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The diagram below shows the path of a student on a sled starting from rest at point
The student slides down a frictionless, snow-covered hill past point Z, which is at
ground level. Which of the following statements best describes the energy of the
student and sled from point W to point Z?
The total energy at point W is less than at point Z
The total energy at point W is greater than at point Z
The potential energy at point W becomes all kinetic energy at point Z
The kinetic energy at point W becomes all potential energy at point Z
A piece of paper has 12 Joules of chemical energy. The paper is then burned and the
chemical energy is transformed into 7 joules of heat energy and __________ joules of
electromagnetic (light) energy; according to the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Solar panels placed on top of a roof use the sun’s energy to hear water for a
swimming pool. What energy transformations are taking place?
Which of the following statements best explains why drops of liquid form on the
outside of a glass of ice water on a hot day?
Water molecules in the air are attracted to the surface of the glass
Water molecules in the ice water lose energy as they transfer heat to the air
Water molecules in the air lose energy as they transfer heat to the cold glass.
Water molecules in the ice water move through the glass pores to the outside of
the glass.
Quinn has a container for making frozen juice bars. He pours juice into the container
and then puts the container into the freezer for 12 hours. What happens to the juice
molecules in the container during these 12 hours?
They lose kinetic energy
They lose chemical energy
They gain electrical energy
They gain gravitational energy
Gail’s cross-country coach advised her to eat well-balanced meals in order to have
plenty of energy for their upcoming track meet. To which transformation of energy is
Gail’s coach referring?
Thermal energy to mechanical energy
Mechanical energy to electrical energy
Chemical energy to mechanical energy
Kinetic energy to chemical energy
A heated rock is placed in a container of water that is cooler than room temperature.
Which of the following statements best describes what happens?
Cold is removed from the container of water until the rock, the container,
and the water all reach the same final temperature.
The heated rock loses heat to the container of water until the rock, the
container, and the water all reach the same final temperature.
The heated rock loses heat to the container of water until the rock, the
container, and the water each reach a different final temperature.
Cold is removed from the container of water until the rock, the container,
and the water each reach a final temperature lower than their original
Which of the following figures correctly shows the conduction of heat within the
system of metal blocks?
Your family decides to go on a camping trip over the weekend. Your pack warm water
bottles in a cooler of ice. When you arrive at the campsite, the water bottles are now
cold. How did thermal energy flow inside the cooler and why?
From the ice to the water bottles because thermal energy flows from a cool objet
to a warm object.
From the bottles to the ice because thermal energy flows from a cool object to a
warm object.
From the water bottles to the ice because thermal energy flows from a warm
object to a cool object.
From the ice to the water bottles because thermal energy flows from a warm
object to a cool object.
You are conducting an experiment in science class. You fill Beaker 1 with 75 mL of
water. You fill beaker 2 with 25 mL of water. They both are at the same temperature.
Which one has more thermal energy and why?
Beaker 2 because there is less of the substance, which means there are less
particles colliding.
Beaker 1 because there is more of the substance, which means there are more
particles colliding.
They both have thermal energy but most of it transferred to the air when the
water was poured into the beakers.
They both have the same amount of thermal energy because they are both at the
same temperatures.
A light bulb changes electrical energy into light energy and thermal energy. The
following diagram shows the transformation below.
Electrical Energy ----- Light Energy + Thermal Energy
If you start with 100 Joules of Electrical energy, which of the following statements
describes the total amount of energy after the transformation?
The total amount of light and thermal energy will be less than 100 Joules
The total amount of light and thermal energy will be more than 100 Joules
The total amount of light and thermal energy will be equal to 100 Joules
The total amount of light and thermal energy cannot be measured.
____12. What happens if 2 objects at different temperatures are touching?
a. Heat moves to the warmer object.
b. Heat moves from the cooler object.
c. Heat moves from the warmer object
d. Heat moves from both objects
until they’re at the same temperature.
____13. Which of the following describes how the TOTAL amount of energy changes
during energy transformations?
a. It stays the same.
b. It increases.
c. It decreases.
d. It depends on the form of energy.
____14. How is heat from the Sun transferred to Earth?
a. Conduction
b. Radiation c. Evaporation
d. Convection
____15. What causes a metal spoon left in a pot on a stove to become hot?
a. conduction
b. radiation
c. insulation
d. convection
____16. What happens as you hold a glass of iced tea?
a. Heat flows from the glass to your hand.
b. Heat flows from your hand to the glass.
c. Cold flows from the glass to your hand
d. Cold flows from your hand to the glass
____17. Which of the following is the best example of heat transfer by convection?
____18. On a hot day, Jenny walked home from the grocery store with a bag of chocolate
chips. When she arrived home the chocolate chips had melted in the bag. Why did the
chocolate chips melt?
a. Heat transferred from the chocolate chips to the bag.
b. Heat evaporated from the bag to the chocolate chips.
c. Heat transferred from the environment to the chocolate chips.
d.Heat condensed from her hand to the chocolate chips.
