first European Pressurized Reactor,
which are planned to eventually replace aging
reactors worldwide, but the cost already more than
doubled and are far beyond competitiveness with
clean, risk free renewable power as illustrated in
the energy cost forecast below.
10) Misinterpretation of laws by greedy law twisters
robbing innocent citizens
Remedial action on these fatal errors of the past will
be discussed at the historic NEXT GEN event at the
West Palm Beach conference 15 - 19 October 2010.
China Clean Energy Revolution
The China Securities Journal reported recently that
the country will soon release a plan for investing
$739 billion in "newly developing energy industries"
through 2020. They have already over 100 Million
electric vehicles on the road in daily use, which need
more electricity from clean sources.
The explosive growth of renewable energy since the
first UN sponsored renewable conference, organized
by the editor of the ISEO News twenty years ago
with several Ministries and Commissions, is mind
boggling. Millions of sustainable jobs were created
since and exports amount already to billions of $.
International Sustainable Energy Organisation for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
ISEO, POB 200, CH1211 Geneva 20 - Tel: +41-22-910-3006 - Fax: +41-22-910-3014
e-mail: [email protected] -
Germany targets switch to 100%
renewables for its electricity by 2050
10,000 Renewable Energy Jobs at Old
Michigan Ford Complex possible
Germany already leads the world on renewable
energy and could become the first G20 country to
kick the fossil-fuel habit, deriving all of its electricity
from renewable energy sources by 2050 and
become the world's first major industrial nation to
fully substitute fossil fuels, the country's Federal
Environment Agency proclaimed.
Wixom, Michigan may see
a historic site renewed to
create renewable energy
products and jobs. The old
Ford Motor factory near
Detroit, which turned out
T-Birds and Lincoln Town Cars and other envies of
the highway for over five decades, may be
converted into a facility for turning out energy
storage batteries, solar panels, and wind turbines.
If the requested government funding for the
proposal is approved, it will lead to anywhere from
2’800 to about 10’000 green energy jobs in the
new “energy park”.
Germany already gets 16% of its electricity from wind,
solar and other renewable sources – three times'
higher than the level it had achieved 15 years ago.
"A complete conversion to renewable energy by
2050 is possible from a technical and ecological
point of view," said Jochen Flasbarth, president of
the Federal Environment Agency.
"It's a very realistic target based on technology that
already exists – it's not a pie-in-the-sky prediction,"
he said.
Thanks to its Renewable Energy Act, Germany is
the world leader in photovoltaics: it expects to add
more than 5,000 megawatts of photovoltaic capacity
this year to reach a total of 14,000 megawatts. It is
also the second-biggest wind-power producer after
the United States. Some 300,000 renewable energy
jobs have been created in Germany in the last
The government has set goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40% between 1990 and
2020, and by 80-85% by 2050. That goal could be
achieved if Germany switches completely to
renewable sources by 2050, Flasbarth said.
About 40% of Germany's greenhouse gases come
from electricity production, in particular, from coalfired power plants.
Flasbarth said the Environment Agency's study
found that switching to green electricity by 2050
would have economic advantages, especially for the
vital export-oriented manufacturing industry. It would
also create tens of thousands of jobs.
"The costs of a complete switch to renewables are a
lot less than the costs to future generations that
climate change will cause," he said.
Last month a report by the UK's Centre for
Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, mid Wales,
said Britain could eliminate all its carbon emissions
by 2030 by overhauling its power supply.
It is irresponsible to extend the life of risky nuclear
power plants or consider new ones. All of them are
easy targets for terrorists, after the world watched
the collapse of the world trade center skyscrapers in
New York, besides Earth quake risks and
meteorites, which would wipe out whole populations
around nuclear power plants beyond national
The proposed $725 million endeavour which has
been put before Michigan state lawmakers, would
be like a divine intervention in Michigan, as it is in
desperate need of jobs, having the highest
unemployment rate of any state in the nation.
Michigan is, therefore, looking to the near future of
an exploding green economy to get itself back
where it was when it was the auto-making capital
of the world.
“It’s not just that our city needs it or our county
needs it. Our state needs it. We need to look at the
new frontier”, says Wixom Mayor Kevin Hinkley.
The Wixom Ford plant was closed in 2007.
When will the electric vehicle fleet
reach 100 Million units ?
The answer is last year (2009) and that's just in
Asia ! This is a surprise to most people. The usual
predictions are in the 2020s (if we include hybrids)
or well into the 2030s for electric vehicles without
internal combustion (IC) engines.
Light electric vehicles (LEV) represent a wellestablished market of great significance to the
worldwide transport, energy and environmental
sectors. It has trebled since 2004, to 10s of
millions of units per year. The Chinese market
remains very influential, but sales are surging also
in other parts of Asia, North America and Europe.
Energy Events around the World
On the ISEO web portal > News &
Events, there is an updated list of hundreds of
conferences all over the world, dealing with all
aspects of environment protection, climate change,
renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Dialogues with ISEO
You may send us your questions, suggestions,
updates and missing links for inclusion in ISEO’s
international network website
Welcome also as active or passive member
International Sustainable Energy Organisation for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
ISEO, POB 200, CH1211 Geneva 20 - Tel: +41-22-910-3006 - Fax: +41-22-910-3014
e-mail: [email protected] -