____19. A running stream contains water at 18ºC. Cans of soft drinks at 28ºC are lowered
into the stream. Which of the following will MOST likely happen?
a. The soft drink cans will absorb cold energy from the stream’s water.
b. The cans will cool until their temperature is the same as the stream’s
c. The temperature of the soft drinks will not change since the cans are sealed.
d. The temperature of the cans will decrease to freezing as long as the stream is running.
____20. Air freshener sprayed from a bottle spreads more easily in a warm room of 25°C
than in a cool room of 15°C. Which of the following correctly compares air freshener
particles at 25°C to those at 15°C?
a. At 25°C, they have more mass.
c. At 25°C, they have less kinetic energy.
b. At 25°C, they are moving faster.
d. At 25°C, their volume decreases
______21. A ping pong ball, a golf ball, and a bowling ball are traveling at the same
velocity. Which has the most kinetic energy?
a. the ping pong ball, because it has the least mass
b. the bowling ball, because it has the greatest mass
c. the golf ball, because it is moving faster
d. they all have the same kinetic energy, because they have the same velocity
____22. Which type of heat transfer does NOT require matter?
a. conduction
c. convection
____23. Where does a roller coaster have the greatest amount of potential energy?
a. at the top of the highest hill, because it is the greatest distance above ground
b. at the bottom of the highest hill, because that is where it is moving fastest
c. halfway down the highest hill
d. the potential energy does not change
____24. Which of the following graphs best represents how the kinetic energy of particles
changes with temperature?
25. The ability to do work or cause change is called
a. velocity.
b. energy.
Container 2
c. conversion.
d. friction.
26. Which of the following has kinetic energy?
a. a rock on the edge of a cliff
c. a rolling bowling ball
b. an archer’s bow that is drawn back
d. a car waiting at a red light
27. What type of energy transformation/change is taking place when natural gas is used to heat
a. chemical energy into thermal energy c. mechanical energy into
electromagnetic energy
b. thermal energy into mechanical energy d. electromagnetic energy into chemical
28. This type of energy transformation occurs when you burn something.
a. solar to heat and light
b. heat and light to chemical
c. chemical to heat and light
d. chemical to heat only
29. The movement of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object is called
a. heat transfer.
c. motion.
b. temperature.
d. momentum.
30. If speed of an object increases, the _____________ of the object will also increase.
a. specific heat
b. mass
c. kinetic energy
d. potential energy
31. A piece of paper has 18 Joules of chemical energy. The paper is burned and the chemical energy is
transformed into 12 joules of heat energy and ___ joules of electromagnetic (light) energy, according to
the Law of Conservation of Energy.
(18 joules)
A. 12
(12 joules and ? joules)
B. 18
C. 6
D. 0
32. Imagine that you have just made a fresh apple pie and placed it on your kitchen table.
When you removed it from the oven, you couldn’t even hold it in your hand. Now,
several minutes later, you are able to cut a slice and eat it. The apple pie has cooled; what
has most likely happened to the heat?
A. The heat stayed in the pie.
B. The heat evaporated.
C. Cold air flowed into the pie and cooled it.
D. Heat was transferred from the pie to the table and air.
33. In our energy transformation lab, a “happy sphere” dropped from 100 cm bounced
back up to about 70 cm. If energy is not created or destroyed, why didn’t the sphere
bounce back up to 100 cm?
A. When the sphere dropped, energy was lost.
B. Energy was added to the sphere when it hit the ground.
C. When the sphere hit the ground, some of the energy was changed to thermal energy.
D. Energy was lost when the sphere bounced back.
34. The picture below represents an experiment in which a hot object is dropped into a
glass of water that is at room temperature.
The water is continuously stirred while the hot object is in it. Which of the following
graphs best shows the temperature changes that follow?
35. Heat always moves from:
A. warm temperatures to higher temperatures
B. higher temperatures to lower temperatures
C. cooler temperatures to warmer temperatures
D. heat does not move
36. Convection occurs in:
A. solids and gases B. liquids and solids
C. just solids
D. liquids and gases
37. If enough heat is taken away from a glass of lemonade, what will happen to the
A. It will turn into a gas.
B. It will begin to boil
C. It will turn into a solid.
D. It will increase in mass.
38. An example of something that stores chemical energy is
A. lightning.
B. food.
C. a microwave oven
D. light.
39. Light, or radiant energy is an example of:
A. chemical energy.
B. electromagnetic energy.
C. electrical energy.
D. nuclear energy.
40. When you touch a metal spoon that’s been left in a pot on the stove, your hand gets burned by
the process of
A. conduction.
C. convection.
B. radiation.
D. insulation.